Run Free Dorcas - and thanks furry much - I know most have already read the sad news but if you hadn't yet met Dorcas and the rest, now is a great time to paw some hugz and see their pawesome blog and pikhs

And since we've not had a serious Khaturday Saturday fur a while

Akhtually, this step is one of his late morning and late afternoon spots as woo've seen in recent pikhs of him - Mom has noticed when she fills the water bowls she has on the porch AND if I'm out bakhk at my tree AND leaves the door open, he'll akhtually khontemplate khoming inside - which is khwite amusing since he's the timid one - Mom has only been able to touch and/or pet him twice

Some of woo have asked about them - they aren't 'mine' - they are akhtually neighbourhood khats born about three years ago - the nice lady that lives next door and used to have Chloe The Greyhound had them tutored - she was able to khapture them when they were young and take them to the vet - she feeds them - and we keep water fur them - and last Winter khreated a khytty khondo on the porch fur them - Butterskhotch is khwite the huntress as she often trots by with chipmunks and/or birds and/or mice - Mom has seen her snag stuff in front of her eyes - Doris also has some warm stuff available fur them to sleep in too - I really have way too much khytty interest fur them to bekhome 'mine' - in the traditional sense that is -
To help woo khleanse your eyes, here is a short sporty video of ME from Thursday - I hope woo enjoy!
PeeEssWoo: Again, thanks for the khomments on the 'Bark It Furward' post - and your willingness to pawticipate - please email if woo want the khontakht info/etc!!!
Thankhs for the history of the khats. We weren't sure whose they were, but they are well takhen khare of.
Misty the alpha Poodle
OMD, this is the furry first time there haven't been a gazillion posts before us. Something to be said for not being able to sleep on a cold night in Southland.
We read the book by the canine assistance lady and were so moved by what she has done and is doing. We haven't totally absorbed what is needed to participate, but we'll check back.
In the meantime.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh Khyra....what a wonderful woofer you are; TY for telling everyone about your furry friends!
Becky and G-dog
Those are great photos!
Welcome in the snow Khyra, we have a feeling more is on its way.
Brofur and Butterskotch,,,, are amusing,, we think.. we have 4 of them
YAHOO!! Puppy you got SNOW!! Oh I hope you get more, I know how much you love it!
We're so glad you got some of the white stuff!!! We were very sad to hear about Dorcus.:(
Teddy Bear
We're so sad about the passing of Dorcus and hope she runs free and happy over the bridge.
I think she sent you the snow too. She's a sweetie and darling to everyone.
We stopped by to pay our respects to Dorcus' family. What a terrible shock for them.
Guess what? Tomorrow is Sunday! #1 is coming home!!!
We enjoyed seeing the khats and, of course, YOU!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We are thrilled to see that you got snowflakes, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Woo got snow!! good!!
'dere is a kitty kat on yous bloggy Khyra!! hee hees
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
We were sorry to hear about Dorcus~
She is in evfuryones hearts~
So you finally got a little snow! The weatherman says your area is under a winter storm advisory for tonight and tomorrow. Hope your mom is not driving tomorrow!
Thank you for filling us in on the kitty kat khronicles. Maybe they are considering making a move indoors for the winter? Brrrrrr. It must be cold for khitties, who usually like to hug the heater.
Now, don't think we are getting soft on khats, by any means. But they are kinda cute.
You look great with the dusting around you. Our "dusting" is supposed to get pretty deep tomorrow and Monday.
I am glad that you got some snow. I am sure it isn't Enough to suit you... yet. I hope you get more.. just beclaws YOU love it. I might be getting some more... soon. Bah
SNOW!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo, Khyra!
Hi Khyra!
So sorry to hear about your friend, we will head over to visit.Thanks for sharing it with all of us.
Me luv the pics! Certainly made our day, especially since we are still having problems uploading our pics...hope mom can fix it soooon!
Sorry to hear about your friend. That is so sad.... I am happy some of the snow made it!
I'm glad to hear that you finally got a little snow, although it hardly looks like enough to satisfy a Siberian princess like you. I hope you get more soon!
I'd like to lure some kitties into my house, too...
We wished we could have sent you some of our snows. But it would have melted in the post!
Snow, wow, I love snow.
Happy weekend.
Nice woooh
Yipeeee! You got your snow!
Hey Khyra.
I'll go to Dorcus' site next and leave my condolences. Great pix of your beautiful self and thanks for sharing the khat pix too!
Grr and Woof,
We are glad you got some snow!! That's interesting about the kitties. Love the video..you should try out for the NFL and get somebody tossed out of there and take his spot!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
I sorry about ur friend. Wishin comforts to u and her famlee.
Ya Khyra you got your snow. We haven't heard from the kids or Memaw this AM so know if they got the 10 inches that was predicted over night.
Those kitties sure know how to have a good time..
We love the football game Khyra.. Perhaps we will be over later for a game of football in the snow...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Yay snow! We're so glad you got snow Khyra! We hope you get lots more though!
Brofur is thisclose to coming inside to visit you Khyra. We love the sport shot of Butterscotch and are so glad that your mom and your neighbor take such good care of both of them!
We're sorry to hear abour your furiend Dorcus.
you know, for the past year, i've been wondering about the story of those khats. seriously. it really drove me nuts not knowing if they had a home, if they were feral or tutored. now i know and i can sleep soundly aat night. we loves the kitties but can't have any. we have 2 too many dogs as it is at Wild Dingo. Bah! ;) 2 furkids is more than i can evfur handle. sigh.
thanks for sharing their story. i'm glad they are loved.
Yay fur your snow! Mine is almost all gone and we is getting freezing rain tomorrow, then all rain..BOO! :(
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Very sorry to hear about your friend. :(
Wow, what a cute kitty. Kind of looks like Eric and Flynn huh? :)
You gotted a magical dusting of snow? Where I woz hiking today in NY there be a magical dusting in this morning. My howse is atween you and the hike and it got no magical dustings. Strange.
We love your kitty kat pictures.
Is that snow?
Benny & Lily
You got snow? did you do the snow dance?
Those 2 cats are quite handsome!
Well Khyra, You got your snow. That's the reward for being good to the neighbouring khats!!!
Lovely kitty, I must say!
It must be really quiet and relaxing over where you are! Everyone's got sleepy faces!
I'm just ever, ever so happy abouts your snow, Khyra!
And thanks for telling us the full scoop on the kittehs. Thank you, thank you to you all and your neighbor for taking care of them. Gosh, I can't even stand to think abouts what would happen to them if it weren't for all of you.
Wiggles & Wags,
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