Where to begin with how our Wednesday started - Mango had written early to let me know he'd gotten news that Miss Opy wasn't well - so I had Mom hit FB as soon as we opened up the laptop - and found it was true - and then within 45 minutes she was gone

We knew khwite khwikhkly we would not be going with what we had planned to post today - but then we began to wrestle with something - should we inkhlude the eKhard we had received from Miss Opy and her furamily - I even asked Mango, Norwood, and Tula Monstah what they thought - then we got our answers -
We don't normally embed videos on my posts - but decided this warranted it - during our walk, Mom and I decided the Bluebirds were also signs we should use "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and Mom knew she would use an Eva Cassidy version of the song - and as we found the one that did it fur us, we also thought 'Ain't No Sunshine' was appropriate as well -they aren't lined up as we normally do things but we didn't want to risk losing the post so we decided to live with it THIS time
Mom rekhalls the night in 2009 that C$ khrossed - here, it was July 31 - The Doggy Nanny's Gotcha Day - but it was August 01 Down Under - not many humans were on FB at that time of night - but Mom will always rekhall the shokhk of Brooke's post - and the bakhk and forth with the others - especially Chef's Mom - a few of them just didn't want to go to bed even though it was like 2 or 3 in the morning here - they wanted to share the bittersweet sorrow and joy of C$ and all The DWB World had given them and us -
We know how C$'s khrossing has affekhted all of us but no one has felt the pain like The Nice Brooke and Greg -somehow it just seems so wrong that it was Opy's time - I guess C$ was lonely and felt Benson J Puppypaws had learned enough from Miss Opy that C$ khould have her home with him fur Khristmas
We know how C$'s khrossing has affekhted all of us but no one has felt the pain like The Nice Brooke and Greg -somehow it just seems so wrong that it was Opy's time - I guess C$ was lonely and felt Benson J Puppypaws had learned enough from Miss Opy that C$ khould have her home with him fur Khristmas
Without DWB, well, I doubt I'd be blogging - and without blogging, I would not have met all of YOU - whether in the fur and flesh or just here virtually.
Too often khomments are made about blogging being khries fur attention - or just to be noticed - well, I say those 'people' just don't get it - it is SO far from THAT - and probably warrants what Mom says sometimes: If I have to explain it to you, I'm afraid you just won't understand - So, today's post was not khwite what we had expekhted to share - nor did we expekht to shed so many tears as we pawed it together - but it is all part of the khommunity DWB and The Blogosphere
The other stuff will keep - we need to live in the moment of NOW - another lesson from C$ and Miss Opy
Thanks fur teaching us that!
Khyra and Phyll
The other stuff will keep - we need to live in the moment of NOW - another lesson from C$ and Miss Opy
Thanks fur teaching us that!
Khyra and Phyll
PeeEssWoo: We posted early as you have probably figured out already
What a beautiful post. The internet gives us so many dogs to love, but sometimes they pass and that is such a sad time. But we believe we will see them again sometime.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Your right lady these people DON'T get it...anyway, Khyra you keep your paws crossed. We think you are wishing for the white stuff
Benny & Lily
Pee S. Cute card
A very sad passing. We went over and left a note. There is a bright Opy star in the sky.
Beautiful post! We thank you for being there and so glad you are!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
What a wonderful post Mom...
We will go over and leave a few wishes to Brooke and Craig...
Oh dang, and darn - ohhh how sad. You pawed such a beautiful post, Khyra and yes, we remember C - DWB started us off in the journey where we have met so many of you wonderful two and four leggers - thank you for that so much, Craig and Brooke. We are headed over there right now.
Mom has leaky eyes and I am so sad about Miss Opy's passing. But she is in a (much) better place and we shall see you again Miss O!
PS: Mom said she really enjoyed chatting with you today. It made her boooring day brighter!
Darn blogger -we made a comment, but now its gone!
we're furry sad over Opy, too. Your post is so beawootiful & poignant, MFT...
jack & moo
Yep, pretty crap day for us down under. Nice post Khyra.
We're always sad when we hear another furriend has gone to the Bridge. What a wonderful post for Miss Opy.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Mom is sitting here with tears rolling down her cheeks and she can bearly see to type.
You said it all, Khyra! There is nothing left to add - just that we are hurting so badly for Brooke and Greg and Benson.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Khyra and her mom are right as usual. But we cherish the friends we have made with DWB, and our combined strength helps us endure the losses.
gussie n teka
A lovely post honoring your sweet friend; we are so sorry about Opy's passing...We wish Opy's friends and family comfort at this sad time...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
That is so sad. Thanks for letting us know. We haven't heard from them for awhile but remember dear Opy on Benson's blog very well. Opy is at the Rainbow Bridge and I know how much it hurts..we are just so sorry. Godspeed dear Opy....lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Such a wonderful post.
We are so sorry to hear about the loss of one of our internet friends - it's so hard to say good bye.
So sorry about Opy
No wonder the Sky Is Crying over here. I visited their blogs, for the first time recently and after reading many posts realized what an impact they have had on our community.
