I'm going to let Mom paw some stuff fur a bit:
Thanks Khyra!
Since many of you know my thoughts on things happening for reasons, I'm thinking Rocky is teaching all of us so many lessson about pulling together from all over the country - and getting together from the tri-state area (NJ NY PA)
We've all learned a great deal about what to do when this happens going forward - and it will - it is just a fact of life - all you need to do is check the lost and found postings on the various on line sites or the local papers
The value of getting fliers around to the areas where one suspects the missing furson is - contacting vets/animal control/shelters/etc -
One of the most recent sightings of Rocky was WedAM by a father and daughter who saw him in a grocery store parking lot - after trying to get him in the lot, they went into the store, saw the flier, and called - that was valuable information to help with his location -
Amy and Jay had a hunch of where he's possibly hanging around -Jay used Google maps and did an overlay with sightings as well as where he was lost - all of the volunteers out there 'now' are using that to work from -
Many ideas and questions were emailed back and forth much of the Wednesday - one person wanted to know more about where he had been found in NC - in the hopes of getting an idea of how he think -
His foster Debbie shared this:
Rocky was rescued from a main 4 lane hwy...he would be seen walking down the road sometimes....he lived in a field behind a gas station and would go to the station for food...some people would leave food behind the station...he and two friends had made a place in the high weeds to sleep. He was on his own for a long time so he is very street wise....I really believe that he would come to you if you call his name. He is very friendly to everyone but when we got him we let him come to us
All of the search volunteers have been requested to kneel down and lure him with the various treats and foods suggested -
Some were taking their dogs with them as well as squeaky toys -
Wednesday afternoon a new member joined the search group - someone I've actually met in Allentown on a transport - Eddie The NY Dog Guy - hey, it's part of his email address and license plate - he's done search and rescue's in the past and made the following suggestions which Jay set up early Wednesday evening:
Eddie's suggestions:
*Set up several feeding stations where we think he may be. (Jay, can you determine 3 or 4 spots?)
*Buy 50 lbs play sand at Home Depot and make a 3-5 foot section. Squeegie the section to smooth it out. That way, we can see what kind of tracks.
*Put STINKY (Eddie suggests KFC chicken and dog food) food in the center of the section.
*Rub food in the trees around the area. Throw garlic salt around the area, make a trail to it with food.
*Then, we check the stations (probably in the morning, but not too early because sunrise is often when they eat--he said he will probably look for food at sunset and sunrise). We can see what kind of prints are there.
*He may have found a "safe" place to sleep now, but we don't know when he is sleeping.
*When we figure out where he is eating, we focus there, keep feeding him and eventually set a trap. Eddie has a way to set up the trap that can catch even dogs that won't go in them usually. Its worth a try since we have someone who is experienced with using it. He will set up the trap if we can track down where he is eating.We need to organize this together so we only have 3 or 4 stations set up, and someone sets them up at a certain time and checks them in the morning.Tonight, we need to at least figure out the areas and leave food. If we can't set up stations, that's okay, but let's get the food there so that he is bound to go back.
Some of the listmembers wondered about a dog trap/crate - Debbie said he would NOT go near one in the past when they tried - which put me in mind of how they had to catch Chapel as she would not go near one either -
I wanted to share these thing in the event you or a group you know encounters the same thing - it helps to have a Game/Battle Plan of what to do/etc - the power of information - no matter how small helps - as well as sharing via Facebook and the ability to share posts there as well!
I know some of your comments here mention that although you don't live 'there' you know someone that does so you've passed it along or you've posted it on your blogs - it just takes one person to spot him at the correct moment to nail his location and GET HIM HOME!
AND THANKS TO ROTTS 'N PUPS FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE FOR ROCKY - I KNOW IT HAS COME AT QUITE A COST OF TIME ENERGY SWEAT GIVEN THE 90+ DEGREE TEMPS AND MONIES - I am sure if anyone would like to make a donation via their website it would be appreciated - the fliers and such alone are costs they were planning for - I made one Wednesday afternoon because I still wish I could go help but since I can't this was something I could do
I did want to pass along a brief update from Sadie's mom - I had to write her Monday for one last bit of information for her adoption contract - I asked how Sadie was doing:
Sadie is wonderful! She’s seamlessly fitting into our family (and by family, I mean two cats). She’s a sweetheart and already proving to be a good, loving, obedient little girl. We’re so thrilled to have her. Once I catch up with myself and get my pictures uploaded, I’ll shoot some to you (and of course, more as she grows).
