Thank Woo EvFURRYone fur pawmitting me to find this in my mail box Saturday AM

What an honour given the other blogs that had been nominated - even I didn't vote fur me!

Here is the one we neglekhted to inkhlude yesterday

Merdie just chillin'

Mom snagged this with the khrakhkberry the other night - no one is getting in my door without me knowing!
I'm going to let share some flower pikhs Mom took on Thursday



The hills woo see in the bakhkground - and pawtikhularly the ones woo see on the right side of the pikh are my usual view from the bakhkyard - this place is like three minutes or so from the house via Xterra

Mom was taken by all the purples and pinks




The Xterra is/was Hagerstown bound today - all depends when woo read this - Mom has four khute puppies to help get North - reports from their Saturday drivers say khute khute khute AND khute! She'll share her tales here tomorrow!
Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Khongrats!!! There was some heavy competition this month!!!
We were hoping to see more froggie-doggie photos, but these ones are cute too!
Did you sees where Buttons woz laying in front of the door like that to keep hers mom IN? I bet you would be much harder to move out of the ways!
You make some great weather stripping for your doorway, hm?\
Misty the alpha Poodle
Congrats on your award Khyra! Are you keeping someone out or someone in by laying in front of the door?
We liked all the purrty flowers too! But of course they aren't as purrty as you and Merdie!
Congratulations on your award pretty one! You deserve it.look at all the BEAUTIFUL posies.........we know that the Becker pup would love tohelp plant them for you!
Big Hugz, Nancy, G-dog and lil Becky
Congrats on your award Khyra. Lovely flower pics too!
Dear Kyra,
Thanks for dropping by to Autumn's blog. I'm glad to know that people has been supporting me. I hope you can continue to support Autumn & Jasmine from now on.
Enjoy your Sunday and be happy always!
Autumn & Jasmine's Mom
Hey what a great protector you are!! We are very impressed!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Some beautiful flower pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Well someone is wanting some purple flowers I guess!
(Oh, btw, I voted for you :)
Congratulations on the award; you guys are awesome!...So many lovely blooms and we always enjoy Khyra/Merdie photos!...Safe transport trip sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hi khyra!
Kongrats on your award!!!
Wow! The flowers are brilliantly beautiful!
Have a super Sunday! Hi to merdie!!
Hi Khyra, congratulations on the Awesome Blog Award - that is certainly something to be proud of.
You so deserve it.
Lovely pics of you and Merdie - loved the flowers - our mum has been planting petunias in her containers this weekend and they are pink and purple however we will never match that display!!!!
Truly beautiful.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Good luck to mom on her transport.
WHat great pics!
Hi Khyra - oh, congratulations to you on your award, so well deserved.
Hey, we simply adore that first photo of you and Merdie - Khyra, you look so happy!
FH really loved the purple flower shots, beautiful.
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
You truly deserve the award! Well done. The flowers are beautiful as are you and Merdie.
The purple and pink flowers are just lovely!
We've been getting thunderstorms today after a very hot day yesterday. I had a super wet look when I got back from my run this morning (as did #1 but she says that somehow, it never looks as good on her...).
Congratulations on the award!
That sure is a truckload of flowers!
We hope mum got some rest after the trip North.
Congratulations on Awesome Blog - very well deserved!
Congratulations on your awesome Awesome Blog Award - very well-deserved.
Are sitting in front of that door so the Mom doesn't get to go anywhere without you?
Those petunias are so beautiful. Our Momster never has good luck with petunias - they only last a short time and then no more blooms.
Happy transporting.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
knock knock khyra-- it's tuuuula! can i come in? nice noodleloons, merdie!
Congratulations on your award! That is awesome (I'm going to have to loook into this dogs with blogs thing, I'm clueless!)
The Berner likes to lie in front of the door, too. But it's more like "no-ones leaving with out me."
Congratulations on that great award!!
Those flowers are gorgeous! The colors are great!!
We can't wait to see the pictures of khute, khute khute and khute!!! Have a good Sunday and thanks for keeping us company while our Mom was away!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Way to go with the award!!
That's right, Khyra, don't let anyone in that door!
And, thanks to your mom for helping those dogs in need!
The flowers are just gorgeous. Mom is still admiring them, we may never tear her away from your pictures of them.
Congrats on your award.
