Got 'em khrossed I nevFUR evFUR get snow again - so the golfers khan khome by 365 days a year - shortly after Mom snapped this pikh, the furst of them wandered by - I watched them and so did Sammy The Cavachon next door - he likes to meditate in his yard too - in fakht, when I'm at my tree or my pussywillow bush, he's in his yard enjoying the wilds of suburbia

A ROTE earlier this week so Mom khould prokhure festive beverages to toast to 2011 - she pikhked up
some of the same as last year but difFURent bottlers - of khourse the one with khoupon on it khaught her eye furst

I see woo Mom

Some shadows from Wednesday's sekhond walk





Of khourse, BroFur and Butterskhotch wanted to wish all a Purry Happy 2011


This LOOK made Mom chukhkle when she saw it

And BroFur always seems to know how to khwietly work the khamera

He is SUCH a poser
They seem to like to spend their days around this 'rugged' area - especially since the neighbourhood leaves like to khollekht there - even when we pikhk them up, the leaves return - but they do spend their overnights khuddled in the top bunk of the khytty khondo
We hope all had a furry nice transition from 2010 to 2011!
Mom will be on the road early Sunday morning with the furst of this year's transports - we'll tell woo more tomorrow - along with share a few pikhs of some recent passengers in their new lives!
I would like to wish BroFur and Butterskhotch a Happy New Year too.
I like thier bunks...
Snow is on the way...
Happy New Year to ALL of you
Happy 2011 to you, Khyra! I hope you get that snow soon!
Happy New Year Khyra and your mom!!! We are looking forward to hearing more newsies from you!
Happy new year my puppy pal! Still no snow??? *doing snow dance even harder*
What's with the weather? Those who don't want snow are deluged. Those who do are barren. It has to snow sometime. It always snows in Pawsylvania!
I hope you never get any snow either Khyra (hope this works.)
Happy 2011 to you and your pack!
Happy new year, Khyra!!
We hope you and your whole family have a FANTASTIC new year!!
♫Happy New Year, Khyra♫
We had to drop by to tell you that you have made our momma laugh and you have made our momma cry (rescue stories) over this past year. We hope furry mucho that we have the pleasure of dropping by this year to see your floof, hear about your kitties and share in your momma's rescues.
Happy New Year, Khyra!
We hope it's a great year (and we hope we get to come back soon to find out how it's going!)
Much love
Jake and Fergi (and our delinquent Moma)
Happy New Year! I love the wine/champagne glass dog toy from last year. So cool. I prefer Prosecco over Champagne anyway. Please cross your paws for Layla. She's in a worse False Pregnancy than usual and hasn't eaten since last night - which you know means she definitely isn't feeling well. She just carries around her new Santa Bobo whining, constantly. I took her to my dad's for New Year's tonight to try and cheer her up with some people ready to feed her plenty of people food. She did eat, more pigs-in-a-blanket than I did, but spent the majority of the time hiding behind a chair :( I feel really bad for her, even though I know it's only temporary. Her tail hasn't been up and happy in days.
But, on a brighter note, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope this year is much better for you guys in every way possible.
Happy New Year Khyra & Khats!
And your Mom - of course!!!!
Thought we'd come over and personally say that we wish you a Very Happy New Year! We couldn't believe that you are hoping for NO snow! THAT is a strange request for a Sibe! Are golfers REALLY better than SNOW!?! Well, we hope that all your dreams and wishes come through for you. The CCC
Dear KKhyra,
HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR. Hope u get to go on many more adventurous, safe and fruitful road trips this new year. Please say thanks to Brofur and Butterskhotch and wish them a WONDERFUL 2011.
wags, Ginger, Buddy n Shadow
Happy New Year!!! :)
It was great to chat with you! :)
Mochi & Bali
Happy New Year to all of you.
I do so hope you get snow, just as soon as your mom gets back from the transport!
Happy New Year MFT! Sorry you do not have snow. Ours is melting and making funballs mud. Momma is all pissy because I am dirty again already after just going to the solon. Whatever.
Happy New Year Miss Khyra!
(And Brofur and sisfur too I guess!)
Happy New Year my friends! I hope you all have a great and healthy year!!!
I'm waiting and waiting for your snow...Pretty soon I hope!
Khyra, I,m glad to see you and mom bringing in the New Year in style. Even though you don't want it, I just know there will be snow under your tree, soon!
Cute pics of Butterskhotch and Brofur! That Brofur certaily knows how to work the camera!
I hope the New Year brings you and your Mom everything you're wishing for and is filled with love, laughter, good health and success in all your endeavors!
Stumpy and me
Happy New Year to yoo all! We hope that 2011 is full of happiness and forever homes for the woofies yoor momma transports.
Happy New Year to woo and your Maw!
Hope it is safe, healthy, and a furry fun year fur woo!