I told her that would be very much appreciated since we try to feature pupdates here on Thursday!
Now back to Khyra
Thanks fur understanding my lakhk of khommenting - we'll be bakhk and my tail feeling says it will be furry furry soon!
We're hoping so much that Rocky is found soon! It's very encouraging to have so many wonderful people help look for him and getting calls on his whereabouts. Thanks for all the info too!
If Sadie needs advice on how to live with kitty sisfurs, I can certainly fill her in!
Those are such great suggestions. We will remember but hope we never have to use the. We feel furry hopeful.
Will you do me a favor and send me an e-mail in the morning if he's still loose?
Everyone has come together to put together a great game plan...and thanks for sharing it with all of us who might one day find ourselves in a similar situation (fingers and paws crossed not). We, too, are hopeful that Rocky will be found soon; we continue to send strong positive energy to both searchers and to Rocky.
We are still sending positive vibes and expecting a miracle
We are so impressed with your mom's suggestions. Purrs for Rocky to be located and saved soon. SS is busy with work, so we are not blogging or visiting much.
Might be smart to leave out a big bowl/bucket of water at the feeding stations too! In that heat, he might be more interested in the water than the food. Another food to try is cat food. Dogs LOVE cat food cuz it's nice and fishy stinky.
We will continue to send lots of vibes and prayers for Rocky to be found very soon! Keeping all paws crossed too. Wish we could be there to help in the search.
Another thing to try to get the word out, call the local TV stations and see if any of them are willing to run the story and how so many people are pulling together to help rescue the "rescue" pup. Should help get the word out to even more people who might have seen him, or would be willing to help in the search.
me and asa and mama continue to hope that rocky will be recovered soon, especially with so many hoomans lookin' for him!
the booker man
One thing that I read is that Rocky is "street smart", and while it makes it harder to find him, I feel like he is a little safer.
He is such a beautiful boy!
Wishes and prayers continue!
Jo, Stella and ZKhat
Praying for Rocky. :)
Glad that little Sadie has a new place to live. :)
We wished we could do something concrete for Rocky, but we are so far away. We are crossing all of our paws that e will be fund soon. This is an odd to say but what might work in his favour for survival out there is that he is used to fending for himself. But we just can't wait to see him with his family!
We were so hoping there would be good news here this morning. But with that army of helpers, something good has to happen soon.
Once he is found - and he WILL be found - his owners are going to need one supersized security system to keep him home.
Paws crossed.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Our paws are in a knot for Rocky.
Poor Rocky, at least he is street wise so he has a good chance of surviving his time alone, but (sigh) it probably makes it harder to catch him. We are purring he is reunited with his forever family soon and never runs away again. ~AFSS
Woos! we hope and pray that Rocky is found soon, yours is the first blog we visited to check. I wish we could do more.
We are praying that Rocky is found and gets to his new home. Since he is street smart, he probably will adapt at being out there quickly and not get in trouble. I sure hope he is found. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
What wonderful info!! We are bookmarking it in hope that we never need it...but "just in case".
Our paws are crossed and Mama is keeping the prayers going for Rocky's safe return soon!!
Beth, Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
A lot of good information for tracking a lost animal...Good luck to Rocky and we are purring for his safe return to his loving new family...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Good information. Sounds like there are some good folks helping with the search.
Oh Rocky. My heart breaks into pieces every day that you're by yourself and not in a home, safe and loved. Please, please, please lets those nice peoples help you.
Wiggles & Wags,
We will keep purring for Rocky to be found...and soon!
Wow! Those are some wonderful ideas/suggestions! I'll keep my paws crossed!
PS: Did you request to become my FB furiend?
We're sure Rocky will be back with his new family any day now!
so sad about Rocky!
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