Friday, July 26, 2024

FrEYEday SkEYEday

 The week in SKEYES -

After putting the post together for Saturday - July 20th - I decided this would be an appropriate salute to TheMoonLanding!

Thursday Evening -
Another day without me catching any PF's visiting their palace -
Going on 8pm - 80 and SUNny -
After last FrEYEday's 'venture, this was a happy Willow in our evening -
...and resting up for her Saturday 'venture - 

I am hoping the weather today will cooperate and allow for The KhrossTrek's bestest passenger to be along with Auntie Di and me - I think it will - 🤞

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog
PeeEssWoo: The countdown has started - one month from today 'someone' will turn 65 - WT'PH'!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday Thinking

 No PFs at The Palace on Wednesdy -
Lord PF really needs some clean up on his point!
Heading towards 730pm 82 and Partly Cloudy -
I'm thinking this post will include some shots I had not shared yet so here is Khousin Emmy with some BLUEberries -
More of Farm Dog Benning!

Last week's stop at Plant Box to get my head ready for the weekEND!

PB was sitting up all ready and proud!
One of our Saturday 'venture stops will be pick up our Hazel Box from Kerri!
Since I just got a drink - and they weren't busy busy yet - it was ready in a flash - plus I was just in one of those 'modes/moods' -
I did go with a BLUEberry 🍋ade - not sure what will be in my cup today - we'll see!
This was one of my purchases at Copper Crust last week - a cherry cheese danish -
And an EVERYTHING bagel - I think Auntie Di and I will be making a return trip this week for lunchables -
And here is your WILLOW picture!

Ah yes - it is soon to be here again - somehow it seems as if it was just weekEND - and now we can ALMOST smell and taste it another one!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday

 Watchin' The PF Palace -
Snack time!

Going on 830pm - 80 and fair - 
So whilst visiting Auntie Di and Khousin Emmy we took a picture of Lamby and The Golden - Auntie Di told me that Khousin Emmy has been having some spontaneous fun with this bigger stuffie -
Auntie Di has officially named it TRAVELLER - as this was waiting in the bathroom for Auntie Di -
Khousin Emmy putting Auntie Di doting on her -
Now for Willow's SUNday shift - complete with HOVER paw!

I forget to see if it was one of her official breaks -

I guess her kitchen snack was tasty -
Trying to MindMeld for more!

Trying to get NAK to take the rest of the shift -

So comfy - this position is one of her favorite bed ones as well - only she is on her right side - shimmied up against me - I guess she likes it here - even if I do put her to work on a weekly basis -
But the Evil Doggy Bed is a favorite too -

After dinner and The Nightly News concluded, one of us went out and worked pulling some weeds whilst one of us did her very best workin' dog watch of her backyard - freshly cut on Tuesday - 

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!