

This transport will be fur The Last Resort Rescue!
We hope all have had a good start to their 2011 - just like those lukhky khanines above!
This transport will be fur The Last Resort Rescue!
We hope all have had a good start to their 2011 - just like those lukhky khanines above!
Hate to say it, but we actually welcomed the warmer temps - snow is fun, but wet and dirty snow isn't!
Happy New Year, Khyra & Phyll!
Still no snow Khyra? That reverse psychology isn't working either. Hope something works so you can get some snow soon!
It's so wonderful seeing the cuties with their furever families! That makes our heart so happy!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope 2011 sees more furever homes and more happiness for all! We wish you all the best for the new year!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Happy New Year, Khyra! 50 degrees is just not cold enough.:( We're so glad all those cuties were able to get to their furever families to start the new year together.
Teddy Bear
Those were some happy words that you posted Khyra about the furries getting homes and able to go on walks and even sharing beds...
That is music to our ears...
I know that the word snow would be music to your ears...
It is still cold here,, but no new snow at our house,, but in the higher mountains,,, a foot of new snow
Happy New Year to you and family!!
We've been busy but soo glad to be back!!
Well yea Khyra....warm weather melting the snow here but hey...scotties will get to run thru the muddy yard by the end of the week..woo hoo.MUD DOG HEAVEN!!!
What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment woo must have!! When Ruby came to stay at our house forever, part of her adoption was that we had to send her rescue a picture of the whole family together. Loved that!
khome over and visit our new bloggie. we're still getting things figured out, but would love a visit :-)
Such wonderful news, Khyra!
So glad and so happy to see the families and their rescues!!!
Happy New Year to you!
What wonderful photos of happy endings, Khyra! May there be many, many more in 2011!
Hiya Khyra!
I've been reading your blog for AGES, but have never commented before!! But, I decided, it's time to get out there and encourage fellow bloggers more! :) Khyra, my Spike wants you to know he thinks you are a pretty girl! :)
And, I think you and your mom are fantastic with the rescue transport thing- I work with rescue in Saskatchewan and that's always a hard piece for us-transport can be tough because we just don't have the people who want to do it. So, thank you for doing your piece of very difficult work!!!!
Happy New Year!
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
Yuh, totally springtime here already. Momma even actually worked up a sweat putting away our holiday decorations. Fine by me. I am ready for spring for sure.
Oh yeah, don't think that labrapup photo was lost on the DOH. SQUEEEEE.
Happy New Year! All our snow is meltin' and now da back yard is muddy! Fur some reason my mom is not as happy as I am 'bouts dis. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
do hopes Momay gets furever home soon. Are you still waiting for snow. told u before stick your heard in the frezzer, at least you can walk away from it when you get silly nonsence out of your head, ghees, snow is WET
Sheesh! someone somewhere is VERY confused! Not only did I get your snow, it's FRRRRRRRRREEZing here! Complete with frozen water pipes! Give me a break! (Please don't include the pipes!)
I love love love seeing follow0ups with the pups we've met before! AWESOME!!!
Miaumiau! I'm Kika and I love having friends, I come to invite you to be my friend and late but wish you a happy New Year 2011
Ronrons of
Happy New Year! Khyra...wish we could've sent you some of our snow, but it's 50 here too now, and you guessed it...mud Sibes! No more snow. All mud. All brown. Yuck. Where is the Sibe weather? We all need to do a Siberian Snow Dance...ready, one, two, three....
Your mom needs to be commended for all the awesome rescue work she does too. May 2011 bring you all the very best! *Husky Hugs*
I just KNOW it will snow sometime!!
We are so glad those puppers are gonna have a great 2011 !
Happy New Year Khyra! No snow yet? What gives?
Cute woofies again. They look so happy!
Deserving woofies in furrever homes...makes me purr and makes Grete's tail wag.
And the belly shot doesn't hurt either!
Khyra... I think I know what has been happening to all of your snow... I am thinkin those sneaky GOLFER GUYS are taking it and making Snow Balls to play their silly game with.
Khyrs its brilliant seeing all the pups in their new forever homes.
Still no snow...hmmm wonder where it went?
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Aw, so good to see all those pups get their forever homes! We agree with woo on the temp thing - its back in the 50's here & our snow left for colder places! Boo-hoo!
jack & moo
We can never see enough pikhtures of happy doggies and happy humans.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Nice photos Khyra, I'm so glad I decided to Khome by your Khorner. Happy New Year.
