
Head to The Mitten State to see what DFB has selekhted to award to one lukhky reader - a furry khool Ice Hokhkey Husky ornament!
Stop by and visit Rudy and His Raiser to see what they've got going on their blog
Head ovFUR to Johann's - lots and lots going on there!!!
Last stop fur today will be a big jump fur many of us - all the way to Malaysia to chekhk out Katz And Other Tales - they have a new book available - with some of the green - or other khurrency kholours - papers going to Furry Friends Farm
That sure is a lot of floof! Wowzers! We're getting some nice snow here, I wish I could send it to you!
Look at all the pretty pictures!! We will check out the links in the morning! Thanks for giving them to us!!! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Another action-packed post full of interesting stuff going on in the blogoverse! thanks, MFT! Your FT is lookin' might fluffy! Does yours floof more in cold weather? Ours do!
jack & moo
Hi Khyra!
We'll visit the links ASAP, thanks for sharing them. So much is going on here too, hope you have a great weekend and that floof is getting floofier each time!!
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Abigail the Yorkie xx
Thank you for sharing all the great links.:) We hope you're having a great weekend. I hope you get some snow.:)
Teddy Bear
A bit of khats and floofery never hurt anybody!
A nice mixed bag today my friend. Love the cats pictures and of course the fluffy tail.. Will check out the links. Hugs GJ xx
What a busy day and how nice to have someone waiting on the front doorstep for when you got home!!!
Thanks for the mention, Khyra. It's pawsome! Also love your floof tail.
It's always nice to be greeted when you come home--Even if it is a cat, right?? ;-))
I hope you have a good weekend!
woowo thats a lot ^^
El'bow & Hauwii
Harooo to woo! Nice pictures, especially of the fluff! Woo is rockin it!
Happy Saturday! Our snow didn't last long at all but they are predicting more today - surely today is your day for snow too!!!
See the angels haven't had that pillow case fight over at your place yet!
We'll paw over to the links you have posted and see whts going on with everyone.
Have a great weekend.
Big Snowie Nose POkes
The Thugletsx
Great Floof Foto! And we think the holly day decorations need some snow.
Khousin Harley looks like the flashy beast woke him from a nap! Hehe..
Wot a nice catch-up post. We like the khat hoo was on yoor doorstep ~ does he live near whoo?
Mom has been watching the Pencilvania wevver trying to decide where to hike but it do be coldie ofer there this weekend with snow flurries to we do be heading south instead so you can has all of the flurries wot comes your way.
I love the FLOOF! Now, you just need some snow. We'll do a snow dance for you!
Tell Harley to just check the shirt tag for his Dad's size. You dogs should be able to read S, M, X, XL, XXL. Although he does look adorable doing it his way.
We will be starting our decorations today. Yours are looking lovely so far.
I think Bro-fur is your unofficial Khat! Happy Saturday, and looks like the decorations are getting underway!! Don't tell Khyra that we got another 5" of snow last night....shhhhh!! xoxo
You are so lucky to live with such a beautiful, fuzzy, orange cat!
Sending purrs,
I thought Brofure was ready to give up his wild, single life!
And the fluffy tail did floor!
Happy Saturday, my friend! I am still working on your snow order....shouldn't be too long....
Lots of NUZE! Your NOZE sure sniffs out all the fun happenings on the blogs, worldwide, Khyra, you smartie!!! Thanks for the heads (nose?) up and your floof is just so gorgeous!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
Silly Harley! Is he ready for his first holiday with his new family?
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay did yoo kownt the silverware after that kitty wuz haynging arownd yore playse??? yoo no how they ar!!! ok bye
Love the fun photos; so nice to see Brofur or is it Butterskotch(?) waiting on your return, Harley's t-shirt photo is precious and we love all the beautiful Khyra floof=that tail shot is an awesome way to end the post!!...Happy weekend, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Whoa Khyra...you might have more floof than my momma Ellie! I think it was really lucky of you to have such a nice khat to greet you when you came home from your walkie, but like Halle, Calle and Sukki said, we didn't know which of your furriends it was.
Happy Saturday Khyra!! Great pho-toes!!
Hey Khyra.. it is spitting snow here. I had to wear my camoJacket when I went out to ... mess around.
Oh Khyra! We loves that fluffy tail!! Cousin Harley is furry cute in that green shirt!
Monty says Hi Khyra... loves your floofy bottom.... oops tail!
Awwww...Khousin Harley is just sooooo Most Cute! I have my paws crossed that you'll gets some snow soon.
wiggles & wags,
WOoooO You are so great to post about my contest!! Thanks for playing and spreading the news!!
That's right it ain't ovfur until the flooflie tail speaks
We're excited that Christmas is coming! It's good to see Khousin Harley too!
We think Brofur wanted to go inside your house to become your new brofur!
Can you imagine your fluffy tail in a nice snow storm?
Swishing snow to here and there?
I think you can
hehe..cousin Harley in the tshirt is too funny!
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