but then again, maybe I really don't want any snow - so DO NOT SEND ANY TO PA - no matter what - NO SNOW - I'll try the reverse psykhhology approach!
A magikhal box arrived on Monday from Summiiii and his mummi!!!
There was a pakhkage of Busy Bones fur me - and assorted khookies fur the humans - here is me enjoying the last bite of one khookie Summiiii's Mummi had made
Here is me modelling the special gift fur Mom
I kept hoping he was in there but alas, it would take a much much much bigger box fur Summiiii
The hoodie was FURRY lukhky bekhause Mom wore it on Tuesday and that night, the Hawk Birdies beat the Khytties from Misery - khwite the interesting game!
On the day after our 'big snow' - NOT - we did have lots and lots of winds -
Woody was holding on fur dear life!
This was the side of the tree protekhted from the gusts
Woo khan kind of see how flooooofed the wings are
Mom snagged this from the PF kham on Wednesday - one likes to sit on the light fixture against the side of the building


Some last neighbourhood pikhs to khlose out the year
I think one of Frankie's pals wanted to wish evFURRYone a HAPPY and SAFE NEW YEAR!!!

I wanted to share the furry nice words Echo's Mom left on the post I did fur him -
Dear Sweet Khyra -
Thank you so much for honoring our Echo. The pain is still very raw and I honestly wonder how I'll ever get through this. I've often wondered whether it's worse to watch a beloved pet drift away slowly, knowing the end was near - or whether it was worse just losing them one day with no warning. I've experienced both within a period of just a few months and still can't answer it. My pain is indescribable. The timing is uncanny. In my heart I believe he missed his Meeka so much that he couldn't bear to be without him. Meeka was Echo's mentor ever since day one when Echo bounced into our home at just a few weeks of age. As the recent picture showed, there was no doubt he missed his friend. Echo collapsed in front of our eyes in our living room after running joyously up the stairs with a bone in his mouth to greet my son. That was it. He was gone that fast. Scott didn't make it home in time to say goodbye. It is possible for a heart to break....ours are now. I've spent the morning crying, wandering aimlessly through the rooms collecting what's left of my baby. I'm taking it one hour at a time. A priority for us is to help Shyla through this. Echo was her rock and helped her through some severe anxiety issues. We are concerned as we see her looking for him. We showed her his body yesterday but I don't think she understood. Her well being is our first priority and ultimately will pull us all through this tragedy. We appreciate everyone's words and thoughts.
PeeEssWoo: Please head ovFUR to HERE as another of our furiends is Barking It Furward!!! Please spread the word!
Dearest Khyra...
I just want to say thank you for the role you always play in blogging land - to help keep us up to date on all the happenings. It's not always easy (as you know) but I've come to rely on you...
Thank you for telling us about Echo (and all the others). I end up visiting them and not leaving a comment on your blog too...(I'm sorry) so I hope this makes up for it, because I really appreciate it! Thank you!
Your woodpecker is beautiful - not unlike some of the ones we get here (although they are usually not in the city).
I love all your pressies and also that your neighbourhood is still in the festive spirit.
Anyway, God bless you for the amazing work you do...you are really a special one!
Wishing you a very happy and fulfilling 2011 and thank you for being such a fabulous blogging buddy.
Sending lotsaluv to all your loved ones (Human and furry ones)
oh Khyra must efurrything have floof! even a woodie woodpeckah:) OOhhh.. i found the PAWFECT solution to your snow problems. wait & see, it'll show up in PAWSYLVANIA!!!
We thought there had been a mixup on Remington's part and that we had gotten YOUR order somehow...but it only snowed in our part of town for about half an hour of big fluffy beautiful non-sticking flakes and then it was gone...hopefully toward you! BUT we are very very cold tonight with high winds...the weather heads say we might get down to teens here in town...not good for momma who is still having chills from the flu!
Excellent taste in outerwear ;-) As a Hawkeye myself I can tell you that many of us were as surprised as we were delighted by the win. The coach and team deserved that after the last few months of turmoil. If it weren't so cold and damp (and snowy--sorry!!) we would all be dancing in the streets!
Happy New Years!! Hope some white fluffies fly in your honour!
Ooh...what lovely treats! Happy new year Khyra and mom!
Wooo beautiful floofy Khyra im sorry to hear you have no snow, if it makes you feel better we dont have any at home but have to travel to the mountains to zooomie in it.
My hu'mum loves the pics of woody and the PF cam.
