
We suggest woo hit
THIS LINK HERE AND LET IT PLAY as woo stroll through the rest of the post!

Flowers from Wednesday's Walk


We LOVED the kholour - akhtually, Mom pawed that but woo get the idea








Did I hear SKHWEES???

From Wednesday evening's walk - the view ovFUR The Khlub's parking lot

More Wednesday evening as we were in sight of Khat Khorner

A panaroma shot from last Friday night and
HERE IS THE LINK TO THIS WEEK'S PHOTOBUKHKET of Sky and Stuff pikhs - I must say, she got some pretty good stuffs to share - almost all of them happened Friday and Saturday evenings - some were with the Khrakhkberry since she wanted to send them to some furiends whilst she was out with the flashie beastie
This is my 900th post - hard to believe that on 9/20/07, this day would khome but it has! So much has happened to our world and to us during all those days and nights - I've lost furiends to The Rainbow Bridge - I've lost furiends fur reasons I do not know - AND I've made sooooo many great ones!
As part of my #900 Post Celebration, I'm going to fulfill my Paw It Furward fur THIS HANDSOME FELLA in Blast Furnace Land - Khousin Merdie and I indikhated we would do so BUT ours would be transport related - was that okay with him and The TG? We also asked our 'stuffs' be donated to a shelter or reskhue they supported - which they did!
EvFURRYone that khomments today, tomorrow, and Sunday will be entered in a pawing - akhtually, I think we'll use one of those number generator thingies - one khommenter from EACH of the three days will have the opportunity to dekhlare someone or some pup/khytty they want a transport to be in honour of/dedikhated to!
What better way to PAW IT FURWARD than to get lots of paws furward to their great furever homes like we have!?!?!?!?!
Once again, thanks fur your support and fur khoming by Khyra's Khorner whenever woo khan!
We khouldn't do it without all of WOO!
Khyra and Khyra's Mom
Khongratulations on your 900th post, on your khool khlose ups, the khool party musikh and for teaching us all to speakh Khyra.
Misty the alpha Poodle
That's a lot of posts, Khyra. Congrats on reaching 900.
We like your method of paying it forward.It's neat.
Concats on 900 posts! Fabulous. Another fabulous thing is your pictures. So cute.
Khongrahtlulations on post 900!
You have the most lovely eyes, Miss Khyra! I'll bet you get whatever you want with them!
We just love all the close up shots of you.:)
Teddy Bear
Great paw it forward idea. Best wishes for 900 more!
Khongratulations to woo, woo fluffy-tailed brown-eyed khutie! Those are some great shots - some fun music that got mom's feety-feets dancin! What a wonderful paw-it-furward plan, too. Brains, beawooty, and brilliance all in one furry package - that's woo, MFT! Woo go girl!
jack a-roo & miss moo (who is furry much looking furward to meeting woo!)
900 Posts????? Oh. My. Dog. That's a mighty fine #!!! Love those eyes, MFT!!! Gorgeous browns against your beautious white furs. Goodness...so much here - from "Celebration" to Jack Daddy's PIF! What a great way to paw it! You got taste, guts and glory, dear one! And love.....
Big Hugs xoxoxo
What absolutely beautiful pictures! Congrats on your 900th post!
Congrats on 900! That's a big 'ol number....now how about 1000?? O.o
Love the adorable Khyra face pictures and I must say your feet are just irresistible! Love the tiny nails and all the floof!
I had to look and see who the handsome fellow was and it was ME! :)
I'm so happy that you're going to do the rescue PIF! :)
Khongratulations on your 900th post Khyra! Yes, you did hear skhwees from us! We love your PIF idea too!
Congrats on your 900th post!!! Boy time flys doesnt it? I love the up close and personal pics of Khyra!!!! Gorgeous!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Cool. You helped me learn something new. After I read this post, I was wondering if you could include just the audio from aYouTube video and I found a website that showed me how to do it!
Thank you!
The close up snooter pictures are so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good job my friend!!!!! Many purrs for you!!
Dear MFT,
I love your eyelashes.
WOW! 900 posts is AWESOME! And yes, yoo did hear SKHWEES!!!!
Happy 900, Khyra! We love all of your snooter pictures and mom is in love with the clematis! What a gorgeous color!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What a cool idea as an alternative to the Paw it Forward.
