
They had gotten us from Sally's furry khool HOWLiday exchange! - that was the one we had gotten Corbin
Isn't that soooo khool?
Fur Harley
A shot of evFURRYthing!
Even Mom got something that her snooter said is pawesome - we are going to make this our SPECIAL khandle fur the khoming year - and we hope we won't need to use it too furry often - or too frekhwently - I'll share what was in my bag tomorrow - along with a special box from New MexiKHo!

I've already pawed Merdie and Harley about their pressies - and they are trying to make a break fur 'em!
I hope all of woo have a wonder filled Wednesday of your own!
PeeEssWoo: BTW, this is post #1100! ! !
Good Grief! Your paws must be so tired from typing.
Congrats on 1100! I will be waiting to throw a party when you hit 2,000! You have such kind and thoughtful friends...the gifts were not just plentiful but so beautifully presented! Mom's Special candle will bring smells of calmness and peacefulness based on its ingredients.
*doing more snow dancing for puppy*
I'm so sorry you got robbed of all that beautiful snow! That is just so wrong!
Can't wait to see your cool pressies!
Well just make sure you don't 'wonder' off! :)
hey Khyra,
"Wondering Wednesday" - you got that right! I am wondering too why the snow is avoiding us.
What pawsome presents! Cleo, Winston, Aimee, and their Houndog Mom sure are great present-givers! What amazing gift bags, and I can't wait to see all the goodies in each bag. I bet you and Merdie and Harley are having a blast with everything, and my human thinks your mom's candle is pretty pawsome!
Paws crossed for snow,
I think you should talk to Remington again!!!
Happy Belated Christmas (we are Eastern Orthodox this year!) Those look like fabulous gifts - looking forward to seeing the rest!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hey Khyra...is that a swimable pond you have there?
Nice pressies for you, Merdie and Harley!!! Super!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Driving back from Oregon later today. Snow expected. Wish it was in PA instead. Lady sez HEY.
We absolutely can't believe you got hosed out of your snow, Khyra! This is not right!
Our mom wishes she could pop the lid off that candle and breathe deeply!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
no snow!!!! what!!!!!
we will send some! right now!!!
we are back in the blogworld ^^
sorry that we didnt visit your blog in a long time. we miss ya!
El'bow & Hauwii
The snow we sent yoo hasn't arrived yet then?
Post holiday pressies! The good times just keep coming. Hope that makes up for the lack of snow at least a tad.
Is you sulkin' or just darn pissed? Am I allowed to say dat word? My apologies if not.
You gots lots of great loot theres from your furiends.
I bet dat candle smells deeeelish.
My mum loves cinnannamon..hehehe.
Hi, Khyra -
We like looking at the present you all got but Mama loved the bad that your present came in, Khyra. We also hope that your Mom won't have to use the candle too often.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Sigh, Khyra, we know how you feel. Not a flake of snow within miles of us.
P.S. - You are the master of sulk!
1100? Wow! Congrats!
Still don't understand where your snow is! Our's is ugly from being on the ground for over two weeks now. Rain tomorrow should finally wash it away. Mom says she'll take mud over dirty snow now.
Congrats on Post 1100, Khyra!
It's really too bad about the snow. Ours has finally mostly melted as the temps have warmed up over the past two days.
Great prezzies for all of you. Are Merdie and Harley going to come over to get theirs?
Oh wow. 1100 posts in less time than it has taken me to do 1000. I am thinking that my muzzer needs to get a life. Then I could get more time on the puter.
kisses and khongrats.
Post 1,100???? Wow girrrl!!!! That is fantastic!!!
Love your pictures BUTT I feel so badly about this NO SNOW Zone you seem to be in. SHEEESH What IS up with this??
we still has snow here - you can come here!
1100! OMD!!! We're so lucky to have you sharing with us each day!
Those hounds sure no how to shop!
Hi Y'all,
Maybe y'all didn't get any snow. My Humans came home to the shore to get out of the snow.
Since I'm a retriever, I love it here. I'd rather be where there is no snow and we can go and do stuff.
But as warm and fluffy as y'all are, I can see where y'all would have the most fun mushing through the snow with y'alls Humans in tow!
