I don't know the details as I update the post - Mom and I went for our after dinner sweat - I mean walk - when we got back around 7:50, Mom saw this message in her email which had arrived at 7:48:
Amy, Bridget, and Chris were able to catch rocky this afternoon!
More details to come, I just got a quick call myself. Please wait for Amy to contact you. They are still quite busy.
Thank you everyone for your efforts!
Once Mom has the story, she'll post it on Wednesday - we do know he appeared in good shape save fur possibly being dehydrated given what he's put himself through - BOL -
Ironikhally enough, we had rekhorded a Walkin' Wednesday video but now we khan't use THAT one either - but that's okay, we'll get one later today - that is, if my mom has khalmed down by then -
We are going to run the post we had staged prior to reading the pawesome news -
Maybe it was the threat of The Big Guns heading to New Jersey to kikhk his butt that did it:

Tula Monstah has her paws khrossed fur Rocky - she probably wants to kikhk his muskhular butt fur the grief he's khausing!
Norwood is still dreaming of a Tula and Rocky Match
There were no Rocky sightings Sunday Night/Monday Morning but his search reskhue rekhovery team is still out in forceUPDATE: MOM IS SMILING AT THIS ONE - SURE NO AM SIGHTINGS BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PM ;-)
******Merdie's Bean and Their Trophy!
They stayed undefeated and won their tournament! This is an iPhone pikh from their pizza party celebration !


WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankful Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob!
This is the post I wanted to see!
I am very happy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh, we're SO SO SO glad to hear that Rocky was finally caught! I hope he enjoys life in his forever home. I'm sure it will be way better than roaming the streets of NJ. :)
We are doing the Happy Dance here! Wonderful, wonderful news! We LOVE happy endings!!! :-)
Cloud and his mom
We are soooooooooooo very happy that they caught Rocky! He is going to be so very happy in his new forever home! He will wonder why he ever ran in the first place.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
w00fs, yeaaa, couldnt b happier....heehee bad rocky to worry everbody so much..so glad u is home..
b safe,
woo hoo!!!!!!! my crazy lady is feeling emotional, too...awesome news about Rocky!
Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! YES!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so happy to read that Rocky is back in safe hands. We bet that boy (and all the rescuers) will sleep well tonight! YaHOOOOOO!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
OMD OMD Our Paws have been ANSWERED!!! This is the bestest possible news!!!! Welcome home ROCKY!!!!
We LOVE happy endings. Welcome back to civilization Rocky. Kibble and warm beds....YAY
What awesome news! I had a feeling Rocky was close to coming in! Congratulations to his family!
I think you have earned a very long nap after all that, Khyra!
Very good news!
That's wonderful news! Thanks for posting!
Wonderful news!!!!! Mom was going to bed but she decided to log on one more time before heading upstairs to find this so very very great news!!!! Thank the Lord and thank everyone who was looking for Rocky!!! We are so very happy!!! We have been so worried. Thanks for posting this news!!!! Happy feet!!!!!! Lots of love!!! Holly and mom
Yipeeeeeeeee! WOOT!!!! WOOT!!!! WOOT!!!!
So happy Rocky is reunited with his family
YAY! We've been waiting for this for a long time and we're so happy to hear this fabulous news! Our mommy yelled and did a happy dance and then got leaky from joy! Even our daddy has been wishing for this news so our whole family is thrilled! Thanks for letting us know Khyra!
We are so fury relieved to hear ROCKY is safe!!!
Team Husky
Oh I'm so glad they caught Rocky!!! I really hate to hear about missing doggies. He looks really cute, too!
Yippee! The news just couldn't be any better! In my blog today I wrote "Akitas are cool dogs though and pretty smart. Although if he was really smart he would be in his new home, snugged up with his new peoples." Do you think he heard me?
Ohhhh, Tula threats... That definitely explains it! I have seen her in grad skool with RH and she totally means business! Sooo happy he is home. He does look like he could use a drink though... Who can blame him?
