Thanks GJ - and your mum and dad of khourse!
The DN wore one of the great khanine skharves to dinner Monday night and LOVED it!

How khool was that - A great lemonade khandle with a grape leaf stand
Thanks to the pawesome surprise! It was furry appreciated
Whilst on the subjekht of shipping departments, I have lodged an official khomplaint
With Remingston's SnowsFurWoo IncLLC - I believe I was sent some shoddy khraftworked SNOW - I mean, khan woo see it???
Neither khould I - bummed!
So we are hiking to Shawnee's place in NJ
Or maybe to visit the 29" over at Layla The Malamute

Or Maggie and Mitch - or Tucker - or The Four Stooges in Master Chew Sits - MangoPeaNorwoodTulaMonstah!
Oh the difFURence a few miles khan make!
Thanks fur the ofFURS to share!
Tomorrow, we'll share MORE!
What awesome love from across the pond!
Love those pressies!! Have fun wherever you land Khyra :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I love surprises! And those looked especially nice!
I am sorry to hear that you haven't received any snow from Remington, it seems he has successfully sent lots of snow to some other blogger friends lately but not you. He tried to send us some too but it turned out to be rain in the end. Anyway, hope you have lots of fun today!
What a great Christmas you all had. We see the American Eskimo goodie. What is it?:)
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra,
The twists and turns of life need a lot of pondering sometimes. You look in deep thought. Hope it helped!
You have AMAZING friends! What pawsome gifts they sent! I hope you and your mom enjoy each and every wonderful present!
Khyra, I am doing my best to get snow for the both of us. Seems we have been left off the snow map. Not fair.
Wow what awesome pressies. You've got some great pals there Khyra.
We hope you get some snow soon. We know how much you love it.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
You got some great presents from across the Pond. I really hope that you get some snow soon.
Wow - look at your stash! That is great! Happy belated Christmas. Hope you had a good one. I love your comments throughout the year - they always make me laugh....xxxooo
Hi Khyra,
Ooh, our snow has finally gone now - perhaps it's making its way to you?
We're glad you got your candle and hope it smells as lovely as it looks. The Slimmer Pugs were just pawsome to arrange all the packaging and shipping.
FH was eyeing up that selection box you got - she's got a real sweet tooth!!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max (and their FH Clare!)
Hehehehe...I'm sorry, I don't mean to laughs but it is just total crazy dat you gots no snow and everybuddy else did...what up withs dat? I knows Remington tried his bestest...maybe it just melted befores it got to you. If it makes you feels any betters, mine has gone bye bye...I haves no snow left.
What awesome pressies!!
It's hard to believe you are snowless.
Lilly, Piper Carrleigh and Ruairi
And why do we think Khyra would trade all of the gifts for a foot of snow?
Those are furry great pressies - what wonderful gifts!
We hope you had a furry good Merry Christmas - and have a Happy New Year!
Oh what wonderful thingys you got there. Those Slimmer Pugs are on deck to be come official Santa Paws Elves!!!!
I just don't understand WHY you don't have ANY snow. This is just Way WRONG. Sorry girrrl.
Those are some nifty presents from across the pond!
Khyra! You've gotta be joking that you didn't gets any real snow! When mom and me were watching the Weather Channel, we thought...there it is! There's Khyra's snow! Most obviously, Remington needs to have a talk with his shipping supervisor.
Those were some most wonderful pressies from across the pond. What a super wonderful surprise!
wiggles & wags,
I can't believe you're still waiting for snow! WTH??!!!???
Those folks across the pond sure are great gifters!
What great surprises you got from around the world! You and your mom are very very special so I'm glad!
I would gladly ship my snow to you. It is most tiresome. No tennis ball good times. No walkies. Grouchy momma. Doesn't get much worse than that.
Sorry U didn't get any snow. The surprises from across the pond looked really great.
You are welcome here, Khyra! We have a fenced backyard with a HUUUUUGE snowdrift in it for you to play with.
Wow, those pressies look deelishuz!
And it has GOT to snow soon, right???
I'm sorry you got defective snow! That is a total bummer. At least you got a lot of nice presents to cheer you up!
where is yous from?
It looks like summer where you is at..
We will try to send you some snow..
Still no snow?? Sigh. That just won't do! Maybe yours is on backorder and it will be SUPER BIG to make up for the delay??
