All of The PFs were out having fun on a very nice day -
Just past 630pm - 81 - and Fair - but The Babblers have just prepped us for some storm potential this afternoon -
Some Pup seemed think there was nothing happening here -
Even switching in to nap mode - but after holding her off for a long as I could
After 11am it was time!
To Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di's -
Fluffy tail wake up!
Even bringing out a LambChop -
I asked Khousin Emmy who is going to look better after their groomer appointment today - as Auntie Di has one too!
Once they had their treats - and Auntie Di went to finish being ready to head out, Willow waited at the door -
And Emmy stayed watching me - we had taken her some roasted carrot strips and a few pea pods - along with Auntie Di's portion of the potato salad - and a container of grape leaves I had gotten her at MyGiant - she had been making them last as she could - so she was thrilled when I sent her a picture from the cart this week showing her another package would be joining her -
Auntie Di needed to return something to Kohls - so we waited for her -
Then a stop at Visionworks for her to see why the new glasses she had gotten from there were NOT working - as in not letting her read ANYTHING -
Then off to Maggie's - we had been there two other times - but an item they had posted on
their FB earlier this week sealed the choice for FrEYEday's lunch stop -
I got this tasty Thai Tea again -
We split the order of Everything Cream Cheese Stuffed Bites - this batch has just been made and OH MY MY -
And THE ITEM that called us Maryland Blue Crab Topped Pretzel - it was beyond our expectations of tasty - Auntie Di also took one along for a friend who asked for an order - I got to bring home the half or so we hadn't eaten - and Auntie Di got to take the two bites we hadn't consumed - I tried to convince her to take some of the pretzel but she let us take it -
Willow was hanging with Timmy -
Off we go - back to Khousin Emmy - West on Market Street in West York - |
and yes, to our Cousler Park intersection - we did make a slight detour here for I had to drop off something at the house of one of TADN's neighbors - |
Then after passing some 'signs' that had me shaking my head - and saying HBO words, back to The Khottage -
A happy girl - watching traffic - whilst we waited at the light -
Then time to pay The Dog Tax -
Happy Heeler snaps -
And she will probably get another bite or two next time I go for a few more bites for me!
Today will probably be a FoUR stop 'venture - Dawn's - Kerri's for our July Hazel Box - Mad Radish for our first Summer CSA - then since the dump trucks hauling dirt from Willow Springs made for a dirty path for The KhrossTrek, to The KhrossTrek Shower Place -
Then back to wonder where our weekend went, right?
Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!
All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!