
Akhtually, I'm resting up fur Mom as she's off on two transport runs today! The furst starts at The Britt B&B fur Mike, Molly, and Fancy. She's chauffeuring them to the Allentown area - akhtually the Wawa you've seen in other pikhs - Mike and Fancy are headed to NH with Molly heading to RI!
Then - after getting some khoffee at The Wawa - and maybe even some kind of munchy - she'll head to Hagerstown fur her usual leg bakhk to Harrisburg fur the pups she didn't get to see last Sunday! That transport was postponed - and the person that was driving the H to H leg khouldn't do it SO The Nice Mary Lady asked if I'd let Mom drive them - well, since the times worked fur all, I said SURE!
Akhtually - fur a reason and all - it worked bekhause as our 'gift' to our recipient on Sally's Gift Exchange, we wanted to do a transport in honour of the furiend we got - and when we saw OUR PAL we just KNEW this was THE ONE fur him! After all, it was the perfekht khombo of what Corbin represented!
Here are some teaser pikhs of Mom's PM run
Meet George - I think his paws are a giveaway he's meant to be on the transport - as does his name - right George?!?
Meet Amber's 'Dears' and yes, they all have the names woo would expekht! Due to their young age of two months, they won't be out along the transport route - just at the overnight - Mom has pikhs of them she'll share on her post tomorrow - she also saw some FB pikhs of them from one of their early Saturday morning drivers - akhtually they were posted by the humans owned by some furry special Siberians in GA! Mom made THOSE faces at the pikhs of Amber's Dears AND the others too!
Akhtually, from what I read from Saturday's drivers, any skhweeeeeeing noises woo heard from GA to VA were probably seeing these special deliveries!
We also received our special gift from Sally's Gift Exchange! Mom opened it but she's not letting us have the stuff yet! I say 'us' bekhause the khontents are fur Merdie and Harley too! It is furry furry EXTRA khool bekhause we've met NEW FURIENDS via this! We had seen Cleo, Winston, and Amiee around The Blogs but hadn't yet 'met' them!
SO, we've got lots in store fur this week - I need to keep Mom okhkhupied so she doesn't get 'too' about the HOWLidays - I figure photoshoots and babbling videos are a furry good way to take khare of THAT!
Plus I need to share the khool Husky ornament I won from a special furiend in The Mitten State - which will bekhome part of my year round Winter shrine on the porch - along with some Royal Mail - and another special surprise that arrived on Saturday khourtesy of two British Bros with some Kansas Pug Khonnekhtions!
PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur helping JFF Bark It Furward! Don't furget, this is the last day of the khommentathon ovfur HERE!!!
I keep hoping to see you've gotten snow my dear! I do more of a snow dance.
Well, we'll see if we can't send a little bit of snow your way too - but not enough to mess up your mom's transports!!
You are the most beautiful dog in the world, Khyra - you look beautiful all the time!
Loved Bandit's picture:) He's cute and so is Caleb. Glad they are going to their forever homes.
Wise wags,
We've been catching up on your posts from the last few days and have enjoyed all the beautiful Khyra photos and the fun Harley/Merdie pics; we're glad Harley's surgery went well and he is recovering without the collar now...Safe travels to your Mom on her transport=adorable photos of all those babies too!...Happy Sunday, sweet friends and stay warm...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We will take George and all the pittie (I believe) puppies!
You and yer mum have been busy busy! (cute pack of transports)
We can't wait to see your furry khool pressies!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Oh my you are a buzy beaver......errrrr make that puppy..and we'll take Caleb with that lil pink tongue ;o)
Hugz, woofz, and wagz from G-dog and the Beckaroo
We love all your napping photos, Khyra. And those puppies...oh my!!! They are too cute!
Teddy Bear
It seems everyone is getting busier and busier for the coming festive season. So glad that some of your friends have found their furever homes. Can't wait to see more of your pictures too! Oh those puppies are really really cute!!!
George is such a cutie. We love his crossed paws!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
MFT, there is nothing funny about a snowmanperson invasion. You should watch out, especially if the power goes out and the electric fence deactivates.
Those puppies did get a serious awwwwww factor here.
I think that first snowman is waiting for a ride to Frankie's house!
Love those puppies SO cute!!!
Furry nice post. Thought you were kidding about the WaWa! It actually looks like a pawsome place. We went to visit the hounds and loved the blog and those faces....wow. Happy early Sunday.
The snowman sitting in the swing on the porch is a little creepy to me for some reason! If I were there, I would BARK at him for sure!
We got another dusting of snow last night! And I tried so hard to push it your way, too!
Those little faces made me long for a puppy fix. So adorable!
Et Tu Khyra?????
I'm NOT sittin on that snowmans lap... butt I might pee on his boot. hehehe
I never thought about an Electric Fence... Maybe that is what I need to keep this Herd of snowmen contained. hehehe
Seriously... Thank you fur showing those snowmen.
Now about your Lack of Snow.. the weather guy just said that... snow is coming fur Tuesday and... he expects a White Christmas... fur Ohio and... Pencil Vane E Ah!!