Husky kisses,
Mom is catching up on posts again (she always seems to be doing this...) and was sad to hear about Echo's passing.
We wish you a Happy New Year!
We got about 87 inches of snow yesterday and last night. Our driveway is plowed but I am not sure we can get the door open!
That mind meld stuff doesn't work with snow, Khyra. Whether you are saying you don't or do want it has no effect. Weather conditions, highs, lows,La Nina, El Nino, all that stuff is what makes the difference and weather dorks notwithstanding, if the conditions are right it will come. If not it doesn't. So just find yourself a good book, visit the D.N. or the Catz, watch a movie, whatever. Wishing a great trip for your Mom.
Happy New Year to you, Merdie, Harley and the Catz,
Stella, Mom and Zkhat
It does feel like spring around here doesn't it Khyra?? I'm still hoping for a little bit of snow...Surely it will come, right?
I do wish you and your family good health and all the best for the New Year--That includes Brofur and Butterskhotch too!
Happy New Year Khyra, Butterskhotch and BroFur and mom!!!!
Safe travels to your mom on her first transport of 2011!
Happy New Year to all of woo, kitties included! woo, MFT, what l-o-n-g legs woo have in your shadow shots!
jack & moo
Happy New Year to you all Khyra, even the kitties!
We read the first bit of your post out today to our Dad, the bit about the golfers - he is packing as we speak to come live with you!
We know you would love our snow but even now it is melting you couldn't play golf as your ball would sink........!
Safe travels to your mom tomorrow - we just know 2011 is going to be a great year for you all.
Much love
Martha and Bailey xx
The hu-dad is quite used to the rear view mirror stare, especially when he drives past one of our favorite turns.
Happy New Year Khyra and mom!!! You made us laugh again about the golfers 365 days a year!! The pictures of the kitties are cute...they look very well fed and pretty! Have a safe transport tomorrow and we don't think you will be bothered by snow yet. It's actually kind of warm here with rain! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Happy New Year!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Khyra ad Phyll, as well as the whole extended family,
We wish that the world will be as kind to you in 2011 as you always are to it. Be safe always in your transports, Phyll. And Khyra, we are crossing our paws for a certain "s" word for you...
Tommy (and hugs from #1 as well as Purrs from The Chans)
Just F.Y.I. IT WAS 60 DEGREES HERE YESTERDAY... the little bit of snow I DID have... is now all gone.
Happy New Year to you Khyra and your mom.
In 2011 may all your wishes and dreams come true.
Safe journey on sunday.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Happy New Year to you and yours in 2011. Wishing you nothing but the best. :)
Happy New Year!! Good to see BroFur and Butterscotch looking so healthy!
Your shadow has really long legs Khyra! We think Brofur is very handsome! We hope all of you have a great 2011 and that your mom had a safe transport tomorrow. Give her a big hug from us for all she does to help animals!
Our personalized wish for you, Khyra - Snow on Sunday!
Happy New Year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ok, now you want me to hold the snow? I hope I can get to it in time! Happy New Year, my friend!
Lovely picture of BroFur and Butterskhotch. They are very handsome kitties.
The very best wishes to you and your Mom for 2011, Khyra!
Happy New Year to you both!
- Clive, Murray and all the family
ps-best of luck to your Mom with the transport tomorrow!
Happy New Year Khyra, Butterskotch and Brofer :)
Happy new year to you Khyra, and to your mum and Doggy Nanny and Fred too!
O hai! :) Happy Noo Year! :)
I wish fur you some snow fur the Noo Year. Altho wot woz in Pencilvania when I woz there today woz almost all melted away by the time I left to go back home.
Happy New Year Phyllis and Khyra.. Hope you have a very safe and Happy New Year..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy New Year Khyra, Mom, BroFur and Butterskhotch!
Happy new year to you khyra and please wish happy year to your cousins and merdie!
We wish you a new year filled with health, opportunity, grand adventures, wondrous surprises, and always, love!
We are sending The White Dog Army's energy and positive thoughts that your special wish for mom comes true very very soon...please let us know if we can help in any way.
Have a safe first transport of the New Year!...and most important, Thanks for the gift of your special friendship!
Happy New Year, Khyra!
I wish you the best!
Kisses and hugs
Happy new year, Khyra!
Hope some snow comes your way soon. Still, you look extra floofy when there's no snow!
happy happy new year!
we love u!
m & e
Happee New Year!!!
Benny & Lily
Well, while we want snow for you, we are glad it ahsn't arrived because it makes it very hard on Butterscotch and Brofur. We are glad they spend their nights in the top bunk.
wait, now you don't want snow?
Wooo loving your shadow shots floofy :)
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