Mom says she will send you all our snow, her is sick of it all ready!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS great pressies!
It must be summer there with no snow and all. hehehe
Misty the alpha Poodle
Oh no Khyra, no snow?? Did you know that Ginger is hosting "Airing of Grievances" today on my bloggie and you could file a formal khomplaint about no snow?
We think the gifts you got were pawsome!
Purrs, Khory
Bummer you got crappy defective snow...
I think it's kind of funny there are so many complaints already from the dogs/people who got snow. I keep preaching "Be careful what you wish for." YOU are another story though. I know you love the white stuff so I hope you get some SOON!
Khyra, you have quite a walk ahead of you if you are going that distance!! We hope the snow comes your way soon and mom laughed when she saw Remington's SnowfurWooInc...that is just too funny!! It's all a mix up we are sure...you should have our snow. We love the presents from GJ..they are very pretty!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Those were very special presents from your furiends! You and your mom are pretty special too!
We can't believe the snow dared miss you while creating havoc over there on the east coast. What's up with that?
You were SO totally robbed!!!
What awesome gifts from across the pond!
We are racing to the basement right now! We will find the biggest box ever and we'll fill it with snow just for you, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, please come by! Even if you can't take the snow home with you, at least help trample it down.
Wow...you sure did get a lot of nice things from across the pond. :)
Wow Khyra how is it that you didn't get any real snow! We see on the news that there is tons of snow out your way - we expected lots of snow pictures by now! We so do not understand the weather!
And boy those were some awesome pressies you got. It was so sweet of them to send them to you!
You sure got some nice stuff from across the pond..
Sorry that snow still hasn't arrived...
Big Sloppy Kisses,
Gus, Louie and Callie
What lovely gifts Khyra! Oh and, here's wishing you some real snow very soon!
So glad you liked everthing. Hope you get your snow.. Hugs GJ x
Can we go with you on your quest fur snow?
Wyatt and Stanzie
All those are pawesome presents for all of you!
I know you are enjoying them a lot!
Kisses and hugs
So sorry to hear you STILL haven't gotten any snow!! Wish we could send a bit of ours your way! Your presents from across the pond look great. Fun!
Elyse and Riley
What cool presents! And speaking of cool, I'm still sending snow vibes your way!
What delightful gifts you have
received! Now if only we could all box up some snow and get it to you!!! We will keep purring for some of that white stuff for you!
Khyra, what wonderful gifts! Thank you, Khyra's Mom for sharing them with me by way of photos! :-)
No snow, really?! What's the deal with that? Khyra, I'm wishing my wish-iest that some of ours will find its way to woo. We're supposed to have warmer weather and rain later in the week, so we will have extra snow.
PeeEssWoo: Don't think I have said today that I think you are very fluffy and beautiful, Khyra!
Unbelievable! Everyone that has snow that doesn't want it would gladly send it to you, but it's amazing you don't have any of your own yet. You do live in snow country. Perhaps it was blown away on its way down by high winds.
GJ is just about the best, isn't he?
YOu can totally come visit me and all 14 inches of snow that was dumped on us.
woof - Tucker
You soo deserve all the goodies!
So happy to know you had a great Christmas!
Now Khyra...Scruffy and Stan here...we can explain the lack of snow in the only county in PA who doesn't have any...
As you generate so much HOT HOT HOT...that snow doesn't have a chance.
Stan and Skruffy
What a bunch of unmitigated puppycock that my brothers typed...
If that were true...as in if a HOT GIRLIE DOG can keep the snow away, then WHY DO WE HAVE SNOW????
I mean, Western PA should be in a state of major global warming and it's freezing here!
Hey, did you hear the govenor yapping about how we're a bunch of wusses, cuz they delayed the Eagles game till tonight? And did ya see they completely filled his stadium seat up with snow and said "this seat is reserved for a non-wuss????" HAHAHAHAHA!!!...wonder if he munches on cheese steaks at those games? We're gonna send him some 'rogies...
Lacie Kakes who keeps peering out to see if her snow is melting....
You guys got some love from across the pond
Benny & Lily
Woof woof! Those are pretty neat friends u have. :)
what special gifts you all got,, and that is because the world loves you!
Snow is on the way,, just wait and see...
Hi, Khyra -
You and your Mom got some nice surprises. Thanks for sharing them with us.
All of the wishing for snow you did and you got none?!? Mama will gladly send some of our snow your way.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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