Thank Khyra!
First off, here is the picture of Jett who didn't get to come along this week
Isn't she gorgeous?
You can read about her AND the others that did get to make the trek North HERE on The Last Resort Rescue Site
on their adoptable pets page - I hadn't had the chance to REALLY read about Sunday's passengers prior to putting this post together- I know I always tell my special guests how lucky they are but in this case, they really were - Antoinette - and her spitting image son Anton - were pulled from one of the horrible gassing places just minutes before THAT was to happen (GASTON NC) -
The sky at 5:54am - actually, this is just alongside the place where I transferred last Sunday's special puppies - I83 is just ahead beyond the green light
I took this prior to departing The Waffle House parking lot in Hagerstown - btw, I treated myself to breakfast for a change - YUM!
Antoinette came with a crate; Iris stayed in the back with her
Antoinette smiling in Harrisburg
We were meeting the next driver at The Earthink/AMP Building - Antoinette IMMEDIATELY spotted the other pups 'there'
Iris was just so mellow and regal
Everytime I stopped to take Antoinette's picture, she came to give me kisses!
Checking out the others!
Her ears were SOOOOO soft - had she ridden shotgun, I KNOW I would have stroked them the entire 75 miles!
This sums up her personality
BTW, you see plenty of tongue - it was already close to the mid 80's at 9am with LOTS of my favourite HUMIDITY (not)
Since we had made excellent time heading North, we had more time to kill before their next drive arrived so we got back in the Xterra and fired up the canine and human cool air machine! I did have one bummer moment on the trip North - I'm somewhat 'used' to seeing dead critters along the interstate but this is the first time I was pretty sure I saw a dead bear in the grassy median - a few miles South of Newville - it made me sad
Iris watching one way
Whilst Antoinette watched the other
Iris decided the front seat would be a great place to chill
Such great eyes!
She expressed her thanks to all
Antoinette enjoyed stretching out back there
Have I mentioned how gorgeous she was?
Well she was!
Her family was so excited to meet her - her mom wrote the tranport list on Friday thanking us for getting her to them - that makes me leak (again) just writing it - she sent us a note late Sunday night with a picture Sam took of the new family - she also indicated that Antoinette is now SCOUT! I wrote back and said I'd update the post to reflect the new name for her new life
Resting up to meet her people too!
All I can say is WOW - what gems! Their overnight host gave them A's as well!
I did this transport FOR The Last Resort Rescue personnel - as part of my second anniversary of transporting AND to mark the first anniversary of meeting a very special passenger who will forever be embedded in my head and heart - as you'll hear in one of the videos, 6/6/09 was the day I met Laska - he's now been safe and loved for an entire year - of course, those of you that have been following us since then, know his story - and for those of you that don't, suffice it to say, two weeks after he came North, he got out and was out in the wilds of New Jersey for an entire week - I did pull one post in particular to share related to his adventure AND the support demonstrated by The Blogging World - I will never forget the tears shed over him and for him - sad AND then finally happy ones!
Here is this week's Photobucket Slideshow of pictures AND here is this week's Photobucket Album with FIVE videos - you'll notice the slideshow includes some pictures of Harrisburg and the Peregrines - I did detour over that way and saw them! I'll include the picture 'here' tomorrow - Blogger was being a real PITA Sunday afternoon - I had to upload pics one or two at a time to ensure they loaded - GRRRRRRR!
Once again, thanks so much for your support!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Lady MFT
That Antoinette might have expressive ears like me?.. And i know that ole trick, coming close for a photo and slapping a kiss on them. She'll make a familynsuper happy
Khyra, I have never seen your tail lloking so incredably floofy! don't tell tula I said so!
Antoinette and iris a re beautiful! thanks for helping them on their way to their happily ever after@
Am I first?
Going to read about Laska, now...
Dang that Norwood!
I don't know how you avoid pulling a u-turn some weekends - I would have a house full of dogs.
That first pic reminded me of the Peony I just cut from the garden!
What beautiful, lucky dogs and so photogenic!
What beautiful girls! Congratulations to them on their new lives!
Another lovely post! Those were very cute dogs - we know their new families will just love them!
Also we love the photo of your flooooooffffffie tail - makes us jealous we don't have big fur!
Sally and Paddy
PS We wanted to say thank you again for all your kind wishes and good vibes - Paddy is well again and back to his usual happy self!!!
What lovely passengers. They look like they were so happy to be on a bye bye ride!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Your tail lookhs amazing Khyra! You know, we were talking about you and your wonderful mom and all the rescue transports she does when Jake and Just Harry's mom came to visit. There are some very special bloggers that's for sure!
ps. Love the msg on that tag!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
what a busy time! glad you treated yourself to waffles! :)
rut roh.. that first pic was for norweed wasn't it? sneaky furry sneaky.
can't wait for woo to meet Rocky- he can put his akitaness all ovah woo...tell i said, what up brudder!
lots of kissies to LADY MFT, MERDIE & your mom.
