Since this is the last day fur this session of Khamp Khyra, she said I khould do the post today

Khyra and I would like woo to keep Khousin Ab in your thoughts - Auntie Di has been watching a lump in/on her nekhk area that seems to be growing a bit - she's going to the vet Thursday afternoon - we are hoping it is just a fatty thingie - Auntie Di was already leaking when she wrote us to tell us Monday evening -
Auntie Phyll kept noticing a robin take off from this bush so she chekhked it out
Birdie Basket
Birdie Starter Kits
Flight Skhhool Supervisor
Auntie Phyll kept chekhking the site Sunday evening and Monday morning - then saw this update: Fledgling Update:


The two males fledged Sunday from the ledge. From all accounts, the white banded male fledged first at around 9:30 AM. He ended up near the street were he was rescued and placed on the roof of the building. Just after 1 PM white flew from the building and landed on the sidewalk, where again he was rescued. The red banded fledge took his first flight later in the morning. He remained on a low, boxed in rooftop until Monday at 3:30 PM when he was rescued and placed on the roof. The goal for the fledglings now will be to return to the ledge. There are two teams of watchers keeping an eye on them
The blue banded male taken for treatment has recovered to the extent the rehabilitator would like to return him to the ledge soon. Thanks to the weekend watch and rescue crew for rescuing the fledglings on their first flight and briefing DEP staff on these happenings this morning.
Auntie Phyll would have gone by the building has her Sunday transport ended in Harrisburg BUT since she brought the pups to York, her route didn't take her past it PLUS she wouldn't have subjekhted the passengers to that nor did time pawmit!
Auntie Phyll would have gone by the building has her Sunday transport ended in Harrisburg BUT since she brought the pups to York, her route didn't take her past it PLUS she wouldn't have subjekhted the passengers to that nor did time pawmit!
She expekhts to have an early morning run this Sunday so she might stop by and see if she khan spot them!
Thanks again fur all the khompliments during my time here at Khamp Khyra - I know some of woo wondered how I was able to paw the post in Khyraese - WELL the laptop has a setting fur that ;-)
We'll see woo here tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
Merdie and Khousin Khyra
PeeEssWoo: Auntie Phyll asked me to pass along we got behind on our Google Reader khontent ovFUR the past few days - we read them but did not khomment on all of them - since we try to remind 'woo' this is supposed to be fun , Khyra and I told her the same thing!
Farewell miss M - it was fun having you around!
It's time to get out and play, forget that reader thingie! :)
Hey Khousin Merdie! Its been great having you around for this session. We know you must miss your boys, but come back again soon, won't you?
Even when you are not here, we think about you and now we will think about your Cousin Abby too.
Hi Merdie, we hope you come back to Khamp Khyra soon! We will be keeping our paws crossed for Khousin Ab.
Teddy Bear
Poor Abby. It was almost 110 in Phoenix today. I hope her peoples let her stay inside a lot!!
You two look cute together. great pics. WOW!! Robins eggs!! cool!
I will have my paws crossed for cousin Ab ok? Keep us posted!
We'll keep our paws crossed & send Sibe vibes fur Abby. Khome back soon, Merdie!! (Lovely floofy-tail pic today!) Love the birdie basket & starter kit, ha-roo roo roo! A bluejay fledged right into my paws today- hooray! (for me at least)
Miss Moo
Khamp looks like so much fun! Paws crossed for Ab.
Merdie, you are such a froggy doggy! We wish you could stay longer with Khyra, she has so much fun with you!
Hi Merdie, great post! We'll keep our paws crossed for cousin Abby. We loved your 'birdie starter kit' shot - too cute! See you soon, we'll miss you tons! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hi Merdie, great post! We'll keep our paws crossed for cousin Abby. We loved your 'birdie starter kit' shot - too cute! See you soon, we'll miss you tons! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
We will purr while Monty and Reye cross their paws for cousin Abby. You are very good at Tuesday telling Merdie! I hope that you can visit Khyra again soon!
we have our paws crossed as well
oh no, we hope the lump is nothing nasty.
We hope you're back soon, Merdie!
