Time to share the nom nom nommy treats I won from Baby Patches last month
Hey! That's ME!
Chekhk it out!
I'm ready to chekhk 'em out
My serious look
My give it here now Mom look!

If woo want to see Khousin Merdie and me in akhtion, here is a video Mom took as we tried them after our walk this past Tuesday!
You look so sad with no snow and no Merdie! We hope your prize cheered you up! (Baby Patches always cheers Rumbles up)
Ahhh...here comes the weekend! Get well-rested, this one is going to be a doozy :)
Those treats sure look nommy! Love the tongue pic. It really captures the essence of the whole tasty new treat thing!
You won edibles. They look yummy.
You look so excited about those cookies! I bet they were yummy. Congrats on the win!
BOL! I just watched the video and you swallowed those treats whole! You didn't chew at all, did you?! Merdie was just crunching away... Made me snicker!
Khyra, why didn't you remind us that your breed is All American, too? We have added your kind to our blog post for today. How could we forget a breed with one of our state's names right in their name, WOO-HOO!
We are thinking that we like your treats photos 'cause you are so attentive and most worthy of many and many snacks and nibbles.
Lucky #7 if I hurry. Have a nice weekend:)
Woohoo, those treats look nom, nom, nommmmmy!!! Brofur and Butterskotch look adorable.:)
Teddy Bear
Cute, Cute Khyra waiting for treats!!...We love the kitty pictures too, nice to see BroFur and Butterskhotch!...Happy weekend beautiful friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I know I do not need to ask how yummy those treats were,
My guess- they were marvelous,
Say hi to Brofur and Butterskotch,
Happy weekend
Hi Khyra!
Happy Saturday!
We luv the "give it here" look!!
We see that it's a Merdie-less post, bet you missed her!
Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for sharing your Saturday!!
Concats on the win! Brofur and Butterscotch are cuties. Purrs to both of them.
Are you missing Merdie? We are!
Great pics! Those treats look yummy!
Congrats on the win!!! Looks like a tempting snack!!
Congrats on your prize, they looked like yummy treats - we thought you should have chewed them thought Khyra.
Nice to see Butterscotch - looking pretty.
Have a nice Saturday
martha and bailey xx
Congrats on the win and have an awesome weekend.
Those treats look nommy! Our woofies are jealous!!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Khongratulations on the treat skhore!
brofur looks THRILLED to be the center of attention!
We were wondering about Brofur and Butterscotch - good to see them again.
Poor Merdie - she had to work so hard for her treats:) After watching the shark getting hers, we have no doubt those treats were very tasty.
Happy weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I thot I thaw a Pointy Khat???
Happy Saturday! It's too hot and humid here to do much outside - are you dreaming of snow?
Happy Saturday!
Unlike Ricky the Sheltie, we are NOT dreaming of snow! No! It is very very very pleasant up here in Anchorage AK!
Anywoo, those treats looked tasty. Merdie was a calm as a cucumber.... we still want to send our khampers to you for the next session of Khamp Khyra! What a fun place to go if you are a doggie-poo!
Also, and I say this with much respect to Khyra's Mom, I so wish Brofur and Bhutterskhotch could find a home or refuge where they would not have to be outside...I worry about those two... said with love and respect as always. Peace, out (for now!) xoxoxo
ConCats on your win~!!! Mmmmm, looks yummy! We love your serious face too! Butterscotch is a cutie~pa~tootie!
Did your DOH take FOREVER to open that bag of nommy treats or what? Blah, blah, blah, yak, yak, talkity talk, OPEN UP THE FOOD ALREADY!
What a wonderful Khaturday Khyra!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
So, how were the treats??
I think your khitty is pretty. Mom says she had a khitty that same kholor but with a manx tail.
Hi Khyra and MOm,
Have a safe and good transport tomorrow!!!
Love all the pretty pictures!!!
Thanks Phill....
So enjoy your visits!!
Xo, Fern
Were those treats as nommie as they looked!!
Happy weekend!
Woofs and Kisses
The Fiesty Three
I must say, Khyra, that I was most impressed with the way Butterscotch was pointing. Great potential!
Yum yum! Congrats! I'm going to try the give it to me look on my mommy too..wish me luck!
