As I type this, there are people looking for him (11pm) and more will head out when daylight returns - he's very friendly - loves people and balls - some may be intimidated by his 70# Akita'ness but trust me: he is sweet and loving. I can still smell him from our time together and all the kisses he gave me.
He was microchipped so that has been reported to the various resources - he's also being reported to the various groups 'out there' for lost pets
This coincides with the same day that Laska got away last year (Father's Day) so we are thinking good thoughts for a speedy recovery for Rocky
I'm not changing the post we had in place to post at 12mn - in fact, I'm going to make this public now
If anyone has info, please leave a comment here or email me - I check often - I can also provide phone numbers as well

Prior to turning this ovFUR to Mom, I wanted to thank evFURRYone fur the pawesome khomments left as part of my Paw It Furward Posts #900, #901, and #902!
I expekht we'll announce the lukhky khomments on Winner Wednesday!
I will be bakhk on Tuesday with some furry exciting telling - inkhluding the story of this fella
Thanks Khyra for the use of The Xterra so the following special passengers could all spend Sunday night in their FUREVER HOMES!!!

A) Marcie would give up shotgun OR let him curl up with her;
B) I would let him drive;
C) He could fit on my lap
I lost count how many times I told him he was handsome

I think Lois - the driver for Harrisburg to Allentown - put it best when she said 'no one can tell me these are throwaway pets' as she was giving them water for their next leg on their journery to FUREVER happiness!
I know five families in agreement as of Sunday afternoon!
Here is the link for the Photobucket slideshow of pics AND here the link for the album which includes EIGHT videos and the pictures!
We did this run with a shoutout to Jo, Stella, and ZKhat! Thanks to our MN pals!
I would like to take this opportunity to give a special albeit sad mention to Carm The Crazy Cat Lady - although Khyra would say Carm The Khrazy Khat Lady - I am a member of a Yahoo Group that Carm is part of - on my way to Hagerstown I saw a message to the group that they were taking Puffy to the ER Vet with the expectation she'd be crossing The Rainbow Bridge on Father's Day - her words were "We had always promised ourselves that none of our beloved cats will suffer" -
(Puff had been going downhill recently but this wasn't really expected especially on Father's Day)
(BTW, Carm and Randy were Siberian owners in a past life - or is that PreCats?)
Once again, thanks for your support!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
PS: Please forgive the non-normal pic layout - with adding the pics and things for Rocky late Sunday evening, it bumped things out and I'm going to tell my Virgo self to chill out for a change - I'm also going to mark as read too many blog but helping to find Rocky - albeit from the next state over - is more important - please accept our apologies for this.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Rocky! We live in MA so I don't think we'll see him...but I hope he is found soon :(
oh no oh no.. Rocky made a break to run to tula! I sure hope someone isn't afraid of the akitaness and collects him promptly. Wow.. I hope he's okay.
We're sending all the vibes we can. To Rocky to recognize the safety in the people who are searching for him. And to the people to be led to the right place at the right time. Our hearts are broken that he bolted ... we hope, we so hope he is found and rescued soon.
Love and crossed paws,
Jake and Fergi
We are praying for a quick Rocky recovery! Thanks for the update on the others. I know they will soon find forever homes!
Oh, we sure hope Rocky is found soon! How scary!
Our hearts go out to Carm, too!
Sending our very strongest thoughts that Rocky will be found safe and sound.
Oh, no! Poor Rocky!! Please keep us updated.
My sister lives in NJ, so I'll tell her about Rocky. Hope he is found soon!
How terrible for Rocky's new family! I sure hope they find him very soon! We will keep all paws crossed and send out lots of vibes for a safe return.
Another pawsome transport for some pawsome lucky pups. We always look forward to seeing your Sunday transport posts to be reminded that there ARE people out there who care enough to do what you do, and to adopt a needy pup.
Holly and Khady
I came to pay twiboote to youw mom fow hew twanspawt and to see the happy fuwwkids who will be getting fuwwevew homes, but I am so sad that wocky got awy..i hope that sweet boy is found safely. I just hope his size doesn't scawe some hooman into doing something bad to him.
