
Mom and The Flashie Beastie took three videos from various points in our evening - if woo need a Merdie (and me) fix, here are ONE; TWO; THREE videos!
Mom wants a few minutes so HERE IS MOM:
Thanks Khyra !
I wanted to pass along a new show on Animal Planet that starts airing tonight - it is called LAST CHANCE HIGHWAY - I'm thinking it will be something all of us will want to see - if your area has Animal Planet available, please tune in!

And now your weekly KHATS!!! We have some furry bonus pikhs today! When we khame bakhk from our walk on Monday afternoon, Mom noticed BOTH of them together SO she let me bakhk in and then went out with the flashie beastie to khapture their 'khuteness'
Some of my newer readers didn't know them apart WELL, Butterskhotch is on the left; BroFur is on the right
They are from the same litter - Doris The Nice Lady Next Door that had them tutored and repaired says they are three
Butterskhotch is more sociable and braver than her brother
She's a bit 'oranger' in kholour whereas his furs are on the 'pinker' side
He's heavier than she is - with his waddle belleh!
She keeps him in line!
He said end of shoot!
So it was time fur her to pose a bit
Thanks fur all the kind words on Post #900!
Remember, anyone leaving a khomment today, will be entered into the random number generator fur a chance at my Paw-It-Furward transport shoutout/dedikhation/etc!
We'll do it again tomorrow so please khome on bakhk to Khyra's Khorner!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
w00fs, wow cant believe me 1st..Merdie and u is lookin bute ti ful as ever..Kittys and flowers too..we has seed that new show advertized..gonna watch it fur sure..
b safe,
How Khool to see Merdie in public at a game! Congratulations on all the wins to Merdie's beans!
you two look very khontent to be so social with the peeps. and it was khool to get to know the khats! they seem like nice ones--fur khats and all...
WOW...Kittehs AND Merdie all in the same post!!
We will have Mama DVR the new show.
Thanks Khyra!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
I'd like to see Merdie's contacts on her iPhone... are they all dogs?
I just love the way Merdie lays! Her froggie doggie is hilarious!
Looks like you have fun at the game.
Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS on #900!!! You have done a great job, and I wish you another 900 or many more!!!
Now, aren't you glad I talked you into it?! :-)
hI Khyra
Jeepers, what a surprise to see Merdies photos and then to hear you went to the game with her!
I bet you were tempted to go chase after the ball- did you?
You and Merdie are so beautifuls.
And all that plucky hairs- well the birdies will like it.
We saw that show on Animal Planet- or maybe it was being talked about.
Were gonna watch it
How fun that you and Merdie got to hang out and enjoy the game together! You both look so happy!
We LOVED all the photos of you and Merdie at the game and yes, we did miss her and the froggie doggie!!...You guys looked like you had a fun time together!...Nice to see BroFur and Butterskhotch...kisses x3 sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
That looks like a fun game. I'm glad u got to have fun with the hoomans and ur friend Merdie. :) The kitties are kewt, too. :)
OH NO! Too many feline puppies! :)
How fun that you got to spend the day with Merdie. We missed her and her Froggie Doggie.
Teddy Bear
Cats! or should I paw... Khats! And of course, two beautiful girls!
Merdie!! Merdie!! Merdie!!
Hope the game was great!
Such a wonderful froggie doggie Merdie is!
How fun that you and Merdie got to go to the baseball game! I went to one once for my human cousin.
Did you know there is a cat in my neighborhood that looks like Butterscotch? Maybe they are related!
How khool that you got to see Merdie! She looks like she is doing well. Too bad she isn't coming back to Khamp Khyra for awhile!
The kitty pictures are adorable--Brofur and Butterskhotch look like they are very close! What sweet kitties :)
Hi Khyra! Hi Merdie!! Good to see you.
Mieow to the kitties too.
What a fun time! I bet you were all excited to see Merdie and her froggy pose.
I hate it when mom spreads my starter kits. It's so embarrassing to be plucked like that. Two-leggers...
Looks like you had fun with Merdie at the baseball game. The kittehs are cute!
Woofs and Lcks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Merdie! xoxox!!!Stumpy and Wabbit used to love to go to the kids' baseball/football/soccer games! Everyone would make such a big deal out of them. I wish we had some of that here so I could do some socializing with Alfy.
I don't think I have ever seen Brofur and Butterskhotch in the same picture! Good catch!
Woo hoo, so glad to see Merdie! I bet that you were even happier, Khyra. And, let me tell you, there is no other "you" in this universe. There is only one Khyra!
Congrats to the boys for their wonderful season. Good luck too for the next game. Looks like the pups were enjoying a relaxing time.
Great kitty pics - BM is quite the poser.
We still think you should have given Merdie a lift to camp.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a wonderfur post today. Your posts are always wonderfur! I liked seeing the kittehs. They are furry cute.
Merdie's Bean Ballgame must have been really fun!! Your mom distributed your Floof Seeds??? Will there be millions of Khyra's soon???? That would be grrrreat.
We love yoor weekly Khat section. Course we love to see yoo and Merdie EVERY day! 'Cos yoo are both KHOOL!
Did you catch any fly balls?
Baseball games are fun with all the people paying attention to how khute we are.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi Merdie! Nice to see you hanging with your family. You look very happy.
Thanks for the info on 'Last Chance Highway'....need more tissues!
How nifty that you and Merdie got to attend the bean's ballgame. I hope you gets to go the final one too. You and Merdie could only bring those boys even more luck!
Its always great to see you and Merdie together.
Thanks for the heads up on the new AP show. We will be sure to watch tonight.
