Friday, July 31, 2015

FrEYEday SkEYEday PAWty!

 From last Saturday night -

 Two years ago, we got these fur My Doggy Nanny -

 Last year, Unkhle Paul gave her this -
 We gave her these -

And when she was at The Rehab Human Vet Place fur her broken bone, I gave her this when I got to visit her - I nevFUR would have thought she wouldn't be HERE fur #78!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

We've been thinking about her all week as we saw the 31 on the khalendar - still khan't believe she's really really gone :-(

Mom still intends to put together a tribute post with pikhtures but just khan't yet -

We plan on raising a glass or two tonight in her honor - and we'll pass along the wishes from all!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

Please go give someone near woo RIGHT NOW a khyss in khase woo don't get the chance again -


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday Thinking

 From Wednesday AM -
 Now some thinking as we look at the khalendar fur FrEYEday -

Yes - we have been thinking all week about it -

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Auntie Di took Khousin Geufy home Wednesday night - I'm sure he'll be bakhk - he always returns (too) khwikhkly!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Walkin' Wednesday 2015

 From Tuesday AM -

 And PM -

 Lots of watchin' too - it's been way too warm to be subjekhted to photoshoots - 

 We often chukhkle at his paw posing - what a knukhkle paw ;-)

 Monday's walk BIG walk -

And Tuesday's Tropikhal Stroll - here is the link - we hope woo enjoy sweating along - it was 74F degrees when we got home with a real feel of 90 - and it was only 10:30am!!!  Mom got to multi task whilst filming and babbling - I SO enjoyed putting her to work!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Auntie Di STILL kept talking about THAT puppy - she khalled him Zack -