We doggies and hu'mum would like to say how truly saddened we are to hear about your friend Echo, we can not imagine what pain his hu'parents are going through right now.
Happy New Year to you and your hu'mum, I hope 2011 is a good year for yous.
Khumbu x
Happy New Year Khyra, we hope the snow comes to you very soon
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Happy New Year to you and your mom!!! We're glad to meet you here and we enjoy reading your blog as it is so newsy and interesting!!! Btw, we always love your meditating and crossed paws pictures : )
Happy New Year Khyra and family!
Hope you get your snow soon!
A Siberian without snow - this is just wrong. We are sure the reverse psychology approach will work out.
All the best for you and your family in 2011!
Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you absolutely NO snow (we'll see if the reverse psychology thing works)!
We don't miss snow but we hope you get some soon! Mom remembers how her Eskie used to love to run with her muzzle in the snow!!
Have a Happy New year!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Miss Khyra
It was hard for me to hop past that first pic to read your post.. ribbet!
Woody woodpecker may need a safety harness.. hee hee
HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE!!! We love you so much!
Oh Khyra..I was so hoping to see that you had some snow! Maybe we will push some ahead of us on our way home this weekend.
Happy New Year anyway.
Give your Mom a kissie for me
Grrrrreat pics today Khyra. I want to thank you again fur the Snowman Cookie tin and Delicious Milkbone.
I also want to WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. I hope that it brings you Joy Peace and wonderful Surprises.
I hope the reverse psychology works! We're getting tons of rain here today, but at least it's not snow. Our snow is all washing away, but Mom says there will probably be more.
You look great in that sweatshirt! Maybe the trick is that you always have to wear it on game days!
Echo's mom's sentiments are too easy to relate to (bad grammar, shoot me!)
So, it's ok with you if we send this snow to Wyatt, Stanzie and the OP Pack?
Loved the pics of handsome woody!
That box of goodies from Summiiiiiiiiiiii looks so great! Yes, too bad, he couldn't send himself over too!
Thanks for being our friend and introducing us to so many wonderful cats and dogs. U and your Mom our in our thoughts and we are sending you the very best wishes for a Happy New Year!!!!!
Happy New Year Khyra and Familie
Nice woooh
Sally and her Can-openers
I hope the reverse psychology works for you! I think the pups that like snow should be the ones to get it. Doesn't seem fair to torture the little pups like me with it! *snickers*
Our snow all melted away 'cause it got so warm out again. More will probably come soon, though.
Happy 2011!
We are getting ready for round two of another snow storm. I am still shoveling to get to the shipping department! If I can't get them to do it right this time, I will have to drive it to you myself! Have a fun and safe New Year, my friends!
So sorry to hear about Echo; sending sincere condolances to his family and friends, wishing them comfort at this sad time...We are very grateful for your friendship this past year, precious friends (adorable Merdie and Harley too!)...We wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year filled with love and joy...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Khyra, we have cancelled all snow that is coming this way. We don't want any of it and we know you don't either. The snow will just have to find another path to take! The little woodpecker is cute and all of the pictures are beautiful like you. We will go over to Echo's blog and we thank you for always letting us know. Happy New Year!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
mFT, we'll see what we can do about NOT sending woo our snow (wink wink). Its melting now, so it has to go somewhere!
Aw, mom got LES again reading those lovely words Echo's mom wrote to you. Our pack has experienced gradual & sudden losses too, and have to agree, they both break your heart. We continue to hold Echo & his family in our hearts.
Woosers, end of another year already! Hoping 2011 will be a healthy & prosperous one fur all of us!
jack & moo
That is one shopping cart we like!!
Happee New Years Eve!!
Benny & Lily
Don't worry girlfuriend, you'll gets your snow soon...I'm sure of it (lawd, I hope). Why don't da snow fairy leaves it fur da Sibes furst?
What a beautiful note from Echo's mom. Bless her, I know hers is hurting so bad.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Khyra and Mom.
Thanks fur all the terrific things you do to help others, both 2 and 4 legged. We are proud to be your pals!
See you in (hopefully a snow filled) 2011!
Wyatt and Stanzie
We came over to wish you and yours a very Happy, healthy and love filled New Year.. Hugs GJ Carol and Barrie xx
We should have asked mom to bring back some snow for you all -- how strange with all the white stuff blowing around just a short journey away hat you are bereft!
In any case, we're just stopping by to say thank you for being such a good friend -- and helping so many others of our kind to reach their happy homes. You are a very very special floofy girl -- and your mom isn't too bad either!!!
