In Memory Of Echo

He khrossed very suddenly this (Wednesday) afternoon - his mom and dad suspect aneurysm or heart attack - his family was with him when it happened and they tried CPR but he was gone -

His mom had shared this pikh of him a few weeks ago - she felt he was looking fur his buddy
Meeka who khrossed in July - well, now they are together again - just like C$ and Miss Opy

Our sekhond walk of the day was filled with Mom babbling and murmuring and sniffing bakhk tears

We thought of Echo

And his family

I asked the geese to kharry a message as far as they khould

Safe travels Echo - Mom has a khandle lit and I had peas in your memory as my after dinner treat
Please keep Echo's family in your thoughts - the shock is - well, just as one would expekht - just numbing - just plain numbing
Khyra and Her Mom
OH no! We will go right over and offer our sympathies.
How horribly sad. He was so young.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Very sad....
We are very sad to hear of the crossing of your friend. We hope you can keep his fond memories alive.
Mogley G. Retriever
I am so sad to hear of Echo's passing. It just brings tears to my eyes. I need to go give my Sibes an extra hug of love today in his memory. Our thoughts are with Echo's family. The photo of him by the wreath is beautiful...yet mournful. I am just so sorry...
Oh Khyra, how devastating. What a gorgeous sibe he was.
Our thoughts are with his family during dis sad loss. May they always hold onto those memories.
What a shock! We are on our way to leave woos of comfort to Echo's family!
Oh gosh. How awful. I am so ready for this year to be over...too much. Will pray for his family.
Painter Pack
My heart goes out to Echo's family. I don't think we're ever fully prepared to see our fur kids go.
I am so sorry!
We did not know this, thanks for letting us know. How very sad for Echo's family to lose another beautiful dog so soon. That photo with the wreath makes us think he was looking to go home to be with Meeka. Soft woos to his family.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I am very sorry to hear about your friend Echo. :(
Oh my goodness, Khyra. This is so sad. Poor Echo's family. Their hearts must hurt so much. We'll go over and leave our thoughts for them.
Gentle wiggles and wags,
This is so sad. I'm sniffing back tears too, but not doing a very good job. Echo's family's in my thoughts.
Oh dear this is very sad news. We have lit a candle for Echo.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Thank wooo for letting us know, Khyra. How terribly sad! I will light a candle for him & go over to offer our condolences too.
Sad woos,
Skye & family
Oh no..what a shock!!
RIP Echo. That's very sad news.
oh no, we did'nt know him but we shall light a candle immediately for this bewootiful woo
sad pibble sniggles
the pittie pack
So sorry to hear about Echo :(
My mum is a blubbering mess too :(
Sending my thoughts to Echo's family for this untimely and very sad loss. May he rest peacefully at the bridge...
So sorry to hear this news...
We are very sorry to hear this news about Echo. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. We understand their pain and feeling's a horrible feeling. Goodspeed dear Echo...lots of love, Holly and mom
Mom says they had a cat pass away unexpectedly like that once. It's such a shock! We are so very sorry for Echo's family!
Oh NO. Sooooo sorry to hear this very much sad news.
Thanks for letting us know about dear Echo. We have his family in our thoughts and prayers.
We are so sorry about your friend Echo having to leave for the bridge, and to go so unexpectedly is just even more sad. We are sending tons of purrs and prayers to his family.
Khyra, I'm sure the geese carried your message and made sure Echo made it safely. I'll keep Echo's family in my thoughts.. :(
So much sadness in the blogosphere this year, my thoughts are with Echo's family.
I has a sad. :( May he rest in peace.
So sorry to hear about Echo!
It's especially bad when these things happen during festive seasons.
We feel so sad for his family.
So sad. We are sorry to hear about your friend
Benny & Lily
Sad woos fur our friends.... we can only hope that we will all meet once again.
Hugs and husky kisses
-Kira The Beawootiful
Heartbreaking. I am so sad for them. I cannot imagine the pain and shock they must be experiencing. My heart goes out to them.
Oh that is so sad...
We will purrr...and Grete woofie will wag her tail in his honor.
That is so very sad. We've got a candle lit for him.
-Fiona and Family
I am very sad to know about Echo.
He was a very good friend.
Our thoughts are with his family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh Khyra
We know many tears are falling..
Sometimes , there are no answers to when we ask WHY?
We feel sad too. Thank you for letting us know.
We have our candle burning,,,,
We will do what we can do,,, and share some paws
We are so sorry to hear about Echo.:(
Teddy Bear
Poor Echo, how sad. We're purring for you and him and his family.
Oh the news of Echo is so very sad.
We feel for his family, they will be devasated.
Run free with the wind in your face Echo.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
We were so sorry and surprised to hear about Echo = and lit a candle last night.
Dear Sweet Khyra -
Thank you so much for honoring our Echo. The pain is still very raw and I honestly wonder how I'll ever get through this. I've often wondered whether it's worse to watch a beloved pet drift away slowly, knowing the end was near - or whether it was worse just losing them one day with no warning. I've experienced both within a period of just a few months and still can't answer it. My pain is indescribable. The timing is uncanny. In my heart I believe he missed his Meeka so much that he couldn't bear to be without him. Meeka was Echo's mentor ever since day one when Echo bounced into our home at just a few weeks of age. As the recent picture showed, there was no doubt he missed his friend. Echo collapsed in front of our eyes in our living room after running joyously up the stairs with a bone in his mouth to greet my son. That was it. He was gone that fast. Scott didn't make it home in time to say goodbye. It is possible for a heart to break....ours are now. I've spent the morning crying, wandering aimlessly through the rooms collecting what's left of my baby. I'm taking it one hour at a time. A priority for us is to help Shyla through this. Echo was her rock and helped her through some severe anxiety issues. We are concerned as we see her looking for him. We showed her his body yesterday but I don't think she understood. Her well being is our first priority and ultimately will pull us all through this tragedy. We appreciate everyone's words and thoughts.
Echo hasn't posted since Meeka died, so we wouldn't have heard about Echo's passing if we hadn't seen your post. We are so sorry!
Khyra, sorry about your friend Echo. We are going to pay our respects right know. The HoundDogs
We are so very sad about our friend Echo. Many, many tears have been shed and continue to be.
We are sending lots of hugs to his family.
Godspeed sweet Echo. May you wear your Silver Harness with great pride. I'm sure Meeka is happy to have his brother with him.
Holly and Khady
My thoughts are with Echo's Family! We have suffered similar sadness this year! We lost our twin cats! One in July and one the Monday before Christmas! They were both 16 so a good age! But we were expecting Fluffy to go when her brother died in his sleep. After he died she seemed to pick up and we hoped we would have her for a while longer. She went very quickly one day her legs stopped working the next she was dead. We are relieved they both died in their sleep and did not have long drawn out illnesses but the hardest bit is that our puppy is missing them very much! We are getting a rescue cat in the next couple of days and it helps to know we will be giving a cat a happy home! We do hope that he and the dogs will get along! It helps to have a cat coming to fill the empty space our 2 pussies have left! I do hope that Echo's family will be able to find some comfort in the fact that e didn't suffer though I'm sure like our cats he and his mate will be sorely missed! it is also so hard when it happens at christmas! as I said our thoughts are with you all xxx
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