So many sweet babies!!...Khyra is beautiful as always and Khousin Merdie to too adorable!...Iris and Scout are such beautiful, friendly girls=their families will be very lucky to get these lovely ladies...Good luck to Jett=we certainly hope she finds a loving home soon...Bless your Mommy for all she does for these wonderful dogs...Happy week sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I didn't know about Laska, but what a great story! The end, at least. I would've been so worried for him too. Very handsome boy!
I'm jealous about the Waffle House. I've only gotten to eat at one once, in Rolla, Missouri on the way to Oklahoma. It was fantastic, and I wish we had them around here.
PS ~ Layla said thank you for offering to share some fur to cover up her belly, but she's planning on losing all of hers soon, so we'll have bags and bags and bags to stick on there!
SO many cuties!! Making us think maybe we need a woofy...
Iris and Scout are both so cute! They looked so happy and it's wonderful they are going to have furever homes!
We remember Laska and when he went missing and then was found. We're glad he's been safe and sound in a loving home for a whole year now!
When Merdie lies on her side, her fur really goes EVERYWHERE!!!
Such cuties!!! We're so glad that Scout has found her furver home!:) We loved your tail pic and Merdie lying on her side.:)
Teddy Bear
Great passengers in todays post! They look like lovely puppers! Mum wanted to stroke those beautiful floppy ears too!
Great waterfall tail and Merdielog!
Miss Khyra, you must be jelly with your DOH transporting all those beautiful gals. Don't worry, you are still the queen of the fluffy tail.
What a great post today. I hopes that Iris and Scout stay happy. Thanks for doing what you do for us puppys.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Oh, I luved both Antoinette and Iris. But gosh, that Antoinette was just full of the personalitys, isn't she. I luved her happy, smiling face!
I'm glad they're both home and safe and luved now!
Wiggles & Wags,
I must say -- you have a world-class tail!
Firstly that tail woooo.. Then sweet Merdie. Then those adorable transport sweeties.. Mum says this post has set her up for her log shift as she will keep remembering it all afternoon.. We remember well the lovely Laska and all the tears we all shed when she was lost. It does not seem a whole year since then. wow time flies by so fast..Great post... Hugs GJ xx
Your tail is looking great Khyra. So fluffy today.
Scout & Iris are gorgeous. Thanks for helping them.
Love Ruby & Penny
Iris and Antoinette are a beauty! Glad they're going to have furever homes.
Your tail looks super floofy, Miss Khyra!
What a bunch of cuties! And someone scored the front seat?!? That's the best spot.
Loved loved the pictures of your transport Sunday!!! Adorable dogs!
Thank you and all the others who help these babies find there for ever home!! You bring me to tears every Monday. Tears of joy for those who have homes to go to, and tears of sadness for all those that have no hope of ever finding anyone for them. If I was young I would have 2 or 3 of them!!
XXOO, Fern
Wooos Khyra! I see woo are still lending out woo ride fur another wonderful transport. What cuties woo had in woo car. I am sure the cold air thingy felt good, with all of that humidity. are woo sure woo are not down south?
It has not decreased woo floofiness though!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I remember Laska. Congrats on your anniversary!
#29 baby...
Such cute woofies! We hope that they will be happy in their new homes.
What a wonderful post! I got all leaky eyed reading it. The doggies are gorgeous and I'm so glad for them. Thank you for all that you do for all of them!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
This is such a beautiful post, in so many different ways. Adorable pics of Khyra and cousin Merdie. And then adorabe pics of the dogs being rehomed ~ we could just see how grateful they feel.
And then as if that wasn't enough ~ we can feel the genuine love and caring of Khyra's mom towards ALL the animals. You filled our hearts with joy. Thank you for being such a wonderful caring person.
Real sweeties both. We hope Jett makes it next time.
Oh we certainly remember Laska! That Antoinette sure is the right color, love those black and white doggies. She does sort of have some Doofus in her, but Mom said that is a good thing. WHATEVER. I bet those families are over the moon to have such wonderful new pups.
What beautiful dogs! You have to have pieces of your heart scattered all over with memories of each of your grateful transports!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
We always love your Monday M's the very best Khyra and P...They leave us all thinking and thanking (and it isn't even Thursday!).
Hugs, Smileys & Snuggles!
Beth, Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Well done again mom! Antoinette and Iris made beautiful passengers for sure.
We hope Scout enjoys her new home and new name.
Khyra you were looking even floofier than usual in that first pic - is you mom using tail spray?
