Please keep him in your heart - AND please keep those that tried to help in your thoughts -

Paws khrossed fur more but I don't want Mom to have trouble getting to and from work



Just enough to fill in the voids

Okay Mom?


Khwite the nose job!

EYEing things

So was Merdie last Saturday

Froggie Merdie

He even names
his souvenir items
This was the sky when Mom went out at break Wednesday morning around 9am -
We hope all have a FrEYEday Free Fur All of your own!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie By Proxy
Hey there Khyra...
It looks rather cold at your end of the world. My thoughts are with All the wonderful earth 'angels' who care for these precious pooches. The sadness is always there when the battle is lost.
Just LOVE that picture of Froggie Merdie.
Sending lotsaluv to you all and special kisses to Khyra.
With love
So sorry to hear about poor little Innoko. :( At least he had someone to love him and care for him during his last days.
A sweet little fuzzball gone from Parvo. Its sad to think of this but I'm glad people had to courage to take care of her.
I like your Eye picture, Khyra! You are truly Beautiful, beautiful brown eyes!
Awwww - dear Innoko - so sorries - it sounds like he had some wonderful pawrents. Merdie is the most bendable doggeh - looks painful! And we love Khyra's nosejob - furry funny!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Oz
Poor Innoko! That is so sad, and it sounds like he tried to fight so hard. We know he is now having a wonderful time playing at the bridge with so many others.
Holly and Khady
It looks like things are perfect in your world with some nice snow! I'm so happy for you!
We are sorry to hear about Inko! What a cutie he was!
Always sad to have to let a furry go :(
There is your beloved snow, Khyra. Too cold for this kitty!
Hi Merdie!!
Poor little Innoko! What a shame.
Is that snow we see, Khyra? Looks lovely.
We are so sorry to hear about Little Innoko...what a cutie. We hope the snow lasts a while.:)
Teddy Bear
Khyra, we are so furry, furry sads to see that a little one, with a whole life to live, has gone to the Bridge too soon.
As always, you sure are a PURRty charming young lady showing all of your best parts with number in the millions!
How sad for Innoko. He's so cute.
Is it hard for Merdie to stand up from her froggie position, Khyra?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sorry to hear about Innoko. It probably was for the best...
Good paws crossing Khyra. Looks like it worked since yr mum got to work safely :-)
I hope you get just a little snow!
Mum says the pup they got before Auntie Penny died of Parvo virus. He be her very first dog and the whole litter got it and still got sent off to their first homes. Poor little chap.
~lickies, Ludo
We'll light a candle for little Innoko. That Parvo Monster attacks the little guys and it usually isn't good. Our Radar had it but he survived the treatment and then was quarantined here for 90 days; that's how he became a Bumpass Hound. Dad said that after living here for 3 months he wasn't gonna be leaving.
Poor Innoko. So sad to see such a little one go.
We got tons more snow yesterday. Made for HORRIBLE driving. Hope your mom didn't have any trouble!
oh what a cute little button Innoko was. so sad. heavy sighs...
We are getting all kinds of snow again. I think you should stop asking for it cause it keeps coming our way.
woof - Tucker
SIGH so sorry about the little one.
So sad about Innoka, and his poor humans. :(
It sure is good to see you sitting in snow!!! My family in New England is getting walloped with snow. Perhaps you need to make a run north?
So sad about the little pup. He has some very caring people.
I hope you are having a good week Khyra.
At least Inko got to know what love was and to feel the snows under his feets! RIP Inko!
I'm glad you still has snows!
You always have better skhies than we do. You can kheep the snow though.
Misty the alpha Poodle
So sad to hear about that little fluffball :( The snow looks cold! Brrrr!
Sorry to hear about fluffy Innoko. He sure was a cutie.
Glad you're enjoying your snow! What's up with Norwood naming his souvenirs?
Elyse and Riley
Awww poor puppy. At least he had Ammy waiting to greet him.
Oh, poor little Innoko. But those humans were very kind to let him go play at the Bridge. I bet he's having a most Wonderful time there.
I'm crossing my paws with you, Khyra, for all the others who need it.
Wiggles & Wags,
poor sweet woofie but I am glad that he got a chance to feel some love. I am sure there are a lot of our friends at the bridge to welcome. Hope mum is doing ok at work.. Hugs GJ x
miss khyra,
you look pretty happy like with your snow. i hope you get a few more flakes just to fill in the holes like you want. :)
poor innoko. :( what a cute guy he was. i'm glad he's no longer hurtin', and i'm glad that he had super nice hoomans to take care of him and give him the lovins during his lastest days.
