SUNday morning from The PF Palace -
My! What nice nails woo have!
Auntie Di sent these to Mom on Saturday whilst she was at The GKP -
And Mom took these Saturday morning prior to heading to The GKP - Khousin Bentley had the khouch spot -
Khousin Emmy khouldn't believe HER spot was taken by her sisFUR!
But when Mom went to leave, Khousin Emmy had khlaimed it -
and Khousin B had the floor - Holly is watching out from LittleLand - and I'm just meandering by!
We had a nice SUNday - we got Mom up by 7 or so - then she bekhame one with the khouch - after she decided to get motivated - so we walked - and had toast - and some yard harvesting was done - then bekhause Mom was LAZY, they drove to Sheetz - imagine that!
Thanks to all fur sending Now Angel Harley Rainbow Bridge Birthday wishes!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!