Then later I went out to enjoy the slightly breaking temps and humidity

Akhtually, it is pretty much a khonstant game fur her right now - each trip in our around up down ETC usually involves her pulling and plukhking - she just rolls them into Mini Me's and leaves them on the bushes fur the birds
We know this is out slightly out of fokhus but it was too khute not to inkhlude
Of khourse, since this IS Walkin' Wednesday, HERE IS THE LINK TO THIS WEEK'S VIDEO - and woo will find a surprise there!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy
The purple is very pretty. :)
jack a-roo & miss moo
Snow in June. You are the khoolest dog ever.
Momma runs around the house plucking Miss Freyja just like a chicken! Freyja just thinks that she's getting all sorts of extra love - doesn't know she's a stand-in for a laying hen, hehehe☺
I hate being plucked! I prefer my chunks stay in place!
Khady Lynn
Are ya feeling cooler with a few less furs my friend? Love those cool floors too :) Happy almost Wednesday my friend!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi beautiful Khyra, we love your main attraction=you've got a truly awesome tail, sweetie!...That last photo is adorable, love your sweet face in that pose!...kisses...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You had a nice walk. My Mom really likes the purple flowers, too. I sympathize with the plucking. Mom is always brushing me, though she isn't getting much fur any more. I must be done shedding.
Hi Khyra, you were looking quite serious in your first pic today.
We always like to see lots of pics of you and the floofy tail - we could see your mom had been plucking you from the amount of floof on the ground - maybe you should get your mom a chicken!
Off to watch the video - have a nice day.
Martha and Bailey xxx
We love your first photo. You look so inquisitive.:) It's been quite warm here too minus the humidity. I hope you are staying cool.:)
Teddy Bear
Mum finds plucking husky furs very satisfying, she jumps at it every tine one of our floofy friends is fluffing!
Lucky for me, it just doesn't happen...
Gosh, Khyra, you sure look hot in all those furs. Maybe you should get a flat top for the summer.
fluffy tail - nearly as beautiful as mine....
You sure do haves extra fluff. Great to see Merdie on your video too.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
EVERY pic of you is cute Miss Khyra!
And I do believe purple is your color.
The plucking will just help you stay nice and cool!
The coy look in the last photo is just great, Khyra!
It must feel good to be defurred a bit if it's quite that hot. We don't have the problem as it has been really cool.
I hope the birds appreciate the excellent quality of floof your factory is producing!
Its nice to share with the birds. Mum leaves some of mine for the birds to take. Its kind of a nice thought to think there are snuggly lined nests with our fur. I love that last shot and never mind its out of focus its lovely.. The fluffy tail shots are lovely too.. Hugs GJ xx
It is very nice of you to share your furs with the birds
All that floof, the birds must love you! We used to hang an onion bag of Wabbit's fuzz by our windows. It was fun to watch the birds taking it for nesting material.
Poor Stumpy, she doesn't have any floof to share with the birds...
It was good to see Merdie, even if by proxy. We hope she returns to camp soon. Thanks for the pretty red flowers. We still have lots of fluff flying around here too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woof! Woof! Mmmm What's up with your tail? Lots of lots of FLUFFFFFF on the ground. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Woos Miss Fluffy Tail and Golden Merdie. Nice walkie there in the sunset. Woo better watch out fur them khats, they have sharp claws....
So sorry about the fluff pulling and stealing I wish they would just leave my furs alone.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
nice flowers, beautiful khyra! =)
Our mom likes purple too and we're going to be doing our FURst garden post tomorrow and mom will include a picture just for your mommy!
Your tail floof is looking in top form this morning!
It must be shedding season for you...has your mom tried the Furminator? It works really really well for getting out the undercoat. It's probably worth the money to buy one (though last I checked, they weren't cheap. I think amazon.com is your best bet).
Happy Wednesday!
Sir Bear gets plucked too. He doesn't much care for it though.
Emma Rose
Do you feel a little bit cooler after all the plucking? If not, then it's not worth it! :)
Hello Khyra!
Furrst of all, thanks for becoming our newest follower! Yeah! We like meeting new furriends!
If you notice, we are your newest followers and we really like your blog!
By the way, we are furriends with Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog and because of that we are helping Sparkles promote her PHOTO CONTEST so please visit our recent blog post furr details!
