
I'm not sure when Merdie and Harley will get here fur their bags but when they do, they know to take some flashie beast pikhs of their special things!
Now to the box sent by The White Dog Army and their humans all the way from New MexiKHo

Woo khan see what a pawesome job they did with pakhking evFURRYthing!
LOOKIE! Something fur both species!
Sweets fur the humans and some pawesome khoffee - in fakht, when Mom and I did our Trek to The Tundra, one of Mom's tote bags - the one with khlogs and other stuffs - was from First Colony Coffees -
Oh were these a hit!!!
See, I'm already ready fur it!
This was after khatching the third one - the sekhond one's shot was mistimed by the flashie beastie operator - she did a wee bit better with this one!

Of khourse THEY ROKHK!
Once again, thanks to all!!!
Khyra The Snowless Siberian
PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur the khongrats and khonKHats fur Post 1100 - good thing The Blogger Dashboard khan khount! I would also like to thank evFURRYone fur the kind words for Echo and his family. Our hearts, heads, and paws weren't up to leaving too many khomments during our visits - please akhcept our apologies
Dear MFT:
You are beginning to sound like a broken record, dear Khyra, when all you have to do, is soooo simple. Just pack some bags and backtrack your way to Minniesnowda. You have friends here who will put you up until you find a place of your own. Tell your Mom to bring warm cloze, and just like that you have all the snow you want for the entire winter. Even well into spring sometimes! So just do it, take the plunge, and forget the snow whining! ( See if you can't talk Merdie and Harley to come along, oh, and the beans too.)
Your pal Stella
We're beginning to think that snow is overrated since we don't have any here yet either - well at least at our house and the tall guy won't drive to where we can find some!! Something about him being sick! Can you believe that!
I really hope you will get snow soon!
I know how much you like it!
You got lots of pawesome and yummy presents!
Kisses and hugs
Aww, poor puppy.. maybe you need to visit New York for some snow flurries?
Oh, wow! U had the most awesome preznits ever!! :)
I sorry u don't has snow.
hey Khyra,
PAWSOME gifts! You sure got the good loot! All of your treats look so yummy, and what fun stuffy toys! But, like you, my FAVORITE toy is the bunny, it rocks! Who doesn't love bunnies?! Have a blast with your bunny!
Khyra, I think we are the only pups left without snow in our lives. At least the only pups who belong in snow but don't have any! Our day will come...
What pawesome gifts, my friend! We love the Eskie ornament.:)
Teddy Bear
Great gifts Khyra, at least you gave you new toy a good shake - we only do that when the flashie beast is gone!
We love the Eskimo Dog Rescue ornament - cool idea.
Sorry about the snow - if you want some slush let us know but we are out of the white fluffy pretty stuff right now.
Martha and Bailey xxx
What super nice pressies, Khyra! We can't wait to see a picture of you running through your house carrying your bunny wubba!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Y'all!
Stella has the right idea for y'all! You'd get y'alls fill of the white flaky stuff and could return home a happy bunch!
On second thought, bad idea...then the summers might seem too hot and y'all would want to move there permanent and I bet your Humans wouldn't.
I stopped to thank y'all for following me. I love the photos. Y'all will have great fun with them!
Y'all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Just look at all your pressies! Wow! WOW!
Looks like Mr. Bunny is in need of a stuffectomy.
Maybe it will snow tomorrow????
Who needs snow when you got such good prezzies. You can use you imagination or gets your mum to defrost the frezzer.
Khyra, we love to see whoo having such lovely presents. We hope they help cheer whoo a little, after the loss of so many dear friends this year.
I was so sad to hear about Echo. Nothing prepares us for our friends taking that journey. We left our thoughts on his bloggy.
Your pressies look great and how ladylike you are taking the noms. All fingers still accounted for I see.
Hi Khyra! We haven't had any white stuff either!!!!!
If we could, we would gathers up all the snow we have got and send it to yous! Hopes that you get snow soon! And yay for new pressies! Happy New year!
Bones and Treats,
Bronson and Pepper
Hey girrrl, It is RAINING here today and will be 50 tomorrow. My snow is going away... I thought that might make you feel ...LESS ALONE. hehehe
Those are Pawsome lookin treats and toys!!
PeeS... for the second day in a row... no words are showing up when I look at your blog. Just the grrreat pictures.
What is with Blogger????
You are still waiting for snow? Oh no... We're supposed to get a foot today. Please come and visit us!
You got awesome presents! Don't eat them all at once... save them and savor them!!!
I'm hoping that you get snow but not until my dad gets into Philly. He's scheduled for today... but our storm may stop him. It's the holiday season that won't end in our house!
Hey Khyra, do you have any room left to put all the stuff you got??????
Woooos Khyra! I have none of that snow stuff either, so don't feel too bad, we can go swimming! Woo got some really cool pressies! Lucky woo! I love Duck treats, it is sooooo yummy!!Mom had some in the cabinet, but Scampi and I managed to get it and eat it one day. Scampi had a tummy ache, but it was good!
