I met her Friday night and again Saturday morning - it was her Jeep woo saw in the sunrise pikh I had on Sunday's blog - she has GSD's and one of those Belgian Tervurens - she had a Jindo at one time but she khrossed in the past year - Those four pikhs were sent by the other nice lady Chris that played a furry important part in Rocky's rekhovery - we met her as well Friday night/Saturday morning - she had taken them with her cell and shared them with Rocky's Rescue list at 11:24pm Monday -

I am going to khopy out the note Amy sent us explaining how they did khapture our special pal -
Rocky was rescued tonight!!! He went from being alone, scared and hungry this morning to sleeping peacefully in our living room with a fully belly and clean coat.
We got a call at around 5PM that he was in someone's yard. He had run behind their shed. Ironically enough, Andrew and I had just left a flier in their mail box today. Chris was closest, so she arrived first, followed by myself and Bridget. Chris did an amazing job watching Rocky, talking to him and throwing food (which he wouldn't take). We sat there for 2 hours. Bridget and Chris switched places, and a few minutes later, Rocky began to creep towards me at the largest exit. He laid down, and Bridget told me to slowly approach him, so I crawled to him (through a lot of nasty stuff!) sooooo slowly. I was able to extend my arm just enough to touch his nose with one finger, and when I did, I knew we had him. I could feel the relief coming from his body. He let me touch him, and I held onto his collar and slipped a leash on. That was it--we had him!!! We were all crying like babies. We couldn't have done it without Chris' patience and Bridget's direction.
After a few minutes, Rocky ate and drank. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow. We didn't want to traumatize him any further tonight since he's in good shape, just hungry and tired. He is doing well with our pack and loving the attention. I can't believe that he is the same dog I saw a few nights ago. I truly believe that Rocky wanted to be rescued and wanted someone to reach out and touch him. Rocky wants a family to love him and give him the attention that he so deserves. I know he will find that, and until then, he will be with us...though we would love to keep him...but 4 dogs is too much already. :-(
And, finally, I want to thank you all for your prayers, support, tears and love. Rocky has no idea how lucky he is, but I know how lucky he and I both are to have all of you. We truly have an amazing rescue family, and I am humbled by the generosity and love I have felt from each of you.With love,
******We would love to share these flowers with all those that helped get Rocky home!
I khlosed my eyes to make a wish that he gets the home he deserves
Last week I indikhated there wouldn't be a Walkin' Wednesday fur various reasons - WELL, we decided to upload what we had shot - here is the link fur that one -
AND here is the Walkin' Wednesday we had khaptured fur this week's post -
The furst one was filmed when we didn't know Rocky was on the loose - and the sekhond was filmed when we didn't know he was already in protekhtive khustody!
BUT since woo've been deprived of seeing my phloofy self in akhtion - and listening to my mom babble as only she khan do - we decided to give woo a DoubleShotOKhyra - especially since next week is THAT day of the month already!
BTW, khan woo believe this? Here is part of a khomment left by a certain large - ummm - bummed khanine gal from the other part of Pawsylvania
Oh sweet Rocky...he must be so thirsty and tired...perhaps I should pop up there for some rehydration with him? Does he date?
Hey Mango: what do woo think about a battle of the muskhular and ample butts fur Rocky?
PeeEssWoo: If woo would like to see more/learn more about the pawesome work done by Rotts 'n Pups, please chekhk out their website ! ! ! - OR if woo think woo have the perfekht furever home fur Rocky, here is his Petfinder page!!!
You know exactly what I'm thinking. Enjoy that bottle, you earned it.
Oh, it's good to see Rocky where he should be! I hope it won't be too hard for Rocky to find a good home--he really deserves a home after what he's been through!
Mom keeps crying everytime she sees that Rocky is now home!! Tears of joy!! Thanks to you and everyone for getting Rocky home and safe! Khyra, your walks are so great...we love your floofy tail very much!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Thank you so much for sharing Rocky's rescue story with us. We're so happy that he's happy and safe and full of food and water.:)
Teddy Bear
I am just so happy that Rocky is safe!
Now, is there something about floofy and floozy that goes together?
All that can be added now is: Amen! I love happy endings!
YEAHHHHH! Finally got Rocky back. What wonderful news and a huge relief to everyone who was helping in the search. Great work to all of you!
