But Furst

Santa's Elf Khousin Merdie

Khousin Harley Elf

Callie now Kelly sent me this Saturday afternoon as she announced

She's home FUREVER!!!
Don't the smiles woof it all?
As I mentioned on Sunday's post, one of the runs would be dedikhated to this handsome fella
PLUS, whilst Mom waited in Merryland, she saw his FB post about Sunday being HIS FURST GOTCHA DAY - how khool is that?
Here is the link to the pawesome group that helped him get that sekhond chance!
SO, Happy HOWLidays to Corbin from Khousins Merdie and Harley - AND me too!
Just wait until you see the Pibbles that hope to have the same pawesome furever home as woo do thanks to the great humans associated with Pibbles & More
I'm turning this ovFUR to Mom now!
A touch after 7:15 Sunday AM

One of the Brittany passengers - Fancy - and her blue dolphin PillowPet -she was a sweetie - a bit scared - she's around 4 years old and now being fostered in NH -

As the picture was snapped, some pup moved!

Molly watching what is behind her - she's also thought to be 4 - she's now in RI

Molly was quite good at giving THE LOOK - she curled up in the back corner behind my side - Mike hardly budged from the section behind the seats - I really don't think he napped - he travelled with Fancy and The Blue Dolphin to NH -

Fancy and Friend
These three were transported for
New England Brittany Rescue
Here is
their Photobucket Album with two videos - and
their slideshow - with assorted pics of them and what they saw along the way from Etters to their Allentown area meeting spot -

Just a few throws of the tennis ball from the Wawa we met at is the
Samuel Adams Brewery for the East Coast - I steered The Xterra in that direction to snag a pic for two wild and crazy dog moms belonging to Tula and Norwood
Then it was time to head back I78 to I81 for a trek to Hagerstown

Just below Shippensburg I saw a trailer carrying polar bears

Here's Bandit - Caleb is in the back

George yawned HI!

He was an absolute doll!!! He'll be at his forever home later today

Yes it did!

He's five months old - with awesome eyes - and a great personality too!

Half the trip North he snoozed here - with the other portion curled on the seat

He was a difficult one to capture like this because he just wanted to be with you -

Caleb - sorry, didn't get too many pics of him - I do have him in the videos - it was just above freezing and the precious cargo was a bit chilly so I didn't keep them out too long - I actually did leave The Xterra running to help keep Amber's Dears warm whilst 'the big dogs' were playing

Three of the 'deers' - the one reindeer NOT represented in the naming was Dasher - there were 6 males and 2 females - and at only two months old, we did not get them out enroute -
Their mom Amber is four years old - and is still South - she needs to have surgery for cataracts so she'll stay there for the time being

Bandit said THANKS just before leaving Harrisburg - and he wanted to say the last two brothers are NOW AVAILABLE via
Pibbles & More's Petfinder Site - look for Starsky and Hutch - they are black furry versions of Butch and Bandit and Tugger and Caleb - oh my!
Caleb and Bandit met their furever families Sunday afternoon - they were as thrilled with them as Tugger and Butch's peoples were two weeks ago! Having driven all four, I have NO doubts about that - they were cute and friendly! Both Caleb and Bandit kept taking in EVERYTHING in the air around them - they looked to the horizon and to the sky - I don't think they knew what to make of it BUT they KNEW they LIKED it!

