Now time fur Mom to babble

Now for my cuties - these four - along with their siblings Missy and Mikey - were found in TN - their transport started on Friday as they made their way from Murfreesboro TN to Atlanta where they spent the night with Irina - these four have homes but Missey and Mikey do not YETso they will stay with Irina for now - you can see them on the

The next chauffeurs lived South of York so they offered to meet 'here' instead of Harrisburg - I suggested a convenience store just off I83 which happens to be adjacent to our SPCA -
I thought this was an appropriate time to snap the picture of our good luck charm - UNTIL THEY ALL HAVE HOMES
(yes, that is rain - it was a day of no rain RAIN no rain RAIN no rain then finally clearing late in the afternoon)
This leg was done in honour of Amy, Irina, and Rotts 'n Pups Rescue - as you may have seen on the posting for the 'khontest', my first transport was June 8, 2008 - so I'm just about officially at my two year mark! The drivers I met today said they've been doing it for six months and LOVE IT - they find it so rewarding!I really didn't get many pictures of them since they travelled in the crates - but here is the PHOTOBUCKET LINK FOR THE SLIDESHOW - and here is the link for THE ALBUM WITH FIVE VIDEOS - puppies are SOOOO the reason I love to use videos - pictures would have been inadequate to capture the joy and innocence they possess!
AND TO THINK THESE FOUR - and their siblings in waiting for THEIR FUREVER HOMES - WERE FOUND/DUMPED - after you see them in action, you'll be shaking your head too - I just know it!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
What wonderful and rewarding workh. Have you ever figured up how many miles you have driven to help so many doggies and humans?
We LOVE the froggie puppies!!!
You and Merdie would be brilliant in a cuddle pile. Just mewin'.
One man's trash is another man's treasure! I'm so glad they are all going to homes that will love them, the little cuties!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! They are adorable. Loved the shot of the lucky charm and the B and B.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hi Khyra!
You and your Mum are just pawsome!
What beautiful puppies! To think how many doggie lives your Mumma has made happy - it makes me and my mumma smile!
your pal,
Another great haul - you earn your wings every weekend!
Khyra was that even comfortable? You look like you're napping in such an awkward position... did you wake up with a neck cramp?
Merdie looks so relaxed though!
Rosie the Rottie was my ahhhh moment. What a darling girl. We had neighbors with a Rottie which was afraid of my late poodle, Suzie... Suzie weighed maybe 6 lbs and turned this Rottie into a mess of quivers... so funny.
Your little passengers are just so sweet. There will be happy endings for them without question. And thanks for sharing Merdie with us... we love Khyra's loon!! Happy Monday all!! xoxo
Happy 2 year Transport Anniversary to your Mom, Khyra. It's such a pawesome thing! Look at all those cute pups.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra!
Great post. You and mom sure are angels!
Luv the way Merdie sits, very flexible looking. Me luv the "hiding from the flashie beast" look!
Happy Monday!
Happy almost 2 year anniversary! Bless you for all that you do!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We are in awe of the werk yoor mom and the tam do. We can't fank her enuff.
And yoo and Merdie are looking great today Khyra!
Rosie is a real sweetie! Were those froggie doggies related to Merdie somehow?BOL!
Da stupidity of hoomans just blow me away at times. I just don't know why they dump animals...that has to be da cruelist thing evers. Those puppies just pull at da heartstrings. I hope somebuddy withs a great big heart takes them in and shows them what love is.
awww cute woofies. and one of them is named BLOCKHEAD? MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Wow, Khyra, your Mommy ROCKS! We just love to look at all the woofies! You and Merde are such pretty woofies!
Love, uSSSSS
Yay for your mom Khyra! You must be so proud of hers.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
OMD, what cute puppies! The car must have been filled with puppy breath! And mom teared up over Rosie the Rottie.... so like our own Rosie the Rotti-Aussie mix. Mom loved that girl to pieces - she was the sweetest dog ever.
Khongrats on your approaching 2-yr mark, KhyraMom & MFT! That is SO awesome!
jack a-roo & miss moo
Hi Khyra,
Your Mommy has hepled so many pups in the 2 years she has been helping
to get all to forever homes!!!!! Such goood work Phill!!! I am so proud of you and it is an honor to be your friend!!!!!
XXOO, Fern
Khyra, your mom is the best.
Love Ruby & Penny
Khyra and Merdie, your mom sure is the best! She rescued so many doggies and gets them to their forever homes which is so wonderful. Pupppies dumped..how anyone could do that is so beyond me. Glad they were rescued and went on to get homes!! Love the pictures of you both sleeping! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
What a cute bundle of Xterra passengers!!!