Oh Khyra!we are all bleary teary eyed after reading that pawmazing rescue story.Thank Dog Thank dog Rocky is finally home. foster maybe, but a loving home. He sounds like a sweet loving guy.we are sending deep, hopeful thoughts his way so that he finds a furever homw soon.
we are glad u liked our pictures. Yeah, weknow what you mean...no meal is worth 'away-from-Khyra-for-too-long'.We shall ask mummy to post some indian food recipes so you can all have a home cooked meal.
Bud n Gin
I am so happy Rocky is safe and sound. :) He will get a new home very soon, I know it! :)
What wonderful news that Rocky was rescued safe and sound!
Congrats to sweet Rocky!!
We all wept wiv relief when Rocky was found, then we wept again today when we read the beautiful story of how he was snagged. We can't fank yoo gous enuff for caring so much for a little guy like Rocky. We know he will eventually find a wonderful home.
We read another wonderful story of lost then found today:
I'm so happy that Rocky was found and safely returned!! There's nothing like going on a walk having had good news--Everything really does seems so much nicer and the air that much sweeter!!
Oh that is great news. We're so glad Rocky has been found. Good work everyone.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Can you believe that poor Rocky will have to learn how to be safe and loved? I am glad he has other doggies around to tell him that it is OK to relax and enjoy his good fortune.
As you know, we are thrilled Rocky is home. But we are also glad you posted the walking videos. We enjoyed watching them (and even a piece of Khyra floof dropping to the road).
We are so happy to know that Rocky is safe. Many thanks again to all those who helped capture him and bring him to safety.
How wonderful to have a double dose of walking with Miss Khyra. We see a lot of those furry bunnies running around here now too. TD and Ciara are working overtime to keep them out of their yard.
Hope you see a cool down soon - it is actually cool here this morning.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hooray! Hooray, hooray!
woo's floof does glow in the sunshine! nice touch! except the frogboy is still too young- hehehee
mom has happy tears efurry time she reads Amy's message.. suckah fur that akita face! i'm sure if woo wouldn't have drove him 2 our doorstep, how could she say no:)
as fur miss lacie.. pulleze!my muscle butt is slimming down. hard to resist. ask RH!
lots of wags,
Yay, a happy day! Mom and me are still smiling over the news of Rocky's safe return. Congratulations to all of you for a job well done.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We are so glad to know that Rocky is safe and sound.
Lilly, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We are so happy that Rocky is safe and just know that he will find his furever home soon!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
We are so relieved Rocky let himself be rescued. Paws crossed he finds the purrfect home.
WHOO HOO....Rocky looks relieved!!!
Khyra, thanks for the lovely walk!
You know, there are a lot of really great people out there. I wish I could thank everyone who helped rescue this special boy!
This just warms my heart...I love a happy ending!
This makes me all wiggly and my mom all leaky. He looks so very much happy and contented! Yay for Rocky! And yay for all the peoples who helped bring him home!
Wiggles & Wags,
What a most fantastical ending to such a stressful time for Rocky and so many two-leggers! So glad he's settling in with his foster pack!
What a relief to see Rocky safe and sound and looking happy!
Rocky is safe. Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh what a RELIEF it is.
PeeS... NO the girrls and I will not be moving to Utah.
get it? hahaha. it was a wordless comment. hahahaha
Wooos Khyra and Mom! We are still so happy that Rocky has been found safely! Mum thinks that he will find his furever home very soon, althouhg he needs to find someone with tons of patience and a very big heart. Knowing the blogger out here, I believe that will be easy. Now go enjoy your day, and give Khyra
extra treats and hugs!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
we are just so relieved and happy that Rocky is home. Our the mom just keeps crying
I thought Rocky already had a home & he ran away just after the new family got him...?
Well, thank goodness he's safe and sound. What a great bunch of people who kept searching & didn't give up... including both of you:) Your passion for helping these neglected & homeless pups is really remarkable. I think I love you♡
Thank goodness Rocky was found!
we are so happy he is back :)
El'bow & Hauwii
It's "The Rocky Happy Picture Show"!
Hi Khyra and Mom,
You do such wonderful work for the pups Mom!!!!! What an adventure you had to get Rocky safe!!! I hope he finds a forever home soon!!!
