(Whilst she was here at Khamp Khyra, our kitchen staff prepared Merdie's food with the khrowning touch of green beans and she LOVED them - so when she left khamp on Tuesday, she was sent home with some khans - that is what woo saw in the pikh from Wednesday's post)
Whilst I'm left wishing fur her to khome bakhk
So we khould have more fun like we did in THIS VIDEO - we khame upon the evil tree lobsters ready fur some skhwirrelbattoge to the khommunikhation lines in the neighbourhood!
BTW, my fans in Master Chew Sits will want to make sure they pay furry khlose attention to the khlosing scenes of the video!
Flowers at The Khlub entrance
The next street over and a few houses down from the oriental poppies
More from theirs
This is at the house between that had the blue tarped roof AND Max's -
I think the tree/bush in the bakhkground is a Pink Poodle Tree
This week's Panorama shot AND this week's Photobukhket Slideshow link - Mom didn't get lots of pikhs this past week but she did get a decent assortment of daytime scenes -

BTW, my fans in Master Chew Sits will want to make sure they pay furry khlose attention to the khlosing scenes of the video!


The vet felt it was just drainage through her lymph nodes - he felt some of the same thing on the other side - and immediately told Auntie Di she is fine - BUT she did gain 6 pounds since April so she might be going on the Green Bean Diet - Auntie Di has heard my mom talk about how much Merdie loves hers - and how like the one or two I got too - THANKS FUR YOUR GOOD WISHES AND VIBES!
Happy FrEYEday evFURRYone!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy
I love Merdie's shades! Very, very stylish!
I've never given Layla or Casey green beans. My old Golden loved steamed Asparagus though.
I'm glad that Abby is fine! Wish her good luck on her green bean diet.
Merdie and those cool spectacles :)
What fantastic blooms you have in the neighborhood!
Keep eatin' the green beans :)
Healthy yummies!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Those tree rats are always up to no good! I'm glad you told them! I predict some heart palpitations on Master Chew Sits!
Misty the alpha Poodle
Very good news about Abby! I've never heard of a Pink Poodle tree, but then again, there's lots of things I've never heard of! :)
w00fs, bute ti ful flowers..yumm green beans me likes 'em too..glad abby is ok..
b safe,
Lovin' the pic with Merdie's Cool Dude impression!
Merdie is looking really cool in her shades!...Lovely photos of you, beautiful Khyra; we know you miss Merdie, sweetheart!...Great news that Abby is alright!!YAY!!...Happy Friday friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Puppy coolness!!!
Merdie looks great in her shades.:) We can tell you miss her so much. We hope she comes back soon.:) Great flowers!
Teddy Bear
Pretty flowers, great colours. Love Merdie's film star look - she can be quite the Diva at times!
We enjoyed the video - good job protecting the neighbourhood from an invasion Khyra and Merdie.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Cool shades, Merdie!!
Ok we are telling our mom to add some green beans to our diet... oooh Khyra, you look so sad in the pics... hope taht Merdie comes back soon!
I definately think that is a Pink Poodle Tree! But hey, who knows, I'm sure the real name if there is one isnt as exciting.
Merdies looking pretty cool! As are you Miss Khyra
Perfect description- pink poodle tree.
Merdie looks great in her shades - good luck to her and her green bean diet.
We are happy to hear that Abby got a good report on her lumps - always a worry when one feels them.
Guess you told those squirrels off - hope they didn't come back for the wires.
Happy Friday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hmmmmm...green beans....very interesting. I haves gained a pound and now mum is making me go on a diet...BLAH!!!!!!!!!
Cuzzin Merdie is such da fashionista. Now her just needs a hat.
NO MORE flower piktures. My mum sits heres and drools and then her gets my keyboard all wet and nasty...yuck! Apparently her don't haves a green paw.
Looking furry cool Merdie. Aw, Khyra you look so sad. Like I does when Sally goes.
Lots of pretty flowers you found.
~lickies, Ludo
We haven't even watched the banding synopsis yet!
I have never really been on a diet but I love green beans! And carrots, and peas!
The pink poodle tree is cool - never seen one before!
Merde looks cool! We know that you miss her!!!
Hmmm...we've never tried green beans!
Beautiful flowers!!!
Great shades, Merdie! We loooove green beans too!...and cooked carrots. If we get raw carrots, we take them to the livingroom and leave them on the carpet. Happy Fry-day!
Penny & Patches
Woof! Woof! Merde ... Looking COOL! Great way to protect your eyes. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow-I've never had green beans - they sound deelishuz!
I liked hearing you bark in that video Khyra!
LUVS Merdie in her shades, she is most stylish! Happy news about cuzin Abby!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Yay for Abby!! I'm glad it's nothing serious. Diets... blah!!
Thanks for so many lovely pictures. Makes me want to get my mom up and out for a walk!
We hope you guys have a wonderful weekend...we like grrrreeeen beans and frozzzzen peas...yummy.
Those squirrels sure are mean, teasing you from way up on that wire.