And we have come full circle on the day - this is around 2:45pm - this is the side of the traffic light you don't usually see - Khyra's B&B is to the left - you usually see it on the right
I've also included the pictures that were sent along with the transport's runsheets and some pics&videos from Saturday's drivers!
It was also an amazing day for raptors - I should have kept count but didn't - I believe I saw close to three dozen - on the ground - in the trees - on utility poles - and the one I went WOW for the most was one hovering in the air as it sized up its meal - what a sight to see!
Thanks again for all the support and kind words!
Rescues Rock!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Of course, since I was gone much of Sunday - and then occupied by assembling the two Photobuckets and this post - the blog visits are on the delayed status - we'll get through them - just might not get to comment on all
Another wonderful weekend of work for the furkids - but I am amazed you were able to pry yourself away from Samuel Adams. You are truly an angel. :)
Merdie looks so adorable in the santa hat! You are so kind to help with the dogs!
we really want george!
MERDIE!!!! Wish Santa's Elf Merdie could come visit us! We'd make sure Harley and you come too Khyra!
We're so happy to see all the smiles in Kelly's new furever family!
The transports are all so adorable! Once again those eyes always get to us! We love hearing happy endings too.
I LOVE Merdie & Harley's pictures! They're so good to hold the hats on their heads.
I love the Polar Bear trailer; they're one of my favorite animals.
I didn't know that they had a Sam Adams brewery out here! I'll have to see if they allow tours. That's my dad's favorite domestic beer.
Merdie & Harley makes a darn good-lookin elves, they can pull off wearing that stupid hat & still look good - now that's talent!
What an adorable batch of pups! And such happy news that Kelly has a furever home - woo-hoo!
jack & moo
Oh my DOG!!! You got so much donedonedone! What a buncha travelin'!!! So many puppers, so many states - you ARE the underground RR!!! It is truly incredible how many skies, meetings of other transports/doggehs and different weathers you go through to give these pups a fresh chance at new life/digs. Incredible. Merdie: you are indeed a Grrrrreat Santa helper!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
Corbin looks like an intellectual with that half frown...
How do you keep all the dog hair off your dash? Mine looks like it's covered in dog fur!
Another great weekend you had!
If everyone was like you, the world would be a much better place. :)
What a great weekend you had. I know Santa is going to be furry impressed with how good you have been this year.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I love those big Elves, they are so adorable in that little red hat! Also glad that so many furfriends have found their furever homes and enjoy their holidays too!
Got to hop over to Corbin to see what he's up to now!
That's a really cute pic of Merdie with Santa's hat!
Those puppies are sooooo cute.. we hope that they all go to good homes before Christmas so that they can spend the holiday with loving families.
Yuh, one of Momma's friends has a wee little Brit Knee Spaniel dog from that very same organization. She came all the way from Tenny Sea or some such.
That sure was a full day for your DOH. I hope she gets her rest.
Merry xmas 2 u, mum, merdie and the rest of the family. Thank you for making the world a better place!
Hey there Khyra and Phyll
It's so heartwarming to see all the re-homing that's happening during this festive season! The Doggie angels seem to be in full swing. What a lovely looking brood of poochies which you transported. You really are amazing!
If I don't get another opportunity, please may I take this moment to wish you all a wonderful, peaceful and joyous Christmas. You are such amazing cyber-buddies and I am grateful!
By the way...I really enjoyed the decorations in yesterday's post.
Sending lotsaluv
Another pawsome post with pawsome passenger pics!!
So much good news! Hope Santa brings what all the pups wish for!
Harley is looking way too happy in that hat, though Merdie is giving the proper level of stink eye.
Oh my, those puppies are truly dears! And of course, muzzer loves the brittanies. I mean, she cannot EVER volunteer for dog stuff unless she takes me along to keep her from pupnapping.
Looks like another successful weekend of bringing pups closer to their perfect places! Do me a favor and take a nap today, though!
Now that was an XTerra full of of precious cargo! Thanks DOG that khyra allows you to use her XTerra and for you and all you do! What a weekend!
Merdie and Harley are perfect elves!
Khyra... I just watched the weather fur you.. Guess What... I am very much sure that you are gonna get... a WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!!
I will keep my paws crossed fur Santa Paws to bring it fur you. I might get as much as 6 inches. I hope you do too.
What a beautiful post. When we visit yoor blog we know that the Christmas spirit is alive all year round at yoor place. Thank yoo so much for helping so many dogs have a chance. Our words are inadequate.
oh ... and we LOVE that pic of Santa's Elf Khousin Merdie.
Oh my goodness look at all them sweet puppies...my mum is squeelin, as usual!
Ummmm...you didn't happen to bring back anything from da Samuel Adams place did ya? Hehehehe!
Fabulous transport.
It looks like X-Terra of Happiness did some great work again yesterday!!! We love all the photos and hope each and every one of these sweeties will find wonderful forever homes!
Look at that Santa Merdie!! Those are some mighty cute transports too!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Yeah yeah Corbin is handsome, whatevers.... I'm not jealous at all...
Those puppies are adorable.
woof _ Tucker
What fantastic transport cutie pies! And happy endings with forever homes :)
Love the santa hats! Did Harley really sit still for that photo?
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
