
Mom wants to paw something now so I'll let her take over the keyboard:
Thanks Khyra!
Please visit Breeze and Ozzbourne at Funny End of the Tail so you can read the book review linked from there - the link is to Sustainablog and a review/write up for 'One at a Time' which includes some interesting facts about shelters - as someone who believes very strongly in supporting shelters, I was aware of much of the information shared BUT it never hurts to read it again - and share it with anyone and everyone - it is our responsible to help as we can - in any way - no help is too small - the reward is beyond quantifying in words - you just FEEL it - and you can see it in their eyes - I mean look at Scout and her new family - that alone is enough to make The Xterra hit the highway each weekend - BTW, just WAIT until you see the passengers I will have this Sunday!
Khyra will be back tomorrow for a special FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All! It will be our 900th post and we have something special planned!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Nine hundred posts? That is mind blowing. Kudos!
That pic of Scout says it all. I'm feeling you...
You look so khute in khlothes. You should be a high fashion model. Bring on the runway.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Holey Schmoley! 900 posts? YIKES!!! Your presents are wonderful! Sanne certainly is talented!
Wow! 900 posts! Congratulations!
I agree, the scarf/bandanna/bikini bottom looks very nice on you, Khyra!
You are doing a bang-up job producing 900 posts and going on a thou! Congrats on this super feat!
Scout looks like a very happy pup and his new parents look like winners to me. Cheers to all responsible (that includes you, Phyll)..
Cheers and hugs,
Stella and Mom
Wow, 900 posts is incredible and impressive, like everything with you guys=great photo of Scout with his new family!!...We're loving your sweet, silly photos, Khyra=we think you are a purrfect model!!MOL...Kisses beautiful girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Beautiful pictures of one of our favorite Sibes as usual! Nice pressies you got, too! Scout does look like she is happy in her new place. The CCC
Cool gifts and great pics as always.
Hi Khyra,
900 - wowzers! We're not surprised though - your blog is wonderful and (like everyone!) we just keep coming back for more and more!
We love your scarf - er, skarf! - Sanne is SO creative and talented and you look wonderful wearing it.
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
900 posts! Congratulations! Wow! Thank you for sharing. Keep going.
Nice woooh
Kongrats on the 900th! Whew!! Dats a lot of paw post!! Great job!!
Wonderful presents for a wonderful fur-riend!!
Woo so deserved them!!
Dat is one furry fursatile scarf woo has Khyra. Many many uses. Could it hide a biscuit too???
Wow! 900 posts already! But woo and your maw always has sum interesting blogs. Specially bout sum of da puppers your maw transports.
Thanks fur posting about shelters. Maw believes strongly in adopting pups like us from shelters and rescues. Der is jest too many dat need homes. Saving dogs one at a time.
Husky kisses,
What lovely pressies!
I laughed so much at your Khover all hehehehe! Digby needs one of those!
your pal,
Fun and cute gifts from Sanne! I love the scarf as cover-up! LOL!
I didn't know it was possible to reach 900 posts!! Wow!
I love your most beautiful cover up!! You should model!
900 posts?!? WOW!!! I still have a while to go to hit 400!
What sweet GABE pressies - our Mom is off to check the website about shelters.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
That is a very versatile sKharf, Khyra! You wear it well, as Rod Steward once said!
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Wooos Khyra! Woo look adorable in woo new skarf! Woos to 900 posts! Good fur woo! lots of work keeping up on blogger....we will be going visiting those links now.
Have a happy day!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Nice pressies Khrya, Scout looks very happy too.
Your 900th hundred posts is tomorrow? Wow! I will be here!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
KHYRA....so KHUTE in your SKARF!!!
Great pictures as usual!
900 Posts?????? Wow Khyra you are one fantastic blogger indeed.
I love your K Khlothes Khover up KHerchief thingy. What a grrreat GABE pressie.
Khant wait until tomorrow now.
That is a super cool scarf! And I love the way it doubles as a bikini bottom!
And did you say 900??? That is something to REALLY celebrate!
900 posts! Wow, that's pawsome!!
We think you make a fantastic model!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are also astounded by the nine hundred posts - the countless posts that have attracted attention to dogs who are ill, dying, needing homes and of course happy!
Great work and of couse your inspiration is Ms Khyra who is looking delightful in her bandana with a K.
We are glad that it doubles as a sun shade!
Fantastic to see Scout which kinda just sums up what your blog is all about.
Well done
Martha and Bailey xxx
Wow -900 - congrats. That is a lot of posts and a lot of good done in many of them. You and your Mom have helped many pups "one at a time". That book sounds like a good read.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Terrific tales today! Woo-hoo...900??? Khake & ice Khreme fur all, we hope!
We luv your K-scarf, it fits in all the right places!
jack a-roo & miss moo
900!! WOWEE! Congrats on that!
Love the new skarf, Khyra. It looks fantastic on you.
Nice prezzie, Khyra.
