I didn't go along with Mom - I slept ovFUR at my SIBElings and Mom pikhked me up on her way home - I'll turn it ovFUR to her now!

A very frosty Sunday morning - I think it was around 15 on the F scale -

Another trip for the lucky pendant

The traditional start shot at the first traffic light - with Khyra's SPCA in the background

It was a very interesting sky day

The edge of the ES3 Building - see you Wednesday!

I saw this license plate for
THIS PAL of ours!

More great sky on the way South along I81 -

Chambersburg is ahead

This is a shot from one of Saturday's legs - meet Mary!

Cody - be ready for LOTS of pics of him in the Photobucket - since he was shotgun, he was the flashie beast's favourite subject -

Lacey as we waited to leave the shopping center and hop back onto I81 and head to Harrisburg


Lacey liked the tag on the towel

I tossed her the football to distract her from the towel tag!

One state closer!

Cody was SO handsome - and so sweet - and so attentive -

Lacey was very sweet as well and enjoyed Mary's company


Cody had mastered the art of napping upright -

And then returned to the world of being awake in a blink!

Lacey enjoyed being able to stretch out and nap in the sun as we headed North


Cody FINALLY curled up and slept until we reached Harrisburg!



The front of Mary's crate faced Lacey so she snuggled with her

Mary in Harrisburg - she was cold since it was not quite 20 degrees or so - we made her time out short in duration -


