By Merdie

Waiting fur Auntie Phyll to khome down in the magikh walking khlothes

I know she khan't get by me - plus the tile is khool and khomfy

Happy Tongue after the Sunday night walk

My silly khousin eating her foot

My silly khousin wondering what she'll do when this session of Khamp Khyra has ended
(please furgive the photo khwality - I snagged Auntie Phyll's Khrakhkberry fur this one)
Happy June EvFURRYone!
I think that means woo need to khome by tomorrow fur some Wikhked Cheesekhake!
Merdie & Khousin Khyra By Proxy
That's a very bootiful take over!!
Well Done Merdie! Its good to see you get some screen time! Kamp Khyra must be hectic.
Hope Khyras foot is still intact!
hahahah Merdie! Looks like you and your cousin studied spelling at the same school!
Have fun, you two!
Great job Merdie!...We really love your sweet face; our Mommy would love to cuddle you!...kisses beautiful girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy June to both of you!
We fink wot Sonic said in the khomments is hilarious! MOL!
That's funny, Merdie. Our Tommy also eats his foot from time to time!!!
We have so been enjoying this session of Camp Khyra!
The Chans
It's just not Khamp unless someone is doing something silly like trying to eat their foot!
Ah yes, the magic walkie clothing. Us dogs don't miss a thing, huh. Sometimes when Master is too busy momma comes home from the work place in the middle of the day to play with us. She takes off her work clothes and puts on her party walkie clothes and then puts her work clothes back on again. Such a fuss. Guess they don't do walkies or slobber tennis ball at the work place.
Good job Merdie. Kamp Khyra looks like so much fun. ~AFSS
Is it time for Whitney to visit - WHEW! time sure does fly!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Ciara chews her leg like that too, Merdie - silly girls. We can see how much you enjoy being at Camp Khyra and going for fun walks with Auntie Phyll too - hope this visit can last a lot longer.
Happy Tuesday Takeover.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Excellent job on the Tuesday Takeover, Merdie! You're a very smart girl to lie on the cool tile while waiting for your walk!
Merdie, Merdie, do some paws crossed like Khyra.
Merdie, Glad you got a chance to put your paw on the blog!!
Isn't it funny how smart we all are when it comes to recogmizing the signs: Mom putting on shoes means a walkie. More serious clothes changing, we stay home but get treats. Food in plastic bags, we go to camp. Dogdad with leashes -- we both go. Mom with leash, one of us goes at a time.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Cheesecake? I'm there!
Woof Khyra and Merdie,
Happy June to you pups. We hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend. Merdie, you are looking very sweet in your photo.
Desert Pups,
Toby, Norman, Keiko and The Ghost of Scuba
Woof! Woof! Happy 1st day of Tuesday June Takeover. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
You khute guys have taken over my heart
Good job Merdie! Did Khyra teach you to type? You're looking beautiful. And, I'm quite sure that Khrya will be sad when this session of kamp ends!
Love the takeover!! Merdie, you are fitting right in there. I hope Khamp Khyra continues on!!! Lots of love and Happy June!! Debbie and Holly
merdie, you are quite the blogger! of course, you have a fabulous teacher!
Merdie..great post. And we would like some of that cheesecake, if there is any left over!
gussie n teka
Khyra foot - YUMM!
Cheesecake - YUMM!
Why is it that we chew on our feet? Cheesecake sounds much more yummy!!
Hi ya, Merdie! I like it when my mom puts on her walking clothes. I get super excited and jump around.
Kat eats her foot too. Mom says she thinks Kat has OCD.
Hi, Merdie...
What a great Look Out Spot...
Cool & nothing or no one can get by without you noticing them...
Enjoy the rest of your stay at Kamp Khyra...
Abby xxxooo
Fun at Khamp Khyra Khontinues!!!! We are happy that Khamp is so fun. What flavor is Khousin Khyra's Tasty Toes? xoxoxo
Smart girl putting yourself right in the path for a walk
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That's quite the takeover, Merdie! There's no way anyone could get past you at the bottom of the stairs like that. Perfect spot to keep watch!
Mmm, I just had some deep-fried cheesecake yesterday ...
Oooooh goody, a Merdi post.
Hey, my mum just took some piktures of me eating my feetsies too.
It's too soon fur you to leave Merdi.
Glad to see you got it to yourself, Merdie!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We always love seeing Ms. Merdie's happy face...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Merdie you are just so smart! (And so are you, Sonic heheh!) Happy June and I just know you had a great walkie!