What wonderful rescues from this past year! They all look very happy! It's in the 50's here too but rainy so there's still plenty of mud. Lots of love, Holly and mom
Thank you for sharing the photos. We hope they make your mom smile lots and lots
gussie n teka
Happy New Year!
50 degrees...no snow fur you :(
We have 28 degrees, but dry :(
I don't think we are wishing hard enuff!
We're not sorry to see the snow gone for a little while. We'll see how long it can stay away!
What a tail wagger to see all those happy pups in new homes!
Happy new year....... Good job!
Hey, you weren't kidding about the golfers, were you? We can see some in your photos.
How neat to see the dogs in their homes, happy and loved.
PS - Maybe snow is like rain - if your mom washes/waxes the Xterra, it will come.
hey Khyra,
Why are you using photos from this Autumn?! Oh wait - your not! *sigh....it breaks my Mal heart when I see you sitting on grass in Winter. Why have the Snow Gods forsaken us?! If any pups deserve snow, it is us. Where is our snow?!?!?
Wishing you and your family an amazing New Year 2011 full of much love, happiness, fun, health, and an endless supply of treats and SNOW!!! I look forward to reading your continuing fun adventures in 2011!
And thanks for sharing the updates of the beautiful pups and their furever families!
What a great start to the New Year with the sight of all those lucky pups.. Brilliant.. Hugs GJ xx
Wonderful news about those puppies and their furever families =)
What uplifting stories of those dogs who have found homes full of love. Thanks to your mom for doing her part to help, Khyra.
50 deg and golf on New Year's Day? Can you say "climate change"? Maybe you need to move, Khyra. I heard that Stella invited you and your mom to MN. It's cold and snowy there!
What cute pups this week, Khyra! We're so glad they have forever homes!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Yay for transports and reskyoos! Yay for new forever homes ov good doggies! :) Yay! Yay! :)
I wonder where is your snow, Khyra??
I loved those pictures of the puppies and their families!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Safe driving!
Well I got some snow sent to CA. Go figure! Now that the Vikings season is finished maybe I can focus more on the snow shipments....
I thought you were one of the crazy ones who lived in the cold and snow of the north? Looks like a great day! My sister-in-law has a Huskie and she's a fan of the snow and cold of MN!
I hope 2011 bring you and Khyra all the blessings you deserve...and you both deserve A LOT!! You have left such kind comments, it really has warmed my heart to get them. It's really helped get through some of the hard times.
And I know I'm not the only one that's blessed with your friendship, so if there is anything such as Karma...you have great and amazing things coming your way!
Lovely to see such happy stories!
We really enjoyed that!
take care
Clive and Murray
Glad it's warmer but we wish you a frosty February!
I knows that YOU did not like the 50 degreeses wevver yesterday but WE liked it lots! Plus, all our snow is almost all gone. You just be sure to nab the next snow storm away from us, k?
Oh you poor little sweetie pie. I can easily see that you don't like the 50 plus degrees but have no fear the cold will come back. It is here at my place already. You look like you are wondering where all of that cold white stuff went.
Wishing you and all at your place a year filled with good health, fun, friends, family, and surrounded by love.
We love hearing those happy stories and seeing the pups with their forever and ever families! Yeah for a new start for them!
Happy 2011, Khyra!
Hi Y'all,
Y'alls comment posted just fine! Thanks for stoppin'.
Glad I had time to catch y'alls post today. It was 61 degrees when we went walkin' this mornin'. It's been in the 70's the last couple of days, but the air had a chill tonight and I didn't see the little froggies.
Loved the great news of all the pups who have found happy forever homes! What better gift could God give a pup for Christmas?
Hope y'all have a safe and healthy 2011.
Hawk aka BrownDog
You must be sweating. 50 degrees, its 40. We are freezing.
Benny & Lily
Happy, happy New Year, Khyra! Gosh, I luved seeing all those pictures of those sweet doggies so happy in their furever homes. What a great way to start the year!
Wiggles & Wags,
We loved the warmer weather this weekend also, but wish all the snow/mud would freeze back up! Love all the pictures
Come to think of it, it was warm today! More snow on Wednesday and I'll send some your way! LOL
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the after pics of pups in their forever homes. What a great start to the new year. Thanks for sharing them with us ;)
I still want George
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