XXOO, Fern
We are so happy that Rocky is safe & sound.
Love Ruby & Penny
We are so happy that Rocky has been found and is safe!! Tears in our eyes reading this happy ending!
That is PAWSOME news that Rocky was found!! It makes us all furry happy!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
YIPPEE...we are so happy that Rocky was rescued! We are jumping for joy. :)
What a huge sigh of relief. We have been in knots, full of tension and worry. We can't begin to describe the feeling of happiness when we realized Rocky was rescued. Moma cried and cried . From our end, we have a feeling that the warnings and conversations about bolting and running are a long ways from ending in our home.
So many thanks to all that helped in this rescue, and thank YOU, Khyra and Mom for keeping us updated.
Lots of love
Jake and Fergi and Family
we are so glad rocky is safe and sound!
m & e
What a relief fur Rocky and efuryone! It is so scary and lonely out there and we are so happy that he is safe and has a full belly. We hope Rocky will find his own furever home soon.
Sam & June
What a wonderful and happy thing to see Rocky safe and happy!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
That Rocky.....we hope he can feel all the love that has been sent his way during his "walkabout". We will keep up the purrs for his to find a wonderful furever home, and that he never feels like he needs to run away agin!
What a great rescue story! Mom is still wiping away tears and laughing at the same time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are sooooooo glad that Rocky is safe! :) I'm sure he will find the perfect home very soon!
What great news about Rocky! We love happy endings!
What an uplifting story. A happy ending made true because of you and other wonderful people....
That is just great.. We sure hope he finds a lovely forever home. But for now we know he is safe..
Awesome walk Khyra..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh I just be sitting heres crying bout Rocky. What a relief. I know everbuddy is relieved that he is safe and sound as well....whew, I don't do good on pins and needles.
Um, how bouts passing dat bottle overs...thanks.
Mommi and I still get teaws just thinking about the amazing hoomans who patiently give theiw love and time to weach out to scawed pups..Thank you all!!!
I hope that sweet boy gets a loving fuwwevew home soon so he can twooly feel safe at last
smoochie kisses
miss khyra,
rocky's rescue story makes me and asa and mama woof and cry in happiness! hip hip hooray!!!
now about your walkies...me and asa have fluffy bunnies at our house, too! we looooove to chase them. mama gets upset at us when we do, though. :(
the booker man
What a pawsome story! Rocky's happy ending makes me happy!
What a wonderful story. Your rescue was so sweet and gentle, just like he needed. Rocky shouldn't have any problem finding a perfect home since he is so handsome. Please let us know how he's doing.
BabyRD and Hootie
Great story!
I hope you are coming to our Hawaii party. Hope to see you there!
Oh my...
A battle of the muscle butts???
You'd have your workie cut out for ya there, girlie!
Yes, Khyra, I put on my nurse's uniform and managed to get some fluids into Rocky...he just adores blackberry smoothies...I thought he would...
I gave him a bed bath and did some range of joint motion to make sure he didn't get all contracted and stuff after his long journey...and a backrub...
He seems as good as new...!!!
What an amazing group of rescuers this boy has!! I so hope he finds his forever home quickly...he sounds like a fine boy who needs a chance at love and companionship...
And that works both ways for the lucky hoomans whom he will adopt!
Khisses dear girl!!!
Laciekhakes with sprinkles on top!
What a happy ending. Rocky looks very happy!
We are so happy to see Rocky safe and we hope he finds a loving furever home very soon!
We enjoyed going on a walk with you Khyra and would love to really go walking with you and I do keep looking for you coming over to go with me! We could chase those bunnies together!
I am very happy to know Rocky is ok!
Safe and ready to get tons of love!
Thanks Khyra for sharing the story!
Kisses and hugs
We are all so happy that Rocky is found and is safe.
And I am so happy to see your fluffy tail wagging Khyra!
He's such a pretty boy and we all hope and pray that he finds the perfect forever home for him. We just are so relieved that he is safe and know that all of you have worked so hard to be sure that happened! I hope that he can feel all the love that surrounded him. Grammy and the CCC
We are so so happy that Rocky is safe! There has been a lot of sadness out in the blogsphere lately (both for kitties and doggies) so it is great to have a happy ending!!
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