Here are two videos from Friday - the furst one is the start of the walk - and the sekhond is the finish -
Fur those wondering if she's driving this weekend, she's not - someone else offered to do the Hagerstown to Harrisburg leg - and fur assorted reasons, she didn't want to do the Harrisburg to Allentown leg BUT would have had it khome down to it - good thing - the weather is supposed to be kind of iffy by then - I78/I81 khan be fun late afternoon/early evening in good weather - so it is really FUN with wintry stuff
Even though she didn't drive a 'normal' leg, we still had some transport related fun! We'll share that tomorrow!
Fur those expekhting to get some Winter stuff of their own this weekend, please have FUN but please stay SAFE!
PeeEssWoo: By Noon on Saturday, it was ALL gone and the golfers were bakhk - so if woo want to see what it looks like NOW, chekhk out the pikhs of me watching fur snow!
It's starting to look more like Khyra's Khorner in your shots - because it just wouldn't be Khyra's territory without some SNOW!
I'm glad you got to enjoy the white stuff a little bit. We're going to have a lot of it here, from what they say. I wish I could send some of it to you!
Thanks for the reminder for Blue's auction!
Hope you are enjoying your snow! I sure am enjoying our blizzard here!!
I'm glad that you had a dusting - that's more than we've gotten so far! I'll be happy with 0 snow after the disastrous winter of last year, but don't tell Layla I said that.
A little dusting white stuff is better than nothing. I've got nothing here so my angelic sister Rosie has to try to put me in those snow pictures and make me look like I've some snow fun too. She thought I'd feel happier but she also knows it's completely different from having the real snow fun. Sigh!!! She tries to make me happy and I try to show her that I'm happy... Anyway, you're so lucky!!!
I'm guessing you would love the winter season. Good thing you have a nice thick coat to keep you warm! Does your human like to snuggle with you more during winter?
At least you got a little snow. Maybe you'll get more for Christmas. But not too much; don't want to make your mom's rescue driving dangerous.
Enjoyed the post about your feral kitties. We couldn't do that. Abby has a very strong prey drive, and to her, cats are prey. But your kitties look healthy. It's so heartwarming that your mom and your neighbor are doing their best to look out for the kitties.
Jed & Abby
We love the pictures of you with the dusting of snow on your back, Khyra. We know how very happy this makes you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Glad you got some snow because I know how you like it but I am glad your mum is staying safe this weekend.. Hugs GJ xx
Well we are very pleased you had some snow Khyra even if it didn't last long.
Hope the flashie beastie stayed fixed. We are experiencing a challenging IT weekend here, it's a blooming nightmare!
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Looks like you are having a fabulous time in the snow! Even if it is just a little...we got RAIN...not happy about that! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Yipee! Snow! Even just a little is better than nothing!
I'm glad your mom won't be out on the road with those nutty christmas shoppers.
My camera recovered just fine from a stuck shutter. My shutter was stuck with mountain dew. And I didn;t realized it had been dippped in Mountain Dew until the next day! Continued cleaning with alcohhol worked fine!
I'm relieved to hear that your mom is not driving today! It is raining hard here at the moment and 2 to 4 inches of snow is predicted.
Well, that is not nearly the amount of snow that Lacie promised to deliver. I will have to find out what happened.
Can that be snow.....we haven't seen that to speak of...more rain in New England...:(
Poor Smokes....
Have a happy Sunday my friend!
Come on down. We have snow to spare and you can hang out with us as long as you want.
You finally got some snow! I hope you get a lot more!
My snow melted off too... butt it is coming back today and tomorrow. I am trying to send it YOUR way...
We are all being sloths and staying inside snug and warm. Although the Mom says she wouldn't mind snow. We just get COLD with no snow which we thinks is unfair.
Khyra we are just now getting caught up with your whole week...wow! We are so happy to see you in snow! I mean the belly shot earlier in the week had mom swooning, but there's nothing quite like seeing you with the white stuff!
Learning more about BroFur and Butterskhotch made me purr...I can't help it. It's what I do.
xoxo Khory
Hey! My dad's out in your area. He said its really cold and snow flurries. Here, we just have the usual drippy wet stuff and darkness. Boo. Wish we had some snow like you. Have fun!
A dusting is a start anyway. Just a few more inches.....SLED TIME!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
We're glad you got a little dusting and really glad you aren't driving today. I81 can be really bad in snow/ice weather. We have rain here but it's so cold, I'm wondering if it's ice on the roads. I'm not about to go out and check it though..I'll fall down as usual. Where there is ice, there is me falling down! Have a great day!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Woo Hoo glad you got some snow!
Khyra, maybe the dusting of snow will bring more later on. YOu look right at home with snow on your hairs. BUT we hope the roads are Ok for your M when she does more transports. We want her safe.
Oh you look beauiful in the snow, and I just love your tail, Happy holidays to you.
See Yea George xxx
Way to go Stumpy! That's a nice prize for the bid. But will Stumpy be disowned when his parents find he bid while they weren't looking?
Khyra, it makes my heart happy to see snow sprinkles on your floofy furs.
O hai! :) We never get sno where I lives. My hooman says she used to live where they has sno, and she liked to play in sno when she was liddle. :)
No white stuff at my house anymore...rain today! :(
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Khyra, are you SURE you didn't have anything to do with the flashie beast going AWOL? I know how you love it! :-)) Maybe you want an excuse to get your Mom a new one?? I hope you're staying cozy and the snow is all in your direction, none here in Virginia, just rain....
We got some of our own today! We are furry excited.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Well it's not a lot of snow but it's a start. And more than enough to mess up careless drivers!
I´m glad you got some snow, Khyra.
Khyra, you look so pretty with that dustin' of snow on your furs. ::sigh::
Khyra, you got some snow! The photos are lovely with you and a dusting of snow!
Ours has just gone away and you know, we're very pleased. We don't seem to cope very well with snow in Ireland - we're not used to it and panic erupts when a lot of snow arrives!
Hopefully, it will stay away from us for a little while ...
take care
Clive and Murray
We're glad you got to enjoy some snow while it lasted Khyra! We hope you get a little more as long as your mom doesn't have to drive in it.
We got rain today instead of snow...boooooo! I hope you get lots more of it throughout winter! I could tell you were enjoying being out in it! Riley loves snow too. I'm glad your Mom didn't do a transport in the bad weather!
Elyse and Riley
Oh I is so glad you gots your snow!
woof - Tucker
you are so pretty in your dusting of snow,,but that just is not enough,,, that is only the beginning.
I hope that flashie beast starts acting well behaved
We see some buddy is happeee. Let the white stuff fall. Congrats Stumpy
Benny & Lily
You look gorgeous with the sprinkles of snow on your back, Khyra. They suit you perfectly!
You look so pretty with the white stuffs in your furs! We are impressed with that snows since we never get it here!
PS: Monty says "Hi, Khyra!"
WOO HOO!!! Finally some white stuff for you! We hope you get more so you can burrow in and really enjoy it!
Aww, Khyra - that 'dusting' of snow looks just beautiful on your furry coat!!
Honey the Great Dane
Loving all the photos of you in the snow.:)
Teddy Bear
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