We tried to leave a comment at Funny End of the Tail but after 5 minutes of total frustration, we gave up. We hate that comment thing they use. We can't ever seem to leave comments on blogs with it.
you so a model :D
hahaha you so pretty with that scarf :D
900 post :D BRAVO!!!!!! :D
so sweet!!!!
we gonna say 900 more!! :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Kyhra, that scarf is beautiful! It seems perfect for you. A certain giant dog in Master Chew Sits my be disappointed about your new found modesty, though!
You just look so cute in everything!
900 posts? That's a lot!
Ooh, nice modesty scarf!
900?? Wowwee! That's completely amazing! I can't waits to see what you have planned.
I luvs your new skharf, Khyra. But the best part of this whole postie was you using it as a cover-up. Very discreet of you!
We will go read the postie about the book review right now!
Wiggles & Wags,
What great pressies!!
We are soooooo proud of your 900 posts!! We know that we enjoy each and every post that we read!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo, Jacob
900 posts? WOW!!! Congrats! We can't wait to see your passengers tomorrow :)
Emma Rose
You look so good in that sKharf!
900th posts? Wow, that's a milestone! Congrats in advance!
Sam & June
Hi Khyra and Mom,
That picture with Scout and his for ever family is adorable!!!
Love your K bandanna Khyra!! You look so cute!!!
900 posts OMG I am at 227. Congrats!!
XXO, Fern
Furry cool pressies!!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
What a khool Super K khape Khyra! (That wasn't easy to type especially without thumbs.) 900 posts? Wow! You are khuite prolific Khyra!
Scout and his family do look very happy! We love seeing photos like that and hope more people adopt shelter animals so they can feel the love too!
900 is amazing!!! And I thought I was doing a lot! :)
Wow 900 that is some posts.. I love you in that new bandana, very swish. I love the smiley picture with Scout and family. Makes things worth while.You are one special woofie bringng all this about.. So is your mum special.. Hugs GJ xx
You managed to use a K'Hape a way that I'd never thought of before, as a KhoverUp--One of our new boys has his underside all shaved and he maybe will need this! :-) I can't wait to see your 900th post and to see who the special passengers are for Sunday!
Ahahahaha..you gots me all giggly withs da cover up pikture...hehehe!!
Bring onn FFriday, tthis is sure to be good.
Congrats to Scout...may you live out a most happy life withs your new famiy.
Oh what a wonderful present. You certainly will be protected from all the elements..
Yepper we can see what good you do by the look on Scout's furry little face.. One happy pup...
900th post that is amazing...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
So many reasons to celebrate! 900 posts and Scout's new family, to mention Two amazing things! Plus great pressies and, as always, wonderful post!
What a nice way to spend part of our (hot) day. Reading your blog post!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
We like your coverup! So very modest! And those are purrty flowers!
900 posts! Wow! We will be back! We are coming up on 200 soon! But we don't think we will ever make it to 900!
Monty says "Hi! Khyra!"
Miss Khyra and Mom,
That book looks like a real tear-jerker, but also looks like it has some important information and messages! Thank you for sharing with us.
We, too, love your cover-up photo.
Scout and family look so happy!
900 posts. Wow. Scout is a lucky pup too!
Congrats on your presents, they are super cute. :)
900 WOW!?!?!
Nice pressie Khyra! Love the 'K' of course :)
Fantastic book review, will be on the look out!! Thanks for letting us all know.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
900 posts! That will be some achievement.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
We love Khyra's Kape! 900 posts....WOW, I'm just a baby dog blogger...new idea for Khatch me if you Khan Khontest!
900 posts is pretty impressive...cannot wait to see the surprise planned! We have shared so much of you and your wonderful mission and your adventures...thanks for making us a part of it all! Love your cover up scarf! (you would not want a sunburn THERE!)
Very nice presents!
love & wags,
Love the Khover up. Are you planning to become a PG blog now that you have crossed 900?
Hi Khyra! We love the pressies you got - they are cool! And you are so beautiful in your new scarf/cape/cover up! It is so great that Scout found a great forever home! We think it is super important to help out shelters too!
900 posts? Khongrats Khyra!
You look so khute in your sKharf!
golden Khysses
Have a great weekend Khyra!
miss khyra!
i totally dig your khape/skharf/ modesty patch from el'bow and hauwii! teehee.
yes, miss scout totally looks uber happy with her new mama and daddy! :)
holy 900 posts, miss khyra! lots 'n lots of gratsers to you and your mama!
the booker man
OMD! 900th Post?
Congratulations, Khyra and Mom!
I have read them all... and I love each one of them!
They sent you pawesome presents!
Kisses and hugs
Concatulations on 900 posts...uh Grete says Condogulations! That scarf is just the cutest...we didn't know you were modest!!
Purrs, Cory and family...and woof from Grete!
I think you have started a new fashion trend there.
Congrats to you on your 900th post! We love your new bandana.
Teddy Bear
We love your new bandana/cover-up, Khyra! You are such a stylish girlie!
We're only up to eight hundred something posts and we've been blogging forever! Congrats on 900!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What? No bib? I suppose you don't need one, being a lady and all.
Sorry we missed this one yesterday, and so glad we scrolled down farther this morning. Great post.
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