I was chillin' here

So out she khame

I gave her a photo opp

So she left me alone

To thank woo fur the support, please akhcept this token of my appreciation - BTW, I see
the HOT khategory fur Mango Minster 2011 is now khlosed - best of lukhk to those in the running fur a Khyra Xterra Transport!

Just about asleep


Butterskhotch khut thru Thursday afternoon

Here is today's furst break shot - it was a khrazier sky than this shows - it was khlearing West to East - and windy - and khold - and windy!
We got about an inch or two ovFURnight Thursday into Friday morning - and by midday, the sun was out - when Mom used The Xterra to take her lunch time break, it was FURRY windy - the weatherwheel spinners say it might be ZERO on our skhale Sunday night into Monday morning!
Mom is SO hoping her head won't pop off later today -it was pretty khrazy at work on Friday - it is amazing how khwikhkly her shift khan fly by!
Have a great Saturday!
It was below zero here part of the day. We got a whopping eight degree high. This does not bode well for my hiking!
I like the way you sleep with your nose on your tail, Khyra.
We've been getting some snow flurries on and off all week. We got more overnight Thursday into Friday. Makes mom kranky for driving to work! Oh well, doesn't bother us. We love laying out in the freshly falling snow!
Just a quick stop to catch up a little. So very sorry about the puppy and about Butters.
Glad you got some snow. And that your mom got her first paycheck! Now THAT is wonderful!
Jed & Abby
We hope more snow is on its way to you. Uh oh, is Butterskotch's water bowl filled with snow?:)
Teddy Bear
Chillin' in the snow? That's so Sibe, hehe.
Wow - look at that awesome snow!
We never lay in the snow, Khyra, and it just amazes us that you are so happy to lay in it for such long stretches!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh dear, cold and windy is never a good combo!! Stay warm Khyra! And, here's hoping work goes well for your momma too!
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
Hope you and your mom had a lovely Friday and then a great weekend too! You look great sitting there but I love your zzzzzzzzzz pictures!
I know woo is enjoying da snows! It was furry nice of woo to indulge the hooman with some photos. Does it evfur get tiresome, being so pupular!??!
We know all about below zero here Khyra, the aged human complains!
Remember to get your human to wear layers - that seems to help them - bet they wish they had a fur coat like us.
You so suit sitting in the snow Khyra and we are so happy you have some.
We are keeping our paws crossed for Mango Minster!
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps we are glad your mom's shift is busy - passes the time quicker till she gets home to you.
Khyra i don't need luck ... BOL
woof _ Tucker
It is 0 here this morning! I hope you are loving it, Khyra!
Hey Khyra,
Is that Butterscotch crapping on your cable clasp? Sure likes like it to us. Evidently the kitty has reciprocal feelings towards you as you have to cats, in general.
It's an inside day for all of us today because of the cold; dad's sooooooo very happy about that. Tell Ms. Phyl to have a relaxing weekend after a hard week at that WORK place.
Brrrrrrrr, Khyra! Only a Sibe can look soooooooo comfortable sleeping in da Snow!!! I am very impressed!
Nothing like laying your belly in snow. Ahhhhhh.
it is -13 here. The snow will NEVER melt.
I know you are LUVIN that weather Miss Khyra!
We had snow continuously on Thursday. More tomorrow they say. What a beautiful dog. I am looking at the tie out lead. I have basically the same for my Emma, except for the extra piece between the collar and the tie out. That looks like an extra bit of security. What is it exactly? She loves the snow too.
No snow here....and we'd really be in shock if we got some!!! We are 10 and 13 and never seen snow.....we have to admit though, we are kind of envious of all our friends that get to experience it.
Happy Saturday, sweetie.
No snow here. Have fun.
Happy weekend
Nice woooh
Checking in and glad to see all is well on the job front. So thankful you are back making the important green papers! Sorry about the little puppy but am sure he is all better now and with friends across the Bridge.
I see you got our cold and snow!! Khyra looks like she is enjoying it and in her element! Stay safe xoxo
I think it's about -1 here. I'm glad the sun is still shining, so I can bathe in sunpuddles!
Brr! It looks very cold where you are!
We hope your snow doesn't blow away with the wind! We're also glad you gave your mom a photo opp because we love your photos Khyra! Good to see Butterscotch khutting through too.
Hope your mom has a good day!
Don't lose your head, Khyra's mom! It would be very hard to blog...
What a nice Butterscotch visit!
Hey Khyra!
Wow, cute pix of you enjoying the snow. I know you want more of it, and I got plenty to share! Brr it's cold. Anyway, cute pix of you and I can relate to the one of you twisted around on your back...I love to lay like that!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
enjoy your snow and sunshine
Its good that the shifts fly by so much better than going slow. Great shots of you again and Butterscotch too. Tell your mum to take it easy and I am sure she will be great at work.. Hugs GJ x
You are enjoying your snow :)
You looks so comfy in dat snow! I luvs to play in da snow but I never lie down in it cuz I don't have enough furs to keeps me warm. :( Happy Saturday my furiend!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Khyra, I sent the snow in your direction, it looks like it got there--I'll trade you some of that for the cold, what do you think?
Khyra, you look so comfortable lying in the snow! We love the shot of you with your head back...so beautiful!! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
We're sure your Mom will do really well, Khyra! After all, she's your Mom!!!
Khyra we crack up when we see you laying in the snow!
Benny & Lily
Perfect Khyra weather! Glad to hear your work days are flying by -- always good to be busy than just watching the clock! :)
Get the photos out of the way so you can get some nice R and R huh? :)
Great photos Khyra - we love the snow pics! Clive loves to lie out in the snow too!
Hope all is going well for your Mom.
take care
Clive and Murray
hey Khyra,
Great chillin' spot! I am furry happy you still have snow.
We were thinking of your mom today and hope her shift today went smoothly! Hope things settle down at work for her, so she has more time for bringing you treats! ;->
Khyra, I am really upset that you were stiffed by the MN Dewclaw Fairy. What is that about?! I mean, if you were stiffed, the one and only MFT, that certainly does not bode well for me. Bummers.
I am glad I have spent the day sunbaking in my poofields no doubt it will be cold in no time, Im wonder if we will get snow this year?!
So pawfect to see you chilling in youw pawfect snow spot..It makes me smile all ovew.
Good luck to youw Mom wif hew twanspawt and thank hew fow us fow all hew hawd wowk
doesn't Buttewscotch get cold?
is she like you ? a snow kitteh?
smoochie kisses
You look so comfy in your snow, Khyra!
Does that cold snow feel good?
I hope your mom was able to clear her brain cells from work!
Hello, Khyra and Butterscotch Khat! I enjoyed your Saturday sharing very much! I'm glad your mum's shifts go by fast, and she gets to bring home green papers. That is im-paw-tant :)
Happy Weekend,
Your admiring fan,
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