Congratulations on the award!!! The pictures are great! Love the pretty flowers. Especially love the pictures of Khyra and Merdie!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Congratulations on your award. Very well deserved.
I think you are protecting both the in and out from your house.
We went flower shopping yesterday. Were told to get ones with buds, not flowers. Buds are not very colorful.
I think I posted a story you'll find interesting.
Can't wait to see the khute, khute pups.
Congrats on the Awesome Blog Award...Well deserved!
Hugs for you and Merdie!
Congratulations on the award!
We can't wait to hear about the transport puppies!
Congratulations on your award!! I can't think of anydog more deserving.
We love the purples! Can't wait to see the pups....We love puppies!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Linus
Congrats, honey!
An' way tuh guard that door!
That is a lot of petunias! Wow! They sure are pretty!
Congrats on the award!
We agree, we too were khwite taken with the purples and the pinks on the flower show in today's post. Thank woo soo much for sharing the beauty-ous fhlowers!!! xoxoxo
Congratulations on the award!!!! Great pics. Flowers are very pretty & colorful.
By the way, you make a great doorstop!!! heehee
Congrad's on your award..
Oh what beautiful flowers.. Khyra did they smell as good as they looked?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khongrats on your awesome blog award, what an honor!! Khant wait to see those pups!
So happy for you!!!
PS...will you ride bak to the greenhouse in a few weeks so we can see how the petunias fill in? Gorgeous!
A huge congrats on our well deserved award. Those flowers are very pretty no wonder they caught your mums eye. Safe journey for your mum when she transports the cute cute cute ones.. Hugs GJ xx
I am so glad ur Mom helps the goggies. :) The flowers are very pretty. :)
Pretty Poseys today.
I can't wait to see your Khontest Khontestants !!! I surely do wish that I could catch snacks. Mom says I have no Eye Mouth coordination... whatever that means.
Those are some pretty flowers! Mom loves those colors. I think I'm finally getting caught up with everyone today. Mom was super busy last week and I didn't get to visit anyone. Not cool, Mom!
Happy Sunday to two pretty girls!
Your pal,
Congrats on your award!
And what beautiful flowers!
Hope you are having a pawsome weekend!
Such pretty purple flowers!!
CONGRATS on your most wonderful award Khyra!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Beautiful flowers!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Such beautiful flowers...and your view from your home is lovely too.
It is nice to see pix of you and cousin Merdie chilling and hanging out.
Congrats on the award, we haven't looked in DWB's for a while so didn't know you were nominated. You would have had our vote had we looked though!
Our human must go and check out the forum once she has caught up with our friends in blog land again.
Have a great week, we hope todays transport goes well! :)
CONGRATS~~It is so very well deserved!!! The flowers sure are pretty and I think that you and Merdie would be pretty laying in and around them too!! I hope you're having a good Sunday!!
Congrats on a great award - very well deserved!
Loved all those flowers as well!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Congrats K! You do have a pawsome blog.
Can't wait to see the puppy pics!! Those flowers are so pretty! Petunias?
Congrats Khyra! You deserve it :D
your pal,
Hi Khyra,
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on the pawtastic award!
The flowers are very purdy too. Thanks for sharing.
Those flowers are most beautiful! Congrats on yet another well deserved award too.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Beautiful flowers! Have a safe and successful transport!
I hope you had a very happy sunday, Khyra and Merdie!
Very well deserved Awesome Blog Award!
All those flowers are sooo beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
Congratualtions on your AWARD Khyra.
Nice job.
All of your pretty pink and purple flowers are so gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing.
And of course thank you for the awsome photo of Merdie,
I think your laying by the door, so that you can be the first one out.
Wooo, what pretty posies! I love purple flowers! Congrats on your blog award - I must say, yours is furry impressive & deserving of reckhognition!
Miss Moo
You might not have voted for you, but we did. :-)
Congratulations on your BIG award, Khyra! You so very much deserve it! I'm just wiggling with happiness all over for you!
I luved looking at all those pretty flowers. Thank you for showing them to us!
Wiggles & Wags,
Khongrats on your pawesome blog award Khyra!! You so deserve it!!
What beautiful flowers!
Congrats for the award.
Ooooohhhh the flowers are gorgeous.
Way to protect your home, Khyra! Congrats on your award.:)
Teddy Bear
Congratulations on your awesome blog award win, Khyra! You truly do have one awesome blog!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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