Hugs xoxoxo
Happy June to you too Merdie! You are such a smart one to be sitting on the tiles. Looks like you are really having fun at Khamp Khyra!
Sam & June
Hi Merdie! That was a great post you did - you look great waiting there too! And send our hellos to Khyra!
Hi Merdie
We enjoyed your takeover.
Love Ruby & Penny
I love Merdie. She makes me miss having a Golden.
Layla nibbles on her feet, too. She says it's because I don't feed her enough.
Merdie are you taking over? You sure look confident. Khyra are discussed or are you ignoring Merdie? Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
Walking clothes are the best! You look furry happy to be at Camp Khyra! :)
hey Merdie and Khyra,
Merdie, you are so funny and smart! How could your Aunt miss taking you on a walk?!
Khyra eating her foot?! Wonder how that tastes!
I am sad to read Khamp Khyra is almost over. I think both you pups will be sad and miss each other, but at least you will get to see all your humans again, Merdie!
Good job, Merdie! That was very much nice of you to gives your khousin a blogging break since she's had so much to do, what with running Khamp Khyra and all.
I don't know what WE are gonna do when Khamp Khyra is over either! We sure are gonna miss you!
Wiggles & Wags,
Lots of lounging.....sounds like our weekend!!
Happy June to you, too. Merdie, if you get any cuter the bloggy is going to turn into sugar!
Merdie you are doing a great job keeping camp Khyra in order. Mum says cheese cake sounds great and can she come for some.. Hugs GJ xx
Hi Merdie! Its your adopted cousin Stella! You are looking good and I know you like your daily walkies with Khyra when its not too hot.
Its cooled off here pretty much and I would just as soon have it stay that way!
It's good to hear from u, Merdie. :)
Great 1st of June post Merdie, you are looking as pretty as ever. We liked your pic of you sitting on the very pretty tiles.
That silly Khyra chewing her paw......
We are looking forward to seeing your wicked side tomorrow.
Martha and Bailey xxx
It looks like you two are having a great time at Kamp Khyra. And I see your mom had another terrific transport over the weekend. We are happy those red and white doggies found their furever homes!
Happy Month of June to you all too!
Good job Merdie! You're so cute waiting for your Auntie Phyll! My mommy has magic walking clothes too!
PeeS: Sonic's comment was funny!
Excellent job Merdie! You sneaked on a post!
You and Merdie are so darn cute. :) I want to come chill with you guys sometime
Happy happy happy June to both of you beautiful girls!!!!
Well done Merdie....
we love love love see're sooooooooooooooooo fluffy and cute!!!
Kamp Khyra must be sooooo funny!!!!!
We would love were there with you guys and have fun all together!!!!!
HAve a great walkie and have fun!!!!!
Enjoy your 1st day of June girls!!!
We LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU And we're soooooooooooo happy when we can see you together on Khyra's blog!!!!
TAke care!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!
Merdie! Did you mention Cheesecake? Mmm dogalicious. Must wag over and sneak myself a big slice of that!
Wiry love to you and your Khousin. Eric xx
Happy June Merdie (and Khyra!!)!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Nice job, Merdie! Glad to see that you're keeping everyone on their toes!
Merdie, you should totally have your own blog.
A Merdie coup! Miss Khyra must have been napping (sort of like our hu-dad not even to know that our cousin has been lapping oil better than BP).
I think you will miss khamp khyra a lot when its over Merdie...... Meanwhile, enjoy the take over!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Tuesday with Merdie? Nice!!!
Surely you'll miss Kamp Khyra once it's over..
Enjoy your day!!
Hi to your khute kousin!
Merdie - you are very cute! (Don't tell Khyra I said that though!) Maybe you better give Khyra a dog treat so she doesn't have to munch on her leg!
Berner bumps, Scout
You are so experienced in this take over.
You know exactly what to do- to make all of us smile.
We love looking at you Merdie
Great post Merdie! Maybe you should talk Khyra into giving you a day for posts each week ;o)
Kamp Khyra sure looks fun!
You are a good little blogger!
Keep up the good work!
You both look like your ready for a great walk on the town.
Congratulations, Merdie. Woo bumped MFT off the keyboard, eh?
jack a-roo & miss moo
The take over was well done Merdie! Enjoyed your observations. Does the regularly scheduled program resume tomorrow?
Hi Merdie, good job on the take over! That is so nice of Khyra to share.:)
Teddy Bear
Nice job on your take over Merdie, you are so cute :)
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