We are such lucky dogs and have all that we need so we like to remember other dogs that are not so lucky and support the rescues.
We listened to the music - our mum loves that song and was tapping her feet!
We loved your pics today - nice that you are taking time to see all the good things and smell the flowers and the grass.
Martha and Bailey xxx
KHONGRATS on your 900th post, Khyra!!!!!!
As for the photos today, SWOOOOOOOOOOON!
Looks like life is good! Beautiful pictures and what a pretty girl you are. I wish all the dogs could be as lucky as us.
Nice eye and snooter and paw and sky shots, but we love that first pic so much. Congrats on #900 - awesome work. And what a great way to "celebrate"!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We love pictures of you and yes you heard SKHWEES from us.
We love the clematis. It is so pretty. The Mom wants to get one for our garden.
Congrats on 900 post and what a lovely idea for paying it forward.
Congratulations on your 900th post! What a great way to PiF too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Congratulations on your 900th post!! We just love the close up pics of you in the grass - you are such a beautiful girl :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Congratulations on #900!!!! Love all the close up shots especially the very first one! And that clematis is so beautiful!
Happy 900 post day! that's a great song to honor the occasion. Your Paw It Forward plan is the best EVAH! Lovely close ups, there's nothing that compares to a smilin' Sibe.
Mom took some great skyshots this week!
Celebrate good times come on!
CONGRATS Miss Khyra on # 900 and thanks fur being such a wonderful friend!
900 sugars,
Wooos Khyra!
Khongrats on woo 900th(!) post!
We love the way woo play pay it forward! We hope fur many more posts fur years to come, and we will be here to watching and loving all of woo!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Those are some gorgeous Khyra photos! I love the first one, with the green grass in the background. Then, the later ones... I've been missing my Yellow Lab, S, a lot lately. One small thing that I always adored was his blond eye lashes which flashed in the sun. So, I really noticed Khyra's lashes - they are beautiful!
Khyra....you are such a beautiful woofie!!!! Such pretty eyes!
Love your pictures, Khyra!!
900 Posts. You are an inspiration to us all!!! It is just one example of how you LIVE your COMMITTMENT to the Transports and your blog.
May you have 900 more posts, without losing one single furend.
Hi Khyra!
Khute khlose ups!!
Looking forward to your 1000th!!
super duper khyra :D
the 900th post was asome :)
we love you blog and post more :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Congratulations on your 900th post, that is such a huge accomplishment!!...Gorgeous Khyra closeups, beautiful flowers, lovely sky=a great way to start the day!...Happy weekend sweet friends...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Big Congratulations on 900 posts! We are still working on our first 100 here, and have not yet found our direction.
Great song, but it didn't open in a different window for me. Still, I came back!
Love your paw it forward celebration idea.
Great post..love the flowers, love the song, love Khyra's cute close ups! PAWESOME!
Those are all lovely pictures of you, but we love the first eye picture the best. Meowm "squeed" over all of them! And she likes that color on that flower too!
Concatulations on 900 posts!!!!!
Wow congratulations on all those posts.. Its a fabulous thing you are doing for paw it forward. Khyra I just love those close ups.. Magical.. Hugs GJ xx
Love your close ups Khyra
Khongrats Khyra and mom on woos' 900th posts! We are so glad to be your friends!
That's such a great paw-it-forward thing to do!
Sam & June
Hooray for u! 900 posts are a lot. Here's to many happy returns. :)
CONGRATULATIONS KHYRA! What a Pawsome achievement!
we would like you to know that we are you furever furiend and love you. and we, like always, enjoyed going through the post and looking at your flowers.
carry on the good work, Khyra's Mummy dear, Doggy world needs pawple like you.
gin n bud n Mummy
HAPPY 900 POSTS!!! YAY! :)
i liked all your close ups. you are a pretty lady, miss khyra! my mama wants to give you kisses on your schnoz!
