
We did have a good omen as we khrossed the bridge - one of the PF parents and one of the PF boys flew just ovFUR The Xterra - Mom was THRILLED!
Pondering along I81/I78 as to how Rocky is doing
Sunsetting between Allentown and Easton along I78
We arrived in Little Falls/Woodland Park at 9:30 - and went to hangout at The Subway Khommand Post
We met Amy AND Laska's Mom Sam - I also got to meet one of Amy's Sibes - appropriately named ROCKY - I also got to meet Amy's furry khute human pup Andrew - he was a year old in May - what a sweet AND helpful boy!
It was funny when we met Sam - Mom was telling the lady in the Prius she had transported Rocky from Hagerstown to Harrisburg so we khame to see if we khould help - hoping maybe he'd rekhognise The Xterra AND to let them have the towel he had been on the most during the trip - the nice lady asked, "Phyllis? I'm Sam" - it was one of those OMD moments!
Since Rocky had been in the Xterra for a period of time, our furst hour or so was spent driving around areas he had been seen previously - I saw khats and a deer - others spotted a skunk!
We all spread out in an attempt to minimise the number of humans khamped out akhross from the area he frekhwented the most - AND his foster mom Debbie finally arrived from Wilson NC - she was unfurtunate enough to have nothing but gridlokhked traffikh khoming up I95 on a Friday
Working my khorner - Mom and I hung out with a nice guy named Ray that lived on Long Island - he had TWO of 'me' - Storm and Heineken (Heineken had already been named when he was adopted and they didn't want to change his name)
Rocky was spotted just before 3am fur a bit but got spooked and ran off - we were already tukhked in The Xterra as to not disrupt their plans

She got out and softly khalled Rocky -and khalled Amy - who then khame around the khorner of the building following him - she told Mom to stay - and like a good human Mom sat down on the khurb
He then went up this street (Lackawanna) - the other street you saw is McBride - we then lost sight of him but think he went to the left short of the bridge - turning right would have put him bakhk to his safe place akhross from The Subway -
UPDATE: the sekhtion the left side of the pikh - not far from where woo see the khar is about where he was holed up!!!
The rear of the parking lot area you see to the right of the nailshop and to the left of the commercial building you see is where he's seen most of the time
This is a shot to the other side of McBride - UPDATE: THIS WAS THE FRONT PART TO THE AREA WHERE HE WAS SNAGGED!
A Siberian Mind Meld fur an Akita?!?
The sparrows working the phloof I've left on Khyra's Jersey Khorner - they love their new imported from Pawsylvania nest khushioning
More napping before we hit the road
Wondering why he wouldn't want to meet me
Whilst waiting at the light after getting gas in Trexlertown
Paws khrossed fur better news SOON
I'm going to let Mom finish the post
Thanks Khyra
AND THANKS TO ALL OF YOU that have left messages here and/or FB - it was a rewarding yet frustrating trip - as Khyra already shared, we left at 6:30 Friday night - we left New Jersey at 7:30 Saturday morning - we got back here about 10:45 - traffic was a bit heavier between Allentown and Harrisburg than it had been going to NJ - I'm glad we went - but so wish we could have helped more - I was glad to see Rocky again - even if it wasn't as I had hoped it might be - with him giving me kisses again
It was quite an experience - it was so nice to meet some incredible people that are so devoted and dedicated to helping our very special animal friends -
I did put all the pics together into a Photobucket Slideshow - the pics you see here are there too but it was jut easier to upload all of them -
I might have to hit the 'Mark All As Read' GR button again as I have TWO transports today - I hit the road around 6am for a Hagerstown to Harrisburg 8am leg for The Last Resort Rescue THEN head right back down to Hagerstown for the after lunch Hagerstown to Harrisburg leg - which will be to York again - the folks that live in Stewartstown have the leg to Allentown so we'll meet by The York County SPCA again -for Rotts 'n Pups - THEIR run this weekend is in honour of Rocky! I couldn't say no to that...now could I?
SO, we won't be around much - please accept our apologies in advance!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Miss Khyra
Geez that Rocky is slippery! You even put out the Floof but only the sparrows took the bait. Mom's gonna try to dream about him again and tell him there is a nice cookie face tula up here wanting to meet him. I'll leave out the part of the dream where tula had him in a bitey face lock.
Paws crossed here too!
I am happy that you two got to go and meet up with some of the workers and see Rocky himself. If he can stay safe, it shouldn't be too much longer, d'ya think?
Rocky will be caught. I can feel it in my waters.
Ohhhh, Rocky's so close to being caught! We're crossing our paws that it won't be much longer.
Teddy Bear
Come on, Rocky! Let the nice humans help you and get you to a wonderful home with lots of cookies, toys, belly rubs, and scratches!
Hi, Khyra and Mom!
It is good news that you saw him. He must be very scared.
Lets hope today will be the day!
Good luck on your transport!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We feel much better that you have seen Rocky and know he's okay and we can't wait to celebrate when he's finally home! It's only a matter of time before he's rescued again, we can feel it! We are crossing paws and sending lots of purrs for him! We're glad you got to meet Sam too. Have a safe trip today!
i'll keep my paws crossed for rocky to be caught and brought home!!
Paws crossed for Rockys rescue
And Happy weekend
nice woooh
Hi Khyra!
Happy Sunday! We have a good feeling that Rocky will be found soon! We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed. That's mighty hard working of you! Better rest after all dat!
Luvly pictures!
Bummer! Aren't you hungry enough yet, Rocky? Our paws remain crossed!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Khyra. you tell your mom she has no need to apologise at all.
We are so happy that she is trying so hard to help find Rocky.
We are sorry it was a frustrating trip but you got to meet some great humans!
Sometimes humans need to do that.
