Sorry it is a wee bit blurry but Mom had to hurry the shot - this was Thursday's biskhuit spot - the sofa akhross from my chair

How about a tree fur all!?!

I had time to make up since I didn't get much khwality time with it on Wednesday!



More watching

With khrossed paws fur the snow my pals are sending!!!

Some of them have said they have too much - khan woo believe that???

Dreaming of napping with my fluffy tail all chilled!

Another slightly blurry one but I moved JUST as Mom took it

So I khould do THIS!
Here is the link to this week's Sky and Stuff Slideshow - we had hoped to khapture something worth a panoramikh shot on Thursday but the sun in the pikhs was all the day provided - the khlouds wrestled bakhk khontrol of the sky!
Have a furry fun Friday!
We hope you get the snow that everyone is sending your way! Our mommy has lots of pictures of us moving just as she clicks the camera too. That's what they get for being too slow!
Oh Khyra
you know how much we love all the clouds and sky photos that you share with us,, Each one is magical ,, and we just love them.
I saw one snow flake sailing in the sky today,,,, the wind was blowing it your way.
It should get there tomorrow
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - sorry, the post before this made us very sleepy. By the time we got here, it was snoozing time. No stress in you life Khyra. Just as it should be.
I hope you get some snow! We got a little on Tuesday, but it's never enough!
I'll be crossing my paws that you get some white stuff soon. I can't wait to get back to the mountains and play in the snow.:)
Teddy Bear
We are sending some of our snow your way!! xoxo
We notice you sleep all spread out and not with your tail over your nose. Is that because you're an indoor doggy? Or do you have a smelly bottom?
I do so love days like you had...I need more of them!!
Thanks by the way for all the good thoughts you've been sending for Hamlet!!!
We were thinking about you last night when we saw.....SNOW!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
I hope you get snow and that I don't. I am wishing lots of snow for your estate, how is that?
We had the big rain here earlier in the week. Of course stupid PeeWee was not bothered and made momma walkie him. Ish.
We hopes you get lots of snow since you likes it so much.
Hope you get your snow soon!! You can have any of the snow that we get too!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Oh Khyra, where on earth is that snow?
You know we blame the mail delivery - we do hope it hasn't got lost in the post............!
Our Dad cleared the path for us again last night - we now have a snow mountain.........!
We told him Khyra and our other friends are just waiting for that .......... he said to help yourselves.........!!!!!
Have a good weekend.
Martha and Bailey xxx
We hope you get your snow, soooooooooon!
Paws crossed here for your snow. I think if it is the storm that hit New Yawk you will be satisfied with your results
I heared the wevver man say we is getting blasted with snow in the middull of December but January and February not so much. So there be hope fur you hasing snow soon. Mom duss say you can has all of ours too.
We're supposed to get snow here tonight. You can have it if you want!
We thought for sure that you would have snow, Khyra! BUMMER!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
When we get snow, you can have ours, O.K.?
Your buddy,
I promise that if we get any snow it will be shoveled up and sent straight to YOU!
Hi Khyra, we are sending some snow over to whoo, straight away! Enjoy!
No snow for us yet either and Smokes is waiting and waiting too!
I just have a tiny bit of snow on portions of my grass... I guess this is YOUR season. Me.. not so much.
We've been working on sending you some European snow, Khyra!
Khyra, we want some of that white stuff too. KHourse we just want to watch it from inside the house.
Hello Khyra, you are a beautiful doggie!
What a great tree. Our big tree is on the "other side" of the fence. All we can do is gnaw on the roots that stick up on our side. We're waiting fur snow too, but not gonna hold our breath.
jack & moo
Khyra, We think you will get your snow - those crossed paws will do it!! You have a pretty pink tongue. You were made for snow so we hope you get enough to play in & be happy!
You are right Khyra, it would be nice with a WHITE Golden Friday but those snow in Buffalo did not make it far enough to us. Sigh....
We know woo are wishing for that white fluff as well. Woo's tree would look much nicer covered in white. Soon, very soon, hopefully...
Sam & June
If you're looking for snow, it might be time to shuffle of to Buffalo!
My shipping department is really running behind on getting this snow to everyone. Hopefully this weekend another shipment will be here. I will do my best, my friend!
I love all your pictures Khyra blurred or not and think you look just gorgeous. For a woofie that is. I am trying my very best to get some of my snow to you. There is plenty and I think you would love to have it Hugs GJ x
Hi, beau-woo-tiful Khyra! I love these photos of you! We are supposed to get between two and eight inches of snow in the Chicago area over the weekend. I will try to have some of it sent your way! Happy FrEYEday, lovely Khyra!
Khyra, all of the pictures of you are always so good! Love the clouds too! They are saying we might get some snow tomorrow and if it comes, we will send all of it to you! I like it but mom seems to not be too fond of it anymore...something about ice and falling down all the time and breaking bones....who knows...I can't understand her. Lot sof love, Holly and mom
Ooh, we like your watching eyeball!
No snow yet there? Are you waiting for the snow outside?
Awwwww Youre so cute how you yawn!
We have just the right amount of snow for us...none.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I agree Khyra, no such thing as too much. I hope you get a nice snowy blanket beneath your tree!
That picture of you with your tongue sticking out is our favorite. We know that is how you feel about having no snow yet.
Wish you were here. It is snowing like crazy out. You would have tons of fun!
Khyra you are doing a great job waiting for that snow.. The tree looks a little bare..
Great photo's Mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
One can never have too much snow.
Khyra you are being so patient waiting for the snow. You might as well hang in the yard or hop on the sofa when moms not looking. Cute pictures
Benny & Lily
I don't think the snow's ever gonna show up, Khyra. I keep waiting and waiting, too. Zilch! Once or twice we've had a little dribble but that's it. It seems that the furends who have "too much" could at least share with those of us who don't have any!
Wiggles & Wags,
Such a pretty girl, we hope you get snow.
Remy and Flash
You are lookin be-woo-tiful as all ways Miss Khyra! Those golf course people should invest in a snow blower! Just a fought.
wif love from the Luke
Gee, I would have thought you'd have snow by now!
Hoping the snow finally finds its way to you this weekend...but only AFTER mom travels safely if she doing a transport. Have a great weekend.
Khyra, I love your biscuit shots!!! :) We're supposed to get snow overnight tonight, but if you can find a way to have it miss us and head your way, you're welcome to it!! Have a great weekend!
Have a fun weekend, Khyra.
You are so good at relaxing, Khyra, crossed paws and all!
Khyra, Mercury asked me to tell you that she appreciates your comment on her blog:)
Have fun while the sun shines.
Wise wags,
Blurry pictures or not you is still beootifuls!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
w00fs, me loves the crossed paws one and the one of u resting ur eyes..
b safe,
Hee! hee! LIke that picture with your pink tongue sticking out...and hey, I thought I was the only one starting to get white eyelashes!!! :-) Have you always had them? Mine have only started to go grey...
Honey the Great Dane
O hai! :) I like ur pikshers of the lawn and the tall tree. There is a big tree in front of my house. Lots of birdees live in it. :)
Khyra woo is my role model!
Mya Boo Boo
Khyra...we have sent a message to the angels to sort out their satnav and head on over to your place for a pillow fights so you get the white stuff you want.
We still have pleanty and we sooooo lurve it!
Big Snowie Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
WEe never have snow here!
We are so sad...
Love how you keep an eye on things. :)
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