Mary and Lacey

Harrisburg and the snow covered Susquehanna River

Mission Accomplished!
What a great transport! The passengers were well behaved -save for one puppy being a bit noisy to express her unhappiness at being crated - I caught that on video - along with lots of other fun times!
The Photobucket album includes pictures and videos from Saturday's drivers - and from their overnight hosts - who were the last drivers for Saturday into Roanoke area!
This means there are LOTS of pics in the slideshow so grab a beverage to enjoy whilst viewing the special travellers!
Some of Mary's siblings should be coming North in future weeks - I'll be excited to meet them!
We did this transport in honour of the newest residents of The Rainbow Bridge - I thought these three represented the future very well!
So, remember what we always say RESCUES ROCK!!!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Woo-hoo! another successful rescue run! Mom says Laci reminds her of our Rosie, such a sweet face! Mom says we'll come back & watch the slideshow with our morning beverage, so till then, toodle-woo!
miss moo & the jack a-roo
Khyra, you have the nicest face of all.
That's a carload of cute! Cody looked worried. I hope he finds a wonderful home! I hope they all do!
Rescues DO rock! Those are some sweet pups - I can't get over how much that little Rottie reminds me of my Raven - even the unauthorized chewing! She was a petite little thing just like this girl.
Wow! Such wonderful beautiful and handsome passengers! I think that they all deserve wonderful homes! Cool lucky pendant!
Hey! Monty says Hi Khyra!
Rescues do rock and so does your Mom.:) All those sweet pups. We hope they find furever homes soon.:)
Teddy Bear
oh man, those are some CUTIES! what good doggies. are they on their way to forever homes? they should be! they're gonna make some great companions being that sweet!
We love to read abowt yoor transfers. Yoo are the BEST! Good luck and love to all those woofies for their future.
What cute doggies this week! Bummer that you didn't get to go along too, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Yup...congratulations on another successful run. We think all of them are beautiful souls, and so are you and Khyra to share your time with them.
Two dewclaws up for another successful run!
How was the sleepover?
It's amazing, isn't it, that those dogs just hop in the car and trust a stranger despite all they've been through? I love them all - so cute, hopeful, and loving. Thanks for taking care of them and helping them toward furever homes.
I hope they find wonderful homes!
Your mom is the most wonderful mom in the world and you are the most wonderful news release agent!!! Thanks a lot for you all as so many little furfriends get help.
Ah - our Monday morning smile fix.
Your car must always smell sooooo interesting.
What an adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay for rescue missions!!!!!!!!!
great transport! you are so wonderful MsKhyrasMom!
We are furry glad to hear you had another great rescue ride :)
Mary looks soo cute in those pictures!
I'm heading to Harrisburg in March.
Thanks for taking us along on the successful rescue run. We admire what you do for our furiends.
Kheep up the good work!
Another successful transport! Glad to hear things went well!
How wonderful of you! Rescues do Rock!
We love watching Cody go from apprehensive to totally content.
What adorabul passengers!! Way to go super mom, as always!!!
Wow, so much doggy fun!
Rescue rocks!!! Right into my city yesterday...pawesome!! Love the pictures of all of the passengers and of course the first one of pretty Khyra! Thanks again for all that you do for these dogs!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
What a beautiful khrew! Enjoy your day off today, make it a true Momday!
Adorable passengers. I hope they are all heading for lovely Forever Homes! And we all thought that Mary rather looked like a little lamb!!!
Oh ain't they beautifuls? And Cody sures is a looker.
Poor Mary, I knows all bout bein' cold withs no sweater....so NOT fun!
hey Khyra,
Hope you had a fun time at the slumber party at your siblings' place! Did you stay up all night woofing and eating? ;->
What beautiful doggies for this transport! Cody has such a sweet face and such a pretty color coat! Lacey is adorable and seems so huggable, and especially love the coy look! Mary is a little sweetie and adorable, and I can't wait to see her siblings! Thanks for sharing and glad it was another success!
Suka and K
What terrific passengers your mom had this trip.
We hope they all soon have their new furever homes!
Khyra that is a bootiful photo of you.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
lovely looking dogs, and a sunny road trip, thanks for taking us along.
See Yea George xxx
Three beautiful pups there. That gorgeous pup Mary and the little Ben look alike and cute faced Cody. I am glad they are all now safe. Lots of brilliant pics.Khyra your pics are the cutest of all.. Hugs GJ xx
Hi Y'all,
So happy y'all had a great transport free of weather.
Read your comment during your stop at my spot earlier. We're all so sorry that Misty passed over the rainbow.
Y'all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Great friends....and Rescues do ROCK, my friend! Thanks again for all you do! YOU ROCK TOO!
Your mum must be the most relaxing driver - all the passengers seemed very relaxed!
We wondered if she played music as this used to calm Martha down!
Another great transport and well done to your mum and all the others who made it possible.
Martha and Bailey xx
Aww..another great transport. What cuties. :)
Looked like quite a happy crew. Will you find out where they end up ever? We guess with all this driving you do there's hardly time for much else. Make sure & hug Khyrs for us!
BabyRD and Hootie
Khyra, we're glad you got to be with your Sibelings while your mom was with those cute transports! What sweet faces! It looks really cold over over there. It's sunny and mid 50s here and the flowers are blooming already. I don't think I'm going to get any snow this year.
Yes, yes! Rescues DO rock!
SUCH sweet passengers.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oops! I meant to tell you thank you for helping gets the word out about my commentathon.
Wiggles & Wags,
That Lacey is a cute one!
Beautiful companions on your transport. They look like they will be wonderful additions to some families. Love the pics you take. Khyra so nice you got to spend time with furiends.
Rescues DO RocK!!
Ernie,Sasha, Chica's Mom Barb
We are always so impressed with your big heart, Phyl, wonderfully represented by your great transports...All the babies are just adorable!...We hope you and beautiful Khyra enjoy a fun week, sweet friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Busy Weekend it looks like. Question when you transport do you crate them or secure them anyway. We transport without securing but are thinking we need to look at other options, to make sure everyone gets to their destinations safely. Sniffs, The HoundDogs and HDM
Car full of cute pups!!
Here's wishing all of them would find forever loving homes!!
Paws is crossed fur all dose pups to find dere furever homes. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Great sky pictures!
Those long roadtrips must take it out of you. Hope you find them all great forever homes.
A nice group of passengers. Hope Khyra had a nice snooze while she waited.
Such adorable passengers on their way to happiness! You always make us smile Khyra!
Indeed! Rescues do rock! And so do you, Phyl!!! The dogs on this transport are just adorable. Hoping all get wonderful forever homes. Sending lots of love to you and Miss Khyra! xoxo
aww all the pups look like they got comfy
Pretty passengers, and yes rescues rock. Have a great day Khyra!
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
They are adorable!
Cody looks so sweet and relaxed!
Glad everything went well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra! Sure have missed your sweet face! Oh it's so nice of you to sacrifice your seat for another passenger. Paws crossed all of them get good homes.
Wow... gorgeous shots!! That Cody... I am in love!! Well, with all of them actually! And I just love to see Khyra's face on your profile picture... what a beauty! So happy I was finally able to come in and meet you all! You are a very special family!
I loved the slide show Khyra,
So much to look at.. So many photos of very beautiful pups with hope for a good future.
You guys are the best! Those hopeful faces said it all...and make momma teary with happiness.
Dearest Khyra and Khyra-Mum,
as a rescue doggie myself, it really heartens me to see how many dogs you are helping. I look at their faces in the pihks you put up and I want to tell them about the happiness their future will bring with a new family that will love and care for them.
from your sesnsitive and emotional pal,
Hi, Khyra -
We are glad that you and your Mom enjoy doing the transport run so we can see all of the cute pups and dogs.
Mama wanted us to tell your Mom that she and her family used to go to Chambersburg when she was a kid.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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