Wonderful post! Sad about Opy, though.
Khyra~ What a beautiful tribute for Opy~
We are saddened to see her go~
much love,
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
What a very special and moving post. We are very sorry to read about Opy.
take care
Clive and Murray
Well pawed, Khyra!
- Charlie
Oh, we weren't aware Opy has passed. Very sorry for the loss of your friend. We didn't know she was ill. Purrs and tail wags.
Such a lovely tribute to Opy. It's so sad to say good-bye...
We could not even watch those movies because it just would be too much. Poor momma is so sad and she has been hugging me and Pea until our eyes bug out.
Miss Opy was one of a kind and a giant of dog blogging. She will be missed.
What a beautiful tribute to Opy.
We are going over to her blog now to send our wishes.
I am so very sorry to hear about your pal. :(
We are very sad to hear about Opy's passing. I guess she wanted to be with Charlie for Christmas.
Your words are so moving and so true! The music was perfect.
You made the right choice about chosing to celebrate Miss Opy's life by including her card. Her sudden passing is a shock and leaves of gigantic hole in the hearts of those who knew and love her...but the memories of her life and her smile and her special unique ways; the colors of her life; are what will sustain us through the pain and give comfort.
Rest in peace Miss Opy. May you run forever young and healthy over the Rainbow Bridge and be waiting to greet each of us with licks of happiness when it is our turn to cross.
It's always sad when somekitty or somedoggie gets their role call. Miss Opy will be missed. :(
Very sad. Your post was beautiful though.
Emma Rose
I could not believe it. I tried to explain the DWB community in our tribute to OPY. But it is not easy to explain this special family. like you, our post we were going to put up will wait.
Too much sorrow and tears with Queen(of DWB)Opy's going to the bridge.
Love to you and your mama
I was so sad when I read from Mango about poor sweet Gruff Opy. I know she is up there with C$ sharing some mcdonalds!
The dog I had growing up would cross her front paws like that. She passed when I was in my 3rd year of college (I got her as my 6th birthday present). I saw the picture and it was as if I was back there again. I miss her so much some days.
That's a beautiful tribute for Opy, Khyra.
You're so very right about those people not getting it. You're very smart, beautiful lady.
I'm on my way to Opy's blog to send our condolences.
Blogging, when done right, is very far from a cry for attention - it is all about caring and thinking of people who you may never meet in person, sharing ideas and stories, leaning on each other during hard times.
I think this blog exemplifies those things, and I think Opy is probably smiling down from the bridge reading this post.
Thanks for posting this today for us. We stopped over and offered our thoughts to them. This has been such a rough year for our blogging fur-friends. And you are so right, everything else can wait when our blogging friends need us. The HoundDogs and Mom
A very beautiful post and tribute to Miss Opy and her humans. Her passing is so very sad, even more so at this time of the year.
Woos, the OP Pack
So much sadnesses when this should be a happy time of year. But then there neffur duss be a good time fur sadness.
Oh Khyra...wow...
Mumsie's leaking all over again...DWB's means the world to us...truly something greater than the sum of its parts...vaster than sweet Charlie and Opy ever thought pawsible...
Thank you for pawing this....
We love you and your mom, dear Girl...
Kandy Kane Khisses,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan
Pee ess...we'll send you snow if we get any more.....
We were so incredibly sad when we saw the notes about Opy. We came about blogging in a little different path, so came late to DWB - but were so impressed with what a strong community was built there. So while we may not have known Opy as well as so many others, we ached so badly when we heard the news.
So sorry to hear about the passing of Miss Opy. We never really got to know the Gruff Puppy clan, because we only started blogging this year. But we are in awe of DWB's and what Brooke and Greg started. We send our love and condolences at this very sad time for them.
Wyatt and Stanzie
your words spoke so true,,, with love and caring..
this is a very sad time.. and it is hard to say goodbye..yo Opy.
we are sad with you and the world.
love tweedles
The DWB community is so wonderful, and it was Opy and Charlie who started it all and gathered us around like family. We are so sad to hear of her passing. Many tears have been shed. We wish we could be there to give Opy's mom and dad a hug as we know how difficult it is on our humans when we need to make that final trip to the bridge.
Godspeed sweet Opy. I'm sure Charlie is happy to have his best friend back with him.
Holly and Khady
What a very beautiful post Khyra. It's very sad when our furiends cross the bridge but they will never be forgotten. Our thoughts are with Miss Opy's family.
A very special post for a very special pup and her family. What a big part she has played in so many lives, those that are here and those that have ventured before her. Our thoughts, hugs and prayers go out to all of those that will miss her.
Shelly on behalf of The Iowa Crew
w00fs, what a sad day this has been..Brooke and Greg hadnt recovered from losing Charlie and now they deal with losing Ms Opy too..we not know what else to say, we are devasted...and sad beyond words..
b safe,
Great post. And definitely the birds were a sign. It was too late to light a candle tonight, but we will, tomorrow. And our paws are crossed for all the others with sickies right now. (We're not taunting you with the snow - we're blaming Tank! Heehee. Actually, other than all the work of keeping the driveway clear, and keeping us inside when the roof slides (we've got a metal section on the back) Mom and Dad are thrilled to see all the snow!)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
it's a sad day for DWB and we know that Brooke and Greg must be very very sad. Opy has left quite a legacy and thanks to her, we are all here.
