Thursday Evening

It was still raining so Mom didn't keep the flashie beastie out long

The Boys got wet too


The one still likes his spot THERE

Friday Afternoon

Mom khleaned it on Thursday with some baking soda - and when we khame bakhk from our 67 degree dewpoint walk, she khommenced with filling it!

Then Merdie filled it - akhtually, the furst 'pikhs' are videos - links to follow

Mom took this and sent it to our great frog loving furiend in Master Chew Sits

Merdie loved her pool time at Khamp Khyra

Me at the lifeguard stand - akhtually, there was another pikh in the series but Mom neglekhted to inkhlude it in the staging of the post and as we've pawed before SHE AIN'T GOING TO TRY AND INSERT IT

Happy happy AND wet me!
Here are the three videos Mom snagged of us enjoying the season's official opening of the Khamp Khyra Pool

Merdie after swim


It was fun watching you two girls in your swimming pool! Merdie, you are so funny! Khyra, you're cute with your wet snooter and you are a very pretty lifeguard!
Merdie looks like a fish in water - a totally natural place for a Golden Retriever!
I wish she could donate some of her enthusiasm to Marge!
Ha! Ha! Merdie you are too funny! We thinks you barely fit that pool! You are so cute laying there with your wet belly after the swim! Like those videos!
Monty says, Hi Khyra!
That's the Lorenza size pool...do they come in Khyra-Merdie size? Tee Hee..Looks like fun girls!
Hey Khyra
Looks like you guys need a bigger pool!! Khyra you are a real cutie!! and what a neat rainbow!!!
Cool rainbow.:) We loved watching you and Merdie in the pool. Wouldn't it be fun to host Khamp Khyra for all our DWB friends?:)
Teddy Bear
Those pools look great. I'm going to have to have a word with #1 about them!
We love the pictures of Merdie trying to fit her butt into the swimming pool! They're just priceless! Gosh, Khyra - it's a good thing you didn't want to get in there too! No room for 2!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
It's a puppy pool!!!
Woo - Khyra Wet Face and Merdie Froggie Doggei in the pool. That is a lot of activities at Khamp Khyra.
But Merdie may need the larger pool to get totally into it.
And, Khyra, Bricey may like your digging style, but we were waiting for your fur to get all clingy (or is that khlingy) and review skinny dog underneath.
Merdie does the froggy in the pool! So cute and cool!! We just got up and the humidity is overwhelming! Summer got here in a hurry this year!
You ladies look like you are having so much fun!
Mom wishes I liked my pool, but I think water is kinda scawie!
To be at the pool opening for Khamp Khyra was furry much fun. We like Khyra's wet feets and face, but Merdie's total immersion was good to see too.
I wish Khamp Khyra wasn't so fur away because I would like to visit too.
Hi Khyra and Merdie!
It is very hot here today, my tongue has been hanging out lots. Mum keeps telling me to sit in the shade or go indoors. Spoil sport.
I really like your pool and I have asked mum to get me one ~ Shen xxx
Merdie, that pool does NOT make your butt look big, no matter what anyone says!
Grrrreat pool pawty pics!
Where's the swim suit??? I was waiting for one based on your title :)
I guess that a golden's fur is actually a swimsuit, kind of like a Lab's fur. We have a pool too but it rarely gets hot enough to use it. It hit 80, very briefly, here yesterday. It's a heat wave!
Thanks for sharing!
The videos are adorable!!! Merdie looked right at home even though her end was hanging over the edge..she didn't care. Khyra was trying to paw the water out and drink it!! Loved the videos and love the pictures!! The beginning of Khamp Khyra's Swimsuit Edition is great! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We know how hard it is to add photos in....Its Ruff!
We loved your pool shots. Merdie looks like she is having a pawtastic time!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
You guys look like your having so much fun. We do the kid pool thing too with Ozzbourne. You do know it's a kid pool & not a dog pool? Enjoy the nice weather.
Pool opening was a huge success! We wish to say that if Toby, Ginger and Jeter khame to Khamp, we could all fit in that pool together!! Tee hee!!
We agree with one of the khommenters in your last post about there being too many stupid humans! We khonkhur!!! Happy swimming!!
Woooos Khyra and Merdie! I think woo Mom needs to get woo a bigger pool!
I like woo bitey the water action, I do that too, unless it is salty...
What is really fun, and woo should tell woo Mom is when my Mom throws bits of cheese or hotdogs in the pool fur me to get! Yum and wet!
have fun in woo pool!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Seems that you two had a lot of fun.
Happy weekend
Nice woooh
Looks like yoo two had bags of fun! Have a great weekend.
We loved the videos. Looks like Khamp Khyra is a fun place for all. Merdie is so funny doing her aquadog impression. Loved it when Khyra attacked and Merdie moved out of range. We have that same pool, but Lady doesn't really use it. She waits for me to take her to Lake Washington to romp with the other dogs. Spoiled as usual.
Yeah, so where are the bikinis? We've had bikinis on our mind because Abby gets spayed next week and she's all worried that she won't be able to wear her bikini for a while. (Never mind not being able to swim!) Merdie looks Quite Happy, even if we think she needs the next size up in pools....
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy
Merdie the beautiful golden frog. It's time for a bigger pool though.