What a fun adventure you two had! We love that first picture of Merdie riding in the car like such a lady :)
What a delight to see videos of Khyra and Merdie at the game! Was that a homerun at the last video? Merdie does lay like a froggie and it's so cute. Ms. Floofy Tail is beautiful as always! The Last Chance Highway made me get all teary eyed of course. Love all the pictures and those of the kittehs too of course! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Hi, Khyra!
Sure it was great to be there at the game with Merdie!
From the videos I can see you had a nice and relaxing time!
All this time and I did not know Butterscotch is a girl! Silly me!
Have a great saturday!
Kisses and hugs
Woof Khyra,
We're so glad you went to the game with Merdie and had a good time. It looked like a lot of fun. Did you get to chase the ball?
Desert Pups,
Toby, Norman, Keiko and The Ghost of Scuba.
khahha funny kitties :D
we miss you merdie!!
El'bow & Hauwii
What a pleasant evening...watching the game with Merdie and family... and your team won! I am very impressed that you let those khats just lounge on your property...you know who crazy Cauliflower makes me when she "visits" from next door!
Khyra we love those pictures of you guys. It always looks like you are smilng. Very cute. Hope you had fun with auntie
Benny & Lily
So many great pics today! Khyra shots, Merdie shots and Khitty shots! Hurray!
Oh Khyra, you look lovely! sorry we havent been around for so long, mom's been far away from the computer for a long time but we think about you often. Glad to see you looking lovely with Merdie - but woooooah, are you sure kittens are ok as friends? Still haven't figured that one out yet... :)
Happy greetings from Africa1
Looks like you had fun with Merdie at the game. We like the pictures of the kitties too :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Wow you got to go to that baseball game. That is so cool. Made Mom miss when Toph and Jessica used to play.. Jessica placed with the boys and they all gave her a hard time until she came up to bat... She sure could show them.. Toph loved playing catcher. Not sure why with how hot it is down here.. Thanks for sharing the triple with us..
Enjoy your beautiful weather...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Brilliant post. Pictures of you, Merdie and the kitty cats..Nice to see the beans too.. JUst quick tonight as my beand came and mums off to work.. Hugs GJ xx
We'll be looking for Last Chance Highway, Khyra! Hopefully mom can keep her eyes open long enough to see it! She says she's phat and happy from all of that good barn food and too much sun!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Woo there Pretti Girl~
Khan woo believe it. Look what happens when we are able to ditch the dial-up. I get lots of changes to see "woo". I wish I khould go to a game with you, it looks like summ great fun. Kheep those khitti khritters in line and stay pretti.
yay, miss khyra! thanks for the informational on miss butterskhotch and brofur! we won't evarrr get them confuzzled again! :)
thanks for the miss merdie fix! her beans must be super fab baseball players.
mama plucked me and asa's furs (mostly me) yesterday, so our backyard is full of floff for the birdies. teehee.
the booker man
Yippee! It's always Most Wonderful to see Merdie! And it looks like you both had a super terrific time at the game. About those starter kits - how much does it cost to order one cuz I thinks I might like to grow my own Khyra.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh hi Merdie, we miss you too Merdie.
Those cute cats sure look like twin.
I like your porcelain cat -- it looks just like one of the morsels!
How great that both of you could watch the game together. Starter kits? That made me laugh out loud!
MERDIE!!! So good to see you again! Congrats to your beans for winning the game!
Khyra, you are just so pretty! We bet everyone at the game was enamored by your beauty!
Brofur and Butterscotch are so sweet. We like that photo of Butterscotch putting her paw on Brofur!
Oh how nice to have an outing AND see Merdie!
That is so typical cats - they sit there smiling at you and then, suddenly, the claw :( Cats don't like me :( :(
Slobbers Teal'c
More Cousin Merdie and Khyra and Butterscotch and BroFur. Your mom takes lots of good photos.
No more khatz! I can't stand it!!! But thank you for the "Last Chance Highway" info. It'll interest us all.
Wow khyra....nice lookin' kitties even though I am not friendly with kitties at all....those 2 are handsome.....glad ya had a good time with Merdie at the game,....it looks like ya had nice weather.....and they won too.....best of luck ta them on Monday....
Dewey Dewster here....
I'm catching up on your last 2 posts and will say CONGRATS on your 901st post!!!! That's amazing!! I'm not even to 100 yet and can't imagine doing that many--That's really great that you've created your own history here and have made so many friends along the way--I'm glad I'm here for this part of your celebration!!
(I'll have to be sure to catch that new show!)
I'm all in for "All Khyra / All Merdie / All The Time"!!!
I mean it wif all due respect, not to harm the other forgiveness sites,
I'm sorry!
wif love from the Luke
Hi Khyra!
How kool is dat, enjoying the game plus a day with Merdie!
Mommy luvs the flower pics!
We think Butterskhotch rocks...keeping Brofur in line like that! Purrrr....
I can't believe you let Merdie go home with her people!
What? No hot-dogs at the Ball game? What's the sense of going to a game if you aren't gonna get a hot dog?
P.S. Momma says she's never met a male kitty that didn't have a saggy belly. She thinks it is cause of the tutoring.
woof - Tucker
Hi, Khyra!
How fun that you and your cousin went to a ball game!
Sounds like Butterscotch and I have a lot in common!
Lick ya later!
Hey Khyra!! Sorry we're late...what a great day you had with Merdie and the peeps :)
And....YES! We saw Last Chance Highway!! We enjoyed this show so much, and thought a lot about your mom and what she does for transports!! Ok...will move forward on posts... :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
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