Meet my pal Demon - named in honour of
my pal in The Mitten State

I added him to my Sibe tree on my Winter shrine table


I always have snow in this khorner of the porch!


With lights on -

Dreaming of the snow - dreaming of the snow - dreaming of THE SNOW

Asking Mom where it was

But Mom - the weatherwheelbabblerspinners said it would!

Even my pal Ziggy in khoastal VA got some

Around 3pm, it arrived!!!

From our walk - this house is adjacent to the field where I had my furst Dances With Khattle experience!

They were in their barn - they didn't khare to be SnowKhows

Bakhk to the driveway

Letting it blow through my furs!

Even the Sibe on the front of The Xterra was happy!


Pikhturing how much will be here tomorrow


Bring it on!
When went out fur the sekhond walk, it had just started to arrive - so Mom shot a short walking video - here is the link!!!
Unless the radar is lying to me, I'm guessing you are smiling much bigger right about now. Not a bad Monday, hey Khyra? :)
Aw, we love your siberian Christmas tree! Hey MFT....woo want to see snow? We woo'd "do woo want to see SNOW???" Come on over to our place!!!!
jack & moo
We love your Sibe tree! That is so khool! We're so happy you got snow! We heard your jingle bells too.
I love your Sibe corner!! That's so cool. I wish I had more Sibe/Mal stuff, but it's hard to find and is usually expensive.
Please take some of our snow!! Pat's been stranded at his work since 3 pm (it's now almost 12:30 am); 2 snow plows have gotten stuck in his parking lot and we have no idea when he'll be able to leave and/or come home. So if you can take about 15 inches, that'd be great :)
I Love love love the sibe tree! I hope Khyra gets enough snow to keep her happy but not too much so mom doesn't have to shovel too much!
Merry Christmas Khyra!
Looks like you got some pretty nifty gifts! That box of treats looks mighty yummy!!
I am also loving your Sibe tree and WinterShrine Table. Very cool!
Seems your dreams really do come true! You are getting snow, lucky puppy! I am still dreaming of the white stuff. I just don't see it happening this year. Send some of yours my way if you have enough to spare. Thanks! ;->
Miss Khyra,
Yeah! snowballs=funballs.
But I wish you were here in my blizzard, guiding me thru the blowing snow!
I love your Sibe tree! Very festive!
I hope you got enough snow by now to make you happy. We have a lot of it here, that's for sure!
Whet your appetite for more snow, didn't it!
I'm glad you got some snow. It was your special present for being so nice to all of your friends!
Hiya Khyra - there was snow in the video? Um, we didn't notice - we couldn't take our eyes off your pantaloons - sigh.....!!
Hope you're up to your tail in snow now!!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Oh Khyra...
You sure got me giggling at that snowy portrait of your beautiful self!
That Christmas tree is quite something, isn't it!
You guys are so lucky in your part of the world to have such interesting things around for Christmas.
Sending lotsaluv to you all.
Woooooooooofs!!! Snow!!! I hope woo get tons of the wonderful fluffy goodness!!!
That tree is super nice! We hope you're enjoying that white stuff!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We sure hope you got dumped on, Khyra! Our wind is still fierce out there and the snow continues to fall! OMG, what a storm!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What the heck? Where is the big snow? It is already over my knees. Pretty soon the Pea will be buried. This is so not fair.
Ya the snow arrived. We are so happy for you Khyra.
Phylis you are such a hoot. Mom could never trade Toph for beer.. He did say he would trade beer for Callie. We may take him up on that.. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
And can you believe we have lots and lots at the house and are not there to enjoy it? You can go there and play if you want.
We gots almost 6 inches here! We are crossing paws that you get at least that much
gussie n teka
We do hope you have had loads of snow by now Khyra.
Molly, Taffy and MOnty
Love your Siberian Christmas Tree. Hope you get lots of snow.
Khyra your house looks so very winter time FESTIVE. Your Sibe tree is wonderful.
I just do NOT understand why you are not getting tons of snow. Everybuddy keeps trying to send it to you. I'll continue to TRY to deliver it to you.
Did you get lots more snow? I sure hope so!
I've been watching the forecast for Philly because my dad is flying there today... and it looks like they're getting less snow than expected. I hope that it didn't tail off for you!!!!! I wish for you Khyra that you get feet of snow but that the Philly airport still stays open!
Glad you got some snow Khyra. It's supposed to snow here all week. If you need some just call, we will have tonnes to spare.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we also have some Arctic temps that you could have.
That sibe tree is awesome!
Let it snow!
Hope you get your snow at last!!! We had a sunny Christmas here : )
Stopping by the check on you! I see from my morning news (4 hours behind you) that you got walloped!! We hope you enjoy the snow but stay safe and warm too. Love and hugs, your Alaskan buddies, Toby, Ginger, Jeter and Diva Halle and of khourse, Ina