Merdie seems having fun in the pool! but too bad its too small for her.. I guess if I were there I can swim on the pool =p
HaRooo Khyra!
We think woo need a bigger pool so woo and Merdie kin go in together! Den woo won't has to wait in line.
Husky kisses,
Khamp Khyra has the bestest recreational staff and such perfect activities.
You are both nuts. Why would you want to get wet like that? That is crazy. We have a pool in the backyard but I use it for a water dish.
I got plenty wet here today, too, but it was from rain and not splashing in the pool! Merdie looks very comfy!
I loved watching you two in your pool. I thought you were trying to did your way to see me in the first one. You will have your mum filling that every day from now on I bet. It has been very hot here today and all I have wanted to do is lie down and do nothing. Have a good weekend.. GJ x
Oh what great fun.. We got to play in the creek at MeMaw's. That was an adventure...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hiya Khyra!
We're relatively new to the blogging scene, but we've seen your cute woofie face around the catblogosphere - so we figured you might be friendly & not bark at us. We've come by to introduce ourselves & to ask if there was a dog blogosphere somewhere in the world like the catblogosphere. We're not asking for ourselves, mind you - our Mom has relatives that are woofie lovers & thought she might be able to introduce them to the internet dog lovers community. They're not bloggers - yet, but you never know!
Nico & JayJay :)
ps. Very cute woofie pictures!
pps. If you know of anybody that would like to adopt/foster a meezer in need, please have them stop by our blog for some info! TY! http://nicothemeezer.blogspot.com
OOOO its just coming in to winter here, Im so jealous, going back to hide under my blanket for a while. Enjoy the sunshine! xx Major
Khyra Mom brought home 10 pounds of cheese and 5 pounds of cheese curds.. We also stopped at the meat market on the way home and got some ring bologna. It is a bit like Summer sausage that you heat up a lot better than Hickory Smoked sausage...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I can show your mom a fairly easy way to move a picture in Blogger if she would like. I have to do it (a lot!)
So where's the swimsuit? You guys just love bathing au naturel, right? Very continental!
Looks like the surf and undertow might be issues of grave concern...We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the lifeguard!
Buster, Sephie & Bailey
Haa! That was fun putting peepers on you and Merdie trying to fit yourselves in the pool!!
Wiry love Eric xxx
Pool time, YAY!!
Make some room Ms. Merdie!
We kept waiting for Khyra to wet her pantaloons - looks like the snooter was all that she was interested in dipping. And Merdie is too funny - we loved her dive to the frog position. She was in heaven.
Thanks for the rainbow too - too bad we can't all find our wishes come true at the end of it.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It looks like you two were having lots of fun!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Great pool photos - looks like you two were really enjoying it! The half golden retriever in me doesn't encourage me though to go near water - I hate getting wet!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Somewhere over the rainbowwww ...
Merdie looks so funny half-immersing in that pool. We think you need a bigger one ;)
Wonderful videos! Loved watching Khyra try to eat the water and Merdie chillin'!
Merdie is the cutest baby in that pool=we are in love with her and her froggy pose; our Mommy wants to cuddle Merdie and Khyra real bad!!...Happy weekend sweet, beautiful girls...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh I just love those photos of Merdie in the pool!
and we checked out that awesome competition - coolies :D
I don't swim in my pool despite mumma's attempts. I believe in not always co-operating with your hoooman. If you co-opertate too much they don't get enough m,ental stimulation do they?
your pal,
Hi, Khyra and Merdie!
Wow! Great pool opening!
It was funny to see how Merdie took the pool all for herself!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I love the title swimsuit edition, and seeing the Merdie lays in the pool just made my day :)
I think the Kamp needs a slightly larger swimming pool...maybe Olympic sized with a diving platform! You sure look like you had the best of times.
We are cracking up over here looking at Merdie in the swim pool
She looks like it was made for her.
Khyra, I imagaine when Merdie got out, you got right in.
What a wonderful pool to help you cool off on hot days
Looks like you had lots of fun in the pool!
Aw, HAIL, honey! I thought I was gonna git tuh see ya in yer bikini!!!
Yeah for pool time at KK!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
I think you need a bigger pool guys! Looks like you guys really enjoy it though. I don't khare how hot it gets here I am not getting in a stinkin pool.
we got 16 cookies so far :D
but we gonna practice more it so much funnnnn
so nice flowers :D
do you pee on it?
El'bow & Hauwii
We're just loving the Merdie butt shots this week!!! So precious!!!
Purrs, Cory and her woofie Grete
You guys are great swimmers!
Camp Khyra looks so much fun, we had our pool out yesterday too. :)
Cousin Merdie sure loved that pool didn't she?..hehe
lovely shots of you both! :)
Hey, Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, we want a pool like they have at Camp Khyra.
Wow!!! You are having such fun in that pool! It makes us wish we liked water!!!
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