If we can ever get back to the mountains, I'll wish our 20 inches on y'all. OK?
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
That's quite a milestone! Sheesh! We aren't even at 500 yet, but we're getting close.
1100! I can't even imagine! Well done, my friend! I will try to send you a double shipment of snow for all of your hard work....there really seems to be something wrong in the shipping department! I think Ozabella has been helping out a little too much!
1100?? How can you count that high??
I'm sorry you has no snows...maybe someone from New York could ship some to you, they have tons!!
What great pressiess! I hope you will get your snow soon, Miss Khyra!
Congrats on #1100!
Wow, 1,100 posts, that is amazing and so noteworthy! Congratulations!
And we wish we could send you some snow, Khyra, so we wouldn't see that pretty face sulking. You must be getting some soon!
Nice presents!!!
Aww poor Khyra...Wish we could send you all this snow that we got! We do not like it one bit! Congrats on your 1100 post!
Khyra...Grete is wondering too. All we have is the wet stuff...
Concat...uh, I mean ::cough::...woofs to you on 1100!
Do you know how hard it is for a kitty to say woof?
Congratulations on 1100 posts!! That is pawesome!! We sure hope you get snow sometime soon. It seems to be going all around you for some crazy reason. Lots of love, Holly and mom
What a nice gift from Cleo, Winston and Aimee.
I hope you had fun.
Nice woooh
We's going to write a letter for woo! We's not sure who we's going address it too, butt it's going to 'da weather peeps in 'da clouds..
dear weather peeps in 'da clouds..
why is yous not leave snow balls for our dear furiend Khyra.. Hers of all peeps (ehem) pups (okay.. bewteen us's.. we know we's peeps wits furs) needs snow balls 'da most..
and it's her 1100 post!!
don't make us's come ups 'deres to dem clouds (even toes Momma tinks our heads in 'da clouds) and sqeeze snow out of yous!!
Now trow some snow balls done .k!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Ummm... got change for a stamp.. hee hees
well Khyra..you got some brillo paws prezzies..but and its a BIG BUT
Where on earth have the angels gone to with their pillow case fight? We definately gave them your location! hmmmmmmmmmm
Big Nose Pokes
The THugletsx
WOW 1100th post!! AMAZING!!
Cool gifts and HEY!! WHere is your snow?? Poor Khyra!! want me to send you some of mine??
Have you tried pouting for snow? Pouting always works for me.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Looks like some great goodies! We can't wait to see them all!
We are still purring for snow for you!
You do have a great expanse of lawn there at Kamp Khyra! All kinds of space to set our tent up!
hi Khyra! Wow we cannot believe you didn't get any snow! That is just crazy!!
And wow that was some cool stuff you got! And boy, 1100 - that is so amazing!! Congrats!!
I sent lots of snow but guess our postal sstem is taking a long time. I am sure you will get some soon. Thats a great stash you all got in the post and I am sure you wll find lots of great things in your bag. Hugs GJ xx
What nice pressies!
Sorry about the snow Khyra but we are sure it will be back.
Those look pawesome parcels - we are dying to know what is in them.
We like the candle - our mum just loves cinnamon - that will smell very nice although you may want cookies.
Congrats on all those posts - we think we might be near 300 but our human is so very lazy whereas you are lucky you got a hard working one.
martha and Bailey xxx
We are sure that snow will come soon. Maybe you need to do a snow dance?
Great presents you got there...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We asked Life with Dogs to pack up some of their snow and ship it to you before New Years. It looked like they had more than enough for all the dogs and you too.
Post 1100? Congrats.
Congratulations on post #1100! You've had a lot to say Miss Khyra!
You sure had a very nice Christmas. We're sorry Santa didn't bring any snow to you though. Maybe you'll get some soon!
Those are some most magnificent pressies, Khyra! Too bad they couldn't send you some snow, too.
Congratulations on #1100! You're my role model!
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow...you got lots of goodies!
Don't sulk, honey! Come on out tuh the good ol' midwest an' enjoy some snow with ME!
1100!! Wow! Congrats!!
I only burn food scented candles (and I always have one burning) and yet I wonder why I am always hungry...
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