I woz watching the radar maps last night and seened where ofur your town there be this open space with NO SNOWS! I did not want all of the snows up here and woz happy to let the snow gods dump some on you but they did not lissen to me. I mite has to go hiking ofur by you this weekend seeing as you did not get any snows so I bring you some, k?
From the weather map we're guessing you are in Husky Heaven...
Misty the alpha Poodle
Oh Khyra, please tell me you has some snow by nows! Everybuddy in your neck of da woods has been swallowed up and can't even walk in it nows...nowheres to even go pee!
I adores your Sibe tree...it is perfect!
hi k & p!
oh my gosh!
what a wonderful holiday you all had!
i love all of your photos!
m & e
Glad to see you had a wonderful Christmas, Khyra. I like how the snow blows through your Sibe fur. You are so pretty. I miss our old dog, Nioka - she was a husky too.
You has your own tree?? Hmm,I need to talk to mom about this!
We even had snows here, in Alabama! How crazy is that???
maybe you should do a snow dance :)
So are you totally snowed under now, Khyra?
Glad you had a Merry Christmas!! Hope the snow is blowing in now :)
I am SOOOO happy the snow arrived!
Hey Khyra!
Wow, you have a realy cool Sibe tree. Love the ornaments, they are sooo cute. Hopefully you have some snow to go zoomies in. Lots of folks have plenty to spare.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Hi Khyra! We love the Sibe Christmas tree - so cute! And oh we can tell you are happy the snow is coming in those pictures! We bet you have a lot now - we heard on the news that the East got a lot! We hope you did and are having lots fo fun in it!!
Dear Khyra, I hope woo got even more snow! I really like your Siberian Christmas tree too! If woo still need some snow, I will try and send some your way.
Have a good time in the snow!!
Oh Khyra you got to have some snow soon. Maybe your pal can share. We love your little Christmas tree
Benny & Lily
Hey Khyra!
Happy Howlidays!
We've missed you so much!!!! It's good to see your blog again!
Your christmas tree is so cute!
Tail wags,
Maya and Kena
Hi Khyra!! We are hoping that by now you have some more snow!! We sure got enough of it with high winds and ice and we don't really want it....not right now anyway! We love your Sibe Tree...that is beautiful just like you!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
That sibe tree is really cool!
Come up to Canada and you'll see lots of snow, lol! Glad you got some, we're sure you'll enjoy it (Mika doesn't, but Wall-e sure does!) :)
You are lucky! We nevers evers gets snow here, only sometimes in the hills around here! I do think that Monty would likes some... sometimes!
Monty says Hi! Khyra!
we can send you some snow if you want ... we have a lot of it! It's fun, but if the snow blanket is higher than the dogs, it's hard to go for a normal walk. We escaped to the coast for the holidays, it's really nice to see grass again :)
Do you think you'll have lots more snow for tomorrow? That would be cool!
It looks cold, Khyra. We're glad you've got a thick furry coat.
I'm glad you finally got some snow, Khyra! I think you need alot more than that though. If you want, we can send you some of our snow. We've got plenty to spare!
I hope the snow starts falling and falling so that you can go and play in the white fluffy stuff soon. The Sibe corner snow is pretty, but I bet you prefer the real thing.
Merry Christmas!
That is one cute Christmas tree!
We hope you gets lots of snow Khyra!!!
...and your sitting out in it? Too cold!
We sure hope you got lots!!!
I hope you get some snow. Mom and dad might take me to the mountains to run in some deep snow (since we aren't forecast to get any for a while here...just more rain). Enjoy!
Oh Khyra
Is your fluffy tail wagging now?
I got some of your snow flakes and more are on the way...
I know the khows do not want to hear about the snow but you do,,,
I did a snow dance for you!
Your Sibe Christmas Tree is beautiful!
I wish lots of snow for you!
Kisses and hugs
Hoping that you are getting all the snows you want!! We're willing some your way!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Snows! Have fun in the fluffy stuff my friend :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Love the little tree...what a great idea!!! Snow finally there, I wish it would snow here, but the temps are going up and it's drizzling. Poo.
I bet Frankie loves seeing all those snowmen at your place. :)
Hope you're doing okay in all that snow.
Oh Khyra...you have a Sibe tree??? Now, do you perhaps need a little ANGEL for the top of the tree????
I can arrange that...would you like the real me or the stuffed version??????
Hi, Khyra -
We love the sibe Christmas tree - it is so beautiful.
Mama, Papa and I drove from New Hampshire back to Connecticut on Sunday (12-26) in the middle of the snowstorm. It wasn't snowing at all until we reached Connecticut - go figure. Then we got slammed with a lot of wind gusts. Mama kept thinking that the windows in the house would break.
We ended up with about four or five inches - a lot less than the foot to two feet that was predicted for us to get.
Love -
Hi, Khyra -
I love your sibe Christmas tree and hope that your family had a Merry Christmas!
Love -
Such a beautiful Dog!
Thank U for stopping by my place tonite. ;-D
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