the booker man
Wow, 900 is a lots of posts!!! I love the closeup pics of you, Khyra! You look so cute and fluffy! Thanks for coming to visit my blog. Tell your mom, no, we didn't go to any wineries in Maine, but we did have wine with dinner (except for Sunday night when we had sparkling wine as a little celebration for the Blackhawks being the Sharks). It was a fantastic trip, though, and it's definitely a place to go back to. :)
Oh, Khyra! What a Most Marvelous and Thoughful way to celebrates your 900th postie!
I luved all those Most Beautiful close-ups of you and yes, both me and my mom skhweed!
Wiggles & Wags,
Holy cows belles 900 posts, that is just remarkable. I looooves that furst close up....my what BIG eyes you haves...hehehehe
I thinks your idea of PIF is most wonderful and genuine and a perfect idea.
Puddles....going to CELEBRATE...hey come on....it's time
Thank you again for sharing. Soooooo many pictures, so many stories so many infos. Wonderful
Nice woooh
Congrad's on your 900th post. We are so proud of you. You are right we have met lots of friends and lost many too. But they all touched our hearts in one way or another.. Keep up the good work.. What a great idea to have a paw contest..
Khyra we love all the Sibe parts. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Pretty skies, pretty Khyras AND 900th post...
Life is good!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Congrats! So how long does it take on to get to 900 WOW!
Did you say 900!!!! Wow...that's alot of posts. Congrats.
I love your close up photos!! You are very perty.
Hi Khyra,
I can't imagine getting to 900 posts. I hope to live that long!!!
You and Mom have done a wonderful job!!!!!
Well we had another HOT day!! We got up to 101 degrees. No rain!!!
No change is expected for tomorrow!!
XXOO, Fern
900 - wow, what an accomplishment and some fabulous pictures and music to go with it!
Yeah 900! You go, Khyra!
Happy 900 Khyra!
Happy 900 posts, Khyra! Those are some very khool photos! I like the second one from the top because I can see beau-woo-tiful Khyra!
Khyra, Khyra...
900 POSTS? Lacie's voice turns even screechier than usual...
That totally rocks!!!!! OMD...so many totally Khool things you've shown us and inviting us into the world of transport and birdies nesting and floofy tails!!
Speaking of tails...mm, BTW...you didn't paw a khomment on Joey's bloggie that was IN SIN U ATEING that my butt and Tanner's might be about the same size?? AS IF...Tanner's is not nearly as muscular, DA!
We put that first pic of ya on our desktop...my your eyes are brown, Khyra. Khontacts?
I'm just sayin'....
Lacie Khakes
WOW!!!!!!! 900th post!!!! Khonkhats. Love, LOve, LOVE your closeups. My SS is a little incoherent, but I think she wants to look for a dog like you. Oh NOSSSS!
Congratulations on your 900th post!
Have a nice weekend!
PS. I LOVE your pictures...They make me smile :)
Congratulations on your 900th post! You sure do have lots of pretty pictures to look at! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Congrats!!! Beautiful as always!
Happy 900. dear friend! You so enrich the world, blogland and each of us everyday with your stories, photos, actions, and friendship!May you have another 9000000 posts each as full of love, giving and friendship as the last 900 have been...congratulations on this milestone. We love your Paw It Forward idea and have a surprise for YOU...Quinn, mom, dad, and I have each donated 900 pennies to Tails of the Tundra in YOUR name.
Happy 900 Khyra
You and your mom have made this a better world because of all that you do.
You certainly have made our world better.
Thank you for the awsome sky shots.
They always make us feel hopeful in this big world of ours
HaRoooo Lady Khyra and her Maw!
Dat is a pawsome milepost woo has reached wid your 900th post! Paws up to woo!!!!
Woo shure did a lot of sharing today. Furry cool pics!
And a pawsome idea to paw it furwurd. Woo two is furry special gals!
Husky kisses,
Woo there Pretti Girl~
What an akhomplishment to reach 900 posts!! Only 100 more to 1,000!!! Khan't wait to see the celebration for that one!! I'm furri proud of woo and your Mom for all the good work that woo do. Keep it furri my Pretti Girl.
PeeEss Woo: Love, Love, LOVE the khlose up pics of my girl!!
900? thats awesome. Will you have a celebration at 1000?
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