Thanks Khyra
Once again, Rocky is being seen - but has not been snagged yet - the group of rescuers and resources continues to grow - and a reward fund has been established -
To say there was a constant exchange of emails and ideas on Thursday would be the understatement to end all understatements - kind of like Khyra's tail is phloofy!
Feeding stations were established - some 'traps' are being set - with volunteers being recruited to watch and staff them - FB friends have shared info - one of them forwarded the situation to a Malamute friend of hers - WELL, SMALL WORLD AND ALL, it turns out that friend manages an apartment complex on one of the streets Rocky has been seen on - THANKS PATTY for sending it along!
Plans are in place to possibly even get Mikey and Sam out to help since they had travelled together - Marcie is a bit further away plus she kept her distance from her fellow passengers - although Rocky REALLY REALLY did want to share the front seat with her -
I've been wrestling and pondering over the past 24 hours with going there too - he may still recognise The Xterra - I'd hope he'd still recognise my voice given the 70 of 75 miles of constant petting whilst being kissed - PLUS, the vehicle still has the towels and sheet with his/their smells on them - NOTE TO SELF: SEE, THERE WAS A REASON YOU DIDN'T POP THEM IN THE WASH YET - and I'd like to think Khyra could look enough like Sam to catch Rocky's eye -
As of this writing/posting, I'm fairly sure the two of us will hit the road Friday after the Harrisburg afternoon/early evening rush hour - Google Maps shows 190 miles to the B&N - with 3hours28minutes travel time - which is consistent with the 3-1/2 hours I've been saying it would be -
Of course, I'd like it all to be a moot point with him being recovered before then BUT I do believe we will hit the road for the wilds of New Jersey!
Once again, thanks very very much for the support, suggestions, and understanding!
Now I'll turn it back over to Khyra
I will even share your skEYE pikhs from the week

Good luck & safe travels!
Paws crossed for Rocky! Be safe on your journey!
Travel safely and know you carry with you all our prayers and energy and hope! Khyra, we know you and mom will be the spark...you have the good luck charm, after all. Rocky WILL be found! It is amazing to witness how one scared little pup has pulled so much of the world together to bring him home. Makes me proud of all of us!
Oh we have the power of the paw going to bring Rocky home! Phyll, you are truly incredible and we hope Rocky is found before you leave but if not, it is so wonderful that you are going to go help look for him! He'll certainly remember you after receiving all your love! Safe travels and we send purrs and crossing paws that you find him!
Rocky come back....it must be scary living on the streets.
Hi Khyra and mom
Even though we are here in Oregon, we are passing all the news from you - onto friends and bloggie people over in your part of the world. I told Jan at Ignite also- in case she has friends who have friends.
We keep our paws crossed constantly for Rocky and the searchers and now for you too when you head out onto the road.
We are with you.
What awsome sky shots!
Stumpy's paws were crossed for Rocky in today's post!
I'm soooooo sure Rocky is going to save you a trip to NJ and allow himself to be snagged by norning!
Hi Khyra!
We'll keep praying for Rocky!
Have a safe journey!
Khute tongue!!
I know Rocky will be okay. :)
Good luck and have a safe trip! Your crossed paws pic is cute.
I also hope it is Rocky that is being seen and not some other pup! Good luck on your trip!
Hopyfully he will come to the bait soon enough!!!
Paws still crossed in Alaska for the safe return of Rocky! Good luck everyone, something positive is bound to happen. xoxo
Maybe we should pose a reward to find Rocky. I would participate with 10$. Good luck.
Nice woooh
LOVE the pic of you sleeping with you tongue out!!!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Wishing you guys a safe, successful trip...Khyra, your Mom is an angel on earth for animals=blessings to all of you and best of luck in finding sweet Rocky...kisses sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We surely hope that all goes well! Please travel safely and we will pray and purr for Rocky!!
We are sorry we are so out of the loop. We had to rush little Reye to the vet on Tuesday. She is better now ... but it was scary.
Will email you.
PS: Monty says Hi Khyra!
Today has to be the day!!! We've still got our paws crossed for Rocky! Khyra, Uncle Bey Bey sleeps with his tongue sticking out too.:)
Teddy Bear
paws crossed for rocky to be found asap!!
moi like yr last photo. cutenesss!!
I'm puttin' my big ol' paws together for Rocky, Khyra..and that he'll be found and brought to his forever home safely! Go, Xterra, go!
My dear puppy, you have the paw cross dow to an art!
Paws crossed for Rocky!
And that's such a cute pic of you sleeping with your tongue out!
Safe travels and best of luck today. Rocky will be forever grateful once he realizes how great his forever home is.
Good luck! Paws crossed that today will be the day xxx
All paws crossed that Rocky is found before you have to hit the road - but if you do, be careful - we think Rocky would remember you and trust as well.