XOXO, Daisy the Coonhound
Yoda disappeared? Have you checked the swamps of Dagobah for him?
We like your smiling picture in the kitchen!!
All of that plucking!! You are very patient Khyra!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Looks like a nice neighborhood walk. Khyra, you have a beautiful tail!
Khyra, woo are lookin good, all that fluff pluckin' WOOOOOWIE!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
Oh Khyra...that last picture is priceless...So much floof...so little time!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Our mom loves to pluck too, and we don't have much to spare...can we send her up to visit woo?
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
You don't have to be in fokhus to lookh khute. hehehe
Misty the alpha Poodle
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
That last photo certainly is very cute! We just love your floofy tail!!!
Casting your Floofs to the wind, I see. My mom does that too. The birds LOVE it.
We so love your fluffy tail! Sorry you got plucked! We always run away when mom does that. Hehehe...
Sam & June
I luvs that picture of you lookin' back over your shoulder. You are SUCH a Most Beautiful girl! I'm not sure abouts that plucking. Looks kinda painful to a short-furred girl like me. But you don't seems to mind.
Wiggles & Wags,
We love the pictures! We really loved the walk with Khousin Merdie along. Khyra, you have got to have the most beautiful floofy tail in the world!! Thanks for taking us on the walk with you. We had lots of fun and really did enjoy it very much! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Ah, you look just lovely! I think it was a good call to make sure there was more of you in this one!
We fink the birds in yoor neck of the woods must have VERY cosy nests wiv all yoor floof to keep 'em warm.
Why do our moms always want to be looking at flowers? Don't they know we are better to look at?
Love your floofy tail pic!
M liked the purple flowers & we were very impressed wigth all your floofiness & your cute ears. M said she used to pluck some Sibes they used to have & leave the floof for the birds too. Sounded like the birds really like all that soft stuff to build nests with.
PeeEss: Thanks for continuing to vote!!!!
Pluck, pluck, pluck, that's all they do! Hmph!
I love that last picture! Sooooo cute! :)
The birds here love my fluff too!
what is with the pinkies and how they have to muck up our furs oh khyra your tail makes me weep you should see whats happened to mine! loves and licks
Oh no, not more plucking. :(
happy happy wednesday k & p!
great photos!
m & e
wooo you look so fluffy - thanks to your mom.
nice woooh
Khyra you are blowing that coat.. What a wonderful walk you had with cousin Merdie.. Lots of furry critters. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are the floufiest!
Ruh roh, I think that you lost some fur Khyra!
Khryra...purple ??? Are you sure you should be wearing PURPLE and showing puplie flowers?? I mean is it law or something there in Transil er I mean Pecil Vania???!!
Wiry love Eric xx
This is what I've been waiting for... #57. One of the best numbers ever.
Khyra and Her Mom,
We don't know if you have ever transported kitties, but we just learned of some in need of transport that we think might be in your area. (This is going to be long, sorry).
Good Morning,
Big trouble brewing in the Midwest. One of the shelters I have been working with for 6 years is trying to get rid of the cat rescue program. When I started with the shelter there was no cat rescue and the euthanasia rate was 97%. The euth rate for cats is now less than 10%! I am expecting change to take effect this coming Tuesday, so I need to try and pull out whatever I can right now to save them. I am afraid while no eyes are on them they will euthanize as many as possible as quickly as possible (there is an attorney involved on the cats behalf).
I am reaching out to our tried and true transporters to see if you might be able to take your usual leg next weekend 6/19-20th Please get back to me ASAP, so I can start pulling.
John the vet said she would take a nursing mom and some kittens if you can get them to her next weekend. Please let me know as she is making foster room.
Thank you all so much!
Saturday & Sunday June 19th – 20th
Please e-mail Kay at TransportingPaws@aol.com as I am on digest for
most lists and would not want to miss an offer of help.
Reason for Transport: Pulled from high kill to foster now going to rescue.
