Sunday, June 30, 2024

SUNday Sharing

One of The KidSSSSS tucked against the support beam -
Almost 5pm - 89 and cloudy - with hopes for storms -
Yes Willow - I know there is road mud on The KhrossTrek - thanks to dirt and mud on Willow Springs Road -
Our last stop of the 'ventures will be for a shower -
Off we go -
She smells breakfast -
And her tax payment!
You'll notice the theme of the day is khouds - with breeze - Hi Plant Box!

Stop #1!

With a return to the usual -
Bacon Cheese Egg English Muffin -
Dog Tax withholding -
Our take-a-way bag -
Two KharrotKhake bars for our next stop - Kerri's -
Once again tucked with Timmy -
Her payment being served -
Last smidgen of egg -
Back to George Street - but a left to continue our route to Kerri's -
A few hours later - full circle after completing our FoUR stop day - we waved HI to Dawn's
Our take-a-way portion - chicken noodle soup - my KharrotKhake bar - and crackers for Willow!
This is probably one of my favorite soups from Dawn's - such a burst of childhood memory flavors!

Yikes!  SUNday - June 30!  July ready to report in - 

We'll have an extra WFH day this week - we'll do the holiday from here - 

Soon time for our 'today' to start -

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!



Duke said...

Happy Sunday, girls! Enjoy those yummy treats!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your breakfast makes Mom want to pick up some English muffins too. Maybe she will do a better job of remembering those than the beets:)

Mom loves a good homemade chicken noodle soup, that one sure has a lot of noodles.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, it's good that your UV index is 'Low'! Our UV index here is 'Turn Into a Sizzling Ash Heap the Instant You Step out into the Sun', at least according to Dada ..."

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That looks like heaven