Nice paw crossing on your part, Khyra.
It is fun to watch the sky shots and use the imagination to see what they form. The pink tinted ones in the beginning are really nice.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I am so happy that they are still seeing him. He is quite distinctive so I am optimistic that these sightings are for real (because I know humans can be confused from one doggie to the next). We are thinking of him.
Have a safe journey! Paws still crossed for Rocky.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hope you have a safe trip today and that Rocky sees the Xterra as a safe haven and comes running to you!
So close! I am crossing every thing I have that today's the day!
Why are you sticking your tongue out at your momma, Khyra?
Khyra, we were really hoping to read that Rocky had been found. At least you know where to look! You and your Mommy will find him....we just know it! Safe travels! Good luck! We are purring very hard for all of you!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Khyra- that's not lady-like, sticking your tongue out (while woo sleep?) Rocky is a FURRY lucky doggie 2 have sooo many beans AND Lady MFT trying to use efurry thing include the FLOOF to entice him. ROCKY pulllease! let today be the day..
Norwood's mommie had a dream that i met Rocky & we played bitey face. maybe that's a sign.. or she's got nothing bettah to dream about..just sayin.
Oh, i got loose yestahday myself.. apartment door blew open from the t-storm. mom didn't know i snuck out & roamed the hallways. yikes!
Woos Khyra~ May the power of the paw bring this adventure of Rocky's to a safe and happy ending today!
Have a Truly Blessed Day and be safe.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra and Mom...we hope you do not have to go, but if you do, perhaps Rocky will remember the safety and love he found in the Xhterra and be drawn to it.
Rocky is in our thoughts and prayers! I hope he is found safe and sound.... Hey, did you know your tongue is sticking out? Just thought I would tell you....Have a fun filled weekend!
I hope and pray that Rocky is captured.
Sure hope Rocky's found soon!! I bet Khyra could entice him back :)
Love the Skeye pic! It's gorgeous!
Holly has her paws crossed for the safe return of Rocky. Please be safe on your trip. I'm sending lots of prayers and good vibes your way. Rocky please come back!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
I'm glad peoples have seen him and that there are so many who are giving their time to helps him. I just KNOW everything is gonna be okay soon. Please be safe on your trip, 'kay?
Wiggles & Wags,
Khyra looks pooped just thinking about it! Or, maybe she's just resting up for the mission. We're still sending Sibe vibes, prayers, and hope to hear the good news that he's been recovered soon. I'm sure MFT can entice him out of hiding with her winsome ways.
God bless all the rescuers & keep everyone safe.
Jack & Moo Mom
Our paws are crossed for Rocky's safe return. Such a sad thing. Glad you guys are on the case.
Please have a safe journey. We do hope that Rocky will be recovered soon. Paws crossed.
Sam & June
Paws crossed here for Rocky - we hope he is found soon!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Ms. MFT Mom, Paws are khrosseed her like khrazy. we are aching. we're wishing you to "break a paw" in your journey to help find him!
pantyloons! and jodhpurs!
wild dingo
we hope there won't be a need for you to go, but if there still is, we wish you a safe and uneventful journey. Be safe!
We're thinking of you and the efforts to find Rocky. We are checking in on FB regularly. All paws crossed!
We are rooting for Rocky! Good luck!
We hope Rocky knows how many people are trying to find him. Have a safe journey.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Okay...this is probably out of the box. But would a dog trained to do search and rescue be able to help out?
Drive careful!! We are so hoping that Rocky is safe and sound by the time you get there!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Safe travel. A mission from on high!
Surely Rocky will be found soon! He has so many out looking for him, crossed paws for him and purrs going for him!!! And speaking of purrs, we will continue with ours!!!
Hope Rocky is back safe and sound soon!
I would so love to help! I wish we were closer!
Mom you are right to go. Rocky will possible recognize you and come running. We have our paws crossed. Have a super safe trip...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Our paws remain crossed for Rocky! We just know he'll be found!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Best of Luck, Khyra-Mummy on your venture. Take care and keep safe. we are all waiting and hoping for REAL GOOD NEWS about Rocky.
Prayers for him to be safe too.
Bud n gin
ps:your panoramic shot is lovely!
Power of the paw! We are sending lots from all 4 of us (kittehs too) so that Rocky is found soon!
Oh wow. We are tearful. Such a huge effort for this super pal, that has so much love waiting for him...if he would only surface! All the luring suggestions are great, and we do hope you can find yourselves there, yet also hope Rocky is found SOON!! :)
Power of the paws at work!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Paws crossed for you to find Rocky soon!
Geez Khyra.....we sure hope that Rocky is found soon....hope yer Mom didn't have ta make the trip all the way ta New Jersey.....we're crossin' our paws....
Dewey Dewster here....
We were hoping he would be back in custody by now. :-(
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