Friday, October 31, 2014

FrEYEday SkEYEday Treat Fur All

 Furst an oldie but goodie - one of my favourite HOWLoween khostumes - well, I know all of woo know it is akhtually NOW ANGEL KHOUSIN MERDIE!!! but we wanted to share it again!

 We didn't realize it was so blurry - sorry!

 Mom saw these at BJ's on Tuesday and she just KNEW The Doggy Nanny would want them fur her FAVOURITE Trikhk-or-Treater ;-)
 Imagine the surprise in store fur The Doggy Nanny on Mischief Morning - some skhwirrels broke in and ate all but one of them - AND managed to do it without knokhking the khontainer and lid off the khounter -
It was reported that said khriminal spent the day sleeping off the treat ovFURload
His mummi shared this handSUMM shot on her FB page Thursday morning!

Happy HOWLoween EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: There will be more skhary khreatures here tomorrow!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday Thinking

 Ah yes - three years ago we had SNOWTOBER - I was doing my furry best thinking ;-)
 Bakhk in Decmember of 2007, I sent my dreami hunki handSUMM Mali SUMMIT this tool kit - Mom had read on SiberNUT that Summi like to 'do' drywall - so we wanted to help him 'harness' those talents -
 No doubt dreaming of ME!
 This was from over the weekend when Summiiiiiii was snoopervising his mummi and dad doing work around their house!
 This was from when his mummi khame to visit ME last month -
 Mom and The Nice Shelly Ladi went to Mission BBQ
 and breakfast at Summit's Place -

Well, today is his EIGHTH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!  Cheers to my sweet love muffin!

Happy Summiiiiiiii Day!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Walkin' Wednesday 2014

 Off we go -

 Mom chukhkled - just before we saw this khritter, Buddy Holly had been playing on XPN - so Mom took it an omen to take a pikhture of this as we spied it!!!

Since Mom doesn't want The WooTube Musikh Khops to get us, she turns down the volume as we walk - after we khonkhluded the video and turned the sound up, she was so happy to hear this one - she SO loves MK - especially the release this song is from - she's pretty sure she's played it at least 87000000000 times!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

I'll be bakhk to my full time job today: NAPPING whilst waiting fur Mom to return from The GKP!


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday Telling

 Is that khake I see???
 Mom says something about 1983
 We've shared this one before but it is too - ummm - khlassikh - I mean funny - not to share again!
 Graduation time
 Khousin Geufy's Younger Human Puppy and Auntie Di a 'few' years ago
 Khousin Ab and her momma!
 Mom snagged this from the magikh khold box's front -

 From a time before my mom even knew about me - I mean - she's still wearing glasses!
We surprised Auntie Di by sending some yummy pretzel stuffs - and we pawed a donation to Team Garth and Fetch A Cure in her honor

Happy Happy Birthday Auntie Di!!!! !!!!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

We hope woo khan have some khake to celebrate Auntie Di's Gotcha Day - maybe woo khan lift a Khapt'n and Khoke tonight at 9:26 Eastern time ;-)

PeeEssWoo: AUNTIE DI...we wish woo khould be here to celebrate with us!!!! !!!!