With some telling too
Even my LabraNeighbour is looking fur our snow!
Please make sure woo stop by on THURSDAY - I have a furry special post planned that will help donate ONE GREEN PAPER fur each khomment to THIS FURRY SPECIAL ORGANIZATION!!!
We decided it fit our Thursday theme furry well SO that is why we chose THIS THURSDAY!

If any of woo would like to pawticipate in this special on your blogs, please let me know as I khan put woo in touch with the human that khan get woo involved - the special BARK IT FURWARD BLOGGER program runs until January 04, 2011!!! Mom and I did a khwikhk Google and found lots of others that had taken part in it!
We decided it fit our Thursday theme furry well SO that is why we chose THIS THURSDAY!
See woo here tomorrow fur a Windy Walkin' Wednesday!
We hope you and your LabraNeighbour finds some snow!
We love the photos of you Khyra! Your expressions are so khute!
We'll be here on Thursday!
OOOOOOO - ornamental prowess! I like it! :)
I hope the snow goes your way soon, Khyra!
Looking good!
did the labraneighbor snoof out anything promising? We keep looking around here too.... but one of our boys in OH said they had 6" this morning!
jack & moo
PS - we'd like to do a post to benefit that great cause! Let us know...
It was really windy here last night. We hope the white stuff is one its way to you.:)
Teddy Bear
We're wishing a little snow your way Khyra!
we lost all our snow today too! boo hoo...
Looking very coy posing around the door.
By the way, is a labraneighbor like a labradave?
We found some snow here - but we'd take more!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
One day you will find your snow (Soon I hope!) Can't wait to hear all about the K9 Assistance fundraiser!
POOPOO - we were so hoping that snow had come your way, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We will be there on Thursday, and will try to post a reminder on our blog before then.
Our friend Remington is working on redistributing some of his snow. to make sure your name is on the list, visit him here:
Hi Khyra!
We love your stretch paw photo. So sorry we have not been around too much. But we will surely see your Thursday post.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
We did has some flurries of snow here yesterday and I blowed them your way. Hope they gotted there ofur to you.
Oh girrrrl it is 17 degrees here and we got another dusting last night to add to the several others we have had. I wish you could have all of this. You would be more than welcome to it, you know.
Once again your mum snagged some very nice pictures of you. I will come on by tomorrow when I get back from the vets and see whats happening. Hugs GJ xx
Sorry you didn't get your snow, I know how much you love to play outside in it. It will hopefully come soon enough and in bunches. I have some here at my place right now and trying to figure out how to get it to you.
Khyra, you look like you're getting a little bored waiting for your snow!
We ain't got no snows to share but I would if I could...sigh! But, it IS cold as heck heres!
Whoo look VERY Khute today!
If you find the snow can you send us some here in Texas?! We will come back Thursday for sure - sounds like a great thing!
We try to never miss a day, but we'll be sure to check in on Thursday!
I am sorry that you still don't have snow! It's too cold here now to go out and enjoy it, so we just look out at it from the window in between naps.
It's been so cold everywhere. No snow at your house yet?
Pretty pretty pictures!! Khyra you are so beautiful!!!!
xx, Bambi & Fern
Hello beautiful Khyra! We haven't had any white stuff yet either. Although, we don't go out in it, we just watch it from inside by the fire! You are so very pretty!
Yah, what is up with this lack of the white stuff?....
See you Thursday!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Are woo still looking fur snow? We are still looking but there is none coming our way.
Sam & June
We would send all of our snow to woo, but, well, we never get any. Or want any.
Misty the alpha Poodle
My mama wants to know what your FT is. I say it's your furry tail. Am I right?
Mama says you are beautiful and we love looking at your pictures. I say of course you are awesome. You're you!
Lookin' good, my friend!
That is so unfaiw..I've seen snow all ovew and you should be the one getting it..if I get any(thewe is none is sight as of yet) I will send you some wight away!!!
The beastie shopped till she dwopped, hehehe..I only went along
smoochie kisses
You looks especially pretty in your pictures today, Khyra!
We haven't been able to sniff out any snow in Collie-rado so far either. If we find any, we'll send some of it straight to you!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh Khyra, you can certainly have all the snow you want from my place! That way my human won't be tempted to throw any more snow at me either. :)
PS We're making a special note to ourselves to stop by on Thursday!
You are doing a great job watching for snow but we don't think you will find anything in the house!!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think PawSylvania most be the only place in the country that hasn't had snow yet! Even Albuquerque had a dusting! The entire White Dog Army is sending thoughts of white your way!
I hope the snow comes soon (for you at least ;))
We thought maybe that Labraneighbor was trying to take over your tree!
We like your doga picture...do you doga everyday?
We might get snow this weekend. I'm working hard to send it your way.
We hope you get your snow very soon!! Love the pictures of you Khyra!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Sorry you are snowless in Pawsylvania. It hardly seems fair that so many who would trade places are getting what you really want.
Paws crossed you and LabraNeighbor get some white stuff soon...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
We're bottling some snow and sending it to you! I didn't know that you had a Labraneighbor!
We hope you find some snow soon!
Those are great pictures....we are waiting for snow too!
Love all the pictures of Khyra! Super Cute! We'll be back on Thursday. We are also looking forward to some snow!
We are conjuring a picture of snow fur you - we love your intelligent expressions and, of course, furry bootiful face! Looking forward to Thursday!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
I see you look this way, and you look that way,,, but no snow.
Where can it be? Miss fluffy tail needs snow quick!
Oh K! Awesome. You're lookin' fabulous as always Khyra :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
You look so lovely and wise my dear!! I know the snow will come for you soon!!!
We try to stop by everyday and leave a comment, but even better when green papers are being donated to a charity. :)
Good stretch, Khyra! And good peering-around-the-corner technique!
I am wishin for you... the snow, and lots of it! And while we are waitin, I am enjoyin ever minute of watchin you wish!
You are bea-woo-t-FULL, Miss Khyra!
wif love from the Luke
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