
Chekhked to make sure my tail was still bakhk there since it was SO windy!




This khritter has been watching the khanines pose on the rokhks! Skhwirrels are SUCH khopykhats!




Almost blew out of the frame

It did!

Much better

She tried to trot alongside to get some other shots

I'm TOO khwikhk!

Then I took some pity on her

Go ahead - snap away!

I gave her my best serious look!
Here is this week's Walkin' Wednesday video - it is wordless but so NOT windless!
Please remember to khome bakhk tomorrow!!!
We want to be able to send LOTS of green paper$ to the same group that gave us this awesome PBS show from the spring!
How kind of you to pause and allow her to present you in all of your glory! :)
Oh, how I love that beautiful floof!
I think it's so funny that they never want to let you get in front of them to take a picture!!
And by they, I mean all puppies!!
Woo-hoo, your first pic looks like it could be part of our blog post today too! We are furry happy to know your tail stayed attached inn all that windy wind!
jack & moo
Hi Khyra!
Gkad to see you floof is still intact after all that wind!
Hi Khyra, we are so very glad your tail was still there when you checked!
We worry for our ears in the wind!
We thought you were kind letting your mom catch up and doing some posing - well it's nearly Xmas.
We will come back and watch your video - this is a little mobile thingie we have which doesn't allow for such luxuries.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Awww, still no snow! *doing snow dance for Khyra*
Hi, Khyra! We feel like we know you because no matter what doggie blog we look at, you've always been there first! So we get to read your comments, so we feel like we know you. You are an incredibly active and civic minded doggie and you make us all proud! We both came to our forever home the same way your transit guests do: some nice ladies took turns driving us [in separate trips] up from N.C. to VA, where mama went to meet them to get us. So we're especially appreciative of the good works that you and your mom do. We hope you get your snow soon, and that you get any snow that might be thinking of coming here, too.
Jed & Abby
You would be fun to walk with, Khyra!
We are lovin' all the floof action.:)
Teddy Bear
That's some handsome floof whoo got there!
Dat was nice of you to lets your mum get a face shot of you...hehehe! Don't happen around heres too often
Are you sure that was the wind and not the DOH breathing heavy from keeping up with you?
How is it that your floof is still not feeling the oh-so-cooling snow?
You and the wind have created some truly bootiful floof pictures.
Looks like you had a wonderfully windy walk.
Walkin in a WINDY wonderland???
Khyra, we love going on walks with you!!!
The squirrel was angling to become famous in your blog, Khyra!
It was SO windy the past few days!! I told Layla to be careful she didn't blow away.
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind...just like your floof!
We've been graced with an almost windless week! Lovin' it!
It looks windy and cold where you live! Brrrrrr
My, what a fluffy tail you have!
Khyra, your tail floof is just so FABULOUS!!!!
#1 finally got a copy of that PBS show and we all just loved it!
Look at all of that floof blowing around! If it's as cold and windy there as it is here, that was some windy walking!! Love how Khyra did pause and let you get the pictures!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
What a grrreat walk, Khyra!! When you gonna get some snow??
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Woof! Woof! You are too Kwick .... Happy Walkie Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Your wind blown tail is extraordinary.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Don't worry Khyra, your fluffy tail is still there, the wind didn't blow it away. :)
Sam & June
Wow, it seemed to be QUITE windy on your walk! And that squirrel was a big copycat, I agree! Love the floof.
Elyse and Riley
I wish I could walk with you Khyra. I love going on your walks.
Wooff! Must have been furry cold for hoomans, Khyra, but obviously, not fur you! In fact, you look even more bootiful and floofy in the wind! For all that cold, you really should have snow - hope you get some super soon!
Hugs xoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
I'm glad your tail didn't blow away. Your tail is very beautiful!
That's the floofiest we rfemember seeing woo.
It's kind of brrr-is here -- but our tails don't floof, regardless.
Wirey floofs, er, woofs.
Jake and Just Harry
Loves YOUR streets flag and pantaloons, too. They're neatos!!
Nuzzles, Suzy :o))
Ok. My secretary wants to say Hi, too. Guess I'll lets him.
"Hi. I like your street wear, too."
That's enough, Pops. This is MY barkings, not yours.
Sniffs you later. Suzy
Whew! We are very thankful you didn't blow away! We hope that wind blew in a storm for you!
Maybe you need to change today to Windy Wednesday instead. :)
We love walkies on the day the trash man has gone too, Khyra. There are so many great smells!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
it sure has been windy these past couple days!
What a great fluffy tail, my friend!
aw khyra you really do have the most fabulous tail - loves and licks xxx
What a very windy walk you had. No snow yet though..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wow - Wickedly Wild Windy Walking Wednesday. Woo.
Whew! I am Most Relieved that your tail didn't blow away, Khyra. That woulda been Most Tragic.
Wiggles & Wags,
Dear Khyra... First, I'm glad that your pawesome tail is still back there. Second, from every angle you are fluffy, floofy and beautiful! Finally, I sure enjoyed talking a walk with you today!!
Your fan,
All that wind makes your floof look extra floofy, Khyra.
There is nothing sexier than floof in the wind! Your look MAGNIFICENT my friend!
There is nothing sexier than floof in the wind! Your look MAGNIFICENT my friend!
Wow, Khyra - that looks really windy!! Hsin-Yi was wondering - does your tail floof ever get tangled up, like hair in the wind?
Honey the Great Dane
Your tail looks so super duper floofy! Hehe.
Hmmm. We totally missed that show. We'll be back tomorrow.
Your floof is like a weather vane MFT! In those pics with your snooter in the air and eyes squinty I think you are sniffing for upcoming snow... I hear some is on the way!
geesh it was hard to work your floof in the wind. woo sure woo's not in Chicago? (then woo could root for da BEARs at least)
just sayin.
Thank you for taking us on your walk through the wind Khyra,,it was refreshing!
Sigh... Your post give me the vapors!
What wif your Floof in full swing and those gorgeous moments of reflection... I must go lie down.
wif love from the Luke
What happened to your snow.... I thought you had some?
woof - Tucker
PEE S I gots tons of snow, like 7 inches! Woo HOOO!
Your tail is still there but it looks like it wants to go a different direction from the rest of you ...
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