Martha and Bailey xxx
What a magnificently floofy tail woo are sporting in that pic, MFT! Iris & "Scout" are adorable - what great smiles they both have! And your mom gets an A+ fur her part in getting them to their new furever homes. Ah, Laska, we remember his adventure too. It is a pleasure to see how well he'd doing!
Miss Moo & jack a-roo
Reading so good news on monday, signs we will having a wonderful week.
Nice woooh
WOO~HOO~!!! Love the MOnday M's. Antoinette is a big goof! She such a happy girl!
They all look like Happy Campers!
Sorry for the bad experience seeing the dead bear - I hate seeing critters who have met their demise :(
Your passengers must have kept you happy, though. Love that big smile.
What beautiful pups. Yepper Those look like some really soft ears. We are with Norwood us heeler's have super duper soft ears.. he he
Once again we are so proud of you for taking the time to get them to their forever homes safe..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You know what just amazes me...despite what these animals have gone through, they ALWAYS look so happy and thankful. It is just so wonderful to read these stories.
I love that close up shot of Khyra...she is so beautiful.
Allison....Puddles mum
What lovely dogs you transported this weekend - we hope they are really happy in their forever homes!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
- poor bear, we hope he didn't suffer too much.
What gorgeous pups! Excellent work as always, Khyra's mum.
Such sweet faces on your transport pups and they obviously know you are an angel!
That is the floofiest tail I've ever seen!
You never fail to start my week off on a happy note...pups to forever homes, beautiful sunrises, and the powerful magic of making the world just a little better...you inspire and uplift our entire family!
Always good to see you Khyra and Merdie! What a fantastic transport your mom had! Lucky passengers :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Your Mom does such good work. We're sorry Jett didn't get to go to a forever home this week, but we're glad that Antionette and Iris did! What cuties they are!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We do read your blog everyday even if we can't always comment. Today's was wonderful--we love seeing rescued doggies and hearing how a transport went. We know about those left behind...
love & wags,
You know we love our M day so we can see all the great transport pics!
I am so happy for the rescued critters. Big tail wags from me. :)
Nice to see Merdie as always. :)
miss khyra,
holy cats! miss antoinette/scout looks so much like my aunt sweetie!! the only difference is that aunt sweetie has a little less black.
the booker man
pee s -- my mama is laughing about your mama's comment about boys being attached to their balls. i don't know what that means either. i just would like a little privacy...is that too much to ask?!
What ADORABLE dogs! All of them!
Thanks for everything you do!
Khyra. We so love the work you and your moma and your Merdie do. We think about you all the time ... especially when we think of all the great rescue efforts you are a part of. This post reminded us why you are so special. So very very special.
We're reading like crazy ... trying to catch up. And we're still planning on our trip in late July, hoping we can meet and maybe see your tree as we pass through. It's looking like it might be Monday July 26 ... after we leave the Scotties.
Crossing our paws ... really really tightly.
Jake and Fergi
Dear Khyra
Sometimes there are tears of joy for like when all these doggies get rescued. And sometimes sad tears for when sadness happens- all kinds of reason,,, that we all know about and sadness to see a killed bear- but one thing that makes us have happy tears are the wonderful stories your mom shares with us about the big effort to save the pups.
We thank her, and we thank you and Merdie for sharing your beautiful photos
Oops. Moma got confused. Make that Tuesday July 27 after we leave our pal Justin's home not too far from you. Whaddya think?
J and F
5:54AM? Like in the morning? I didn't even know such a time existed! :)
Hi, Khyra!
Pawesome start for your post... fluffy tail!
The girls are adorable!
My best wishes for them!
Kisses and hugs
Such cute and very lucky pups!!! They look so happy!
I can't believe it's been a year since Laska!! Wow, time has just flown!! We couldn't be happier for him. He really deserves all the love he is getting!
Holly and Khady
Nothing like stroking a nice set of velvet ears to pass the time.
Give me an I
Give me an R
Give me an I
Give me an S
My Momma hearts Iris....
Ben and the fellas
PS - there is internet on the yacht....but the peeps have instituted a 1 hour a day limit to technology on the days at the lake...and use it to work.
Mom noticed Antoinette's eyes and fell in love immediately!
Your mom does such awesome work, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
My Mom said if she had been anywhere near where you wound up, she would have taken Antoinette home with her. What a beauty!
We are always late these days reading blogs. But you guys are one-a the favorites.
Wonderful woofies you transported! We are very glad they got homes!
And lovely pictures of Khyra and Merdie!
Love all the pics of Khyra, Merdie, and the Rescues. You are right! Beautiful eyes. We are so glad that they have been given back a chance at life through your efforts. Grammy and the CCC
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