Such a beautiful post. We are so sorry to hear about Opy. She is partying it up with all our friends on the other side of the Bridge.
Teddy Bear
Well posted Khyra! I'm sure Opy is smiling now!
I think your post was perfect. I just cried when I read about Opy and again now. Not only because of the touching tribute, but the truth and honesty. Thank you so much for being the heart and soul we all need at this time. I will continue to keep Greg and Brooke in my prayers, as well as everyone from DWB. You all are family.
Painter Pack
Lovely post - our mum adores Eva Cassidy.
Truly sorry to hear about Opy - we didn't know her but we know the pain and sadness of losing a much loved companion.
We are always touched by the bonds that connect us doggie bloggers.
Run free sweet Opy and all our love to Brooke and Greg - we will pop over.
Another sad day. There seem to have been many of them recently. So many friends have left us but we know we will see them all again one day and until then we must hold onto all our wonderful memories.
Thank you for your beautiful post Khyra.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Dear Phyll
I too am immensely saddened by Brooke and Greg's loss. Thank you for a lovely tribute. I've put one up to...to try and explain the enormous influence they really have had in the community which has been created for us all.
My prayers go up to everyone who has been affected by OPY's passing.
Sending lotsaluv
Such a beautiful post on such a sad day Khyra.
Hey Khyra.
Very, very nice post. We always have to care for each other and keep those we love in our hearts. I didn't know this doggie, but I am sending my love as we all support each other.
I hope you and your whole pack enjoy a wonderful holiday.
Grr and A Festive Woof,
So very very sad. But, your post is wonderful and heart-warming. I wish for peace for those left behind.
What a wonderfully written post. I came here early to tell you we got a kick out of your comment on our bloggie and then was so sad to read about Miss Opy... though we never knew her. DWB is an amazing community and we're so thankful to be a part of it. It's not about getting attention... it's about community. That's why Phoenix isn't ready for a blog of her own - she would want the attention. ;)
What a wonderful post.
Thank you für sharing.
So sorry about Opy. It's so sad to say good-bye.
Nice woooh
We are so very sorry to hear your news. Your post is very moving and a beautiful tribute to your lost friend. It's always hard to lose someone you love, there is never a right time ~ but just before Christmas seems even more painful if that is possible.
Purrs for you all,
from Milo and Alfie xx
That was a beautiful post, Khyra and mom.
Mochi & Bali
oh Khyra, how did you get so wise?
Thank you for this very wonderful, but sad post.
~lickies, Ludo
We are sorry to hear about your friend, Khyra
It is so very sad, especially when it is so close to Christmas.
This is a beautiful post. I am so sorry to hear about Opy. Blogland is such a great place to be. I don't know what we would do without all of our friends! Merry Christmas to one of our best friends.
Gee Khyra....what a lovely tribute ta yer fallen friend....we dind;t know Opy and we feel really bad cause we've been eavin' comments on other blogs and thought she was a HE....but i'm sure she will forgive us....we know a lot of doggies will miss her....
Oh Khyra....ya still don't have any snow? I thing that ya have been foolin' me by tellin' us ya live in PA......where are ya .....really?
Gram hired a truck and we're bringin' a bunch of our SNOW over...
HAve a Merry Christmas....wish fer a white one....will ya?
Dewey Dewster here....
Merry Khristmas, dear Khyra, khousins Merdie and Harley and family!
Our candle is lit and hearts are broken...
Love Eva Cassidy!
Hugs to you,
such sweet photos ! soooo adorably cute with your crossed paws; sooo cute!
such the sweet cuddle-bug !
thank you for stopping by our blog and commenting on our cb tree : )
I has a Sad for ur friend. May he rest in peace.
We're sorry to read about your friend.
We wish you and yours a Merry Christmas.
Sarah, Hank and Molly
What a beatiful post, Khyra. We are so sad about Opy too and are heartbroken for Brooke and Greg who I know are totally devestated. I hope they take comfort in knowing that Opy and Charlie are together again, happy and healthy and having fun.
Mama remembers you "staying up" with her on Facebook when Charlie passed. None of her non-blog friends could understand her sadness that night but your mom did. And it's that kind of amazing devotion that DWB has created, and which is the legacy of Opy and Charlie.
We miss our big brother who we lost in May. We still miss him every day. We are very sorry to hear about your friend. Hope they can comfort each other.
Thanks for the wondersful bark. It is hard to believe. Opy and Charlie paved the ways and brought so manys of us togethers. Wish we could be with Brooke, Greg and Benson to give them lots of licks and nuzzles.
Hi, Khyra -
We like your tribute to Opy. But Mama loves the pictures of the birds - she kept saying awwwwww!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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