
Khyra's Mom here - I wanted to share a story from our lokhal television station that aired Friday evening - I did share it on FB so you might have already seen it - BUT if not, please check it out BUT BE WARNED - you will need tissues - I know from time to time, some of you say you aren't in the right mindset or place to view stories I give a warning to - PLEASE watch this one for Ike - and for the special humans that sent him off with the proper acknowledgement of his contributions to his passion - please click the RIP IKE for it
and then please check out the awesome story from our local paper - they also did a short video in addition to the article - WELL DONE ALL!
I'll finish this out for Khyra - she's napping after working on her horticulture skills - my transport leg for today is/was Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA - five passengers arrive in MD but four are set to depart in The Xterra - that is because Missy - one of the pups from my last pup run - will be meeting her furever family in Hagerstown - I get to officially turn her over to them! Her brother Mikey will continue along with three awesome passengers - I have links for two of them - ROCKY and MARCIE - so I'll tease you with them - I also have another Sibe named Sam but I don't have a link for her but she's a beauty as well!
BTW, we can't help but notice Rocky's striking resemblance to this special birthday gal from Master Chew Sits
Khyra says thank you again for the nice comments - and wanted me to remind all the commenters you'll be entered in the drawing for The Paw It Furward transport 'thingie'
Have a great Sunday!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Love your phloof bush. i think I can manage one this spring too. Purrs to Asta and her mom!
Woos! Your phloof bush is brilliant! I bet those would grow here in RI as well! And that pink feather tree-awesome! Do woo think woo can move in on that big bird? Be careful, looks like a big sharp bill! We'll check out the links in a bit, mom's been leaking over everything lately, so she may wait till a "better" moment. Paws crossed your mom has another fabulous transport weekend!
jack a-roo & miss moo
That floof bush it turning out SO nicely! I am in envy that we can't grow one here!
We love your photos Khyra=cool phloof bush and the adorable expression on your face in those pictures is awesome!...We especially love the last photo=you are a very silly girl!!...Happy, safe transport friends...kisses x3 beautiful girl...Calle, Halle, Sukki
hey Khyra woo can get lots of starter kits off that floofbush- wowieee! just don't send one to Norweed- he's not ready.
kome to think of it. maybe rocky has a starter kit too:) tell your mom to swing by the partee.. it's rockin' get it, to the break of dawn. still have sum tulahula dancing to do. yep yep.
kissies, (to merdie too)
I too must wait a bit, I just cannot bear another sad story and always wish animals did not have to endure the things they do.... but I know in my heart that all animals go straight to Heaven.... so thankful and celebrate all who love and cherish their four-footers....Happy transport Khyra Mom!!! And best wishes to the lucky passengers. xoxoxo
Hi, Khyra!
That orange juice and champagne tree looks like it has lots of little lights!
But sure, your phloof bush is awesome!
I did not know you had "fluff" skills!
I hope your mom has a pawesome transport today!
Kisses and hugs
Beautiful tree and flowers for Asta and mom.
Love your floof bush - we might take a cutting.
Have a good transport day mom.
Martha and Bailey xxx
We know the birds will love the phloff bush. We think we could grow them here in Virginia too - we have plenty of phloofies!!
Safe travels to your sweet Mom today.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We should try to grow phloof bushes here, too, because we think the environment is right here. Must be some here because the bird nests are all lined in it.
Thunder sends his wishes for more success with your phloof bush than he had with his stuffie bush. It looks like you are well on your way to a furry good growth:)
Nice tribute to Ike, after so many years of outstanding service.
Safe travels.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woof! Woof! I do like your furry bush. Have a wonderful Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
You had a great egret in your yard (well not technically your yard but close enough)! That is way too cool!!!!
What a great phloof bush Khyra! The birdies in your neighborood are very lucky to have you live nearby. Thank your mom for doing what she is doing!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Maybe we should just put a big old bow around Rocky and send him up here. Yuh, I bet Tula would be most exercised over that.
Hey! Momma would not let me watch the movie. She said she is too fragile to even be happy sad like she gets watching about brave dogs. Sob. Oh well...
Nice floof bush. I knew I should have planted to bag o' floof you sent me.
Ooo... I couldn't get passed the pink feathers!!!! They certainly were beautiful... but part of me wonders what the story would have been if they actually were feathers..... BOL!
Here in Wiscowsin we make phloof nests for all the little birdies. The bunnies also take advantage of the off phloof. Unfortunately I think we also make life very comfortable for many many mice and moles too.
Ah, well... all goDs creatures, right?
We love mimosas, the lady across the street has one and we gaze at it with envy. Daddy said maybe he will plant one next year.
The floof bush looks as if it is thriving.
Will the phfloof bush be available commercially, or are you taking special orders?
I love the decorated bush!!!
The story of Ike was a bit too much for me. I've been feeling a bit shaky about dogs and death lately since it's been just about a year since we lost our very well-loved S.
I hope that the transport goes smoothly! I know that I've said it before - but you're a saint and I thank you!
Hey I have one of those OJ & Champ. trees too. Mom calls it the Mimosa. I see your Khyra Bush is is Full Floof also. I am sure it smells Lovely.
Oooh I love the idea of a floof bush! I bet it's going to get really, really floofy this summer!
Happy Sunday!
Run fast and bite hard,forever, Ike!
You need to drop Rocky off at Tula's house. You have just enough time to get him there for Tula's birthday.
The phloof bush is amazing, but i think I'll pass. We got all the phloof we need around here!