Bye Bye Merdie we will miss you but are sure we will get updates.I am so crossing my paws that all will be well with your sweet cousin. Well done on the Khyranese. Hey mum was so envious that you ahve a robin nesting. Mum loves to see robins as they were grandma's favourite. Yes as your mum pawed to my mum this is fun. Tell your mum it goes for us all.. MOL..Tell her to take care from my mum.. HUgs GJ xx
We have everything crossed for your cousin Abby!
Khyra! This weather is the best. Lots of baking during the day and cool breeze at night. I love it! You have robins with eggs too? Our robins attacked momma yesterday and pooped on her head.
Awwwwwe, Merdie it was such a pleasure getting to know you and I will miss you very much. I hope you will stay in touch withs us.
Who woulld have evers thunk that you could set your puter up like that...duh. Khyra, you are one smart coyote doggie...hehehe.
Don't worry if ya'll can't get around to comment on everybuddies bloggies. We understand that you haves to take your mom out fur walks and stuffs.
No, say it isn't so - Miss Merdie is packing her bags and leaving again. We will miss you. Come back again soon.
We are sad to hear that about cousin Abby - paws crossed that the lump is just a fatty one. Looks like Abby takes good care of her toys and isn't a destuffer.
Silly robin, that's way to low for a nest - hope the little ones make it.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It was very nice to meet you Miss Merdie, please come back for another visit soon.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS puppy prayers for Abby are on the way!
We'll be keeping good thoughts for Cousin Abby!
Hard to believe your PFs fledged already! It doesn't take them long to grow up. I'll be at class during the banding today so I won't be able to see it. Oh well!
We're sad that this session of Khamp Khyra is ending, but we look forward to the next one.
We'll be purring for Khousin Ab.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We'll miss seeing you everyday, Miss Merdie! We have our paws crossed for your cousin!
WooHooo...we love the birdie starter kit. We are going to miss having you around, and we know Khyra will miss you too. Ah well, maybe they will reconvene Khamp Khyra sometime in the futures.
Oh no!! Khousin Merdie isn't leaving already!! It sure has been fun seeing Merdie with Khyra all of the time. I bet Khyra will miss the company too. Loved the birdie starter kit...that's so cute. We will have our paws crossed for Khousin Abby and hope the knot is nothing at all. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
I'll miss you Khousin Merdie! And I'll be hoping Khousin Abby just as a icky old age bump. My sis Dixie has the fatty ones all over hers belleh and the V-E-T say it feels like the rolling hills of Pencilvania, BOL!
Hurry back, Merdie!
sending good thought for Khuzzin Abby!
We can't wait until you come back to Khamp, Miss Merdie! We'll miss you!
Paws crossed for Khousin Abby!!
See you later, Merdie! Hope all goes well for your cousin Abby! Love those blue eggs! Pretty!
Hi Merdie! we is sorry Khamp Khyra is ofur!
Thanks for pawing so much info today - we'll miss you Cuz Merdie! Sorry to hear about Cuz Abby and have paws crossed that it IS a fatty thing. You sure sent her a lot of nice toys, Khyra! Those nests just beautiful - how did you spy them???!!! I never see a birdie home when I see a bird in a bush????!!!! Speaking/typing of which, congrats to the PF males for trying out their wings - furry exciting, but sorry they landed in odd spots. So cool that they were rescued and replaced on their ledge - what a team! Look forward to seeing their progress! Bye Cuz Merdie - hope to see you back at camp again soon!!!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon and Ozzie
I'm intrigued by the birdie starter kit... can I order one of those online?
I like the little berdies. :)
It was nice to have a visit from cousin Merdie. I hope we see her again soon. :)
I will most definitely keeps your Khousin Abby in my thoughts. Paws are crossed tightly for her!
I'm so glad you gots to come to Khamp Khyra for awhile. Sure am gonna miss you but I'll think abouts you and I'll look forward to the next time you come visit!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh Merdie!! We'll miss you so furry much! Hope you get to come back to Khamp Khyra's soon!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We are sad that this session of Khanp Khyra is ending as it's always fu to have you there. Merdie! Come back soon!
We will cross all of our paws for Cousin Abby. Please keep us posted, Khyra.
That looks like fun. ;-)
Nice woooh
We should have a little farewell pawty fur Merdie at Khamp Khyra! It's been nice to have Merdie around.
Khyra, we know woo are going to miss Merdie's company.
We will keep our paws crossed fur your kousin Abby. Hopefully it's just one of those fatty thingy and nothing serious.