You sure get to see a lot of pawsome dogs when you transport. Its bittersweet that they are homeless/not wanted, but at the same time they are bound for better times, generous fosters and best of all - maybe a furever home. Rescue Rocks indeed.
I can see why you were so taken by George.
What a wonderful transport!! All of the dogs and cute puppies!! Another transport went well which is excellent!!! We love the pictures of Merdie in his Christmas hat and it was nice to see Kelly who has the same tail as I do!! Rescue rocks...you rock!!! Truly an angel! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Oh so cool, everyone safe in thier new homes.We have a special place in our hearts for Brittainy's as mom had one growing up.
What a bunch of adorable transport puppies!!! We are so glad they are all safe and some of them have furever homes!!! Way to go!!
Oh and how could we almost forget! What cute elves Santa has!!!
Glad you had a safe and successful Sunday! Lots of very cute passengers!
Merdie and Harley are darling in their elf hats!
I love the GOLDEN rain-deers!! Santa needs those!!
Looks like a great trip with lots of yawns! It's easy to sleep when you know someone cares for you! Awesome job!
Cousin Merdie looks great in her Santa hat, she takes the job seriously as she should.
Congrats on your Rescue Runs! I hope none of them get off on the wrong foot by eating the Christmas tree, but I am sure you told them that was a no-no!
Kisses and Merry Christmas,
Merdie looks adorable with her santa hat on :)
Oh all the babies are adorable. I'd sooo puppynap George :) Thank you for helping these babies along on their journey :)
Great Santa hat pic! AND a great group of friends! Sam Adams....I will have to tell Beth about that one....ha ha!
What exceptionally cute pups on this weekend's transport, Khyra and the pictures of Merdie and Harley in their santa hats are so cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra! Wow what a great group of pictures, and oh so much cuteness! Between all the Santa's and the transport and everyone, oh they were all just so wonderful!!
Oh what beautiful tranports you had. We are sure glad that most of them are going to their forever homes... Just in time for the holidays...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a wondeful happy post. I think it was a wonderful weekend you had. I dont think there will ever be enough words to thank you for all you do. Those sweet faces say it all I think. They are happy and safe.. Hugs GJ xx
It certainly looks like the passengers enjoyed the ride! So glad the transport went well.
Love the santa hat photos. So cute!
You have the cutest passengers every trip. :)
Great work again, Khyra's mum!
Oh Khyra! It was so cool that your transport was on my 1 year gotcha day! AND! My mom's first dog was a Brittney Spaniel! His name was Brandy and she had him from the day she was born until she was 13 when he died (he was 15!) She teared right up when she saw those rescues! And I love all the pitties! That George is jus too handsome for words! Thanks again for dedicating this to me! It means a lot, especially because that's how my new foster sister got to NY from TN!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Oooh! Merdie looks like the most awesomest elf! I'm sure she's the one who talked to Santa and gave us all this snow as an early Christmas present! Mom has no idea how your Mom does the transports - Mom would do it once and come home with a car full of doggies that she wouldn't want to give up - cuties, every single one of them!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Lovely pictures!
Wonderful weekend You have!
Merdie and Harley look so cute with Santa´s hat! Another great weekend! Those pups are all adorable!
Awwww! Merdie is so cute with her hat on. My human bean would try to put a hat on me, but it wouldn't stay on for more than a few miliseconds!
The elves are very cute and a wonderful reminder that you make Christmas miracles happen for rescue pups all year round! Thank you for giving so much!
Please stop by my blog, dear friend, on Tues. and Wed. to help me celebrate my 2000 post and my 6th Barkday! I am having a comment-a-thon to benefit canine cancer research and would love for you to leave me a lot of comments. Spread the word!
Merdie looks so cute in the red hat. And do you suppose there really was polar bears in that truck, and were they my friends??
We like the pink outfit on one of your passengers!
Ohmidogness, Khousins Merdie and Harley are some of the cutest elves EVER! And I'm just waggling all over that Callie/Kelley is in her furever home!
As always, you had the Most Adorable passengers. It always makes my heart happy to know they're heading to better lives.
Wiggles & Wags,
Can I just say, hello and WOW! I want to go back and look more closely at all these photos and the text. But I also wanted to post. WOW <3!
Oh, I almost forgot - hello, beautiful Khyra and hello, khousins Merdie and Harley!
Your admiring fan,
I love reading your blog. I'm so thankful there are people that do the work you do. Those kiddos are safe because of YOU!! What an amazing feeling!
And yes, the raptors are amazing - I can't help but stare at them as I'm driving about. Surely not the safest thing to do ;)
Wow you guys are very busy!! There are some cute doggies there :)
Tail Wags from me!!
I have just seen the cutest little elves on the face of this earth,, right here, on this bloggy..
I cannot stop looking at all the cuteness.. and then the photobucket had so much happiness..
This was like the incredible journey with a happy ending
Look at all those cuties! We love Merdie in Santa's hat.:)
Teddy Bear
Your mom's car is like a shrine to cuteness. When she trades it in whoever gets it will probably constantly be seeing ghostly images of puppies in the mirrors.
Another cargo of love!
Thank you for all you do!
Hi Khyra -
Merdie makes a great elf in the Santa hat. But we really like the picture of Kelly and her family and how happy they look.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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