Thanks furry much fur your support and fur sharing your kind words!
Amy will be talking with an Animal Communicator later today - Amy asked Mom to send my blog link and the Photobucket Album so she khould furward them - some great ideas and suggestions have been pawed along by various individuals that have received the flier to khross post to their khontakhts
PeeEssWoo: Merdie's Younger Beans won their game Monday evening so they khompleted their season with a 14-0 rekhord!!!
We still have our paws crossed for him that he's found soon!
Congrats to the little beans!
Purrs for Rocky to be found soon!
Rocky's been on my mind all day today. I keep checking looking for good news!
Congrats to Merdie's little beans on their most awesome season!
We can't stop thinking about Rocky and hope he is found soon! We believe in the power of the paw and purrayers and we're sending lots of those his way!
Congrats to Merdie's little beans too!
I sure hope the goggie is home safe very soon.
Sending wishes and prayers for Rocky.
Great news on the 14-0 game record! Congrats :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We are sending lots of positive vibes to NJ - hopefully he will be found soon!
Well done, little Beans -
Sally and Paddy
We have our paws crossed for Rocky!!!
Teddy Bear
Khyra, we really really are hoping and wishing hard for Rocky to be found. he is such a beautiful dawg!
Congratulations to Khyra-Mummy for another grrrt transport trip.
love u guys,
Bud n Gin
Big Congrats to Merdie's Beans for a winning season!
I was hoping to find Rocky "Found" when I looked at your blog tonight, but once the network gets busy, I bet he will show up. I am hopeful for him!
We are hoping and hoping that Rocky is found. It is a scary world out there with no one to love you and no one to open the door when you want to come inside. Momma says that she will say PURRayers.
Paws crossed for a quick rescue! And congrats on Merdie's little beans! I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds awesome!
We are still purring for someone to find sweet Rocky and bring him home!...We realize all of you who know him and his new family are worried sick about him...We can't wait to hear good news about that adorable baby...YAY for Merdie beans!!...kisses x3 beautiful Khyra...Calle, Halle, Sukki
It is such a worry - we are hoping for good news soon for Rocky.
The world is such a scary place.
Well done to the beans.
Watching your blog for good news soon .....!
Martha and Bailey xxx
We've gotted ALL our paws khrossed for Rocky. We so want him found safe and sound.
Our paws remain crossed for Rocky!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We hope the little puppy finds his way home soon!!
I've seen the lost post in several places, and I hope so much that Rocky is found and returned safely!!
Our paws remain crossed.
We're still sending good thoughts out to Rocky and hoping he is found safe and sound soon!!!!
Paws crossed for a quick rescue! Was this during a transport? That happened her last weekend too!! But he's was safely back on track to his furever home, as we pray Rocky will be too! GL with the animal communicator. Please let us know how things are progressing.
We are all hoping that there is good news today. Paws crossed and sibe vibes headed East for Rocky.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Yep, we gots our paws crossed too...that's three doxies times two...okays, that's just alots...hehehe! We hopes everthing works out and Rocky comes home safely.
Congrats to da beans on their win.
We are purring that the woofie is found very soon!!!
Puppy prayers and paws crossed for Rocky's safe return!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS Yay for little beans!
Congrats to the baseball team! How exciting for them!!
Hope there's good news about Rocky today.
Tank's Asst.
I spent some time searching the internet last night, hoping I could find something on Rocky. I'm hoping a good Samaritan picked him up, and posted his picture in an unconventional spot. Keeping our paws crossed!
Keeping my paws crossed for Rocky!
Paws crossed in Canada for Rocky. Hope he's found today.
Love Ruby & Penny
We're purring very hard that Rocky is found soon!
We wish we could help more, but we are very far away.
But we will keep our paws crossed!
Purring for Rocky!
Woos Khyra! we will be sending lots of Sibe-vibes, that he will be found safe and sound! Mum is sending her dog vibes to him to go home too! (Although she is not a communicator she is a really good behaviorist and seems to understand us doggies quite well, at least that is what all of the humans tell her, and a few of us doggies!)
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We've got everything crossed over here that Rocky will be found ASAP!!
Yay for Merdie's beans!!
Congratulations on the beans for an outstanding season.
We are focusing on New Jersey hoping that a few extra terrier vibes help out.
hi k & p!
you are so wonderful! you always help everyone around you!
we are sending positive vibes for rocky to be found!
m & e
Hi Khyra!
I sure hope Rocky will be found. We'll keep praying for him!
Maxx and family
My paws are crossed and I am sending my vibes for Rocky.
Congrats to Merdie's Bean's Team!!!!!
We're glad you're on the case --- with so many helpers!
Eight terrier paws crossed from here!
Jake and Just Harry
We're thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and energy!
Come On Rocky Boy!!!
We are crossing all of our paws that you find Rocky real soon!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Oh no, we will purr and purray that Rocky gets found right away!
Congrats to Merdie's beans. We are sending positive vibes for Rocky to be found
Khyra you are so thoughtful. We will be sending good vibes too
Benny & Lily
We are hopeful Rocky will be found soon.
We are stil adding our purs for Rocky to be found and reunited with his new family as soon as possible!
Hi Khyra! We just started catching up and were visiting The OP Pack and read about Rocky - we are sending lots of purrs and prayers for him to be found quickly!
And congrats to Merdie's little beans - what a great job!!
We are keeping him in our puppy prayers. We were so sad to hear via facebook that he got lost.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
love the flowers
ooooh we are still praying fur rocky
El'bow & Hauwii
Paws crossed Frankie style (praying position). Congrats on the peanuts and my respect to Ms Khyra
Sending the strongest positive energy we can muster that Rocky is found soon and safely! The poor boy must be so scared and confused!
Khyra we are keeping the vibes coming from across the pond too. Purring and praying that he is found soon.. Love GJ x
Our paws are crossed and Mama is saying special prayers for Rocky. We also emailed my Aunt in Bloomingdale and had her spread the word to all her NJ friends.
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
We are keeping all of our paws crossed that Rocky will be found soon.
Woofs and Purrs,
Tommy and The Chans
We are sending our good vibes... I hope that Rocky is found and can start his new life with his family.
Keep up the good work Mom and Khyra. All our Heeler Vibes are going out to help find Rocky....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We have been thinking abouts Rocky since yesterday. I hopes so much he finds his way home!
Hopeful Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Congrats to the little beans!
My paws are crossed for Rocky!
Keeping our paws and fingers crossed!
Hope there is good news soon!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
I sure do hope they can find Rocky. Must be so stressful.
Glad the kids won their game, congrats!
Poor Rocky - you are so good to try and help find him. Our paws are crossed that he will safely return home :(
We still have our paws crossed.
So many people sending good vibes- keeping hope alive
I sure hope Rocky is found quickly! Sending positive vibes your way.
I'm so sorry I haven't been visiting much! Sorry to hear about Rocky too...I'm crossing my paws and sending good vibes that he will be found very VERY soon! *crosses paws*
HOw horrible for Rocky's parents. Thanks for being such a good friend Khyra. I hope they find him soon!
We hope so much that Rocky is found. There has been two doggies go missing in our neighbourhood lately. Its so so sad when a doggie goes missing :(
your pals,
Digby and Delta
We really hope Rocky makes it home soon. We've had lots of success stories when DWB vibes start flowing!
That is too bad about Rocky. We are praying for his swift return.
Paws and Licks
I still have my paws crossed for Rocky and will be waiting for good news soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We are wishing real hard for Rocky to be found. Hope you get good news soon.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Paws crossed that you can rescue Rocky. Wish we could help somehow.
Nice woooh
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