Sam & June
Merdie, you sound like a natural speaker of Khyranese!
Your wobin eggs are really cool. My human bean found to eggs on the ground that were empty. Maybe they've hatched already?
What a great post Merdie!! We will miss you, make sure to send Aunt P some pictures every now and then!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
PeeS...Our paws are crossed for Cousin Abby
Just checking on my favorite doggie furriend. It was fun looking at all your relatives.
Sorry that Khamp Khyra is ending for Merdie, but what fun you guys had. Does Abbie play with all those toys?
Misty the alpha Poodle
Paws crossed for cousin Abby. Hope it's just a fatty one! I sure how she's staying cool since we heard how HOT Arizona is right now!
Bye Merdie! We are gonna miss you! Please send pics to Khyra so we can see your pretty face! :)
Merdie, we will surely miss you. We hope your khousin gets good news at the Vet on Thursday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We will miss you Merdie, and we know Khyra will too.
We reckon she is trying to hold onto your tail to stop you going.
Come back soon.
Martha and Bailey xxx
You are leaving again Merdie? Bummer! We so enjoy seeing you!
We will be purring for Cousin Abby!!!!
Those birdie eggs sure are purrty!
Oh Merdie~! We is gonna miss you bunches! But we know you'll be back! Those robin eggs rimind mom of the malted robin egg Easter candy! She used to lick them, then rub them on her lips so she had blue lipstick (of course this is when she was little) YEAH RIGHT! She just did it this PAST Easter!
Khamp Khyra is Khlosing for the season????? Oh No.
LOVE the birdie starter kit!!!
Me and Lady will miss seeing you on a regular basis Merdie. As you know, we are big fans. You done a good job on the post. Lots of interesting stuff. Paws crossed for Cousin Abby. We hope her Mom has no reason to leak anymore. Now that Ken Griffey Jr. has retired, maybe he could come to the Capital and catch the falling birdies.....OK.....or not.
Wooray for Merdie, see you next time you visit.
Remy and Flash
Merdie, we have loved every minute of having you around=you are a beautiful, adorable girl and we love you!!...We will miss you and look forward to your next visit to Khousin Khyra...We will purr loudly and send positive energy for your Khousin Abby...Kisses sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a great post Merdie.. We are sure that you will be missed. We miss you already..
Good lucky cousin Abby...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
A most informative post. See you later Merdie! I know we will. Thanks for the fledgling update too. An of course we'll keep Cousin Abby in our thoughts...
We will patiently await your return, Merdie. It is always special when you visit Khyra. We are sending Cousin Abby special positive health energy so that those bumps turn out to be just fatty tissue. The robin's nest and eggs was a pretty shot. Stay cool and enjoy your family's homecoming.
I am thinking good thoughts for Cousin Abby! See you soon Merdie.
Merdie - always great to see you join the antics of Khousin Khyra. Hope your peeps share phone pictures with us often.
And we have paws crossed for Abby.
Hi, Merdie!
I loved to see you there all these days!
I hope you will be back soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
we love that robin's nest with those beautiful eggs. we hope they are going to hatch and make nice little baby birdies.
we're glad you two had a nice walk together and the weather is more bearable.
We enjoyed seeing your fun at Khamp Khyra Merdie and we hope you return again soon! We're sending purrs and crossing paws that everything is just find with your Khousin Abby too!
Birdie starter kits - Ha roo roo!
Love the pictures with all the toys! That's what our house looks like!
Sage (&Erin)
I will miss your sweet face so much,
I will miss all the walkies that you and Khyra took us on,
But we will see you again. Be sure to stay in touch .
I will also be keeping positive thoughts for Khousin Ab and Auntie Di. Yes, I will circle my paws around them.
I cannot believe those little birdies are now big birdies and flying!
Khyra - tell you mom not to worry about comments- lets just have fun
Milo hung out on Quinn's blanket all day; he checked on her throughout. She is acting more and more like she is gravid rather than hurt but it is too early to be certain. Imagine the equivalent of a 97 year old grandma getting pregnant! It is an amazing world...
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow yore kuzzin livs in the mithical land of feeniks??? duz she no joe stains??? ok bye
Ya Mom was feeling overwhelmed with the bloggy thing but has been relaxing this weekend and slowly khatching up.
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