Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday MOMday

Look out below!
Approaching 7pm - 81 and SUNny - and let the records show - a bit after 5pm SUNday the Khool Air Machine went on for the season(s) - it was pleasant enough all day so Willow got to WFH with the doors open - but we wanted to give The Gerbils a chance to get their legs back - especially for bedtime -
So now for 'MOM's 'venture on Saturday - hitting I83 North -
Once again, I just MARVEL at this sign - and I was lucky enough to park right there -
HOWL OH up there!
June's HOWL is soon to begin -
Auntie Di's buddies sent their best - 
Three of my flight were the sorbets - 
Bestest Bar Manager wanted to make sure I got some of the StrawberryLemondade Wolf Paws Seltzer 👍
I noticed the balloons and message they had to announce their new Wolf Pup - I couldn't get a shot that didn't include the television from across the room - AND I GOT TO MEET ASHLYN VIRGINIA WOLF - 
She was very cute - and Dad said she was such a good girl - all  had gone well with Elaine's C-section - in fact she had been back to work since last SUNday 6/9 - I saw her there but didn't get to chat -
I went with the SPANAKOPITA special - it was so very good -
Derek brought me out a taste of The Push Volume 2 - he had created the original push for their first pregnancy - for Elaine to celebrate with when she could enjoy a brew again - this one is KeyLimePie in flavor - and much lighter than the original - and will be perfect for Summer enjoyment - he plans to keg it this week -
I chose the latest batch of Legacy Park Pale Ale - Legacy Park is the development surrounding the Wolf area - Wolf was one of the original anchors -

June's Cause - a very cool and important one- given the proximity to The AT in this area - 
Then off for my ice cream stop - 
Bummed I forgot to pick up some bags of cone bowl pieces - next time for sure!
Chocolate Peanut Butter on top - Peanut Butter Overload hugging the bottom - and I was good - and didn't stop at Massimo's this time - make that THIS TIME -
After stopping at a Sheetz with cheaper gas than 'here' - it was back to I83 SOUTH -
To return to Willow - and told her it was another great Wolf 'venture for me!
I did ask Derek how Archer was doing with the additional human pup - he said he's a little out of sorts at this time - but getting better -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Wolf Brewing is such an impressive building and congratulations on the new baby girl!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom misses not having a little one around here now that the grands are all teenagers and up. Ashlyn - very nice name. And she is drooling over that bowl of ice cream!!!

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That looks like a fine place to spend an afternoon

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Lay in a supply of ice cream ― those temperatures are closing in on the century mark!"