Thanks for the story about Ike. Kudos to his fellow officers and others for a nice send off too.
Oh yes, the 'Caninus Furamongus' shrub. That is a very nice plant, that has continuous blooms!
The Ike tribute was very touching.
Have a safe transport.
Hi Khyra,
Wow! Congrats on 900+ posts!!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures of the purdy flowers and your bootiful self. We wish all the doggies well and hope they are happy in their new homes.
RIP Ike- thank you for your serving your community so well.
A phloof bush?!? How clever!!!
We'll be glad to come chase off that birdie, and take a dip in the pond!!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy, and Buddy
I'm sorry that I didn't stop by to woo for your 900th. I'm blaming that on my stupid Human. You know how it goes!
Happy phloofy 902+!
We love your phloof bush! That is very unique!!! Have a very safe trip on the transport and we can't wait to see the dogs. That was a very beautiful tribute to Ike. A neighboring county around here lost a K9 in the last few years by "friendly" fire. It was very sad. The police gathered at the Church and had a ceremony for him which was very beautiful and very deserved. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Khyra, yoor phloof bush is AWESOME!
LOLOL Youre phoof bush is hysterical!!! Thanks for the laughs today. Our mommy cannot click on the IKE story yet. Her eyes get watery too easy especially after Max!!! Hugs,Joey and Kealani
Your the prettiest Khyra, the very prettiest!!! I love your expressions!!!
WE had RAIN yesterday!!!! The first in 14 days. It was 99 degrees than it rained and it went down to 78 degrees. It felt so much better!!!
XXOO, Fern
Yes, definitely tissue time. But how great of the police to show such support for Ike and his partner.
Looks like your bush is thriving, Khyra. Don't let Jan near it or it will die.
Thankhs for tissue story.
We want to grow a phloof bush but may need help from the khat. grrr.
misty the alpha Poodle
I love your Phloof Bush! Did I spell that right? Your Mom is truly an angel, helping all these dogs out!
That is a most impressive phloof bush, Khyra! I wonder if they would grow over here in France...
Wow...we don't have a phloof bush in our garden...probably because Grete woofie is hanging on to all her floof because it's still raining and cool...sigh.
We think it's extra cool that you get to bring a little woofer to their new family directly!
I loooooove the fluffy bush. Where can I get one from? Need to tell that quick to mom, although she can't stop laughing.
Nice woooh
What a wonderful sed off for Ike. He was obviously so loved and they gave him the last gift of letting him go.. Love your fluff bush, thats awesome.. Love also the beautiful trees for Asta. Looks like your mum is getting a special transport today.. Safe journey to her. Hugs GJ xx
Rest in peace to Ike the brave police dog.
Khyra we love your gardening skills. Are you selling those?
Ike will truly be missed. What a great way to send him off.. You did make mom leak though..
Have a great transport with your furry friends...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mmm, floof bushes -- will they grow in California?
Looks like you're mom has been busy bushing.... er, brushing you, huh?
Licks and wags...
I love that dirty photo!
Pee S - I thought I died for a sec. Sheesh!
You're the only one that we know that has a phloof bush, Khyra! You could become rich and famous, ya know!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Your phloof bush is pawesome Khyra! You are a silly girl too!
We'll have to watch the video later. Something happened to the sound on our laptop so we can't hear anything. We still want to watch the videos from you and Merdie at the baseball game. Dang computers - don't they know we have important things to listen to?
What a beautiful pond Khyra. We love the way you decorated your tree.BOL
Benny & Lily
I wonder if we get those kind of floof bushes in Australia.
Wow! A big white bird! Cool!
That phloof bush is furry floofy!
We hope that your mom's transport went safely!
Monty says "Hi Khyra!"
I wonder if I can get one of those floof bushes to grow around here? I've nevfur seen one...
PS. What a wonderful tribute and sendoff to Ike. Mom's eyes are leaking, but it was furry beautiful, too.
Hi Khyra
We wanted to let you know we watched last chance highway yesterday on tv, and we thought of you and your mom.
I love the fluffy bush so much.
We also read the story on brave IKE.
Yes the story touched our hearts.
Your mom is out getting doggies today- right?
Khyra. Your smile in front of your phloof bush is priceless! We love it.
Now we'll go gather tissues and read about Ike. Because you recommended it. We're sure we'll be glad, once Moma's has stopped weeping.
Love and wirey hugs
Jake and Fergi
The Phloof Bush is really lovely and I can't wait to see it in FULL blossom!
Hoping someone finds our little Akita buddy while he is out roaming.
Thanks for the shoutout you guys!
The story of Ike was a sweet one and even though it was sad, it was good to see the officers turn out for this .
Your riders were all gorgeous again!
Until they all have homes . . .
Jo, Stella and ZZZZ
Mommi and I thank you fow those bootifullest flowews..the pawfect colow and champagne too, heheh
what a tweat!
I think maybe youw phloof bush will be the most ooniquely bootiful one in the gawden . I think you should entew it in some pwestigoos gawden show.
I know it would win all the pwizes
smoochie kisses
It's raining Khyra! We love it! We are so sorry to hear about Ike.:(
Teddy Bear
Looks like a great view of the pond and ducks. :)
Hello, beautiful Khyra! I enjoyed the Monday pikhtures of woo and Merdie. Fingers and paws crossed and prayers said that missing doggie Rocky will be safely rescued soon. Happy Summer, Khyra and Merdie!
Your fan,
Those are beautiful blooms and I love your special bush :)
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