Hope you can catch them.
Love Ruby & Penny
What beautiful flowers! Thanks for sahring them with us.
Glad to hear that Abby is OK. Sorry about the diet though... no dog likes a diet (or human for that matter).
Gorgeous flower picts!
Merdie is one stylin' dog. Such a pretty flowerful walk!
Hi Khyra!! Those are some really stylin' and happening shades that Merdie had on!!! I think I saw those and the great flowers when I was in your neck of the woods yesterday--Did you hear me waving at you??!! :-)))
we loved the Pink Poodle Tree!!! We asked our mom to get us a forest full of them!
We also have a public service announcement regarding a tiny piece of your video about the tree lobsters.... in it, we spied you and Merdie standing really close to a drainage thingie.... we worry that there are rats and racoons hiding in there and other critters so please stay far away from those things.... one of our friends in NJ was walking too close to one of those things and broke their leg when they got caught in it....
We enjoy green beans too and also beets!!! xoxox Happy Weekend, Toby, Ginger, Jeter and Diva Halle xoxo
Great picture of Merdie :)
And I love the pink poodle tree!
BOL! Merdie's shades are awesome. I didn't realize she liked green beans that much!
Bambi is on a green bean diet and she loves them too!!! She loves sweet potatoes too!!! Dogs loves their vegs!!! Bambi loves her new diet. Bambi's treat is bananas!!!
Bambi is about 4 months away form being 13 years old....
Love you guys, Bambi & Fern
Khyra looks like she is missing Merdie! Merdie looks very cool in her shades!! The video is fun to watch. Your street has so many beautiful flowers! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
hey Khyra and mumster,
we cannot return to blogging yet but wanted to stop by to thank you for your support over grandpa's passing.
I think we all need a green bean diet, here!
I finally found a vehicle yesterday! I'll be amidst all that green and all those flowers, soon! butnot soon enough!
You and Merdie Love green beans too??? Delish. Ever have them fresh from the garden. I pick my own. I also LOVE sugar snap (snow) peas. YUMMMMMM
My todays favorit is Merdie with the sunglasses.
Nice wooh
Merdie looks cool in those shades. Where are your shades Khyra?
Great to hear about Abby. Thank dogness it's nothing to worry about.
Sam & June
Merdie is sytlin' and profilin'. Lovely walk you took us on once again.
PS...mom says to tell your mom she have a glass of wine with her on FB tonight! She feels better today!
So many lovely flowers! We just love this time of year. Thanks for sharing your bounty with us, Khyra!
That first shot of Merdie is priceless!
We love your glasses Merdie. You look so cool..
Khyra maybe someday mom will let you free to chase those nasty squirrels.. Have a great weekend...
Big sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
GREAT pics! Cool shades!
Merdie looks good in shades.
Glad Abby is okay.
Merdie! You look greawt in those sunglasses!!!
Khyra-you look so sad with Merdie gone! Cheer up!
Love all the flowers....you have lots of good stuff to smell on your walks!
Green beans? Bummer - we thought they were yummier oonies!
Mom has never heard of a pink poodle tree before! How pretty!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I am sure Mango will be drooling major suds after watching that video!
We have never hear of a Poodle Tree. It is really pretty!
Emma Rose
Oh, Merdie! You're just one of the coolest Goldens in the whole wide world!! I'm not sure abouts those green beans, though. They don't look like meat. Or cheese.
Wiggles & Wags,
Merdie is quite the fashionista!
Great news about Abby! Yay!
Khyra, you always see such pretty flowers on your walks. I wish I could come visit Khamp Khyra and go walking with you!
Vegetables are very good for u. :)
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi! I've been watching you and Merdie on YouTube and wow does she ever look like my new sis Libby! Any they tried to tell us she was another Border Collie! Naw! She's just a real tenderhearted soft-furred Golden Retriever or at least mixed with one.
Merdie in sunglasses!!! BOL I just knew I had to stop by your blog today (chuckles).
What pretty views you have on your walkies :) And Merdie, you are furry stylish!
I'm #56. Peace.
Hi Khyra! We know you are sad Merdie is gone but we are sure it won't be too long til she is back! And she looked cool in those glasses!!
Merdie looks so stylish!
Glad she likes the green beans!
Glad to know about Abby!
Kisses and hugs
Loving the shades.
Such pretty pictures.
Good news about Cousin Abby! Merdie is stylin' in her sunglasses there.
I think someday I might just have to try this mystical green bean thing!
I hate seeing you so sad..cousin mewdie will come back soon and meantime you can catch mowe of that high wiwe act and tell hew about it when she comes back..it sound like she was getting soopew goowmay food at youw camp..i bet she misses you too.
Those flowews awe fantaboolous!!!
smoochie kisses
I am guessing you are blaming Abby's khondition on the heat?? green beans are quite delicious and make the most wonderful fragrances.
Good news about Cousin Abby -- and Merdie looks ab-fab in her Bono sunglasses!
Be still my heart...Merdie, you are a super model!
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