Yeah!! That is the most pawsome news ever!! How fantastic! Hooray! Can't wait to read the story!
That is wonderful news - a Tula threat would have us running home too! Lots of tail wagging from us -
Sally and Paddy
Woos & a-roos! Great news! We knew Rocky would be found safe - he's had lots of angels watching over him!
jack a-roo & miss moo
woooooohoooooooo! rocky is finally caught!! so happy to hear that!!!
Sigh. thank dog and praise cheeses! all the paws khrossing was so helpful... oh and the humans prolly helped a little too. ;)
thank your mom, MFT!
I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!
:) :) :) :)
Yay! Yay! Yay!
Clappity clappity
Oh joy joy! This is such good news!
Thank u very very much to all the hoomans and critters who helped look for Rocky and who sent prayers and good thoughts to help bring him home! :)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Win and awesome! :)
Big tail wags to everyone.
We're SO happy to hear about Rocky!!!
Teddy Bear
Yay for Rocky and Merdie's beans!
You look really gorgeous in those pics. Bet you would rather be here than at your place - frost on the ground and only 3C. BRRRRRRR!!!!!
YAY! As soon as we saw the title of yoor post we just knew Rocky was found! WE ARE THRILLED! This is such good noos. YAY!
Congrats. We are so happy.
Nice woooh
OMG, what awesome news to wake up to! whooooooooooohoooooooooooo
Thank doG you're safe, Rocky!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
YAY FOR ROCKY!!!! Don't you think he looks a little bit sheepish in that photo?!
Pawsome, pawsome, pawsome news.
YYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! What a great way to start off my day!!!! I'm so glad he's found and will look forward to hearing the end of the story!!! Thanks for letting us know!!!!
That is the best news ever! What a great way to start the day. Hooray for Rocky!
Simply put - magnificent news!!! Many thanks to all who helped in any way to bring this boy home.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Yay for Rocky! I am doing the wiggle butt happy dance! Mom and me are so happy that he has been found!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
A very happy day.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hurray!!! What a relief! So happy to hear that Rocky was found!!!!!!
PS. I just found out one of our PFs - Swoop - fell to the ground yesterday and didn't make it.
I am so thrilled and excited to hear that Rocky has been found. Hooray!
WHOO HOOO INDEED!!! We were so excited to see your blog (although we always love to see you Khyra!)!!!!
Khyra, love the pictures of you...as usual!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Woooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!I am a happy singing howling doggie! Singing fur joy! Rocky has been found , safe and sound! WOOOOOS!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Celebration Time!!!
We are SOOO glad Rocky has been captured! I think he should drink lots of water (& Sam Adams) and be a couch potato for an entire month after all he's been through!
yeaaaaaaaaah super duper job you all
we are happy that rocky is back!
El'bow & Hauwii
Dear Khyra,
I heard bout your WONDERFUL news over on Frankies blog.
I can just imagine your Mom is besides herself with happiness.
We have seens you around blogland butt I never formally introduced myself. So todays happy news day was a PURRFECT time to stop by and meets you.
Happy Hugs,
Yay!!!!!! We are so happy that Rocky has been found!!!!!!
Pugs & Kisses
Yoda & Brutus
We are so Happy that Rocky has been found.
We Love Happy Endings,
Way to Go Everyone............
Hamish & Sophie
Wonderful news! We're so happy to hear this!
Thor and mom
What great news!!!! We're so happy for everyone involved. We only have limited computer time lately, but we wanted to check. Glad we did. Take your mom for a walk so she can calm down.
Woo Hoo!!! We are doing the happy dance and we are wagging our tails(minus a few hair on Samantha's)!!! That's just so pawsome to hear that Rocky is safe!
Sam & June
OH BAST!! WE IS SO HAPPY WE IS KHRYING TOO!!! YAY!!! we is so furry happy about Rocky!!
Best news I've heard in a long time!!!
YAY YAY YAY!!!! That was the news I was waiting and waiting for! Wonderful post, Khyra! Now you needs some chillin' time!