~husky hugs and kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra, we see, in the first photo, you have your paws crossed for snow! Check out Stumpy's blog, she's got something for you!
I think we need a bunny wubba!
Man! Look at all that swag!! Way to go!! Maybe if you stop looking for snow it will show up?? I'm reaching for straws here!! :)
Dear Snowless in Pennsylvania,
I think you should go visit some of your friends who have plenty of snow and are willing to share with a snow loving girl such as yourself.
-Advice for the Snow-lorn
Heehee. Cool pressies!!! And you are totally welcome to visit - go to any airline counter, I'm sure they'll seat you in First Class, and tell them you want to see us - I'm sure you'll be here in no time!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Whoa! Those are some pawsome pressies! I can tell how thankful you were for them.
Okay, SO...guess what? We might FINALLY be getting a little snow here tonight and tomorrow. If we do, I will try to sends some your way but it might take a day or two to get there. Keep your paws crossed!
Wiggles & Wags,
Our snow is melting away! If you want to see some, you'd better get packing quick!
What awesome presents you got!
Wow, what a great gift.
I hope you will get snow soon.
Nice woooh
Khyra you got some brillo paws presents!
We hope you get some snow soon!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Khyra, I think we need to get some new moves for our snow dance--It's getting warmer and no sign of snow here either!! But until it shows up for you, you have some neat things to keep you busy and to have fun with!
What great pressies!! Hoping you get some snow soon :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Khyra, you sure have some great presents there!! Lots of goodies!!! Mom laughed at your comment that was signed last night Khyra, the Snowless Siberian! I know it's not funny but the way it sounds cracked her up! If we could wish snow to hit you, we would wish it a million times and hope it works. It's crazy the way it's going everywhere else but where it needs to go and that's your house!! We are going to make another great bit wish for snow for you and really hope it works!! Lots of love and hoping for snow for you! Holly and mom
We are getting new shipment of snow as I write! The flakes are the size of grapefruits! Well, maybe not but they are huge! I will go right down to the shipping department and get them to move your name right to the top! I hope we can get it right THIS time!
We didn't know about your furiend Echo until now. We're so sorry to hear the news. Our thoughts are with his family.
Those are some great pressies you got Khyra! It's nice that Merdie and Harley got some too. We're still hoping you get some snow!
Oh whay great presents you got Khyra so sorry about your lack of snow...
WE see that Stumpy got some..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Aww still no snow thats so unfair. You got some pawesome pressens there. I just lve the White dog bauble. Enjoy your goodies.. HUgs GJ x
You get some awesome gifts!
Hey Khyra!
Wow, what great pressies! These pix are just adorable and the toys look like great fun. I bet those yummies were really tasty.
Happy 2011!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Your snow has GOT to be coming!
If I mail you a package of snow do you thinks it will melt? Maybe if you do get some your MOmma can put some in the freezer for laters.
woof - Tucker
When we are sad, we sometimes just want time to be alone with our thoughts...do not apologize for taking time to grieve. We understand!
We would have packed some snow in our package to you but you know that is not part of our winter weather...sorry. We hope the New Year comes in a fluffy white tail of snow snow snow!
Khyra, we are so glad you like your pressies. We were hoping you were look like wabbit wobble. And yes, we did get snow but it is almost gone. 50 degrees for two days makes for mud and then Saturday it will freeze to an ice rink. :) We so wish we could bottle some snow and send you. We feel so bad everyone has SNOW but Khyra. The HoundDogs
deawest Khywa
I was going to say how sowwy I am that the stoopid snow skipped youw house..I kept my paws cwossed but no one lostened to me, but then I saw the oodles of wondewful tweats and toys you got, so I'm hoping it will cheew you up till it finally comes
smoochie kisses
Come here we have a ton of snow! Love your treaties! You are a beauty!
Poor Khyra. I'm sorry you don't have snow yet. I will cross my paws that it snows really hard for you soon. We like the pictures of you in the snow. You look so happy!
We are glad you had a great Christmas. Your Secret Paws gift was awesome!
Happy New Year!
I know how you feel! It was 62 here today!!! WTF?!!
What fun pressies! I think the bunny looks fun too!
What a great package! And I thinks that wrapping paper is cute too! Does it make crinkly sounds when you touch it? If it were here it would play with it!
Monty says hi to you Khyra!
NO snow! Just as well you have good presents to make up for the lack of good snow.
Happy New Year!!!!
Looks like you've got a great loot of pressies there. Enjoy!
Wishing you and your mum & family a very happy new year!
See you in 2011!!
I have some snow,, if you would like to come visit me.. And tonight it will be in the 20's...
I might need to borrow some of your fur.. to keep me warm..
I know you are very sad Khyra,, I am too- about Echo. It is not fair for this to happen,
those are some amazing pressies
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