Rescue group is: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/NJ539.html
10 Minutes have been added to each leg to allow for handoffs
Saturday June 19, 2010
Leg 1: Saint Louis, MO to Altamont, IL Filled
90 miles / 1 hour 30 minutes -
Leg 2: Altamont, IL to Terre Haute, IN Filled
81 miles / 1 hour 25 minutes -
Leg 3: Terre Haute to Indianapolis, IN NEEDED
77 miles / 1 hour 15 minutes – 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Leg 4: Indianapolis to Richmond, IN NEEDED
73 miles / 1 hour 15 minutes – 9:25 AM – 10:40 AM
Leg 5: Richmond, IN to Columbus, OH NEEDED
104 miles / 1 hour 45 minutes – 10:50 AM – 12:35 PM
Leg 6: Columbus, OH to Zanesville, OH NEEDED
55 miles / 55 minutes – 12:45 AM – 1:40 PM
Leg 7: Zanesville, OH to Washington, PA NEEDED
103 miles / 1 hour 45 minutes – 1:50 PM – 3:35 PM
Leg 8: Washington, PA to Somerset, PA NEEDED
77 miles / 1 hour 30 minutes – 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM
Leg 9: Somerset, PA to Willow Hill, PA NEEDED
82 miles / 1 hour 25 minutes – 5:25 PM – 6:50 PM
Leg 10: Willow Hill, PA to Harrisburg, PA NEEDED
89miles / 1 hour 5 minutes – 7:00 PM – 8:05 PM
Overnight in the area of Harrisburg, PA area
NEEDED ******************
Sunday June 20, 2010
Leg 10: Harrisburg, PA to Fogelsville, PA NEEDED
74 miles / 1 hour 20 minutes – 7:00 AM to 8:20 AM
Leg 11: Fogelsville, PA to Woodbridge, NJ NEEDED
86 miles / 1 hour 30 minutes – 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Leg 12: Woodbridge, NJ to Oceanside, NY NEEDED
46 miles / 1 hour 12 minutes – 10:20 AM to 11:45 AM
*Family of PR for foster
We found this info on the Siamese Internet Cat Club message board. If you can't help, maybe you know someone who can. Thanks!
Ahhhhhhhh...floof, goodness grACIOUS, you gots some. You shoulds braid it one day...hehehe!
We has an award for you. Our Mom liked the Purple too.
How nice to see Merdie on your weekly walkie, Khyra! Mom says that Sparky is a loudmouth like me! HEY!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You have such a cool tail. It is almost spikey.
I think you have enough floof for another pup!
That was quite the fluffy tail shot, you phloof shrub grower you! For the record, I knew BroFur wasn't yours, but he's sort of become "yours" since he's on your blog so much, at least in my mind. I'm not as on top of things as I used to, but I do pay attention ya know?
I bet the birdies sing beautiful thank you songs for all the nest lining floof you leave for them!
We enjoyed your walk with Khousin Merdie! It was nice of Brofur to come out and welcome you home!
nuttin like posing for a picture..BOL
Benny & Lily
Oh I'm glad you included that last photo - it's definitely the cutest! :-)
And my human got a giggle out of the image of little "Mini-Me" fluffball Khyras dotted all over bushes everywhere! Ha! HA!
Honey the Great Dane
I like your video. I like the way You Tube thought I might like to also see some Patsy Cline. Do you ever go a walkin' after midnight, in the moonlight?
Hi, Khyra!
You are so nice cooperating with the birds to have nice and comfy beds in their nests!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Khyra, your beautiful snoot is a sight for sore eyes...literally! That's why we've been off the computer for awhile. We've missed you, thanks for visiting us while we're recuperating! :)
That last picture IS really khute!!
Pretty flowers, prettier woofie!
Hey, maybe you can come take care of the evil cheeky squirrel and I can stay inside and watch from the window. Then we're both safe and happy and no more mocking squirrel!
Love the last picture too. You're right, very cute.
Pretty! How come you always looks so sparkly clean?
Hi Khyra
Do you know what?
Mom has a beautiful white scarf made from Siberian Huskey fur,
Someone plucked it off and then somone else made it into the most beautiful scarf ever.
The world covets moms scarf. Peoples cannot believe it is Huskey fur.
You are the most beautiful Khyra- most beautifulestm and Merdie too, for sure!
Your Mom is as bad a Grammy! What is WITH them anyway?!? Grammy says it's because she can't find the dog brush... so why not just let it fall out on it's own and not be pulling and plucking?!? At least she hasn't cut off a bunch of my hair like she did Sadie... (snicker...) OC
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