the booker man
pee s -- thankies for votin' on my new header picture!
Khyra the Snow Quenn and a side order of Frog Legs.
Nice start to the weekend.
Remy and Flash
We are so sorry to see the little one go to the Rainbow Bridge so soon but there was a big welcome there. Parvo is so horrible to treat. Khyra, you are looking good and we hope you get just the perfect amount of snow! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Poor little cute and taken so young....I am so sorry to hear that.... Great pics....enjoy the snow! BTW -- I have some really cold temps I can send your way if you want....
You sure do a nice paw crossin', Khrya and please pass onto Merdie that she is the best froggin' ever. Well, other than Nordude, but that's a whole 'nuther kinda froggin'
Will I be seein' you and your Mom flyin' by this weekend? WOOF when you go by!
Woofs and cross slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
Dear Khyra, I love the photos of you with your paws khrossed for a touch more snow! What a khute photo of Froggy Merdie, too!
I am sorry to hear about Innoko. That is very sad news. :(
I hope you get the perfect amount of snow! Happy FrEYEday!
Your admiring fan,
We are so sorry to hear about Innoko she was such a cute little one. Way to early to cross the bridge..
Sure glad you are wishing for snow but not to much.. We can tell you really love Mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
WE are very sorry about Innoko, what a cutie. Merdie always cracks mom up in froggie mode!
Happy weekend to you and your mom!
We can imagine the sadness of those who tried so hard to save little Innoko.
LOvely pawsitioning in today's photos, and those great head shots! And of course MERDIE!!!
Thank all that is good that there are people who fight the good fight and don't give up even when the odds are against them. Innoko had love and care his last days and did not die alone and forgotten. May he run healthy and free on the other side of the Bridge. And may those who cared enough to be there be rewarded for their huge hearts and compassionate souls.
We're so sorry to hear about Innoko. That's so sad but we know he's healthy and running over the Bridge.
Khyra, we hope you get some snow to fill the voids!
Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day, Khyra!
Sorry about Little Innoka. It does hurt to lose them, no matter what the age.
Good thought, Khyra. Just enough to fill the voids but not enough to keep your mom from getting to work.
Very sorry to hear about little Innoko. Parvo is a monster indeed.
Your snow looks so wonderful!
Emma Rose
Oh no...I am SO sorry to hear that he didn't make it. Parvo is such an awful thing. :(
I am so sorry to hear about the baby, Innoko. The Parvo monster is horrible. It is good that he knew love and kindness before he left us.
I see woo is enjoying da snows!! Haroooos!
Poor Innoko. His passing makes me sad. I'm glad that a vaccine exists but I wish that everyone would use it.
Froggie Merdie is a hoot!
Such sad news about such a young pup :(
Hi Khyra!
Sorry to hear about Innoko, beautiful tribute for him by the way!! :)
Will keep my paws crossed together with you from over here for all our fur-iends all over the world!
Hope you and your mom have a GREAT weekend!!
Maxx and mommy
I'm crossing my paws with you too, Khyra. Tis has been a sad sad week losing our pawpals....
I am so sorry to know about Innoko. Our thoughts are with all those who took care of him.
Pawesome picture of the sky!
And frogie Merdie
And Khyra beautiful
And... well you know!
Kisses and hugs
Poor puppy. At least he is not suffering now.
Poor Innoko! My heart goes out to those that cared for him, poor little guy.
I love seeing Khyra in the car - she looks so happy!
We always hate to read about another pup having to leave for the Bridge. Regardless of the circumstances. We'll keep Innoko and his Family in our thoughts and prayers.
It was nice to see you in the snow, Khyra. And in your froggie pose, Merdie. We think about you all the time ... and try hard to keep up with your happenings ... even though Moma isn't helping us leave comments very often right now. We hope you don't forget us. You are very very special to us.
Much love
Jake and Fergi (and our delinquent moma)
gee, we are sad about Innoko.
His peoples were brave to make the decision to not let him hurt.
But its just sad. Now there are holes in hearts to heal. We will wrap our paws around them to help their hearts heal.
Do you have enough snow for angels yet Khyra?
That's so sad about Innoko. What a sweet looking puppy. It's wonderful she had some caring and loving guardians who took care of him while she was here.
Khyra looks so beautiful in the snow! Sure hope your drive to and from work was a good one. The roads here were pretty tricky this week.
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