Give your Ma some kissies!!!
Hugs xoxoxo
Yeah! *happy dance* I'm so glad Rocky's safe again!!!
A doggy here in our area ran off when his family was away for a week. They won one of those Extreme Makeover: Home Edition houses and came home to a new house, but no dog. Thankfully, he was found and rescued a few days after his family got home!!!
YAY!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!! We don't even know what else to say today! YAYAYAYA!!!!!
woooo hooooo!!! Such great news!
WOOWOO! I'm SO very much happy, Khyra! I'm doing my special wigglebutt dance just for Rocky! I knew that the power of the paw would come through! I can't wait to hear all abouts how he gots back to safety.
Wiggles & Wags,
Hurrah!!! We are on holiday this week so just popping in ......and this is just the news we were looking for!
We are so very happy - well done to everyone including your mom
Martha and Bailey xxxxxx
We are so glad Rocky has been found.
Congrats to Merdie's beans.
Oh Khyra...that is just the bestest news ever...EVER!!!
How did they ever find him????
All three terriers toss back their heads and give a hooooooge
Oh sweet Rocky...he must be so thirsty and tired...perhaps I should pop up there for some rehydration with him? Does he date?
Oh...and Khyra...Lacie puffs up her tiny cheeks and blows, hard...
POOF! That is a blast of the khool hoomidless air from da Burgh...it's sweatshirt weather here!! I'm sendin' it straight down the turnpike, dear girlie!!
WOO HOO!!!!!! WE ARE SO GLAD ROCKY HAS BEEN FOUND!! Now he can get down to the business of having a purrmanent home!
YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Yippie! We are glad he was caught! Now he will be in his forever home. We also have the feeling he won't be off leash for a while.....
oh that is just the bestest news!!! way to go rocky! loves and licks
It is such wonderful news.
We have been watching on fb for news and were so pleased to read it earlier. :)
We hope he will have a very happy life now in a great forever home. :)
And congrats to Merdie's Bean!
You definitely deserve a good rest now Khyra and your mum! :)
The dogs are doing the happy dance now while I am teaching them the steps. What great news.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Woof! Woof! More Woofs ... Great NEWS!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh what wonderful news. We are so happy, Mom is leaking she is so happy.. We to wish that Tula and Rocky could meet someday. That would be an awesome pictures...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Brilliant news.. I am very happy Rocky was found safe.. Love GJ xx
Fantastic news! Sometimes patience and persistence really do pay off!
Hooray for Rocky!
The news we've all been waiting for!!! We'll tune in for sure on Wednesday for the details.
I am so happy to hear Rocky is safe and sound!
I love happy endings as much as I love seeing Khyra sleeping with her tongue out!
oh, miss khyra, what super duper grrreat news!!! welcome back, rocky!!! :)))
the booker man
THAT IS THE MOST WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Thank you! Can't wait to read the full story.
And, yep, we drove right by you on Sunday. I woofed some hellos as we passed Khyra's Korner... did you hear me?!
Hi Khyra
I jsut got home from the ocean and came running to see the news if Rocky was found, and HE IS!
We are so happpy , and so happy that all the searchers did such a good job and did not give up.
Woo hoo indeed!!!
Maxx and family
Brilliant. I know you are beaming this evening! Was that a bottle cap I heard popping?
That was my 3rd wish, I put in my Horseshoe on Saturday, that Rocky would come home! I just didn't want to tell, cuz then it might not come true.
Yah Rocky. He's gonna be on a short leash for awhile!
YAY! I almost wanted to cry when I read that one! Way to go!
We are so happy that Rocky made it back to safety. I bet he was very tired after his misadventure!
Steve and Kat
Praise God!!!! This is the news we've been praying for! We are just SO HAPPY that beautiful boy is safe! Grammy and the CCC
So glad Rocky is home safe & sound! And Khrya looks exhausted, but oh-so-comfy in that chair in the A/C! What a pretty girl! Go Khrya-Go Khrya!
yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay
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