Gosh, you all sure did LUVS those treats. We just smiled all the way through that movie cuz of how happy you were! And we think your mom is pretty funny, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
Those treats look delicious! Your tummy also looks like it needs a good rub there!
Wooos Khyra! I see woo got some yummy treats from a khat! Hmmm, the only things I get from a cat are hisses and hairballs, I will have to work on that one. We went and visited your kitty friend to say wooos!
Happy Weekend!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi 5 Khyra! We missed yoo!
Love the pose with the purples AND your purple leash!!! Furry stylin'! And those treats sure looks nomzers nomzers! Looks like Merdie liked them too! Have a great weekend!
Huggers xoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
PS: from Ozzie: I think Brofur and Butterscotch are furry pretty kitties!
Wiskah Kissies xo Oz
pointing khat? never heard of them. I hope your Aunt is enjoying our relatively khool weekend we are having here!
New treats, they must have been yummy! :)
It was good to see the kitty. :)
Happy Weekend
Nice woooh
Woof Khyra,
Just stopping by to say woof. We know that you will miss Merdie but we're glad you had such a pawsome time together.
Desert Pups
Toby, Norman, Keiko and The Ghost of Scuba.
Congratulations of the nom mom treats!! They sure look really good!!! We hope you are having a very good day! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Yummers! Your gimme the treat look is much more polite than Moose's
Hahaha...I does da same thing when I stalk sumptin...I point...I haves no idea why I do it though.
Congratulations on your win. Your mum sure was taking furevers giving you that treat. Her must be having a sloooow day. Don't tells her I said that though...hehehe.
Well, you should enter the lottery!! If you win, can I borrow $5.00? :)
I love the pic of you waiting for your nommies, and the cute color of your nose!
Congrad's Khyra. We knew you were a celebrity.. You make us miss Merdie..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congratulashuns on the nom winnings. I bet if'n that pikshur where your tung is hanging out woz capshured 2 seconds later, there would has been drools!
You make such a wonderful GIVE IT HERE NOW MOM LOOK!!! You should have gotten more than one treat for that great look! Butterschotch is such a cute kitty kat - I would love to drag her around by the tail!!
Thor and Marco Polo
Hi, Khyra!
Baby Patches sent you yummy treats!!
You ate them soooo fast! Did you taste the apple and chicken??
I saw Merdie taking her time to eat them!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra!! Free treats are welcomed and loved at my house too--are you saving some for Merdie's next visit? I've enjoyed spending time in your neck of the woods, but what's all that thunder going on outside as I write this? Are you causing trouble with Mother Nature??? I hope you're having a good weekend!!
Concats on your win Khyra! Merdie must have got the bigger treats since it took her so much longer to eat them than it did for you to eat yours!
Good to see Brofur and Butterscotch again too!
Rested up for a colorful walkie!! You sure look cute waiting for the treat and the kitty looks very cute. Thanks for sharing.
Butterscotch is a very nice girl.
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot wot wot!!! that poynting khat is trying to steel my gig!!! ok bye
Well... HUH... I am reminded [by the Butterskotch and also the Brofur] that I have some pitchers of my friend the Stanley that I have been meanin to share!!!
I love ever single minute of your life and adventure that I can share wif you! And I love you... forever!
wif love from the Luke
miss khyra,
those treatsies looked paw licking good! i love how you kept circling your mama. teehee.
i think i need an informational on how to tell brofur and butterskhotch apart. sorry, i'm kind of a newbie!
the booker man
Wow! Nice treats! Looks like we did lots of the same chillin' out today too!! Definitely better snack times at your Kamp though :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Congrats on winning yummy treats, you lucky pup! :)
We love your give it here look! Very nice.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
OMC! Momma & I gots your email and saw da post on Friday but momma didn't has enough energies back to lets me comments.
First, I just luvs da My give it here now Mom look! MOL hehehe
Second, da video was purrfect and its funny your momma called you da shark but you did reminds me and momma of a circling shark. Momma just luvs your tail! Its floofy likes mine.
And lastly, pawsome kitty treats too! Luvs da pictures and momma would has wanted to rubs da belleh too after a shot likes dat MOL
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