I will cross my paws that Santa Paws will bring you some when he stops by your house.
I am so jellyish of your beautiful, floofy nose warmer!
So glad Callie (Kelly) has a forever home.
Bandit stole our hearts, he rather reminds us of Fenris as a puppy. We just know he is going to steal some lucky families heart.
We are wishing loving homes for all the transports.
Those are some super cute dogs and puppies that your mom is transporting! What a perfect Christmas present to them - helping them toward their forever homes!
Love the crossed paws...
What beautiful pictures!! Khyra, we don't blame you for sleeping on your tail...that is a safe place to keep it. The puppies are adorable!!!! We hope your mom has a very safe transport today and look forward to seeing more pictures! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Ah Ha thats a good use for such a floofy tail!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie J0, Bobo, & Olivia
We love your sleeping pics! Mom calls that pose "the cheerio".
Good for Mom to be driving the doggies. I think I would like to have Bandit for my little dog because when he grows up he will look like the Beautiful Trixie, of Dennis the Vizsla's blog. I think she is the most Beautiful, and if she was a boy, the Handsomest.
I am sure he is spoken for, but at least you know what interests me.
Great pics. We see you are resting up for SNOW! Wish your Mom a safe transport with those wonderful pups. HOpe they all get loving home soon.
PS We are hoping you get some of beautiful snow but after your Mom is done with this transport.
It must be winter, Khyra is khurling up in a ball like Poodles do. Akhually we do all year round.
Misty the alpha Poodle
What adorable puppies! My my you have an exciting life. Still NO snow?? We had a 5inch dusting last night. Merry Christmas if we don't see you before then.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Blessings from Cassie & Patrick too
Hi Khyra - we've got so much snow here! It's been the heaviest snowfall in decades - certainly in our lifetime! We think of you every time we go out to romp in it (which is often!) and we hope you get some soon.
LOVE the photos of you snoozing Khyra - wish we could curl up next to you for a snooze too!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
What cute puppies! Glad to hear that Bandit and Caleb have furever homes!
Khyra, you curl up tighter than my kitty sisfurs! Have you been taking notes from Brofur and Butterscotch?
Yay for Kelly having a furever home! That makes us so happy! Same with Bandit and Caleb! Yay!
We hope your mom's transports go well!
Khyra you certainly know how to spend the day with Mom off making all those puppies happy..
What a cute bunch Mom has today.. Be safe out there Mom. We know a certain Fluffy tail that is waiting on you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, as you snooze are you dreaming of a forever home for each and every homeless woofie and kitty? I know I do. Purrs to your mom for doing all that she does for these sweet pups.
Hey I curl up just like you do, but my tail is not as fluffy!!!
Love the snowmen shots for Frankie, hehe.
Those naps sure look nice.
OMG...what little cuties. :)
Wow that was a lot of news. I wish you snow for Christmas!
Awww, look at all those cute wiggly puppies! Pretty dogs on the transport, and so nice of your mom to help out while woo make sure things go smoothly at home.
jack & moo
Hello Khyra! I am having problems with blogger and in my frustration, I knew that your blog would be one that would give me a good grin! There's always so many aaaaawwwww's on your blog, especially on a weekend! I'm glad those pups are finding their way to the safety of a warm home for Christmas!
Oh noes, I do think Frankie Furter let some of his mom's snowmen eggscape from his howse.
"Amber's dears" are too cute!!! We love the real snowmans on your porch. Bet Frankie likes that one
Benny & Lily
That's good of you to hold down the fort for your Mom, Khyra! What great snowmen pictures. Those pups are all too cute. Glad to hear that Callie got a forever home!
Elyse and Riley
Wesa thank you are so khool Khyra that we just had mama add you to our bloggy list and we are followers now...we the special Kansas Konnection...we hopes you like what your UK Furiends got you and it arrived safely. Mamas know that we packed it extra, extra, extra great (Mama #1 was a shipping supervisor for over 35+ years shipping fragile airplaney parts).
We can't wait to see your gifties and the ornament'ums.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
PS: Your Khanine Runs are super awesome and always raise the most greens for the auctiums. Wesa glads to know great peeps like yous'ums.
Those snowmen look kinda creepy. You gotta watch out for them Khyra! I've heard stories of evil Snowmen!!!
Lots of news, Khyra. Don't know how you remember it all.
We are still taking comments through tomorrow for the Bark It Furward commentathon. We've had a great response and we know you've been sending some our way. :) Thanks.
Love the swings. The puppy is the cutest one.
Can I have George for Chirstmas? He is cute cute cute!
woof _ Tucker
That sitting snowman is a little creepy...like he'd run after you! You're brave for walking by him!!
Ah you do the true Husky sleeping. Noses should be protected by fluffy tails :)
Ohhh all the babies for the transport are adorable!!!
Uh, Khyra, you are sorta sleeping rolled up in a ball there just like a KHAT!
Khyra's nose tuck under the tail - Arwen does it too. But that's when I KNOW it's cold inside!
Hi, Khyra -
Bandit and Caleb are so cute! We are soooooooo glad that Callie got her forever home.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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