We just know that Rocky does want to meet you Khyra, but he will be a bit confused and scared right now.
We hope seeing the Wolf's Tour bus turns out to be a good omen.
Good luck to your mom with the transports although we are worried that she is going to be exhausted.
Tell her to have some 'me' time - whatever that is.
Paws still crosssed over here in Scotland - it is getting hard to pee..........!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxxx
We're crossing all our paws that today will be the day.
Some great road trip shots of you, Khyra!
Somehow, reading and commenting on blogs seems like the least important thing you will do for the canine world this weekend, so don't think I would worry too much about that.
As frustrating as Rocky is being, my admiration grows every day and how slippery he is. May his slipperiness run out today and he finally goes to his forever home.
Gosh what a long trip and a long night - glad you got home safely but sorry to hear that Rocky eluded you. It's too bad he doesn't realize you all want to help him. But with so many sighting, certainly he will come to someone soon!
Wow! That Rocky is one scared pup - we hope he starts trusting someone soon. Thank you for all of the work you do.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Rocky is so close to his furrrever home! Hopefully today is the day!!!
ARGH! How frustrating!
Be safe today!
If you don't at least try, you can never succeed. We are sorry your trip wasn't as successful as you had hoped. But maybe today is Rocky's day to come home.
Safe travels with your transports - another great job.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So close :( I really hopes that he is found soon. Thank you for all you are doing!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
apologies are not needed, you are not missing anything on our blog except Muzzer whining.
Sorry to hear that he's still loose! We were really hoping that he had been found by now :( Silly Rocky...he needs to understand it's time to go home!
It's good you did get to see a glimpse of him, though.
That Rocky sounds like he wants to have one last adventure in the wild before he settles down to me. I have a feeling, with so many people seeing him, that he'll come home soon! He's lucky to have you looking out for him!
OMD! It almost makes me want to cry - so close and so far at the same time. I am keeping my fingers crossed, and the boys have their paws crossed, that he is home soon!
Christine, Sam's Mom
You sure don't need to apologize with all of the work and driving you are doing. Rocky sure is good at slipping away very quickly. It's great that you see him though. Good luck today. I really don't see how you have enough energy as much work as you are doing! Be safe and we are saying prayers and have paws crossed. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
love that sun :)
El'bow & Hauwii
I'm so glad you saw Rocky...I let out a little gasp!
This is the kind of news story that needs to be reported every day, kind-hearted people helping to save a life!
Come On, Rocky Boy!
Hugs to you Phyll,
Woof! Woof! Great that you saw Rocky. Hope it will be a good Sunday for Rocky. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
So close yet so far, eh? We hope Rocky will be caught soon so he can get back to his people.
Rocky will be caught soon...we can feel it! Purrs to all of the wonderful humans helping him.
Oh we do hope you can find rocky soon! Our paws are crossed! Hugs JOey and Kealani
Oh, Rocky! Please just go to one of those nice people out there. You'll feel so much better. And I bet they have yummy food and fresh water. I know it's scary, but you're safe with them.
We are glad your mom is safely home from NJ. Hope her transports today go well too. It seems Rocky is enjoying his freedom. But we're looking forward to news he's safely home.
We'll just kkep our paws crossed & sending Sibe vibes for Rocky's safe return. Pretty khool woo got to see him, at least woo know he's doing okay. Drive safe n your tansport journeys today - thanks fur all woo do!!
jack a-roo & miss moo
Ok, so maybe I missed it Khyra?? They did get Rocky back right?? How nice of you and your Mom to make the trip to help...you two are pawesome!
Wow, Rocky must be one scared puppy not to want to come to anyone!! I'm glad that he's still hanging around so that maybe someone can find him!
Rocky is scared right now...and probably real hungry. You should put a Burger King triple whoppher in a raccoon trap! That's how G-Mom and Poppy caught me when I was lost!!
Good luck and my paws are crossed for Rocky.
Wow, we gotted back from being away for a week and mom's email was full of messages about Rocky so werd has really gotted around! I has my paws crossed that Rocky comes to hims senses and lets the nice peeples capshure him!
So close! He is a wily fellow! But we still believe he will eventually come back in!
Poor Rocky must be so skhared and not understanding that the people all want so much to help him. You really worked hard, Khyra, glad you got a little rest.
It's so good and encouraging to read that there are still Rocky sightings and that you had one too--All good signs. I really hope that he will remain safe from injury until he's returned home!
You are the best! We are glad you got a Rocky sighting and hope he finds his way home soon :(
Miss Khyra,
I suppose the good news is that you are all still seeing him. I guess he is kind of scared and used to being on his own. It is amazing how many humans are helping. We will keep our paws crossed.
Tell the DOH to get some rest.
I've been watching all of your facebooks posts and am just amazed at how kind and dilligent you are in finding Rocky. I really really hope your next status is good news. Can't say you didn't try! Go you and Khyra!
I'm so very much sorry that you weren't able to gets Rocky back home but I'm glad your mom got to see him with her own eyes and that he's okay. Maybe soon he'll be home.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh poor Rocky...are paws are crossed. Keep up the good work
Benny & Lily
We are hoping and praying that tonight is the night that Rocky gets found safe and sound!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Oh noes! Is Rocky still missing? We are all still purring and purraying that he will be found soon!
Hugs and cuddles for u and Rocky's safe return soon. :)
I'm still purrin' for Rocky...if he could just slow down a bit and move toward kindness. What a great bunch of people, too!
My friends from the dog park Otto and Miko are both puppies still. Otto is a HUSKY :) and Miko is a giant Alaskan malamute. Miko's gonna be HUGE when he grows up!
Bummer...I was really hoping Rocky would have been safe and sound by now.
you two are so wonderful for working so hard to help find him
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