Happy New Year to you both and to the rest of your family!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
We sure are glad you are over your wish for snow.. hehe
That is a cute wood pecker.. Sis always called them Woody Packers..
We are so sorry to hear about Echo.. RIP
You have a very Happy New Year..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, your post made us smile but then we got all leaky when we got to the end. We do want to say we hope you and your mom have a very Happy and Healthy New Year! We also send those wishes to The Doggy Nanny, Fred, Butterscotch, Brofur, Merdie, Harley, Merdie's beans, Abby and Auntie Di!
Sending you wishes for only the very best to come your way in 2011, and some snow too.
Happy New Year.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and the Momster
Our hearts are breaking for Echo's mom.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That was so nice of Echo's mom.
You look uper cute in your new hoodie.
We left your friend a comment. :)
WE are so sorry about your friend Echo. That sounds like a very sad story and we send huge hugs to the parents of Echo. We are so sad over this.
Your woodpecker is just gorgeous. What a great picture.
Take care and we are wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New year with lots of good deliveries of those doggies that need their forever homes. You are so terrific to do all that.
You don't gots no snow and most of our snow is gone, too. What's going on? HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Our snow is gone, we have mud. Thanks for sharing Echo's parents thoughts. Our hearts ache for them as we lost our bloodhound in June so we know the loss very well. But thanks for keeping us all up to speed with everything going on. Happy New Year, Sniffs...The HoundDogs
Ooooo...reverse psycho-ology, Khyra! You are Most Smart! I hope it works. I packaged some of our snow up for you. I sure hope it gets there and doesn't get lost on the way.
I am sending you happy wishes for a Most Joyful and Bright New Year, my furend!
Wiggles & Wags,
I am not sure the reverse psychology trick is going to work with the snow, but good luck!
Ever wonder why humans picked the coldest darkest time of the year to start a new year? Wouldn't it make more sense to start the new year in the Spring when the world reawakens and stirs with life and promise? Just something to think about tonight! Wishing you fluffy white flakes to be falling at midnight tonight (your time)! Happy New Year, my friends!
I want to thank you for being you, sweet Khyra. Thanks for telling us about Echo and for all the times that you look out for others in our blogosphere.
I'm sorry that you missed out on the snow... and then got walloped by the wind. The snow will come, I promise.
Happy New Year to you.
Happy New Year!!! Hope you gets just a little snows :) We have a woodpecker friend here on our mountain...we call him pil (for pileated :)
May your new year be filled with joy, health, and riches beyond your imagination!
Purrs and Hugs,
Fin and Mom
We went right over to help your friends with their Bark It Furward.
It's so sad about Echo. A terrible ending to their year.
a Happy 2011 to you and your mom.
Hello Miss Khyra :o)
Thanks for sharing these pawsome pictures!
So sorry about your friend Echo... :o(
Hope you and your family have a wonderful and Happy New Year!
Neeko :o)
Happy New Yer Khyra,,,, you got 15 minutes before the ball comes down,,,
I know I am early, but I wanted to get you while blogger is allowing me to. We have fought for several days,, this dial up is NO FUN.
We are sorry you have no snow.
We have snow and cold, and no HEAT!
We feel so sad for Echos'a family.. and others that are hurting tooo. We just heard of a little pug that drowned.. and our hearts are sad for that mom too.
We wish some good things to happen in the New Year,
We thank you and your mom for all you do,,, Yes, your mom is an angel.
Woody the woodpecker is so cute, but I would like one of those frogs
Magnificent woodpecker and of course, Miss Khyra!!!
Happy New Year,
~K and The Pups
We need to go over to Echo's bloggie; have been remiss...it just hurts so much for the families left behind....
Hey Khyra...why did they use Fleury instead of you in net today at the classic??? I saw you knocking those pics every which way with your floofy tail; you were stopping them pawfectly...I was glad they moved ya up onto defense...Fleury needed a bit of help in this one; not his best game poor guy.
My purple raincoat and wellibob business did amazingly well; shore was WET!!
Khisses to you Khyra Dear...we'll miss you tomorrrow; safe driving, kay,?
Love to all,
Lacie Cakes
Thank you for sharing Echo's family's thoughts with us. I grieve for them. I thought of them often since I first read your post about the sudden loss and have hugged my 2 closer ever since. I hope the new year brings them some peace and eventually joy.
those are some super cute frogs :)
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