Here is this week's Photobukhket Slideshow link - some of the pikhs were from Sunday's transport - Mom inkhluded them in the link in khase woo didn't khatch 'em then! Our late afternoon walks are khlose to sunset so the skies are pretty interesting towards the west - of khourse, the sun likes to mess with the flashie beast.
Thanks fur all the khomments about the Canine Assistants program! Again, if any of woo would like to pawticipate, please let us know so we khan arrange khontakht with the nice lady that got in touch with us last month!
Thanks fur all the khomments about the Canine Assistants program! Again, if any of woo would like to pawticipate, please let us know so we khan arrange khontakht with the nice lady that got in touch with us last month!
PeeEssWoo: As a thanks fur your support, here is a special pikh
We too are patiently awaiting snow! Seems like it will never come.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
woo look so lovely waiting in your yard...and waiting....and waiting...
jack & moo
PS - thank woo for that fun pengie game - mom was in Flash class when she opened it - and guess what-- its made in Flash, & it was big hit with everyone in class!
Oh Khyra, you look so khute waiting in your yard! If we could make snow for you we would because you deserve it. Here it's all rainy and I sorta wish I had a box inside like my kitty sisfurs do so I didn't have to go out in it.
some of my friends in Pencilvania have snow,, where is yours?
We hope it comes for you soon.:)
Teddy Bear
Great yard shots Khyra!
We hope the snow Gods take pity on you and you get dumped on bigtime this weekend, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Woo had to throw that last pic in therah! NORDUDE don't t scroll down!
Let it snowballs!
"Give it up for the snooter in the sky..... dah dah dah dah dee de dee de"
"I've been, patiently waiting..." I believe that is a 50 Cent song!
We're supposed to get a foot of snow this weekend. Maybe you should just come back here. We'd be happy to share!
If poses could summon snow, you would have tons of it! :)
Wow...Khyra, we are waiting right there alongside you for some of that fluffy white stuff! That (6th) photo of you where you are to "snoof" - wow - you look so beautiful and majestic! Gorgeous shot! Here's hoping for some fun flakes this weekend!
When we want snow, we let muzzer send Gussie to the groomer. Then I call and tell the groomers to "clip him real short!"
We usually get snow the next day.
teka toy
Khyra, Stumpy will happily donate any snow that arrives in Dirtville, to your cause! Now we have to go look at your slide show!
Hi Khyra! Is it OK with your Mom if I wish for you to have snow soon?
Great paw pics of you!
It'll come, Khyra, I promise! I'll do a snow dance for you today.
What a wickhed special photo, Whitney!
This comment is fur you khyra.
O My Miss Khyra, how I wish I could be the one to deliver your snow! And then I would be there to enjoy it wif the you!
Fank you, my Sweets, for sharin your last pose... and not makin me wait till Wednesday! ;=)
Happy Howlidays wif love from the Luke
Yikes, Khyra.....ya don't have any snow 'n yer in Pawsylvania? What gives ? I tell ya we just keep gettin' a bit more each day and it doesn't go away cause the temperatures are so cold. Gram 'n Pap want ta go ta the cottage but our Grandma Judy says there is more than 2 feet of snow there. We can't wait til we go ta Florida.......
Dewey Dewster here......
You're just so lady-like Khyra! :)
No snow! Please! It is bad enough that it is so cold I am like to freeze to the ground if I dare to sit outside.
Khyra, we just love the shot of you in the chair.....we think that must be your chair of the house! We love all the other pictures too!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Riley is really hoping for some snow too! It's supposed to snow a little bit on Sunday and Monday but I doubt anything will stick. I also like the looks of the canine on that video cover...it looked a lot like you!
Elyse and Riley
The snow will come Khyra!!
Your are so pretty Khyra!!!
Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing!
xx, Bambi & Fern
I'm thinkin what you need is a hooooge SIGN to tell the snow that it is wanted and welcome.
We are waiting for the snow here as well. We'll let you know if it ever gets here!
Please tell your mom that she has a great bunch of pictures today - especially since she took them through the glass!!
You can have some of ours!!!! It started snowing last Sunday and didn't stop for days!
We're sure you'll get some soon, too.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Not to worry Khyra, the snow will come soon enough. You looked so sad out there waiting for it. I bet it will be there very soon. Take care you lovely doggie.
awww, miss khyra, i sure hope those snowflakes come to your house very very soon like!!
the booker man
Mom said she saw on Facebook that your wish came true and you finally gots yourself a little bit of snow! YIPPEE! I hope you have a good time in it while it lasts.
Your thank you picture is most adorable, by the way!
Wiggles & Wags,
Khyra dis is just pitifull!!!!! I thinks da snows should goes to da Sibes furst and everybuddy else afters dat! And I mean you DID send Frankie a wonderful snowman tin afteralls. Wheres was da floof though?
Hi, beautiful Khyra! We are supposed to get snow in Chicago over the weekend, so I will wish furry hard for it to travel to you when it leaves here.
Your admiring fan,
So patient. We would send our snow, but as you know we never get any here.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Khyra, you need to head towards Wisconsin for your snow. They got 2 inches last night and are expecting 10 more tonight..
Great pictures Mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You should be getting some soon. We are supposed to get some on Sunday. :(
We wish we could send you the snow you are so longing for! You look kind of lost and forlorn without it. Will some kitty headbutts help you feel better?
I continue to send snow vibes. Hopefully something will happen soon!
I heard your waiting finally paid off! I hope your floof glistens as we write this. Enjoy! Does mom have a transport this weekend?
We can't imagine wanting snow but for you YES, we'll purr it happens.
You have been waiting so patiently Khyra, I know it's gonna come soon!
OK that chair looks comfy!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Khyra! The snows must come now...for you to run and play in! For sure, they are on their way :)
If they don't come....head west for some MUD...we'll show ya where :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
It's coming, Khyra. Sooner or later it will come.
Hi Khyra,
We finally made it back! I see we have a LOT of catching up to do. HOpe you get some snow soon. It was almost 80F here today so we can't send you any:)
big wags,
I hope it holds off for one more week so I don't have to deal with snow this winter!
Snow? Yes, waiting for it here, too...We will watch together!
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