We appreciate the kind words about Thursday's post fur Miss Opy - it still seems like it was just a dream but the EUCALYPTUS khandle we had lit Wednesday night and then again Thursday night was a khonstant reminder that it truly did happen -
If you hadn't yet gone to paw your respekhts to Brooke, Greg, and Benson J Puppypaws, here is the link to the post on her blog - I know her pawrents might not be up to reading evFURRYthing yet but they will - and probably ovfur and ovfur - and then yet again - Brooke has also shared what happened on THIS POST -
If woo are travelling today, please be safe!
PeeEssWoo: Mom and I will be posting tomorrow but will be turning off the khomments so woo khan enjoy your day!
We think the world is ready for a yoga...er doga video and you are really the one to make it. Put your picture on the front giving one of your "looks" and it has to be a best seller.
Misty the alpha Poodle and pack
Is "doga" how woo keep your svelte shape in spite of all the christmas goodies??? Maybe it would work for our mom! Ha-roo roo roo!
We figured your eye in the sky would be watching fur a miniature sleigh with eight tiny reindeer, and a little old driver so lively & quick!
jack a-roo & miss moo
(sorry bout the double post, mom messed up)
That edible looks nommie!!
Love the doggie yoga, gorgeous Khyra!...Merry Christmas to you, beautiful Merdie, handsome Harley, adorable BroFur and Butterskotch and your lovely Mom...Sending kisses to our sweet friends, hugs to your wonderful Mom...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
I love the pics, Khyra!!
Merry Christmas!
Great stretches Khyra! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Your Doga is making me tired and sore...oh, wait, that's from wrapping packages. So much exercise in doing that!! FREE nom-noms? Go Khyra! Your cuteness ranks supreme!
Oh, we all could use some time for doga around here today!
Happy holidays my woofie friend, and I hope you get lots of yummy steaks!!
Doga is such a great way to start the day. What a great present you got at the petstore.:)
Teddy Bear
Doga looks a lot more doable than cat yoga. Where's the video????
Dear Khyra...
Those yoga moves are pretty impressive, dear one!
We might not get another chance before Christmas, so we wanted to make a wish for you:
"May all the magic, joy and peace of this special season descend on your whole household this Christmas."
Thank you for being such fabulous blogging friends...
With love and licks
We are hoping that the snow flies very soon at your house, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Doga... Too cute!!!
Happy Holidays to you all Khyra! May you get some white fluffies soon!
dear Khyra and mumster,
here's wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year
coco and tiffy
MFT! You can come here. We still have a little snow and it is COLD!
You're the best doga and sentry dog out there, Khyra! Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy your day tomorrow too!
Hi Khyra,
We want to thank yoo and yoor mom, and all the drivers and foster beans, hoo help save dogs, and give them a chance of a better life.
Greetings at Christmas to yoo ALL ~ may you have friends at your fire, blessings in your home, and joy in your heart. Merry Christmas dear friends ~ and Thank You from our hearts.
I think Animal Plant should pick up on that - "Doga with Khyra" - you could has your own televishun show and we could all pawticipate. Has a furry Merry Chrissmuss!
Stumpy realy appreciates your doga form and style. Your her doga herione and she works hard to emulate you!
Merry merry!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! Fenris has been practicing his doga here too, maybe Mom can snag a picture of him doing doga soon.
You are quite the Doga dog, Khyra!
I love Stella Rd!!!!!!!
hey i do that same doga move!!! we're like twinnies! so on ROTES just wait in the car & look your furry cutest.. good nommies will be brought to ya? huh.. must try TODAY!
MERRY XMAS to my FAVORITE MFT in the whole world!! May woo get a TON of good stuff from Santa!!
Oh Khyra, I feel so terrible that you have not gotten your beloved snow. I truly did try to get some fur you.
Merry Christmas to you and all your family.
Great Stretches, and they feel the best in the morning ;)
Will catch up with you soon
Have a Great Christmas
See Yea George xxx
Grete loves doga too! Khyra, you really should start a show so all woofies can follow along.
We just went and read Opy's story. We will purr for her family.
Have a Merry Christmas!
xoxo Cory and Grete and family
You know you look good, Khyra, when people give you treats fur FREE. :) Merry Christmas, Khyra!
Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Licks and wags
Katie the Border Collie, Libby the Golden Retriever and all the rest of the furries and two-leggeds in my household including Angels Tucker and Charmin!
No wonder you are in such good shape...at that Doga!
Have a wonderful Xmas!
Mr. Nubbin'
Oh Khyra, you look furry cool in those pictures!
Thanks for posting - have a Merry Christmas!
Where's your snow!
We have about 3 inches so far...
We love all of the pictures Khyra!! That sure is a big nom you received!! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Great Doga moves, Khyra. I wish I could send you some of my snow!
We are so grateful we are all home together and we don't have to go anywhere in the terrible conditions being seen in most of Europe.
Cute Moves Khyra~
We's Wishing Woo's Very Merry Christmassy's~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Merry Christmas! Enjoy your day off!
Merry Chrismas Khyra and mom...and family!
I so needs to try them oves out!
Wishing a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Dear Khyra,
we wish u a very very Happy and Merry Christmas.
Keep safe and enjoy.
Lots of holiday cheer,
Ginger, Buddy n shadow
You are a master at doga Khyra! We sure wish you had a white Christmas. That is one big yummy looking bone!
We hope you, your mom, the Doggy Nanny, Fred, Merdie, Harley, Merdie's beans, Brofur, Butterscotch, Cousin Abby and Auntie Di have a very Merry Christmas!
Hey gorgeous Khyra,
Have a wonderful Christmas with your pack!
BTW, have you heard from Lorenza???
Wishing you a greats and Happys Christmas and hopes you have lots of funs in the new year.
I like your yogas. I need to do that when my dad helps me breaks my fuzz.
Ana ones, ana twos...
Suzy :o))
Merry Christmas, my friends! Enjoy!
Wishing you a Merry Merry Christmas - we wish we could send you some of the awesome snow we are getting here in Iowa today! Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
Happiest of Holidays to woo!!
Fin & Meg
Popped across to wish you and all your family a very Happy Christmas.. Have a lovely day.. HUgs GJ xx
Merry Christmas from Seattle Khyra & family!! We love you!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Uh, turning off the comments? We hope tomorrow is not a day of silence or we'll all be in biiiiig trouble.
How neat you got a nom nom just for being cute. We're cute. It doesn't work with Jan, though.
Have a good day together tomorrow. Merry Christmas.
You sure do know how to stretch and look gorgeous for the camera! Not too surprising that you got some treats because of you are so pretty!
Thank you for the nice comment about our clients/pals venture into their new home! It was an exciting time for that little 7 yr old girl and to know that she is happy makes all the difference in the world!
Sending you holiday cheers from across the miles and wishing you and your family a fun holiday filled with love and laughter.
I love your yoga moves..
stretchhhhhh,, and love that blue sky.
We wish all of you a very
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to Khyra and her Mommy!!
Painter Pack
Merry Christmas to you all!
Very nice DOGA and bonus snakh during ROTE! Hope santa brings you some snow!
Merry Christmas!
p.s. the khard on your christmas post made me giggle!
It just doesn't seem like Christmas, unless I can say "Merry Khristmas" to my favorite Khanine.
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Merry Christmas.
Woos, the OP Pack
Merry Christma s to you all.
Sheeba is all dressed up too.
Khyra Wishing you and your Mom a very Happy Christmas.
Hope Santa Paws is good to you. Hope you get some of the white stuffie..we got some more!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Sugar Khats you say? Oh dear...
(we akhtually celebrated Christmas yesterday... so we are visiting today...)
We want to wish you Khyra, your Mom, and all your family a really magical and memorable Christmas together.
Make Merry!
The Zoolatry Girls, Maggy & Zoey,
and Ann
BOL! My Mum does that doga stuff, I run up and lick her face when she's in the downward facing dog.
Love the cat cartoon! BOL!
Haha, I love the card " Why Santa doesn't us cats".
After a few months missing, we're so glad to see you are still keeping good shape doing doga and as lovely as ever.
Best wishes and love and hugs and kisses to y'all
We'll stay for good this time, muahhh!
Doga is the best. Always feels so nice to stretch out like that. :)
Hi, Khyra -
We hope that you and your family had a Merry Christmas and that all of your efforts of wishing for snow did not go to waste.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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