I am pwaying fow youw fwiends wif the floofy kittie..It's so sad to see youw fuwwkids being sick and having to maybe say fawewell
Hang on Wocky!!! good hoomans awe looking fow you
smoochie kisses
pee ess my fuwwdad's name is wocky too.
ROCKY! I'm sending my Supah Monstah akitavibes to you- pulleaz find your way back... Furry worried! Plz have a safe return!
Good luck to the beaUtiful doggies & their forever homes..
Kissies tula
We hope the boy is being returned as soon as possible! Paws crossed.
That is one of my worst nightmares. I hope he is found by the time you wake up in the morning!!
Good for Puffy, representin' for the cats!!
That's really sad news about Rocky. We hope he is found soon.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We are keeping our paws crossed that Rocky is found soon.:)
Teddy Bear
We're keeping our paws and fingers crossed that Rocky is found soon! That is just terrible!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
-yes, that was a great win for Graeme McDowell - we stayed up nearly all night watching it here! Listening to his Dad talking about it on the morning news a few minutes ago was very emotional!
We are gonna purr all day for Rocky to be found safely.
So very sorry to read about Rocky. Hope he is found very soon - such a worry.
Martha and Bailey xx
Paws, ears and insides crossed for a safe return for Rocky!
I love the puppy play pictures!
oooooooh hope rocky will be found soon we will pray fur him
El'bow & Hauwii
Hi khyra!
I'll keep my paws crossed for Rocky!!
All the passengers are pawesome!!
You are soo kind to share them with us all!!!
Happy Monday!
Our paws are crossed that Rocky is found very, very soon!
And our thoughts and prayers go out to Carm's family.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Rocky come home! Hopefully because he is so special looking, people will know he is lost and report him. We will send good thoughts.
Please keep us posted on Rocky...this breaks my heart, but I believe in the power of the paw!!!
Sending YOU (Phyll) a big hugs as I know you are a wreck over this!
We're purring and praying that Rocky is found soon!
We are purring that Rocky will be found safe and sound and reunited with his new family. He is a very handsome lad. Mommy wanted to reach through the screen and pet him.
Hi Merdie and Khyra. You two are gorgeous as always.
We thinks Marcie is just gorgeous, in fact we thinks all the passengers were cute as could be.
We hope that Rocky spent the night safely tucked inside some wonderful finder's home. Paws crossed here and sibe vibes being sent for a safe and speedy return of that handsome sweet boy to his new owners. Maybe he is on his way to find Tula since so many had said he was a good match for her.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We've got paws crossed for a post telling that Rocky was found!
Thank you again for all you do to get these pets to their furrever homes.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We're sure hoping that Rocky has been found!
Oh Khyra,
We so hope and pray Mr. Rocky will be reunited with his parents!
With all the pawsitive vibes I just know he will be found!
I hope Rocky is found really soon - if we lived in your area we would help look for him. Crossing my paws that your next posting is Rocky being found!
Sad Scout
I am hoping, by the time I read this, Rocky is already home safe and sound.
Thore are some beautiful hitch hikers that rode with you this weekend!
We are keeping all paws crossed that Rocky will turn up soon and be safe with his forever family.
We were sorry to read about Puff.
We are keeping paws crossed for Rocky and Puff's owners.
Hope rocky is found soon.
Sending the spirit of Laska to Rocky and hoping for a quick and safe recovery. We were horrified when we heard last night about The Rock's walkabout.
As always, beautiful passengers!
We've got our paws crossed and the power of the purr is going strong so that Rocky can be found quickly. Such a handsome loving boy!
Ooh! We arr krossing arr paws fur Rocky's safe reeturn!
Gus and Waldo
I sure hope Rocky is found soon. What a terrible thing to happen.
Tank's Asst.
we is purrring furry hard for Rocky! We thinks you should haf let him drive! that would haf been FUN!!!!
My Paws are crossed for Rocky to have a safe return. Keep us posted.
So sad to hear about sweet Rocky, but hope he is found safe very soon...Loved all the photos of Khyra, the cute Monday Merdie pic and all the beautiful babies you helped yesterday...Best of luck to Rocky, will keep him in my prayers and my girls will purr loudly for this quick return...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh poor Rocky and his family! Paws crossed! Moose got out 2 days after I brought him home and I was so scared that he would just keep running since he did not know his home yet. soooo scary! Paws fingers toes everything crossed he makes it home.
