Mom wrote the nice lady fostering Callie to ask how she was doing - she said great! Mom had prepared her Saturday evening for a furry sweet girl - and now that Callie was there, she sooooo agreed!
We've got our paws khrossed fur Callie bekhause someone is already interested in her - so maybe she'll be home fur the HOWLidays!
My original B&B was on our evening news Monday - lots and lots and lots of khats there - made us sad - and made me - well, woo know
I hope woo have your own tasty Tuesday!
You yawn GREAT!!!
I like that smirky face that you made at your mom. You're sassy today!
Very sad news about all the shelter khats :(
We're so glad to hear Callie is doing great. We'll keep our paws crossed that she finds her furever home sooooon.:)
Teddy Bear
Oouu, what's that yummy nummy next to woo? glad Callie has a pawtential home, we'll keep our paws crossed fur her! khats khats khats.... our local shelter is holding hteir annual "home for the holidays" adoption event - all khats this year.... like 80 of them.
jack & moo
PS - moms says we cannot have a khat fur Christmas, can woo believe it?
Keeping my paws crossed that Callie will get the home that she deserves!
Great yawn, Khyra!
Its hard work being a dog!
That's great news about Callie!! Hope all turns out well for her!
Ah...you soo got me at that yawn pic!
You look very comfortable there dear Khyra! And we love the smirk you gave your momma...Good news about dear Callie and how sad about all the khats. Our DOH#2 won't let us have a khat for Christmas either...said something about being allergic...whatever that means!
Bones and treats to ya,
Bronson and Pepper
Our paws are crossed that Callie gets a forever home for Christmas!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hehehehe...great fotos Khyra...I lieks you yawnin'!
Wonderful news bouts Callie. I sooooooo hope her gets a home fur da holidays.
Here's hopin' that Callie gets her furever home!
Great pics!
Oh my dawg. i just took a look at those buggers. aren't they the sweetest things? they look scared and sad. I hope someone has a home for brooklyn too.
Khyra you rock as a fostering dog (a dog who fosters other doggies or helps out). you're just such a sweet thing. i wish you could come over and help Juno teach loki some manners. he'd respect your MFT.
You look really tired today, Khyra! Perhaps you need a long winter's nap.
We're sorry to hear about the shelter cats. That makes all of us who once didn't have a home more than a little sad.
The weather in Baltimore this week makes me want to nap just like that
We're glad to hear that someone is interested in Callie... and we love the smirky face tooooo.
My, what big teefs you have!
Great news about Callie!
MFT! That sneer kind of reminded me of the beastie. I hope you are not getting cracker inclinations.
how is it that you are even cute when you yawn?! :)
That is great new and I hope that she gets a home for the holidays - that would be super special!
I guess those Brits wore you out, you look like you're into some serious nape time, there!
I'm so happy Callie's future is looking up! That would be some Merry Christmas, huh?
Darn Girrrrl... watchin you Yawn caused me to YAAAAAAAWN about 87 times.. Now my jaw hurts. hehehe
You are such a character.
Hey... it is -34 degrees wind chill at the wives house. BRRRRRR
Your kinda weather though.
There's just something about a warm house in the wintertime that makes one sleepy. Does Butterskhotch every curl up in your fuzzy?
Even when trying to nap, the flashy beast hounds you, huh? Us too.
We have our paws crossed that Callie has a furever home for the howlidays!
Khyra, your photos always make us smile. You say so much with your face without having to bark a word.
Such a cute yawner! Now I want to go back to bed!
Woo looks like woo's ready for a nice dreamy dream times~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
We love your facial expressions. What a high fashion model you are.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Khyra, you look like you were trying to take a nice long nap and somebody kept interrupting you. Sounds familiar..like yesterday when I was doing the same!! Love your pictures though!! We sure hope Callie gets a wonderful furever home. She is so beautiful and has that floofy tail that says it all!!! That is very sad about the cats there...it's probably like that a lot of places but just hasn't been on the news. Lots of love, Holly and mom
We know woo were not really sleeping. Woo were guarding that yummyness!
Did woo get some snow? We woke up to some snow this morning. Mom will try to post the video.
Sam & June
I hope she finds a home soon!
Aw Khyra, you're so delicious and snuggly! Great news about Callie, we'll keep our paws crossed. No snow here in CO yet, 60s and sunny today -- dogs say BOO!
Now, now, Khyra. #1 tells me that real ladies never snicker!!!
Too bad about all those kitties needing homes. If only we were closer...
We are both very sad to hear that there are so many shelter khats :( BUT better that than dumped somewhere. At least they have a chance in a shelter.
Its the end of kitten season and lotsa kitties effury where. Hope Callie gets her home! She was a cutie!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
My Khyra, what big teeth you have! ;)
We hope the kitties at your B & B get adopted into loving families before Christmas....and we hope they stay in those loving famililes!
Oh, and that is very good news about Callie!
So, Khyra, you got snow yet? We have enough on the ground but we missed that big storm last weekend. I bet Princess E and her consort are still digging out from that one.
I hope all the furbodies get homes this winter!
After last nights game I just want to pull the covers over my head and go to sleep too! I like of your pics!
Woo look verwy comfy. I get snoofle boogers too. Must bury nose in everything.
Golden Kisses, Lady
Khyra you look like you are one tired pup there. We are so glad to hear that Callie might have a forever home for the holidays..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Paws is crossed fur Callie! Happy Tuesday Khyra!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Great pictures and I so have my paws crossed for sweet Callie to be in her own home for Christmas.. HUgs GJ xx
That is so cute! It looks like you need a nap!
Great looks you are giving Mom Khyra.
You and your Mom are just great helping all the doggies find homes and getting them to places where they might find a home. Glad to hear that Callie is doing well. You sure are looking good Khyra. Take care and have a wonderful rest of the week.
Paws crossed for Callie, Khyra!!! You look very relaxed outside. It's been very cold here, had to wear two coats on my walk this morning, yuk!!!
Woofs, Johann
Why is it that when you see someone yawn, you have to yawn too? YAWN...
Paws crossed for Callie.
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Paws khrossed for Callie!
As always, Khyra, you are very fluffy and beau-woo-tiful! Did woo get some s-n-o-w yet?
You look VERY relaxed, ny friend. Any sign of snow? Keeping paws crossed that Callie gets a Christmas miracle...and that many of those homeless shelter cats do too!
After all that chewing and yard snoopervising you must be exhausted
Benny & Lily
Sweet dreams, Khyra!
Dang on the cat ishue - that makes Mom see red, but, of course, not us. And what WAS that snoot on your snooter hee hee! Love that face - you have a gazillion expresshions!
Sammie and Avalon
You look like you are super tired,but we love all the pictures. Here is hoping that Callie gets her forever home for the holidays.
You make such expressive faces, Khyra! I love it! Have sweet dreams, okay?
Elyse and Riley
That's a lot of khats at that shelter. Mom would take more, but dad says 3 khats is enuf!
I am wishing on stars that Callie gets a forever home
your tooty nite nite pictures looking all snuggly just made ush sleepy so wesa go tooty snore
pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo shoor luk tired did yoo not git yore khoffee this morning??? ha ha ok bye
You look like you're smiling.
I hope everything works out for Callie. :)
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