Thanks, as always, for all that you do P!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Mama, Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
What beautiful puppies and how wonderful that some already have their forever homes! It won't be long for the last 2 cuties to be adopted.
Your Monday transport post is the BEST way to start a new week!
Awww, sweet puppies!
Great videos! We just love puppies. This bunch is very cute and so lucky to have been found. Hope they get their furever homes soon.
Good job ALL....
I like your noonie nap with your Loony Bird.
Cloud and his mom
PPS. Khyra, you looked so cute resting wiff your Loon... :-)
How could anyone dump those precious ones.
Ok see we don't understand why anyone would dump any animal - these puppies are the perfect example of why we don't get it - they are just to adorable! And Rosie is a beautiful girl too - how can anyone say Rotweilers are scary with a straight face when hearing about/seeing her? And wow, 2 years tomorrow - how AWESOME!!
And Khyra and Merdie - HI!!!!
Whoever dumped the gorgeous puppies does not deserve them.... In fact he/she does not deserve any dog at all.. What simply little darlings they are. I hope all get forever homes soon. That sweet rottie in the first picture reminds me of our cousins.. Khyra your mum is so special.. How many special trips in two years.. Magic.. HUgs GJ x
We totally love your blog today and totally bow down to your mommy for the care she puts into transporting these cuties! Our mom would like to do something like this (only if her car wasn't a piece of ----)
Love the pic with your loon!
The puppies are all cuties...but I really wonder why one was named "Blockhead." Strange.
Naps are the best!!!
What cuties your Mom transported!
Puppies!!! Our mum is oohing and aahing over here - well personally we reckon you and Merdie are far cuter than any puppies Khyra!
We do hope they get great forever homes.
Well done to your mom for all her hard work and Happy Anniversary nearly!
We really don't know where she finds the time to do as much as she does.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
Hi Khyra - such wonderful photos, as always! You are so gorgeous and we simply can't get enough of Merdie.
Your mom is so wonderful - please give her a big snuggle from us! Those pups were so cute, our FH is still squealing!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
I am so glad the woofers are findin new forever homes. Thank u to ur Mom and the reskue people for helpin out. :)
Another great report!!
Ahh they are so cute... Mom doesn't know how you can give them up. She would have a house full of pups.. he he
The cheese and sausage are slowly disappearing.. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Aww.. those puppies look just like me in my baby pictures. That makes sense since they say I'm a shepherd/hound mix too! But I haven't convinced mom to do my dee en ay test yet, like Mayzie.
Khyra, great photos of you and Merdie!
Your Mom is fantastic in all that she does - she is truly special.
take care
Murray's Mom
Another great transport by your mom!! She is an amazing woman! Glad to know she was safe in the rain, no rain, rain, no rain!
They are all adorable! Thank you for sharing :)
Emma Rose
Oh those puppies - I can smell that puppy breath all the way to Michigan - just like Channel No. 5☺
Those are all adorable pups but mum loves Rosie, as she reminds her of her rottie Max.
hihi miss khyra!
me and asa are back from summer camp! we tried to go on a field trip to your camp, but the hoomans kept saying somethingie about you living too far away. hmmmpf.
anywho, those little puppies are cutie patooties!! i think you are right that miss missey and mikey should find their forevarrr homes super fast like.
miss rosie is a pretty lady, and i'm so glad she has a new daddy to love her bunches 'n tons.
the booker man
What cute puppies, Khyra! You and your mom are wonderful!
Happy Monday, Khyra, Merdie and Mom!
All those little puppies are going to have lovely homes!
Kisses and hugs
Your mom is the best for helping all those furry kids. Our friend Annie was dumped in a park when she was tiny. Thanks for all the good you do
Benny & Lily
The pictures of you with your Loon are adorable! Love it! Thanks for being adorable you!
Lady MFT and Merdie
Merdie mondays are marvelous! Khyra I put my lips onto the screen to blow on your gumdrop nose. I was hoping to make a bubble. Did i?
Froggy puppies too! this post has it all.
What a fantastic anniversary to celebrate! You have made a difference is SO many lives and brought joy to so many (both pups getting a second chance at a loving forever home and the humans who gain a beautiful family member)! Know that your efforts are so appreciated...and that you are a hero!
If you can't see the flashie beast, it can't see you! :) Great pics of you and Merdie!
Your mom's transports are a bunch of cuties! :)
Wow, what cute puppies and what a sweet Rosie!!! Just think what a difference you made in their lives. If they understood, they'd thank you every single day! I do!
I want to tell your mom happy 2 year rescue.
She has made a world of difference in doggys worlds.
You mom touches hearts- humans and doggys by the love she shares and all her time.
We loves you and her
Hi, Khyra -
All of the puppies are adorable. Your Mom does some wonderful work.
The pictures of you and Merdie are cute, too.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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