Lots of adorable Ms today and your transports will make 5 families very lucky!
I have not even had time to Mark all as read but will have too soon :-( Sad I will miss out on so many summer adventures but things are Khrazy!
So many cute pups!
And lots of kisses to Rocky's owners!
Furgets bout commenting on bloggies, you go do what you gots to do. I just can't imagine poor Rocky being all alone out on da streets, just wandering. Oh, it just breaks my heart to no end. What a great ransport...AGAIN! You know how happy these posts makes me...hehehe!
zThanks fur showing shots of you amd Merdi. I looooves me some kHyra and Merdi piktures.
sorry to hear about rocky and i really hope the people can find him soooon! he must be missing his new family.
We will keep our paws crossed fur Rocky. We hope that he is found soon and safe.
Sam & June
We are so sorry we couldn't help to find Rocky. As too far away.
Sad woooh
Paws crossed for Rocky, so scared being a lost dog. Our thoughts are with Puff. Love the cute and happy puppy pictures.
Hope Rocky is found soon! Paws crossed!
We hope Rocky is found soon! We're sending purrs and crossing paws for him!
We're sorry to hear about Puffy too. We're sending purrs to her family.
We enjoyed seeing all the other happy faces including yours and Merdies and the pups including SADIE! Such a perfect name!
Oh, we hate to read about the new pet that disappeared right away. We hope Rocky is found soon!
We read about Puff last night. It's always sad when one has to leave.
We got our paws and fingers crossed for Rocky. So happy to see all the other doggies on their way to furever homes!
I pray that Rocky is found very soon! And that he will be kept safe until he is home....I love the charm! It is beautiful! Great pics!
Oh no. We hope Rocky lets himself be found soon. He must be so scared. We are sending him lots of doxie rayz.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh, Rocky! Pleeze finds your way to someplace safe and then back to your new furever family. I know they're probably just heartsick over your escape.
And I'm Most Sorry about the sweet Puff kitteh. I'm sending that family lots of warm, gentle wags.
Oh no...I sure hope they are able to find Rocky.
You have no need to appologise, you have more important things to do. I am crossing all paws and mum her fingers that we have a good result in finding Rocky. Please be found sweet woofie.. All your transports today were gorgeous, what a pleasuable trip you must of had. Praying He is found.. HUgs GJ x
Poor Rocky! We are sending lots of love and prayers that he is found soon...
We are sending our thoughts, prayers and paw power to NJ in hopes that Rocky will be found soon!!!
Smileys and Snuggles,
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
OH no poor Rocky. We wish we were a bit closer we could join in the hunt.. We want Rocky to be found really soon.. Big Heeler vibes are going out to you Rocky..
You had such beautiful passengers this week.. Not sure how you can give them up...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We will be purring up a storm for Rocky to be found quickly!!!!
We like your first picture...it looks like you are sticking your tongue out at your Mom. ;) And that is a lovely picture of Merdie!
Ohhhh - I hope you have found Rocky by now?! Maybe he was just confused. We have heard that lots of rescue doggies are like that... I don't understand that though - I would never leave home! I lost my mum once in the park when I was a puppy :( That thought me a lesson!!!
Slobbers Teal'c
We are sending strong positive calm vibes to Rocky to not be scared and to find his way home. Please keep us up to date...have also posted his info on Facebook. May that beautiful boy be found quickly and safe and be reunited with his forever family.
Oh my gosh!! Any update on Rocky? What a transport :) Such sweeties!
Did we tell you that we found Last Chance Highway....(and must have seen the rerun, as mom was up until 2am watching!!!)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Poor Rocky. I hope he gets found soon.
We is aksing St. Francis help in pawtecting Rocky and to help him find his way back to his home.
We put our paws together to keep him safe.
Husky kisses,
Just checking back hoping Rocky was found...
I have my paws crossed and sending positive vibes for Rocky to be found safe and sound
I have my paws crossed for Rocky hoping he will be found soon!
Kisses and hugs
Hope there's good news about Rocky!
Rocky WILL be found and back with his furever family very soon!
Licks and wags...
I hope he's found now because that cuteness needs to be returned!!
Poor Rocky! We hope they find him soon!
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